Warlord Metal (23 page)

Read Warlord Metal Online

Authors: D Jordan Redhawk

BOOK: Warlord Metal
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Come along with me upon a acid trip.

I'll take your mind to a terminal bliss.

You're bound and gagged,

Ahaha, motherfuckers, I laugh.

This chick that stayed with me last night,

I despise the reason she stayed the night.

I swear she screamed, she screamed so softly.

Rape Days go by, they last so long.

She's still tied, she wants to go home.

I can't let her get away.

I promised some day she'll pray for me,

To forgive me for all I've done

"It ain't easy," that's what she said.

I swear she screamed, she screamed so softly.


Rape me, don't make me wait.

Rape me, don't make me wait you, fucking disgrace.

I love the pain.

I love the pain.

Disgusted with myself with all the work I've done,

I can't imagine - it was so much fun.

It lasted so long, the trip went on and on and on.

And then she said, "Remember these words I say to thee."

I swear she screamed, she screamed so softly.


Despite the air conditioning on the bus, it was still a warm and sunny June day that sparkled through the windows as the miles went by. The band was currently en route to Des Moines, Iowa for their next stopover. They were now opening for an east coast band called Manowar.

Their last concert in Kansas City had been sold out. Everyone had returned to the hotel in high spirits. Of course, it had taken quite a while for the band to unwind and get to sleep. The early morning departure had been extremely humorous for the harried hotel staff as they watched groggy and disgruntled people shuffling out to the buses in the lot.

Middlestead had finally decided to take a nap around ten in the morning. It wasn't long before his sister took his cue and wandered off to the small bed she shared with Jordan.

Sonny had removed her jean shorts and curled up under a thin sheet. Sunlight fell over her from the window, the play of light and shadow dancing across the lanky form. Tinker, who'd finally gotten her feline graces back after the initial shock of being in a moving house, was curled up nearby.

And the teenager was having the most wonderful dream.

They were back on the beach in Texas where their bus had broken down for a few hours. However, instead of the entire band and crew cavorting around in the waves, it was only she and Jordan. No one could be seen for miles around. The water was warm and a crisp blue-green.

After playing in the surf, the two trotted back to the blanket they had spread on the sand and applied suntan lotion to each other. As always when they were together, the lotion sparked a hotter fire than the sun overhead. Soon, they were both naked, their swimsuits tossed with careless regard into the warm sands.

Sonny could feel firm hands on her body, caressing, tickling. Lips hungrily claimed hers, nibbled at her lower lip. The dark woman sighed, pulling the smaller woman closer to her, burying her hands in red gold, guiding those magic lips and tongue further down.

The teenager's breasts received loving attention before Jordan moved on, licking and tonguing the lithe torso beneath her. Sonny felt like she was going to go insane with the uncharacteristically languid pace of her lover's attentions. It was both excruciating and delicious.

And then the redhead was teasing her lover's center, stroking with an expert tongue, tasting the salty sweetness. Here, in the dream, Sonny moaned aloud.

"Shhh," Jordan urged before continuing.

And so the dream went with the guitarist orally exciting the younger woman, easing her up through the thin clouds above them, the sandy beach far below.

The texture between her legs altered. Something hard was sliding in her wetness and Jordan's face was above her, gazing down with lust filled eyes. Sonny recognized the sensation and she felt a tightening in her belly mere seconds before her lover thrust into her.

The sudden sensation of being filled pulled Sonny to complete wakefulness. She groaned deep in her throat, clutching at the warm body above her.

"Shhhh," Jordan whispered again in her ear. She rotated her hips and the teenager gasped and opened pale blue eyes.

"Tom..." she whispered, licking her dry lips.

"...is asleep. And if we're quiet enough, he won't wake up," the redhead assured her. With agonizing slowness she withdrew the strap on dildo that had been buried within her lover. She could feel the pull of the piece inside of herself in response and bit back a moan.

Panting, Sonny glanced to the head of the bed, to the thin partition that separated the two of them from the rest of the bus.

