WarlordUnarmed (7 page)

Read WarlordUnarmed Online

Authors: Cynthia Sax

BOOK: WarlordUnarmed
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“I love you.” Murad gazed at Gale. Her profile was
breathtakingly exquisite, her cheeks pink. “It’ll be challenging to govern from
here. Sartaq’s water consumption alone will drive the area into a dry spell,”
he joked, retreating into humor to alleviate some of the tension, his heart and
soul in his
’s small hands.

“We can return once a solar cycle.” Her lips lifted.

She said we.
Murad’s concerns evaporated. Everything
was possible with her by his side.

“And that will be enough.” Gale rested her head on his
shoulder, an action that felt so right, so exquisitely perfect, that Murad’s
world paused, time hanging, freezing for three endless heartbeats. “We’ll leave
the objects from the escape pod here so we can find the exact location.”

She’d leave all of her things behind?
“Wouldn’t you
feel more comfortable with your mementoes?”

“I’ll be happy as long as I have you.” She snuggled closer,
molding her body against his. “Though I might miss the feather…and the blue
stone…and the
horn.” Gale hummed again and Murad’s cock pressed
against the leather of his leg coverings, his need for her increasing with each
breath. “Other than that and maybe your pieced-together communicator, all I
need is you.”

Murad chuckled, suspecting that list would lengthen before
they boarded their ship. “You
have me.” He lowered his
upon the rock and he covered her lips with his.

Chapter Six


He’s keeping me.
Gale skipped along the wide empty
corridor, Murad’s massive ship sparsely decorated, the vessel clearly needing a
female’s touch.
He’s actually keeping me.
She curled her fingers in her
Warlord’s big palm, his grip reassuringly tight.

“My lord. My lady.” Sartaq stepped forward, greeting them as
they approached. Fierce-looking warriors, with daggers and guns decorating
their black leather leg coverings, lined the space around a doorway.

Gale slid partially behind Murad, feeling
woefully exposed and unarmed, her holsters and sheaths empty.

“My lady.” Sartaq shifted his great weight from his right
foot to his left foot, his scarred face flushing an intriguing shade of red.
“We,” He waved at the males around him and they nodded their heads, none of
them meeting her gaze, “want you to have this.” Murad’s best warrior held out a
small gun.

Gale stared at it, yearning to touch the beautifully engraved
barrel, but not daring to, knowing if she touched the weapon, she’d want to
keep it. “You want me to take your gun?”

A warrior snickered and the color on Sartaq’s face deepened.
“It isn’t
gun,” he scoffed, straightening his shoulders. “It belonged
to my mother.”

“You’re giving me your mother’s gun?” Gale studied the big
male, wondering why he’d do that. “No.” She shook her head. “I can’t take it,
Sartaq. It means too much to you.”

“You mean more,” a young gangly warrior blurted, his voice
breaking. Dark heads bobbed.

Gale blinked. “I do?”

Murad wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her into the
comforting heat of his body. “I know you only take things from people you care
,” he murmured in her ear, his lips humming against her
skin. “But accepting this gift would mean a lot to your people.”

“My people,” Gale repeated. “I have people. That’s almost
like a family, right?” She glanced up at Murad. He nodded, a smile on his
handsome face.

“I have a family.” She turned her head and beamed at Sartaq.
The warrior stepped backward, his mouth dropping open. “I warn you. If I take
your mother’s gun, I’ll carry it with me always and I’ll never return it to
you. Ever,” she emphasized.

“Spoken as a true Chamelewarrior, my lady.” Sartaq
extended his right palm, the weapon resting on his scarred skin. “What we take,
we keep.”

Gale grasped the gun, the metal cool against her fingers.
“Your mother’s gun is mine now.” She caressed the trigger. “I assume it has a
stun function?”

The warriors laughed, grins appearing on their faces. Murad

“My lord.” Sartaq’s eyes glimmered. “Fifty credits says our
lady will use the stun function before we reach the city.”

“Twenty credits says twice,” the gangly warrior called out.

“He won’t accept that wager.” Gale slid the gun into the
straps on her thigh, the weapon fitting perfectly. “Our lord isn’t as foolish
as to bet against a sure thing.”

Chuckles filled the corridors and the warriors called out
more wagers, each one more daring than the last.

.” Murad took Gale’s hand. “Let’s leave
our warriors to their fun.” He led her through the entrance.

Murad’s distinct scent filled Gale’s nostrils, confirming
this was his private residence, and lights whirred to full brightness,
illuminating the space. A huge bed dominated the first chamber, its
silver-colored coverings matching the wall panels. Her collection of gifts from
Murad had been placed on a floating tabletop, as though they belonged there, as
though she belonged. Emotion tightened into a ball in Gale’s chest.

