War Torn Love (16 page)

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Authors: Jay M. Londo

BOOK: War Torn Love
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The shock in his eyes, having never seen all of me until now, there in my birthday suit; I know he had dreamed of that day All the same, judging by his facial expressions, I would have to say he was to mad at me - maybe disappointed, and even embarrassed. His face was scarlet, although he never flat out yelled at me. His voice was low, and quite stern with me. He certainly did not allow himself to enjoy seeing me, at least openly. I wrapped my naked warm body around him - I took his hands and brought them to my large supple breasts, and pressed his hands inward. He did not bite; he never took advantage of the situation.


“Hana, - what do you think you’re doing? Why would you do this? What are you thinking? Are you completely crazy? You’re embarrassing yourself and me, not to mention your making a complete fool out of yourself.”


My words slurred, “Abram I’m just having a little fun, letting loose for the night, you should try it, lighten up, I fell so free. So what do you say big boy, you like what you are seeing? You know, pretty
soon this body is going to be all yours! Then you can do whatever you want.”


“Get your clothes back on, “he growled, low and menacing, “I love you, and I respect you, and I love, and I respect you, and I expect for you to do the same of me. Your body is not to
be displayed
this way… “He said.  He looked into my eyes as I began to giggle, and took a different tact
. “
But I’ll tell you what, let’s play a little game shall we, you know how much you love playing games.”


“Ok, sweetie I’ll play, so what’s the game?”


“You have to get naked!”


              “Hey look I’ll already naked!”


“I know that’s right! Now you need to try to imagine several beastly creatures are after your naked body. We most get dressed as fast as you can, or they will surely get to you, and having their way with you. The only way to keep these creatures from getting to you is to get dressed. Do not let them get you! They’re all over the place, their looking at you. We must get dressed now, all right?”  Come on, it’s time to get dress, please stop your dancing, so we can get you dressed, and play our game. I want you to help me out a little; can you do that?”


re, I can, we should see if the other girls want to play?”


“No not right now. Ok let’s gather your clothes.”


He began to try helping me into my clothes. “Sweetie, I’m not so use to dressing a girl; it’s all foreign to me, you help me out alright.”


I began laughing, We put my panties on, then with lots of difficulty, fastened my bra - I let him figure it out, he positively had no idea how to put it on, he was all thumbs, he was getting mighty frustrated, then my slip, and then my dress. He grabbed my shoes, since I was in no condition to walk. Heck I could barely stand on my two feet.


“I guess the games over, I win!” I picked my beer up off the floor while he was not taking a look, and finished it off, before Abram could even stop me. The room started spinning soon after. I hadn’t eaten for a while - I learned the hard way what would happen.


By this
I had succumbed to the effects of all the beer and, I also had a couple shots of vodka.  Abram surprised me when unexpected; he effortlessly swept me up in his powerful arms. He truly was my gallant knight, coming - to my rescue once more.


Slurring my words, “Oh Abram sweetie, I can hardly wait for our wedding night, you saw me naked, I’ll get to see you, and you don’t know how excited that makes me.” Remember my inhibitions were down. “You know I fantasize about you all the time, so be honest with me, did you like what you saw sweetie. I was afraid you would not. I saw the way you were looking at me. Please tell me, did I turn you on? Were you disappointed in what you saw?”


“Yes of course I liked what I had the fortune of seeing. Are you kidding me, my gosh
, if
I’m speaking out of turn forgive me. You are incredibly sexy; in fact, you figure is even more stunning than I could have ever anticipated in my wildest dreams. I know God wouldn’t desire me speaking this way, but the only thing that stopped me from asking to make love to you is that we aren’t married yet.”


He was acting all funny like as he said this, he couldn’t look me in the eyes when he said this. He was blessing!


However, I was too darn drunk to think of pursuing the matter any further. We left the dance in shame - I was getting whistles at as we left. However, the other naked girl’s boyfriends were now out on the dance floor stopping them, as well. I guess Abram shamed them to come to their senses.


We began making our way home. Just after leaving the schoolyard. “Oh Abram please let me down, please sweetie I really got to go pee!”


He let me down - I was desperate to go, I couldn’t hold it in any longer, showing absolutely no measure of modesty whatsoever towards him, or taking into considering of the fact that I was peeing on the sidewalk on a busy downtown street.  I pulled down my panties in front of him, squatted down just feet from him, and peed right there on the sidewalk.  He glanced around, making sure no one was watching, oh I embarrassed him, turned scarlet again. There were people walking by as I was peeing, one guy whistled, I just continued my business, ignoring him.


“Abram why are you looking at me like that, were going to be married soon, I’m sure you’ll get used to seeing me. Oh loosen up please Abram, don’t be such a prude, I’m almost done, I promise.”


