War (The True Reign Series) (23 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Anne Davis

BOOK: War (The True Reign Series)
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After being below deck all morning, Rema
wanted to feel the sun on her face and the wind against her body. When Darmik visited her earlier, he mentioned training everyone during the voyage to Greenwood Island in order to maintain their strength. It was time Rema pull herself together, and start acting the role granted upon her.

Exiting her room, she found Vesha and Ellie sitting on the floor. Both girls looked up at her with hopeful eyes.

“I’d like to go to the top deck,” she said.

’s about time,” Vesha said, smiling. She was picking up some of Audek’s candid humor.

, it is,” Rema replied.

Following the girls through the dark hallways of the ship and up a steep ladder, Rema stepped into the bright sunlight, squinting.

“Her Royal Majesty,” someone shouted. Everyone on the deck—crew, soldiers, and friends alike—bowed before her.

She had no idea what to do. Was the etiquette for an empress different from a queen? And why was everyone insisting on being so formal around her? She was just
Rema, a seventeen-year-old girl, standing before everyone in a used Emperion military outfit. She certainly didn’t feel like an empress.

As you were,” she said, hoping that was enough for people to go back to what they were doing. Rema walked over to Darmik, who stood at the center of the ship holding a sword, a half smile on his beautiful lips. “Are you training?” she asked.

We are.” He looked down at her through his dark eyelashes, making her heart skip a beat. She wanted to reach up and kiss him, but decided against it with so many eyes watching.

She glanced
at Neco, Savenek, and Audek. They were sweaty and breathing hard. “All right,” she said, turning to Ellie and Vesha. “Let’s join them.” Facing Darmik, she asked, “What are we working on?”

Audek dropped to his knees before her.
“Rema...I mean...Your Highness...I mean, Your Majesty, right? Well, whatever your title is, I’m so glad you’re here and safe.” He hugged her legs. “And on

Audek!” Darmik shouted. “Get off!”

Oh, uh, sorry,” Audek stuttered, releasing her. “Aren’t you glad she’s here?” He scratched his head, standing.

Darmik grabbed Audek
’s tunic, pulling him in close. “Of course I’m glad she’s here. But people are watching you. You will treat Rema like the empress she is—especially when others are around. Are we clear?” Audek nodded, and Darmik released him. Rema wanted to intervene and tell Audek that it was all right, that nothing had to change between them. However, things were different now, and Darmik knew what he was doing. He had her best interests at heart, and she trusted him. If he said everyone needed to treat her like an empress at all times, then there was a legitimate reason, so she kept her mouth shut.

We were just running through some basic drills,” Savenek said, diffusing the tension.

Excellent,” she said, facing her friends. “Before we resume training, I have something to say.” She looked at each and every one of them—at Vesha’s warm smile, Ellie’s bright and intelligent eyes, Neco’s friendly disposition, Audek’s wry smile, Savenek’s intense gaze, and lastly, the love she felt radiating from Darmik. “I want to thank you for traveling all the way to Emperion to rescue me. I’m honored by your steadfast loyalty, and your courageous ability to put your lives on the line for what you believe in. Thank you.”

“We are honored to serve you,” Neco said.

Before she started crying, she turned and said, “Very well, let’s get to work.”

They spent
the next hour running through various hand-to-hand combat training exercises. It felt good to be focused on body movements instead of her new title and position. Still, Darmik was careful around her, and she was only ever paired with Vesha or Ellie. She suspected life would never be the same, and it was just something she’d have to get used to.


Rema sat on her bed while Ellie knelt behind her, combing her hair.

So, you and Neco,” Rema said, wanting to talk about something other than herself. Glancing back, she saw Ellie smiling. “How long have you two known each other? How did you meet?”

Ellie sighed, putting down the comb and sitting cross-legged before Rema. They never had a chance to talk about
Ellie and Neco’s relationship at the rebel fortress.

We’ve been together for about a year now,” Ellie revealed.

Rema wondered what that meant. Most people signed a marriage contract, courted, and then married shortly thereafter.

“Neco only came to King’s City with Darmik, so I didn’t get to see him very often. But whenever he was in town, we managed to spend some time together.”

Why didn’t you ever say anything while I was at the king’s castle?”

It never came up, and in all honesty, Neco and I weren’t serious until recently.” Her face turned a crimson shade of red, and she glanced away.

Serious?” Rema asked. “What does that mean? Are you two betrothed?”

Ellie chuckled, shaking her head.
“While in the king’s service, I was unable to marry.”

But you are no longer in the king’s service,” Rema mused.

Ellie buried her face in Rema
’s pillow, laughing. She glanced up. “I know,” she said, smiling. There was a twinkle of excitement in her eyes. “And what about you?” She lightly smacked Rema with the pillow.

What do you mean?”

You and Darmik,” she said, exasperated. “You two are…together?”

Rema nodded. She wasn
’t sure where their relationship was going, but she loved Darmik and wanted to be with him.

Do you plan to marry him?”

Rema had undergone so many changes
that she didn’t have time to think about being married on top of everything else right now. “I need to worry about being empress over Emperion and Greenwood Island.”

Wouldn’t you like to have someone by your side? Supporting you?”

Rema hadn
’t thought of it before. Darmik would make the perfect husband—not only did she love him, but he would be someone who would help share the burden of ruling.

You’re blushing!” Ellie teased her. Someone knocked on the door, and Ellie smiled. “I bet that’s him!” She jumped off the bed and answered. Sure enough, Darmik stood in the doorway.

