Read Wallflowers Don't Wilt Online

Authors: Raven McAllen

Wallflowers Don't Wilt (3 page)

BOOK: Wallflowers Don't Wilt
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“Bella?” He turned for her response, his hands already poised to open the placket on his breeches.

“Oh, Ivo, I am in agreement. We hear about this part of a male and are told it is something we as ladies of the
have no necessity to bother with, for it will only disturb us when it has a yearning to procreate.” She wrinkled her nose. “Such a waste if it can only bring us delights we have never felt a need for. Therefore, we need to know what, where, and how we will be involved with your cock. We need to see how, without us, it serves you.”

They intended to make him work for their cooperation, then? He liked the idea. He had to come or explode, so why not come with them watching? He began to open his breeches, and then had a sudden thought.

“Did you come here alone? No maids?”

“Suki and Rena are with us. They are in your study. They are the only two we trust and will both be accompanying us in our new lives. Like us, they also follow Sappho.”

“It is all right, Ivo,” Serena interposed. “Your valet kindly gave them food and drink and a coverlet each. He even stoked the fire up.”

Good. So now he could stoke his own personal fire.

Slowly, very deliberately, he lay back in his chair, spread his legs wider to a position he knew would guarantee them a full view of him and his actions, even if they chose not to leave their seats. Smiling to himself, he opened the placket, behind which his cock pulsated, eager to be free of its confines.

“My goodness.”

“Oh, now look at him.”

“What happens now?”

“You say
is disposed to fit into us?”

Two pairs of eager and interested eyes gazed in impatient awe as his cock sprang free. Hard, throbbing, and demanding attention, its knob purple, its veins standing out along its length.

“Now,” he drawled as he took it in his hand and slowly began to caress it. “In the absence of a body to bury itself in, or a pair of lips willing to suck on it and pull it into a warm, wet mouth, it receives firsthand attention. In this case, from my hands, unless either of you wishes to offer your help?”

No shock, he noted with pleasure, but interest, although they both shook their heads, seemingly regretfully.

“Not this time, Ivo. Take this as your audition. Perchance, I should say, our audition?” Bella smirked. “For if we do not like what we see or do not react as you think we should, there will be no reason to continue.”

Convoluted reasoning, but he would accept it for now, because he needed to come. By his own hand, if nothing else was available.

Fuck, he had forgotten one important thing. “Bella, hand me a napkin, please. At once.”

The tone of his voice had her scurrying to do as his bidding. Jumping up, she hurried to a side table and retrieved a linen square deposited there. Passing it to him, her hand seemed to move toward his cock. Then it stopped.

“Go on,” he encouraged. “Touch if you so desire. Both of you. I promise you my self-control is enough not to come all over you, unless at your request.” Their eyes flashed with definite interest, he noted. He wondered if the interest would be as high when he introduced them to the activities he had become partial to when living in China, India, and other faraway places, for introduce them to such delights he would. He dragged his mind back from loving two women at once, watching them love each other, the sex alfresco, other such erotic delights, and the toys he could show them and use with them, to the matter in hand.

Slowly Bella knelt in front of him, curls falling forward to obscure her face as she reached out and tentatively put her hand on the side of his cock. He held himself rigidly in check, that first, gentle, tentative step toward their future almost his undoing.

“Oh, Serry. Feel.” She gasped. “It is rock, covered in silk or velvet. And this will fit into us? I fear it is not possible.”

He laughed, deep and rich. “Oh, my dears, I assure you both, it will fit in more than one place, without a doubt. We will have enjoyment and fulfillment as we find out how and why and where. I vow it will take nothing from your love of each other, merely add to it.”

Serena obliged her friend by coming forward and cupping his cock in her hands. Her blonde hair, held in tight confinement, could not block his view of her amazement as she held his weight in her soft hand. Again he tightly held his emotions under control. When had he ever felt such an overwhelming desire to come so immediately, with such violence as to cover them all with the result?

“Oh, my,” she breathed. “Rock-hard velvet indeed. You say, Ivo, this will fit anywhere?”

“Anywhere,” he affirmed, her naivety pleasing him. “I can fill your cunt, your arse, your mouth. It will be your choice.” He paused. “Sometimes.”

He could see the idea appealed, although, regretfully it seemed neither were prepared to do more than that solitary touch. Yet. He sighed. Ah, well, he would show them how a man in the throes of passion could satisfy himself. Deliberately, he looked at each in turn.

