Authors: Mary A. Williamson Mt(ascp) Phd,L. Michael Snyder Md
Attachment of antibodies to platelets is difficult to measure because platelets have normally cell-bound immunoglobulins attached to them. In addition, platelets do not lend themselves to agglutination methodology, as used for RBC antibody detection (see p. 884, DAT). The use of different proposed methodologies remains difficult to standardize, and practicality is limited. Solid-phase methodologies, such as those using ELISA immunoassays, are used by some laboratories to detect IgG antibodies against HLA, ABO, and HPA antigens.
Platelets are small discoid blood corpuscles, the primary link in achieving hemostasis. They are counted by automated counters (rarely manually) that also report mean platelet volume. Their morphology is studied on peripheral blood smear. Automated counters flag abnormal platelet count or appearance.
Normal range:
140–440 (× 10
cells/L). Platelets can be estimated on peripheral blood smear (number of platelets/100× oil immersion field × 10,000); for accuracy, platelets in at least 10 different fields should be counted.
Causes of Increases
Clonal bone marrow disorders such as myeloproliferative neoplasms
Reactive: after acute hemorrhage, in malignancies (about 50% of patients with “unexpected” thrombocytosis are found to have a malignancy), after splenectomy, severe trauma, infections, chronic inflammatory disorders, drug reactions, and many miscellaneous conditions
Causes of Decreases
Immune destruction such as in ITP, reaction to certain drugs, neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia, aplastic anemia, leukemias, lymphoproliferative diseases, hypersplenism, DIC, or TTP/HUS and with extracorporeal circulation
Following chemotherapy, posttransfusion thrombocytopenia
Numerous congenital conditions, which may be associated with low platelet counts
Interference and limitations of testing are more numerous with platelets than with RBC and WBC. Preanalytic errors occur if the blood was not admixed well with anticoagulant upon drawing; as soon as the clotting is activated, the platelets are consumed.