Soon as I was over and done with my business, I stood back up to fast, pulled my panties up as things were spinning around and around for me, a bizarre sensation came over me. I had never experienced before this night, and then I grew even dizzier.


“Make it stop please Abram.” I started getting hot flashes, sweating profusely and what
I suddenly knew I was going to throw up. That feeling came over me, and I stuttered” Abram I think I’m going to throw up.”


I dropped to my knees, right where I was, surrendering to the feeling, and began to throwing up, over the course of several minutes. Just when I thought, I was over and done with it, I started throwing up again, and again. I said the hangover prayer most people at some point say it basically goes by starting by begging to God for this to stop. I continued to throw up long past there was any contents left in my stomach - I was dry heaving. During all this time, I was so thankful, Abram was there to comfort me, he held my hair back for me and he gently rubbed my back,


Finally, as my heaving slowed, he said, “You’re going to feel a lot better later.”


I didn’t physically feel like going on any further - I needed to rest.  So weak, Abram swept me up in his powerful arms. Then, he - gallantly carried me over to a nearby park bench across the street, so he could sit with me. I lay down and laid my head in his lap - as I lay there, I looked up at him for a moment, I guess just to make sure he was still there. He looked down at me. For a brief moment in all this hell I had created for myself, just seeing he was there, he stuck by me made me feel better. I closed my eyes’ but did not sleep. I just could not stand looking up and watching the world spin, as the stars and moon were dancing around the night sky. We held onto each other’s hand. He let me rest
; he
gently rubbed his hand through my
hair. We stayed there about an hour. While still, I prayed for this horrible feeling to just go away. Neither of us saying much to one another.


I finally sat up I was starting to sober up, my head was now absolutely throbbing. I was very sensitive to noise. More importantly, I found myself in completely uncharted waters. I was mortified, embarrassed as I began reflecting on my actions I could remember everything I had done. I was worried by what Abram was now thinking of me after this. And I knew that I let my father down.


I knew I had to do something - I could not remain silent. Abram was not bringing it up. I then broke the stalemate of calm silence between us. I thought that perhaps Abram was now backed into a corner thanks to me. “Abram, Shall we start heading home now?”
I did not know what else to say to him. That certainly was not what I had wanted to say.


“No Hana, I’ll tell you what, let’s go get us some coffee, it just might help sober you up, look the restaurant down the road is still open, we’ll get some coffee take the liberty and use their bathroom to clean you up a bit. I am afraid to say you’re a mess. Well get you presentable before we think of heading home. We do
not want
your dad or Mom seeing you in this condition. Hey don’t look like that, I promise it’s all going to be fine - oh don’t cry sweetheart!”


I could not help myself, in my vulnerable, intoxicated, weakened state, what else could I say but “Ok, sounds good?” I was worried, what he now thought of me
after my little performance. I did not want him thinking I was ‘one of those kinds of girls’. This town has enough of those kinds of girls already.


We walked in and headed off straight to the lavatory before sitting down. I locked the door behind us. I felt dreadfully awful, Abram thumbed through my purse, pulled out my hairbrush that he knew I always carried, he began gently starting brushing my long hair, and then he washed my face – making sure I had no caked on vomit. I straightened out my dress - since we had not put it on right in the first place, it was on backwards. We had been in a real hurry to get dress, and get the heck out of there.  At least I looked more presentable, but I certainly did not feel so hot. We headed out from the bathroom, and grabbed a table - we had the waitress bring us each a nice strong cup of coffee, neither of us were coffee drinkers, but it was a tried and tested solution in these situation in these situations – according to everyone that we knew.


As I was sitting there feeling sorry for myself, feeling lower than lower, stirring in the cream and sugar into my coffee, I started to cry again I looked down as the coffee swirled around, and around. I was hoping that I could just make this all go away. I just could not take it any longer. Frightened I may lose my one true love over this. A
of myself,  I said “Abram I’m so sorry, I don’t know why I acted that way, I’ve never done anything like You know  me – it - was so out of character for me. You know how zeni’ut (modest) I get at the watering hole and that is just you and me. I can only imagine what you are thinking about me about now. I am mortified by my
actions. You must think I am a horrible person now. I would completely understand if you did not still want to marry me, I have shamed you. We could call the wedding off.”


He smiled back, and gently reached out, and held onto me. He wiped the tears from my sad eyes with his finger, “No, sweetie, trust me I still want to marry you, you want to know what has been going through my mind, just how lucky I’m to be marrying such a fantastic, and might I add beautiful women, I got to say, you sure make my life interesting. My life will be nothing but boring, as long as I got you.”

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