“Look well, my dears,” he advised them. “I am going to come. Soon, hard, and loud. Remember, one day you will do the same. At first with each other, and I will watch. And then together. All of us.”

“You think, Your Grace, we have not touched each other, kissed each other, and experienced, oh, such feelings that we drank them to ensure silence?” Bella smirked.

He felt his breath hitch. Deliberately, he returned his hand to his cock, the pictures in his mind increasing his arousal. He threw back his head and heard their indrawn breaths, and fisted himself.

“Tell us, Ivo.” Bella’s
voice was hoarse. “How does it feel to touch yourself?”

“In the absence of someone else,” he said frankly, his voice own unsteady. “More than adequate. Now, unless you help, my dears, I must help myself. I must come.”


“Come. Ejaculate. Spill my seed. Fucking come, ladies, now. Aahh!” He was rubbing himself hard as he spoke.
His hand clenched as he came, hard and fast, cum spilling over his hand and chest. Luckily the late-remembered napkin was perfectly positioned.

He heard the emotional, aroused sighs of both Bella and Serry. As his breath returned to normal, he looked them in the eye. Both were now kneeling in front of him, eye-to-cock level. Damn, he wished he wasn’t spent. He wanted to do it all again, just to see their growing awareness.

“Are you uncomfortable? Irritable? Excited? Wet with desire and wishing to fuck yourselves or each other?” he queried, and waited for their nods. “Well, my dears, you only have yourselves to blame. I and my body were ready to share with you. You chose not to avail yourselves of this. Your loss.” He looked at them from under his lashes.

They were not browbeaten. To be honest, he would have been disappointed if they had been.

“So you say, Ivo,” Serena retorted. She held Serena’s hand as they helped each other to their feet. “But we need to be sure, for we may agree that your cock responded magnificently to your ministration, but we need to know if it will be so disposed toward us. Tonight was not the time to discover this; therefore, after our drive in the park on the morrow, we would like to invite you to share…” She paused. “Lunch and the afternoon with us. Help us celebrate our new home, and, er, whatever.”

He smiled, wiped himself, and after tucking his cock neatly into his breeches, spoke. “Ladies, it will be our pleasure. I foresee our celebrations will be truly glorious. I will take great satisfaction in bringing an appropriate housewarming gift. Now, my lovers, do you wish me to enable you to sleep well, or are you ready to go home and sleep the sleep of the innocent?”

“Maybe not innocent, Ivo, but the best sleep we can achieve at present. To be serviced by you would, I feel, only increase our agitation.”

“Oh, my dear, only fear? I can give you my promise that when we fuck, it will be neither casual nor innocent, and your agitation will be
increased before you are sated.”
Well, that quieted them.

“So”—he spoke casually as if he had not moments before roared out in ecstasy in front of them—”perhaps I should arrange for you to be escorted to your homes? Tomorrow will be a very busy and fulfilling day for you both. In more ways than one. I feel each of you will need all your strength.”

They blushed, then giggled. As he regarded each in turn he watched the rosy hue coloring satin-soft skins. Idly he wondered how far their blushes went, and knew he was looking forward to finding out.

“Thank you. We are staying with my Aunt Prosser, three houses down from here.” Bella’s eyes twinkled. “So convenient that both our mamas were unable to chaperone us last night. Aunt Prosser stepped into the breach.” Her tone conveyed pleasure.

Ivo laughed. “Well, my dear, as you say, tonight was the last time you had to endure, should you so choose, what many others see as the highlight of their week.”

“Mm, that’s as may be, but many young ladies feel as we do. Oh, not the Sapphic bit,” she added in a hasty manner as Serena dipped her head, presumably in agreement. “Merely, the disinterest in balls and such. Those who do not catch the eye of an eligible are forced to sit, as a wilting wallflower, watching others, whose beauty, or attitude, or wealth fit what is deemed to be acceptable.”

He nodded, knowing that was an unfortunate truth.

“However, we refused to wilt. Wallflowers we may have been, but we blossomed and bloomed,” Serena added. “Presumably because we wanted no man to decide we were suitable for him. And no man did.” There was a wealth of satisfaction in her voice.

“Until now,” he reminded them gently. “Of which we will converse tomorrow, or should I say, later.” He checked the mantle clock. “Now, I will escort you and your maids to Lady Prosser’s establishment.”

