Read WalkingSin Online

Authors: Lynn LaFleur

WalkingSin (11 page)

BOOK: WalkingSin
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Dax chuckled. “I’d stare too if you weren’t
hiding.” He gently took the pillow from her arms and tossed it on top of the
others. His gaze swept down her body. “That’s better.”

Warmth climbed up her chest and into her
cheeks, partly from embarrassment and partly from the desire in his eyes. He
palmed her breasts as he kissed her again, his thumbs and forefingers rolling
her nipples. A gentle throb in her clit answered each tug of his fingers.

The mattress dipped with Dax’s weight. He
pulled her up to her knees so their bodies touched. Her breasts flattened
against his chest, his hardening cock pressed into her belly. Kelcey wrapped
her arms around his neck, her fingers burrowing into his hair. She couldn’t get
enough of touching the long tresses. She now understood why men liked long hair
on women. The sensual feel of it sliding between her fingers made goose bumps
pop up on her skin.

Kelcey went willingly when Dax drew her
down to the bed. He kissed her again and again while his hands swept over her
back and butt. She squirmed on top of him, searching for more stimulation to
her clit.

He dropped kisses across her cheek, her
jaw, beneath her ear. “What do you need?”

She didn’t know how to tell him. It seemed
so forward of her to tell him to touch her clit again. “I…don’t know.”

“I think I do. Let me taste you.”

Kelcey lifted her head and focused on his
mouth. Her pussy clenched at the sight of his tongue running over his lower
lip. “You mean…”

Dax nodded. “That’s exactly what I mean.
Climb up over my face.”

With his help, Kelcey did as he said.
Gripping the headboard, she straddled his mouth and slowly lowered her hips
until Dax’s tongue swiped across her feminine lips.

“That’s the way.” He licked her again, all
the way up her slit. “Oh yeah. Perfect.”

Kelcey gripped the headboard tighter and
closed her eyes. Dax continued the teasing torment on her labia. He licked her
gently, slowly, as if he wanted to raise her desire bit by bit. Either that or
drive her crazy.

Rocking her hips back and forth, she moved
her pussy over his tongue so it stroked her where she needed it the most. She
stopped when he flicked her clit with the tip of his tongue. Oh yeah, most
definitely perfect.

She almost cried in disappointment when he
lifted her away from his mouth.

“I want more room. Let’s change positions,

No longer anxious about what he would do,
Kelcey followed his guidance to lie on her back. Standing by the side of the
bed, Dax grasped her behind her knees and pulled her butt right to the edge. He
dropped to his knees, pushed her thighs far apart. He looked into her eyes as
he lowered his mouth to her pussy.

And feasted.

Kelcey did cry out this time, but not from
disappointment. Dax’s tongue flashed over every bit of her intimate flesh. It
surprised her to feel him lick her anus. She tensed for a few seconds, unsure
how to feel about that, until he licked her there again and she realized she
liked it. She relaxed, let her legs fall a little farther apart.

Dax growled.

He pushed his tongue inside her channel,
licked up one side of her folds and down the other. Kelcey clutched handfuls of
Dax’s hair, then realized she’d probably pulled it and quickly released it.

He kissed the inside of each of her thighs.
“It’s okay. Pull my hair. Dig your fingernails into my shoulders. Scream. Do
whatever you need to do to come again.”

She’d never imagined she’d ever be in this
position with a man, and especially not a man who cared so much about her
pleasure. His lips looked wet and shiny from her juices. She reached down to
touch them. They felt like silk.

Dax captured two fingers in his mouth and
sucked on them. It amazed her to feel her womb clench with each pull of his

Grabbing a pillow, she tucked it beneath
her head so she could see Dax better. He held her gaze while he rubbed her clit
with his thumb, drove his tongue into her pussy over and over. Kelcey twisted
the bedspread in her fists to keep from pulling Dax’s hair again. Another
orgasm loomed, yet she needed more to get over that last hurdle and tumble into

She got it when Dax pushed a finger inside
her as he suckled her clit. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she trembled
from the powerful sensation galloping through her body. Dax rubbed a spot in
her passage that made her gasp from pleasure.

