
Read Wanton Online

Authors: Jezebel Jorge

Tags: #erotica, #desire, #spanking, #pro wrestling, #sports entertainment, #seances, #headlocks and hexes, #courtney, #jezebel jorge, #spell struck

BOOK: Wanton
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Jezebel Jorge



A young Courtney sets out to
seduce Bryson. Take a trip back in time to find out how their rocky
relationship began when they were both first breaking into the
wrestling business.



Copyright © 2012 Jezebel Jorge

Cover Art by Jezebel Jorge

Images purchased from 123rf.com



Published by Jezebel Jorge at Smashwords

Discover other titles by Jezebel Jorge



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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters,
places and incidents either are the product of the author's
imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual
persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or
locales is entirely coincidental.

Table of


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Preview of

About the Author


Chapter 1



“Damn, you stiffed the hell out of her,”
Bryson said.

Coming from the company’s badass shooter
Courtney took that at a compliment. “I just got tired of her
blowing all her spots. Obviously she’s never worked someone who can
call a match in the ring."

It had to be a good sign for Bryson to be at
the curtain watching her match. He’d sworn they would never hook up
again after that first time, telling her it had had been a huge
mistake to cheat on his live-in girlfriend.

She knew better.

No wasn't a word in Courtney’s vocabulary,
especially when it came to a guy as hot as Bryson Dalton. Even his
muscles had muscles. He stood 6’2”, almost as tall as his dad, and
weighted in at close to 250 lbs. of jacked up perfection.

Even at nineteen Courtney already knew that
she liked her men a little rough around the edges. There hadn’t
been anything sweet of polite about the way he’d bent her over and
taken her from behind that first time, giving it to her hard and
rough and swatting her ass until it was pink.

She got all wet just thinking about it and
from the way he was staring at her boobs instead of her face she
had a feeling his mind had gone to the same place.

“That’s my baby girl,” her daddy said. “From
the way she handled herself out there tonight there’s no doubting
she’s a Fletcher.”

“Daddy,” Courtney went into working mode,
jutting her lip and batting her heavily mascaraed eyelashes. “Can I
go to the ring with Bryson tonight. You know I’d learn a lot
watching him work Ricky Morton.”

“Dylan’s going to the ring with me,” Bryson
said, referring to his kid brother.

“He’s done took off with some hot little

“Like father, like son,” Bryson motioned
toward his father leading Courtney’s opponent out the back.

The girl hadn’t even bothered to change out
of her gear. So that’s how the little slut got booked – blowing the
booker. It was obvious she didn’t have any in ring talents.
Everyone knew Billy had always had a thing for pretty redheads. Not
that she was even that pretty or even a natural redhead.

“Yeah, Courtney can go to the ring with me,”
Bryson agreed. “If it’s cool with Ricky.”

“Let’s go check,” her daddy said, leading
the way into the dressing room.

Bryson grabbed her arm, stopping her in the
hallway. “I know you took advantage of that girl in the ring
because of Dad, but you can’t pull that shit working with me.”

“I know that,” she reminded him, “I’ve been
around the business just as long as you have.”

“Just so we’re clear.” He gave her a sly
smile. “Not that I didn’t enjoy watching you kick the shit out of

With that said they went into the dressing
room where Charlie waved them over to where Ricky sat tying
bandanas around his legs.

“I thought we could do a ref bump,” Charlie
said, “then have Courtney come off the top rope for Double
Devastation. It’ll keep you over and give them some heat.”

“Double Devastation?” Ricky looked up with a
confused expression on his face.

“It’s mine and Dylan’s finisher, the old MX
Vego-Matic,” Bryson explained.

Ricky gave Courtney a good onceover. “She’s
hot as hell, but can she work?”

“I’m William Fletcher’s granddaughter.”
Courtney said, leaning forward to put her best assets on display,
her 36D breast implants.

“She just spent three months training in a
Japanese Dojo,” Bryson added. “She could probably work circles
around the rest of the dressing room.”

“Okay, I’m down with the finish.” Ricky gave
her chest an approving grin. “I’ll set up a spot for you to smack
me too. Be as stiff as you want, I just consider it foreplay.”

“She’s also a blackbelt,” Bryson warned.
“It’s not a good idea to tell her to work stiff.”

Chapter 2



Bryson held the ropes open for Courtney and
got an eyeful ass she did her best butt wiggling ring entrance.

Holy shit! She wasn’t even wearing a

He stepped through the ropes and all it took
was one look at Ricky to know he hadn’t been the only to notice
that Courtney wasn’t wearing any panties under her tight black mini

“How the hell do you plan on bumping like
that?” he whispered as she helped him remove his black leather ring

“You noticed?” She flashed him a wicked

‘Me, Ricky and half the front row.”

At least she got out of the ring a little
more carefully to take her spot in Bryson's corner.

“Are you doing her?” Ricky mouthed the first
time they locked up.

“She wishes.”

“I’d hit it in a heartbeat,” Ricky replied,
sending Bryson to the mat.

If it hadn’t been for Courtney’s exposed
pussy, Bryson would have been a lot more uptight about working one
of his childhood idols for the first time, especially with Ricky’s
locker room offer to let him call the match.