“Welcome home.” Murad spread his hands. “And this
your home now, one of your homes, so change it however you wish.” He unfastened
his boots and kicked them under the bed. “I won’t mind. I likely won’t even
notice.” He grinned.

“This is one of my homes,” Gale whispered, placing the gun
she’d been given beside the feather on the floating table. “I have homes,
multiple homes.” She trailed her fingertips over her blue rock, its surface
cool and smooth.

“But you have only one male.” Murad stripped off his leg
coverings, revealing his muscular legs and hard cock, his shaft protruding from
his tanned physique. “Me.” He unfastened her pink leather suit. “And I won’t
ever return you.”

“You say that,” she teased, shrugging out of the garment.
Her body was bare underneath the leather, her undergarments no longer fit to be

“I know that.” He dragged his lips down her neck, his teeth
skimming her skin, and her nipples tightened, her breasts aching for his touch.

“I should bathe first.” Gale’s face heated.

“We should bathe.” Murad clasped one of her hands and led
her into the bathing chamber, his movements boyishly eager. “I’ll assist you.”
He crowded her into the shower stall, the construction large enough for both of

“I don’t need much assistance.” Gale gasped as sonar waves
spread over her body, her limbs and breasts tingling with awareness.

“I disagree.” Murad pushed against her, his cock prodding
her ass cheeks before sliding between them, and his chest pressing against her

“You need me,” he rumbled into her ear. Murad cupped her
large breasts with his rough hands, lifting her curves, rolling her nipples
between his fingers, and she moaned, tilting her head back, leaning against his
warm muscle, trusting him to hold her upright, trusting him, the male she

“Admit it, Gale.” Murad flicked her right earlobe with his
tongue as he gently pinched and tugged at her nipples.

“I need you.” She undulated her hips, sliding his cock up
and down the crevice of her ass, the friction heating her body, moistening her
pussy. “I want you.” The sonar waves moved over her, a thousand fingertips
brushing against her skin, the mechanical touch stimulating Gale.

“You love me.” Murad mouthed down her neck, his lips firm
and hot.

“Yes,” Gale recklessly agreed, unable to hold back the
truth. He sucked on the base of her neck as though rewarding her confession,
the tug and pull of his lips coursing down to her pussy.

“I love you.” She reached back and gripped his thick thighs
with her fingers, reveling in his strength. It was a physical reminder that he
was with her, he would always be with her.

.” Murad slid one of his palms down her
stomach and over her mons, finding her wetness. “My female.” He strummed his
fingers over her folds. “My love.” He circled her clit with his thumb, winding
her passion tightly around her.

“Your love.” Gale breathed heavily, holding onto Murad. He
worked her pussy with his fingers as he rocked his hips against her, rubbing
his cock head between her ass cheeks. The sonar shower cleansed the juices
running down her thighs and the beads of perspiration forming on her forehead.

“See how we fit together,” Murad murmured against her skin,
his voice a sexy deep rumble, the sound reverberating in her womb. “How we move
as one.” He stroked into her deeper, stretching her with his fingers, the need
inside Gale growing, building. “We
one.” His big body caged her, his
cock pressing against her ass, and his hands cupping her mons. “You’re my past,
my present, my future, my everything.”

“Murad.” Gale arched her back, her thighs shaking, his words
pushing her closer to the edge, his passion feeding hers.

“I need you inside me,” she demanded. She was empty, so very

“Soon,” he promised. “Come for me first, my curvaceous
little bounty hunter.”

Murad thrust his fingers into her pussy harder and harder,
ravishing her without mercy, without stopping. “Scream my name.”

The Warlord swirled his thumb over her clit, nudging her
toward satisfaction. “Tell the worlds whom you belong to, whom you will always
belong to.”

“I belong to you,” Gale moaned, dangling over a precipice of
pleasure, his decadent touch straining her grip, her control. “And I need…I

“Me.” He tapped her clit and that light touch broke her.

“Murad,” she screamed, diving, with no hesitation and no
fear, into the swirling vortex, a black hole without beginning and without end,
her sole safety harness consisting of him, his muscles molding to her curves,
his cock between her ass cheeks, and his fingers deep inside her pussy.

Murad rumbled words she didn’t understand, his deep tones
soothing her, and Gale stilled, sagging lifelessly against him, trusting him to
hold her, to protect her, to keep her forever. “I belong to you,” she repeated.