’d changed clothing since the last time she saw him. He now wore a solid black tunic and pants, matching his hair and setting off his brown eyes.

I’ll leave you two alone.” Ellie smiled as she left the room, closing the door on her way out.

Rema stood. Before they set sail, Trell gave her a footlocker filled with clothes. She suspected they belonged to the previous empress. Since it was nighttime, Rema had on a soft white gown that she
assumed was a nightdress, although it was made of silk and finer than most dresses she’d seen.

’s eyes bore into hers, and she felt her body temperature rise. She fidgeted with her hands, unsure of what to say or do.

Hi,” Darmik said, smiling. He took a step toward her. “I, uh, volunteered for the night shift.”

ducked her head, her blonde hair cascading down around her face. He planned to stay there all night? Why did things suddenly feel so awkward between them?

So…” Darmik said, taking another step closer to her. “I assume you’re tired?”

Rema nodded.
It was rather late, and she hadn’t slept much over the course of the past two days.

He took another step toward her.
“Audek is stationed outside.”

For the entire night?” Didn’t Audek need to sleep? Did Darmik plan on sitting there all night watching her?

No,” he replied. “We’re taking shifts.” He ran his hands through his hair, nervous or unsure of what to do. “After my shift, Vesha will be in here with you.”

Rema nodded her head. She had no idea what to say or do. The room felt stifling hot. During their time apart, she
’d dreamed of being with him. Of having the chance to talk…of having the opportunity to kiss…of telling him how much he meant to her and that she loved him. Now that she was here, alone with him, she had no idea how to do any of those things. She felt like an incompetent child.

Since you’re tired, why don’t you go to sleep?” Darmik suggested. His voice was husky and rough, sending desire through her.

Good idea.” She avoided eye contact, hoping it would be easier to breathe if she didn’t look at him.

Since s
he was in the highest-ranking officer’s berth, it was a little larger than the other ones. Still, it was rather stark. Besides her bed and footlocker, there was a small desk and a rickety, wooden chair. She wasn’t sure where Darmik planned to sit during his shift.

If you don’t mind, and you’re comfortable with it, I’ll just lay on the ground.”

She recalled her voyage to Emperion and being locked in Nathenek
’s room. Sleeping on the floor wasn’t very pleasant. Pulling off the top blanket from her bed, Rema handed it to him. “The floor is hard. Lay on this.”

He took it, their hands briefly touching, sending a surge of warmth through her body.

“Rema,” he whispered. She glanced up into his warm brown eyes. They were filled with desire. He tossed the blanket to the ground. “I love you.” He took a step toward her, now only a hand’s width apart. “When we were in Emperion, I thought you’d been executed.” His eyes filled with tears. “I thought I’d lost you.” He reached for her, and she melted into his arms. He held her tight. “I don’t ever want to lose you.”

Rema slightly pulled back, tilting her head and looking up at him.
“I love you, too,” she whispered. “But I’m afraid of the future. I have to go back to Emperion.”

I know.” He gently kissed her lips. “And I plan to be by your side for the rest of my life.”

Darmik knelt on the ground, clasping both of her hands.
“Rema, I know this is unconventional, that Kar and Maya haven’t given their permission, but I want to marry you. Please be my wife.”

Tears slid down her cheeks. He wanted to marry her? To
be her partner and love her for the rest of their lives?

She nodded.
“Yes, I will marry you.”

Darmik smiled the biggest smile she
’d ever seen. He jumped up, grabbing her and spinning around.

He gently set her back
down on her feet. They stood, staring at one another, then Darmik slowly lowered his head, and they kissed. Rema intertwined her fingers in his hair, pulling him closer. His hands roamed over her back, leaving a trail of heat. Rema wanted to feel all of him, but she knew now was not the time or the place. Darmik’s kisses moved to her ear and then down her neck.

We should stop,” Rema mumbled.

I know,” Darmik admitted. “We should—but I don’t want to.”

Neither do I,” she said. Darmik gently took her face in his hands, gazing into her eyes, the love clear.

We can announce our engagement after we win the war.”

Yes,” Rema said. “But I’d like to marry soon.”

Darmik smiled, melting her heart.
“Me too.”


Rema hated being below deck. The air smelled thick and musty, and there weren’t any windows. Since they needed to plan their arrival and how they’d connect with the rebels, she called a meeting to order on the top deck. Even though they’d only been at sea for two days, the sun had already decreased in intensity.

’s friends and the dozen soldiers on board sat facing her. Darmik nodded encouragingly, giving her the strength she needed to take control. He told her the key to being an effective leader was to act with authority at all times in order to be taken seriously. Looking at everyone, Rema squared her shoulders and clasped her hands before her. She breathed in the cool, salty sea air and felt the wind against her body. She could do this.

When we arrive at Greenwood Island, our presence will be noted immediately. Six warships and two hundred and fifty soldiers can’t arrive at the island quietly. Therefore, we must plan accordingly. Let me introduce you to two key people in our mission.”

Darmik and Savenek stood and came next to her.
“This is Commander Darmik, from the King’s Army. This is Savenek, a captain from the rebel army. I’m going to let each of them speak about the state of things, what we can expect when we arrive, and their ideas on how to organize everyone once on the island. When they’re done, I’m open to suggestions from all of you.” The soldier’s eyes widened in shock. She doubted anyone encouraged or valued their opinion before. She smiled, knowing things were already changing for the better.

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