Wanted Always (Xander Barns) (23 page)

BOOK: Wanted Always (Xander Barns)
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She disconnects and shoots me with daggers
from her eyeballs, “How dare you!”

“How dare I what?”

“You…you trapped my precious Demetria!”

“I didn’t trap her; she came in



“Why would she want to trap herself inside
the bathroom with the likes of you?” she spits out in disgust.

And she does it again. I’m sick of being
insulted. I think it’s time for some fun again!

“Why? I’ll tell you why!” I sneer.
“Because…well actually, maybe Demetria should tell you; it’s quite a delicate

“What?” The mother stammers, and then
looks at her daughter who has stopped crying. Thank God. “Demetria, what is
this whore saying?”

Whore? That’s it, game over!

“Mother, I have no idea!” Demetria cries.

“Alright, I’ll come out with it and say
the truth.” I say quickly before the mother has a chance to speak.

“What?” Her mother screeches.

“Demetria and I…we’re in love!” I finish
dramatically, smiling brightly at Demetria whose jaw drops in shock.

“What?!” The mother cries out

“That’s right, we love each other. In
fact, she was going down on me in the bathroom before you rudely interrupted!”
I inform her. “And I was really close to an orgasm!”

“Orgasm…what on earth?” the mother gasps
in disbelief, then looks at her daughter in confusion, “Demetria?”

Demetria shakes her head ferociously.
“She’s lying. I would never!”

“I’m not! Smell her breath; I’m sure it
smells like my vagina,” I add.

“What?” the mother cries again.

“Mother, she’s lying!” Demetria panics.

“Oh, but don’t worry about finding any
pubes stuck in between her teeth; I shaved around my cooch this morning,” I
inform the both of them of this important detail.

Her mother’s eyes widen, “Stop talking!”

Demetria grabs her throat, “Mother…I can’t

Her mother rushes to her side.
“Demetria…baby, breathe; Mommy’s here!”

Umm, did she just forget that her daughter
and I are in love and that she just went down on me in the bathroom? Demetria
is good; she’s diverted the attention of her mother.

It’s time to switch it up some more.

“Hey, what are your views on same sex
marriages?” I ask as she tries to soothe her daughter, helping her breathe

“What?” she hisses, looking away.

“I don’t know. Maybe one day, one day…your
daughter and I can get married and have a family,” I explain thoughtfully as if
it’s an actual possibility.

I smile at her mother, who has her hand to
her heart with her mouth opened wide, gazing back and forth between Demetria
and me.

“Mrs. Williams,” a deep voice calls from
down the hallway. Her head snaps in the direction.

“Oh Charles, thank God!”

“Charles! Save us from this lesbian; she’s
in love with me!” Demetria adds dramatically.

Wow, for the first time in my life, I’m
being taken seriously. But as a lesbian in love?


Do I look like a lesbian? I’ll have to
check the next time I’m in front of a mirror. Maybe it’s my attitude? Aren’t
lesbians strong, capable women who take no shit? That must be what they see in
me too, right?

I smile at the thought as Charles gathers
Demetria and Mrs. Williams, a.k.a Acid Queen, and hurries them down the

“The car is out front?” Mrs. Williams asks
worriedly, her voice echoing down the hallway.

“Yes, it is,” Charles replies.

“Wait, what about me?” I call out, my arms
wide open.

“Go now,” Mrs. Williams orders.

“Hurry!” Demetria cries loudly as Charles
pushes them to go faster, their high heels making more noise against the

“No…stop…please,” I say as they exit the
hallway. Well, there goes another one. Damn it! What is wrong with me? I’m
always driving the people I love away with my antics!

I guess it is fate. Oh well. But on the
plus side, problem Demetria: solved. I’m sure I scared that crazy bitch away
for good.

Case closed. Sigh…I should work for the
President; I’ve got skills.

I have skills?
The smile is wiped off my face. Where was Xander
during all of this? He isn’t here. He left me alone.

There is a sinking feeling in my stomach.

I have skills; specific skills that I used
against Demetria and her mother, resulting in their sudden flee.

And that’s probably what that asshole

He planned the whole thing! Fury
contaminates every inch of my body. I want to punch the wall, I want to damage

Especially considering it’s his house.

But I don’t; instead, I pull my phone out
of my bag. Thankfully, there’s a message waiting for me. He just sent it.

From: Xander 3:01pm


I do something for you, you do something
for me. It’s a great thing we have going on here.

Call me when it’s done.

Love, Master Xander

What the hell?
My eyes widen as I read the message. I can’t
believe this guy!

I dial his number hoping my anger doesn’t
obstruct my ability to speak. I need to share some feelings with that asshole!

“Why, hello there,” Xander purrs, picking
up after the second ring.

“You’re a fucking asshole!” I hiss through
the receiver. “You knew she’d be here!”

“Of course I did,” Xander replies

“Then why did you leave?” I ask,

“Because, if I had stayed, she would have
caused a scene; and knowing you, you would take care of the problem once an
altercation between the two of you would start,” Xander explains.

“You’re messed up; you left me to clean up
the mess you created,” I hiss. “You left me clueless and unguarded.”

“Is that all?” Xander asks.

“Excuse me?” I hiss again.

“Is the Demetria situation diverted?”
Xander clarifies.

“I scared that bitch miles away!”

“That’s fine.”

“No, it’s not fine; what about me? I’m
mentally damaged because of it!”

“Well, I’m sure five-thousand dollars will
cure the extent of that damage,” Xander says nonchalantly.