“And I won’t ever return you.” Murad swept his lips down her
neck and she trembled, his touch and the sonar waves extending her release.


“Your bathing is complete,
.” Murad scooped his
female into his arms, relishing her weight, her warmth and the musky scent of
her satisfaction.

“You shouldn’t carry me,” she murmured. He smiled as Gale’s
arms encircled his neck, her fingers linking at his nape, her actions belying
her drowsy protest.

carrying you.” He moved with her into his
sleeping chamber, their sleeping chamber. The space was no longer empty and
sterile, her collection set on the table and her clothes scattered on the tiled

“You have to save your energy.” Murad laid her carefully on
the bed. Her golden skin glowed under the overhead lights, her curves lush and

“Do I?” Gale opened one of her eyes, and her lips curled
into a mischievous smile. “Why?” She rolled onto her back, her nipples tight
and pink and her breasts full. “Are you having issues with your power
converter?” Her gaze lowered and Murad’s cock bobbed, her open perusal exciting

“Without you, there’s no power conversion,” he rumbled as he
crawled onto the bed, positioning himself between her spread legs. “You
complete my circuit.”

“I complete your circuit?” Gale groaned, the husky sound
tormenting him, his need for her growing more urgent. “Tell me you didn’t say

“If I told you I didn’t say that, I’d be lying.” Murad
placed his hands on her thighs, her skin soft and smooth. “And then you’d stun

He rubbed small circles into her muscles with his thumbs and
she quivered, her blue eyes darkening with desire, her responsiveness warming
Murad’s heart and bolstering his ego. When he was with Gale, he felt strong and
powerful, a Chamele male in his prime, a Warlord without equal.

“And you’d laugh after I stunned you.” She tilted her hips
enticingly, her private curls darkened with pussy juices, her pinkness
glistening. “Laugh in the face of pain.” She reached for him.

“I always laugh.” Murad lowered onto Gale’s generous form,
flattening her breasts with his chest and pressing his shaft against her pussy
lips. His
cradled him between her soft thighs, her hands resting
on his shoulders, her fingers splayed as though she wished to touch as much of
his body as possible.

“You do, hon.” She sighed, a smile on her beautiful face.
“That’s one of the reasons I love you.”

She loves me.
Murad brushed his lips over hers,
tasting her joy, her love. “I need to be inside you.” He nudged his cock head
against her entrance. She lifted her ass and he pushed into her, her pussy hot
and wet and tight, made for him, for this.

“Stars.” He groaned the phrase he’d always associate with
Gale as he sank deeper and deeper and deeper into her, her pussy constricting
around him, her inner walls hugging his shaft.

“I’d face a thousand stun guns for this.” His ridged base
finally bumped against flesh, all of his shaft buried in his delectable mate.

My gerel.
Murad breathed in and breathed out, holding
his body still, grasping at the fragile threads of his control, Gale feeling
too right, too perfect.

“I’m home, aren’t I?” She met his gaze, her unguarded
passion snapping his restraints, propelling his body into motion.

“You are home.” As Murad rocked into Gale, he watched her.
He couldn’t look away. She was so beautiful, her lips parted and her cheeks
flushed with arousal and she was his, her pleasure becoming his goal.

“Never…leaving.” She panted, rising up to meet him, his
strong female, her fingernails pressing into his skin, the bite of pain
heightening his desire.

“Never,” Murad grunted, laboring over her, moving faster,
thrusting deeper, striving to give her what she wanted, what she needed. He’d
fill their chamber with mementoes, surrounding her with physical
representations of his love, of his devotion. She’d never want for anything
ever again.

“Yes.” Gale pushed upward as he drove into her, their bodies
smacking together, her curves rounded and soft, made for rutting. Her face
glistened, her blonde curls sticking to her cheeks, and he captured her lips,
tasting salt and delicious female.

Murad stroked into her mouth, synchronizing the rhythm of
his tongue with the thrust of his hips, surging forward and withdrawing,
surging forward and withdrawing. Perspiration trickled down his spine, his
muscles straining and burning.

Gale sucked on his tongue, her suction exquisite. She rubbed
her nipples against his chest, driving him into a sexual frenzy.

He slammed into her harder and harder, her pussy juices
oozing between his balls, her musky scent teasing his nostrils.
Perfect. Too
Murad angled his thrusts to rub against her clit and she writhed
underneath him, raking his back with her fingernails, leaving a stinging trail,
marking him as hers.

hers and she was his, the two of them
belonging to each other. Murad’s balls knotted tight, aching for release, and
Gale shook, clenching and releasing his shaft with her pussy muscles in a
series of mind-melting intimate embraces.

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