Jordan reached her apex and just as slowly returned her toy to its nest. "And everybody else is playing poker," she added, her voice husky. Her hands grasped the dark woman's hips as she pushed in to the hilt. "You want me to stop?" she growled, nibbling at the tender neck.

In response, Sonny's legs wrapped firmly around the older woman's waist and she pressed into her.

Chuckling, the redhead murmured, "I'm gonna fuck you long and slow, sexy. It's gonna take forever." And she proceeded to do just that.

Several times Sonny tried to coerce her lover into speeding things up, to no avail. The guitarist remained true to her word, prolonging the sweet agony for as long as she could, leisurely sliding in the wetness between them. When the teenager began to get vocal despite herself, Jordan smothered her with ravenous kisses to keep her quiet.

Soon, they were both sweating profusely, trembling in their efforts at holding back. Jordan had pulled her lover closer to the edge of their bed and she crouched on the floor, her toes digging into the carpet for better traction. Sonny still had one hand tangled in her hair, the other having reached around front to play with a nipple ring, twisting and squeezing as she panted.

Unable to hold back any longer, the redhead picked up the pace, smoothly thrusting and rolling her hips. Her lover's heavy breathing was harsh in her ear and she could hear a whispery moan. The dildo nestled within herself increased its friction with each movement, urging her higher.

Sonny strained against her lover's hips, clutching at her with her firm legs. She was beyond thought, the toy stroking her center with strong purpose. The dark woman could feel Jordan's hands digging into the soft flesh of her hips and buttocks, a mouth passionately blazing a trail to encircle an aching nipple - her tank top long before discarded. Despite herself, she growled deep in her throat, tossing her head back. Above her, she saw blue sky through the window and passing tree branches.

The redhead could feel the tension rising in her lover, could feel herself tighten around the dildo within herself. She slid a hand down a taut, sweaty belly and began massaging Sonny's erect clit, biting down on the nipple that was still in her mouth. As the teenager cried aloud, Jordan climaxed, convulsing against her with a deep groan. In response, Sonny suddenly stilled, the sensations rolling over her as an orgasm welled up and overtook her world.

They lay in silence for a few moments, hearts slowing, the only sound being the wheels on the road beneath them.

"Now, that was a great dream," Sonny murmured with a smile. She combed her fingers through red gold hair.

Jordan chuckled. "Interrupted a dream, did I?" She swirled her hips, enjoying the gasp it illicited from beneath her.

The dark woman said breathlessly, "Oh, yeah. Either that or you started it."

"I couldn't help it," the guitarist explained. "I came in here to get something and you looked so delectable I had to have a taste." She slowly withdrew the strap on and rose to stand on her feet.

Sonny scooted back further onto the bed and lounged on one elbow, watching her lover remove the toy. "I'm glad you did," she murmured.

"Hmmm.... So am I," was the response. Jordan set the toy to one side and climbed back onto the bed. She lay on her back, gathering her lover into strong arms.

They lay together for a time, the summer sun playing across their nude bodies, cuddling. Both women were silent, each for their own reasons.

Eyes closed, Jordan relaxed into the embrace, her mind strangely at peace. The voices were silent more often than not when she was in physical contact with the dark young woman beside her. It was strange and awesome and she took what little inner stillness she could get. The only other times the voices didn't torment her were when she was drunk or high.

Sonny's silence was, in effect, based on fear. She enjoyed the physical closeness with the redhead, but that was all there was. Time and again, when she would begin the tentative foray into an intimacy that was not physical, she was rebuffed. Sometimes it would take days before her lover would come back to her, to hold her and not have a haunted look in her emerald eyes. There was so much she would have liked to say to Jordan - a world of emotions and wonder and love. But it couldn't be. Not yet, anyway, she mused, fingers mentally crossed.

The teenager traced intricate patterns on skin. "Know how long before we get there?" she finally asked.

Jordan shifted a bit as she glanced at her watch. "'Bout an hour," she murmured, returning her hand to ebony hair. "We get dropped off at a record store for a signing. Everybody else checks into the hotel and goes to set up the show."