“First, Ivo, we must ask something.” Bella was pale but resolute. He waited. “Your ménage. What exactly does it mean? Oh, not a literal translation, but what you expect from such a liaison, especially with Serry and myself. For you know we have—er, had—no interest in a man or what occurs during…” She looked at Serena helplessly.

“Whatever it is that occurs,” Serena finished. “Until now. And now, only due to your attentiveness toward us. Also, if I may be so bold as to speak freely, in addition to what your, um, cock seems to be able to achieve.”

“Your second assertion is the correct one.” He saw by the look on both faces they did not understand his remark. “You had no interest, now you have. I have instilled that interest in you. Later I will instill more than mere interest in both of you—my cock. I will introduce you to all manner of delights that we three will enjoy together. Between us we have six hands, three mouths, four delightful breasts and nipples, one chest and nipples, two cunts, one cock, and three arses. So much for us to explore.”

“Together? Always?” He could see the sensual awareness in both sets of eyes—one blue, one brown.

“Not always. You two will need time to love together. There will be times when I choose to be with one of you alone. Sometimes, perchance we may be two and our third an interested voyeur. Our ménage will be one to the advantage of each of us. I guarantee should you decide for this, we all gain. However we are together, be it as two or three, however we conduct our love, if we three are in the same establishment, we always finish up in the same bed. Together. Never will one of us feel neglected, shunned, or foresworn.” He waited. They both nodded.

we agree to this.” Arabella spoke firmly.

“But of course.” He raised his eyebrows in surprise at the suggestion that he could think aught else. “Although you will, ere you would not have visited.”

“What if we hate it, Ivo?” Serena wondered. “Or one of us does and the other does not. What then?” The look on her face showed worry. Ah, he wanted neither of his lovers to feel so disposed. He rushed to reassure them both. “If you truly, after we have given our arrangement full reign and trial, dislike it, we finish it with no consequences. Likewise if one is happy and not the other, we end it. A ménage à trois or nothing. One final thing for you to ponder until we meet later: I will be faithful unto both of you. Faithful, open, and honest. I will not take one without the other knowing. I accept you will be together more than we will contrive as three and would not expect you to abstain. I bow to you as two loving Sapphics. I only ask perhaps you grant me details of activities when I am absent? I will fuck no other apart from you two for as long as this arrangement may continue. Also I will not go away without informing you. Now think on what we have discussed.”

He held out his hands, one to each. As they took hold, he nodded so they held each other’s hand also. Linking pinkies, they formed a circle. He then brought their hands to his mouth and kissed them, a vow in his movement.

“You two also,” he commanded, watching as slowly they returned the salute.




“I wonder what we may be walking into,” Bella pondered aloud as they sat together under the coverlet of her canopied bed drinking hot chocolate and holding hands, even though Serena’s bedchamber was next door. After dismissing their maidservants, whom they knew were lucky enough to share a room openly, they adjourned to the same bed whenever possible. To talk, giggle, and love.

In Lady Prosser’s house, they were allocated adjoining chambers in a corridor otherwise uninhabited. Therefore, they knew as long as they were apart when shutters were opened and their hot water for bathing brought in, they could spend precious hours together. For a myriad of activities. Tonight, to ask questions and try to arrive at satisfactory answers.

“Sex. In a myriad of unknown ways should we choose to do,” Serena now responded. “And do we choose?”

Bella laughed. “After all we have feasted our eyes on this evening? I believe so, to see what we are capable of together and as three. But seriously, Serry, how will we handle the situation knowing one of us is receiving Ivo’s ministrations, and the other is not? I know our love for each other is strong, but this is a situation neither one of us have previously had cause to consider.” She shrugged helplessly.

Serena looked thoughtful. Bella knew, out of the two of them, she was more forward, more impulsive; Serena was calmer, more studied in her thinking.

“I feel we will have to, Bella. Ivo is not a man to give up easily. He knows we are interested. We owe it to ourselves to see what, if anything, he will bring to our relationship. However, tonight, there is no Ivo, just you and me. So therefore?” She surveyed Bella questioningly.

“So now,” Bella finished. “We…er…?”


“Exactly.” Bella giggled. “I found it most amusing when Ivo thought nothing of how we make each other feel.” She was excited and apprehensive regarding the rest of the day, and knew Serena felt the same. At that moment, though, nothing worried her except being held by Serena, mouths fusing, tongues meeting, feeling their hands on each other’s bodies, using fingers to explore, entering and dancing.

Serena lifted her head. “Undress for me, Bel. Take your night rail off, show yourself to me. Let me feast my eyes one more time before we are able to do so together, in our own home.”