“Five-thousand dollars?” I gasp. “You’re
paying me off?”

“No, I’m being the generous guy that I’ve
always been with you. And it’s about time you realized it,” Xander explains
while I stay silent, too flabbergasted to speak. “Anyway, your part is done;
you are free to leave.”

“Leave?” I repeat, confused. “Where are

“Oh, I left already,” Xander says.

“Left!” I squawk, confused. “Where did you

“Downtown. I had a matter come up that
needed my immediate attention,” he explains.


“Fuck you! One of your fucking whores
probably called you!” I accuse. “You left me to that deranged lunatic to go

“I don’t see what the problem is. You
handled the Demetria issue amazingly and I got something out of it too,” Xander

“You’re so selfish!” I tell him.

“And you have five-thousand dollars
because of it,” Xander reminds me. “Daniels will be waiting for you out front
when you’re ready to leave.”

“What?” I breathe. I can leave?

“‘Til we meet again, Marisa,” Xander
purrs, and then disconnects the line. I pull the phone away from my ear and
stare at it in shock.

I lean against the wall across from the
bathroom, completely stunned. My heart pounds ferociously; I think I’m going to
have a heart attack.

He left me to her. What if she had been
really dangerous instead of the crackpot she is? I could have died.


“You lied to me!” a loud voice hisses
behind me, making me jump. I turn apprehensively, colliding with a pair of
angry blue eyes.


Fuck! I do not need this shit right now.

“Liam?” I murmur, shocked. “What are you
doing here?”

“You lied to me!” he repeats, looking
apocalyptic. “You are a prostitute!”

My jaw dropped open, “I’m not!”

“You are; that’s why you were in Xander’s
room last night,” Liam accuses, his perfectly styled, dark brown hair all over
the place.

“I’m not a hooker!” I state defensively.

“Then why did I just hear you accept
five-thousand dollars from Xander over the phone?” Liam snaps, unconvinced.


“It’s not what you think,” I explain,
worried now. How am I going to get out of this situation?

“Oh, really? Then please, do explain,” he
spits out, his hand raking through his hair, making it more disheveled. “I
can’t wait to hear the lie you tell me next.”

Wait a minute! Why am I standing here
trying to prove my innocence to a guy I don’t even know, even if I did like him
a little.

I don’t fucking need this!

“You know what? I don’t care anymore,” I
snap angrily. “I don’t have to explain myself to you or anyone else.”

“So you are a hooker,” he says filled with

“I’m not!” I cry, feeling tears in my
eyes. “But even if I was, fuck you!”

I quickly walk around him as the first few
tears spill across my cheeks. Damn it!

I make it three steps before his hand
grabs my arm, pulling me to a stop. He pushes me to the wall and cages me in
with his body. His anger alters as my tears come spilling out and I struggle to
get out of his arms.

“Fuck you, Liam!” I cry quietly. “Fuck

“You lied last night,” he states softly, a
far cry from his previously scorning tone.

“I don’t owe you anything; I don’t have to
explain myself to you,” I sniffle. Shit, I hate crying!

“Tell me the truth,” he whispers an inch
away from my face. “Tell me what he’s up to.”

“I’m not a hooker, Liam, honestly,” I tell
him meekly. “I really went there last night to repay a debt to him.”

“And today?”

“I was here as a favor, but it turned into
something else,” I explain, lifelessly.

“And what was that?”

“He left me to take care of Demetria.”


“That crazy girl from last night. She’s
Mrs. Williams’ daughter; you know, the one who’s smitten with Xander, just like
your mother said,” I explain, looking deep into his eyes. His body melts a
little closer to mine.

“She was here?” Liam asks, horrified,
breaking eye contact and glancing up and down the hallway.

“She was, but I scared her and her mother
off,” I explain, wiping the tears from my face.

“How?” he asks, then raises his hand to my
cheek and wipes away my tears. His touch stirs something deep within me. I have
to fight it. He just verbally attacked me.

“It’s messed up; trust me, you don’t want
to know.” I look away, jerking my face out of his reach.

“Maybe I do,” he whispers, softly.

“Trust me, you don’t,” I say bitterly.

What would he think then?

I shouldn’t care what he thinks.

Liam’s hands grab my face, pulling it back
to face him as he leans in.

“Marisa, now it’s your turn to trust me.
Stay away from Xander. Things like today, they follow him around like the
plague. He gets the people around him to do his dirty work, fixing his problems
while he walks away smiling,” Liam explains seriously.

“I know that now,” I say quietly, lost in
his blue eyes.

God! He’s so pretty. His touch feels

His hand comes up and caresses the side of
my face repeatedly. “Tell me, right now; promise me that you’ll never talk to
him again; that you’ll never do anything else for him.”

“I’m done after today. I can’t handle his
shit anymore.” I lean into his hand; the feeling on my face is driving my body
crazy. I stare up at him. His entire body is now plastered against mine; I can
feel every hard edge his body supplies. His mouth comes within an inch of mine.

“Marisa,” he whispers as his eyes heat.

“I don’t remember telling you my name,” I
breathe. My gaze lowers down to his lips. One hand grabs my neck while the
other circles my waist, pulling me as close as possible to his body. I lean my
head closer to his and his lush, plump lips plant softly on top of mine. He
begins kissing me slowly as my arms circle around his neck, pulling my body
even closer. All of a sudden, his soft kisses turn frantic; I feel his fingers
make their way into my hair, massaging my scalp.

BOOK: Wanted Always (Xander Barns)
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