“Like this?” he asked, rubbing that spot

“Oh yes.”

Leaving that finger inside her, Dax stood and
leaned over her, propping himself up on his other hand. His hair fell forward
to tickle her breasts. “You haven’t been with a man since…the incident?”

“No,” she whispered.

“You’re tight. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Won’t I…adjust to you?”

“Yeah, but it might be uncomfortable for
you at first.”

“I don’t care.” She ran her hand up his arm
to cradle his cheek. “Please. I want to feel all of you.”

He dropped a kiss on each nipple, her
tummy, her mound. Retrieving another condom from the drawer, he quickly sheathed
his hard cock. He grasped the base of his shaft, slid the head up and down her
folds several times before he positioned it at the entrance to her channel. He
pushed—slowly, so slowly—until the head of his cock slipped inside.

The stretching gave her a little
discomfort, but the pleasure far outweighed any pain. Dax withdrew, pushed back
in again. He repeated the action, going a little deeper each time, until he
filled her completely.

He leaned over her again, resting both
hands on the bed next to her shoulders. “Is this okay?”

Kelcey nodded. She wrapped her hands around
his upper arms. “You feel good inside me.”

He pulled back, pushed forward. She closed
her eyes to better savor the feeling of his cock sliding through her creamy
flesh. Dax kept up the slow pace, as if he wanted to be sure she enjoyed
everything happening to her body before he moved any faster.

She couldn’t help but enjoy something that
seemed so right.

Opening her eyes again, she looked into
his, squeezed his arms. “More.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.”

His movements quickened. Kelcey kept
staring into his eyes, the connection between them growing stronger with each
sharp thrust into her body. She didn’t feel the strong buildup of pleasure, the
prelude to an orgasm this time. It didn’t matter to her. She only cared about
Dax’s satisfaction.

The pulsing of his cock deep inside her
channel signaled his climax. Dax threw back his head. His body jerked. The
tendons stood out in his neck, the muscles tightened in his arms. He released a
sexy sound of part groan, part growl, before he hung his head, breathing


It had been a long, long time since such a
powerful orgasm had gripped him. Dax struggled to get enough oxygen into his
lungs. Sweat covered his entire body. His hair stuck to the back of his neck.
His legs felt so weak, if he didn’t lean against the bed for support, he
wouldn’t be able to stand.

Kelcey’s soft stroking on his arms made him
raise his head. She lay on his bed, looking sexy and lazy and very well
satisfied. He wanted nothing more than to hold her in his arms all night. Since
he rarely spent the entire night with a woman, the strong desire surprised him.

“Hey,” he said softly.

She gave him a sweet smile. “Hey.”

“You okay?”

“I’m a lot better than okay.”

He couldn’t resist grinning at her choice
of words. “I’ll second that.” Holding on to the base of the condom, he slowly
withdrew from her body. “Be right back.”

Dax thought about jumping in the shower,
but didn’t want to do that without telling Kelcey. He could invite her into the
shower with him. Soap sliding down her body would be sexy as hell.

Everything tonight had been new for Kelcey.
He didn’t want to overwhelm her with too much too soon. He quickly took care of
the condom and returned to the bedroom to find Kelcey curled up in a ball in
the middle of the bed.

He ran his hand over her hip. “Hey, you

“I’m a little cold.”

“Why didn’t you crawl under the covers?”

“I didn’t know if I should stay or go back
to my room.”

Dax leaned over and kissed her softly. “I’d
like you to stay.”

The worry that had been in her eyes changed
to happiness. “I’d like that too.”

He tugged back the covers so she could
slide between the sheets. After turning off the lamp, he lay next to her.
Wrapping one arm across her breasts, the other around her waist, he tugged her
back against his chest. He heard her sigh.

“This all right with you?”