Arabella nodded, pulling the thin shift over her head. Her breasts stood proud, their dark, dusky tips alert, begging for attention. Serena licked and tweaked each in turn. “Oh, so good, my love.”

“Return the favor, Serry. Disrobe, touch yourself. Let me see.”

Within moments, they lay naked together. Arabella watched as Serena ran her fingers around her nipples, their aureoles a deep pink, which darkened and puckered as her lover touched them. She sighed, and then as Serena nipped gently on the tips of each in turn, felt that strange but enervating sensation, as though a string attached each nub to her womb and filled her with excitement.

“I fear I must return the favor.” So saying, she pulled Serena tightly to her and felt their mounds touch. She deliberately pinched Serena’s nipples, their soft, rosy pink such a contrast to her own, which Serena was still touching with such exquisite pleasure-pain.

Slowly, Bella moved her hand between them until she found where she was seeking. With a groan of anticipation for their forthcoming pleasure, she slipped a finger inside her lover’s pussy and used another to rub her sensitive clit. She felt the wetness there and added another digit inside, followed by a third. Purring with contentment, she felt Serena wriggle in enjoyment.

“Gad, Bella, I love when I feel your fingers
in me. They feel as if they are reaching my soul.”

Bella kissed her nipples again, lavished them with attention, all the while moving her fingers inside Serena. She could feel Serena expanding and contracting her muscles around her fingers as they danced together inside her welcoming warmth.

Bella could feel her own excitement, feel how wet she was, how she wanted more. More of everything. She lifted her lips and heard Serena’s moan of disappointment as one of her arousal points was lost to her.

“Tongue me, Serry, please suck me until my feelings explode. I need to feel your lips on my cunt.”

Serena smiled, wicked, inviting, and full of sexual promises. She moved slowly down the bed. With a glance at Bella, she turned around so her mouth was in line with Bella’s clit, put out her tongue, and licked. Then she sucked with just enough force that Bella felt her clit swell, and her juices increase.

From the first, as they had discovered how they could make each other feel, they knew no embarrassment with each other, their explorations of each other’s bodies expanding tenfold. Ivo was much deluded in his assumptions that they were innocent in their lovemaking. In all probability, they would, if they chose, be able to give him a few surprises.

Bella reciprocated, hands busy roaming over Serena’s butt, little finger teasing the entrance to her anus. She knew that drove Serena wild. This time was no exception.

“Sigh for me, Serry,” she mumbled, mouth full of Serena’s clit, her tongue darting in and out of her slit. “Show me how excited you are. Let me show you what you do to me.”

There was silence except for their heavy breaths as they enticed each other to ever-escalating arousal. Bella could feel she was about to “go there,” as they euphemistically called climaxing. She could tell by the way she moved that Serena was on the same knife’s edge. Time to let go, then. She deliberately relaxed into Serena’s touch, then stiffened and felt that overwhelming current grow and grow, beginning to shudder.

She tore her mouth away from Serena, just long enough to scream softly, “Serry, oh, sweet lord, Serry. I am coming apart,” before renewing her tonguing and sensual nipping of Serena’s clitoris. She felt Serena stiffen and moan, reaching that same glorious high.

They lay entwined, head to toe, holding each other until their shivers and sighs abated, neither wanting the moment to end. Knowing it must, slowly and reluctantly, Serena began to move away and off the bed.

“I suppose,” she said languorously as she pulled her night rail over her head and smoothed it down, hands lingering on each breast, her hips, and her thighs as she did so, “that for one final night, I must return to my own lonely bedchamber.” The twinkle in her eyes, reciprocated by the same in the eyes of Arabella, showed how pleased they both were with the finality of that statement.

Bella laughed as she retrieved her own nightwear.

“And I must stay in here, but I have the benefit of lying where we lay, your own special scent to warm me, to relive how we are able to come apart so well. Wait!” A thought struck her. “Oh, Serry, I have such an idea, I do declare it is quite brilliant.” She paused.

“Well?” Serena looked at her impatiently. “Are you going to tell me? I am nigh on ready to scream, with impatience this time. And my feet are cold. I fear I have mislaid my stockings again.” She tried unsuccessfully to tuck her toes into the hem of her thin nightgown and shivered, for the room itself was no longer warm, and the warmth generated by their activities had diminished.

Bella threw one white stocking toward her.

BOOK: Wallflowers Don't Wilt
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