It took him just a few minutes to realize
just how good Ricky Morton really was. He knew how to get the most
out of the least amount of effort and man could he sell. Everything
he’d heard was true - a match with Ricky was a night off in the
ring. They weren’t calling anything, just going with the flow to
put on one hell of a match.

Bryson grabbed Ricky by his bleached blond
mullet and Courtney was right there for the slap spot. He tried not
to cringe as she let loose with a beautifully worked smack. The one
thing he could say about her was that she respected the business.
She was probably marking out as much as he was from getting to work
with Ricky Morton. If you couldn’t get heat working Ricky, you ass
had no place anywhere near a wrestling ring.

Bryson had gotten so into the match he could
have easily done a sixty-minute draw, but Ricky called for them to
take it home. Courtney did her part to distract the ref and Bryson
shoved Ricky into him for the bump to knock the guy out of

Courtney climbed to the top rope while
wearing what had to be three inch stiletto heels, and landed a
perfect leg drop across Ricky’s throat. Bryson went for the pin as
she revived the ref, slapping the guy’s hand to the mat for the
three count.

The crowd went nuts as Ricky sold the move
like they had killed him.

“Come on,” Bryson mouthed to her and they
slid out of the ring.

She raised his hand in victory and the crowd
got even wilder over the injustice reaped upon their hero. Leave it
to Courtney to want to hang around and stir up some more heat. With
no security that wasn't happening. He grabbed her by the waist
practically dragging her to the back.




“Hell of a match,” Ricky said accepting
Bryson’s handshake. “You’ve got it kid.”


Instead of shaking hands with Courtney,
Ricky gave her a hug before sitting down to unlace his boots. “Damn
girl, you’re a heat magnet.”

Courtney sat down in the chair beside him
pulling off her shoes to rub her feet. “I’d like to see Dylan do
that spot in stilettos.”

“I wouldn’t.” Bryson laughed.

“I’m doing a couple of shots with Stan Lane
around Charlotte next month,” Ricky said. “Would you be interested
in working with us? That’s one hell of a finish.”

Would I ever!?!

“How much can the promoter pay me?” she
asked, trying to hide her excitement.

She wasn’t about to let on that she’d work
the shows for free to get a shot at a play date with the guy known
in the biz as “The Gangster of Love”. Stan was a gorgeous tanned
blond who had the rep to back up his gimmick.

“I’ll have to call the guy running the
shows, but I can probably get you a decent payoff if he’s got a
girl for you to work too.”

“Jimmy Cornette always gets the same pay as
Stan.” Her daddy would decide to show up at that moment with their
pay envelopes.

“She’s not Cornette,” Bryson said.

“That’s for damn sure,” Ricky agreed. “I
don’t think Jimmy, or any other girl for that matter could fill out
a mini skirt the way Courtney does.”

“Go on and get out of here so the boys can
get changed,” Charlie said.

Courtney opened her pay envelope and thumbed
through the bills. “You shorted me for working the main event.”

“Take it up with Billy,” her daddy said. “He
did the payoffs.”

“Damn straight I will.” Courtney scribbled
down her number for Ricky. “Call me on those shows.”

‘Will do,” he said, sticking the number in
his bag.

Not bothering to change out of her mini
skirt and matching sequined ‘bitch’ tank top, Courtney went off in
search of Billy.

She opened the back door just in time to see
him opening the door of his Cadillac for that stupid bitch she’d

Dropping her bag, she strutted out to the
parking lot, “Where the hell do you get off on shorting me on my

She knew she’d caught him off guard
expecting her to go psycho on him for taking off with that little
red head slut.

He calmly closed the passenger door and
walked around to the trunk to put in her bag, or she assumed it was
the girl’s bag since Billy had never been the Hello Kitty type.

“Whatta mean?” he asked. “Your money’s all

“Not for working the main event.” She waved
the bills in front of his face. “While you were out here getting
your dick sucked I took a bump off the top rope.”

“Bryson and Ricky didn’t need you out

“Daddy booked the finish.”

“Then take it up with him. I didn’t tell you
to go to the ring with Bryson.”

“How much would you have paid Dylan to drop
a Vego-Matic in stilettos, a mini skirt and no panties?”

“For real?” Billy chuckled and his storm
grey eyes lit up, making her heart skip a beat. “I’d come closer to
paying my son not to dress in drag.”

As much as she hated to admit it, she’d been
in love with Billy for as long as she could remember. Luring her
way into his bed at sixteen had only made matters worse. No matter
how much he fucked around they both knew he’d never leave his wife.
Being his favorite piece of ass on the side was never gonna be good
enough for Courtney.

“You’d better be glad that guy from the
state athletic commission didn't hang around for that match,” Billy
said. “Even thought I’m sure Ricky enjoyed a face full of pussy, I
doubt the commissioner would have been as thrilled.”

“Bryson seemed to enjoy it,” she said just
to try to get a rise out of him. “You can go ahead and leave
because he’s riding to Myrtle Beach with me.”

“Wonder what Allison will think about

“Probably the same thing your son’s mother
would think about you going off with that skanky ring rat.”
Courtney countered knowing good and well that Billy would never say
a word to Bryson’s girlfriend. “You know she’s not even a natural

“You shouldn’t have roughed Robin up like
that in the ring.”

“Find me opponents who know how to

“If you was a man, me and Vlad would have
yanked your ass outside and taught you a lesson about respecting
the person you’re working with.”

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