She entwined her fingers with his at her
waist, placed her other hand on the arm across her chest. “It’s nice.”

Now would be a good time for them to talk,
yet Dax could barely keep his eyes open. The combination of really good sex and
feeling comfortable with Kelcey in his arms thoroughly relaxed him. Before
sleep could claim him, he pressed a gentle kiss to Kelcey’s shoulder. “Good

She squeezed his fingers. “Good night.”

* * * * *

In that world halfway between sleep and
consciousness, Dax thought he heard a car door slam. Then another. He frowned
when he heard voices outside his house. No one should be here. He’d barely
fallen asleep. It couldn’t be morning yet.

His eyes popped open and he jerked fully
awake when someone banged on the window by his bed. “Hey, sleepyhead,” Rye
said. “You gonna stay in bed all day?”


Throwing back the covers, Dax jumped up
from bed and grabbed his sweatpants from the floor. A quick glance at the
digital clock on his nightstand showed twelve minutes past eight. He hadn’t
slept later than six-thirty in years.

“Dax?” Kelcey said, her voice husky from

“Rye’s here. Probably Griff, Alaina and
Emma too.” Hurrying to his closet, he shoved his feet into a pair of running
shoes. He scooped up his T-shirt and tugged it over his head as he headed for
the door. “I’ll stall them outside while you get dressed.”

Walker was already at the back door,
waiting to be let out. Dax stopped long enough to snag a jacket from a hook
before he opened the door. Walker bounded out, almost knocking Rye down in his

“Hey, fella.” Rye knelt to give the dog a
hard rub on his neck. “How come your master is still in bed after eight o’clock?”

“Is it a crime to sleep in every once in a

Rye looked up at him. “Nope. It’s just
unusual for you. Unless you were…busy last night.”

Dax refused to respond to Rye’s teasing. He
wouldn’t tell anyone that Kelcey spent the night in his bed. It had to be up to
her if she wanted anyone to know they’d made love.

He’d always thought of it as having sex,
yet with Kelcey he thought of being with her as making love. He didn’t
understand why everything with her seemed so different.

He looked over toward Kelcey’s car. Alaina
and Emma stood with Griff, examining the car. Dax winced. It was a total loss.
Kelcey had been extremely lucky to walk away from that wreck without serious

Alaina walked toward him and Rye, Kelcey’s
purse clutched in her hand. “Where’s Kelcey?”

“Still asleep, I guess.”

Emma and Griff also came toward them, his
brother carrying a large white box Dax recognized as coming from the donut
shop. Emma’s gaze swept over Dax. “You look all…rumpled.”

“I’ll bet you look rumpled too when you first
get out of bed.”

“Nah.” She grinned wickedly. “I look sexy.”

“I’ll agree with that.” Griff wrapped an
arm around Emma’s neck and kissed her temple. “We brought apple fritters. You
got coffee?”

“I can have it in a few minutes.”

Dax led the way into his kitchen. He
stumbled a step when he saw Kelcey standing at the counter, measuring coffee
into the filter. She wore her own clothes, her hair brushed and shiny. Her eyes
glowed the way a person’s did who had been thoroughly loved.

The thoroughly loved part sounded really
good. He wondered if it would be rude to chase everyone off and carry her back
to his bed. “Mornin’.”

She smiled. “Good morning.” Her eyes and
smile widened when she saw the box in Griff’s hand. “Donuts?”

“Apple fritters.”

“Even better.”

Since taking Kelcey back to bed wouldn’t
happen, now would be a good chance for him to change into regular clothes
before the coffee finished brewing. He clapped each of his brothers on the
shoulder. “Guys, play host while I get dressed.” After one more glance at
Kelcey, he headed toward his bedroom.


Kelcey pushed the start button on the
coffeemaker to keep from staring at Dax’s butt as he walked away. She’d hoped
for another lovemaking session this morning. The arrival of his brothers and
her friends destroyed that idea.

BOOK: WalkingSin
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