"How long are we in town?"

"I think three days. We've got two gigs and I'm pretty sure Craig was talking about a day off before we head over to Dubuque."

Sonny nodded, knowing that the guitarist was referring to Craig Tramuto, the tour manager. "That'd be nice." She paused for a moment, chewing her lip. "Think maybe we could do something together on your day off? You know.... A picnic or something?"

Picnic!? Schyeah, right! And don't forget the little clapboard house with a white picket fence, Jordie! the derisive voice popped up out of nowhere.

Feeling the woman tense beneath her arms, the dark woman inwardly cursed. Dammit! I wish I knew what's setting her off! Rather than allow Jordan to pull away from her yet again, the teenager squeezed her in a hug. "Or maybe we'll just barricade ourselves in the hotel room with strawberries and whip cream," she suggested flippantly, appealing to her lover's libido.

That brought a lascivious chuckle and Jordan's body relaxed again. "I'm liking that," she purred. She thoroughly kissed the teenager before pulling away and rolling out of bed. Jordan slipped her shorts back on and reached for her sports bra, her clothing of choice during summer months. She scooped up the dildos and moved towards the door.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Sonny asked, eyes flickering nervously to the toys in her lover's capable hands and then to the partition door.

Jordan grinned at the blush that was developing on the dark woman. She waved the items in the air between them. "Gotta go clean these up."

"But...!" Sonny paused and swallowed anxiously. "But... they'll see," she finally whispered. She looked pointedly at the partition.

"Sexy, they've already heard quite a bit," the guitarist laughed. "You weren't very quiet towards the end, ya know."

Sonny groaned and pulled the sheet up over her head in embarrassment. "Oh, man...." And then she could hear rummaging at her feet. Peering over the sheet, she saw Jordan grabbing a plastic baggy out of her drawer.

Turning back around, the redhead realized she was being watched. "Almost forgot what I came in here for," she grinned. She wiggled the baggy which had several black capsules in it.

"What's that?" Sonny asked, concern in her heart.

"Black Beauties. I'm not gonna be worth shit tonight without a pick-me-up." Again, Jordan kissed her lover senseless before heading for the tiny bathroom.

As the partition door opened, Sonny could hear the poker players in the other room with their raucous comments. She groaned and hid underneath the sheet again in embarrassment. "God, I hope Tom didn't wake up...."

The tour bus pulled up outside a downtown record store. Posters covered the windows with pictures of album covers and various recording stars. The two dimensional faces looking out onto the street were predominantly rock and roll.

In front of the establishment were two dozen women, ranging in age from about fourteen to their mid-thirties. As the bus slowed to a stop, they began to chatter excitedly and drift in that direction. It was plain they had been waiting for Warlord.

"This is so unreal," Hampton murmured as he eyed their fans from a tinted window.

Surprisingly, it was the tall guitarist who agreed with him. "You ain't a-kiddin'."

The bus door opened and the tour manager climbed aboard. "Okay, folks!" he called. "Let's get a move on!" Craig Tramuto was a stocky man with thick black hair that wasn't quite kinky in its curl. "I've got Beth and Ignacio running security for y'all. Sonny? You stayin' or goin', honey?" he drawled.

"I'm staying," the teenager confirmed, shouldering her camera bag.

"Great!" Tramuto exclaimed. He handed over two boxes of photographs with a box of black markers balanced on top. "If you'd be so kind as to be their gofer this afternoon...?"

"Sure, I'd be glad to." Sonny took the supplies.

Relieved of his burden, the manager rubbed his hands together. "Alright, then. There're a hundred rabid fans inside, so be careful. They seem polite enough, but you know the score." He bent over and peered out the window at the business' door. "Okay.... Looks like they're ready for ya."

And then the band was ushered out of their relative safety. Outside the bus, the two security guards took over and helped Warlord make it to the record store through the small crowd.

Sonny, the last off the bus, was stopped by the tour manager.

"We'll drop your stuff at the hotel. Tell 'em we'll send a car to pick 'em up in about two hours, okay, honey?"

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