Walking Through Walls (27 page)

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Authors: Philip Smith

BOOK: Walking Through Walls
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Now that I stood in his study, I still wasn't sure why my father had called me in to see him. All his charts spread out on his desk had just been used in the healing, along with his pendulum and the ruler he used to diagnose and calculate dosages of remedies. My father looked up at me and asked, “So what did you think of that lady on the phone?”

I was a little embarrassed that he knew I had been listening to the phone call. I knew he wanted me to say how incredible it was that in a matter of a few minutes, he'd dissolved a clot in the brain of some woman he had never met and who was in a hospital in California.

“Um, I thought it was okay. I guess it was good that you helped that woman. So do you think she'll be okay?”

“Spirit tells me that she will be released from the hospital tomorrow morning. The clot on the brain will begin to shrink. After a couple of days, the doctors won't find anything wrong. She'll live for at least another year.”

“How do you know that? If you healed her, why can't she live longer?”

“I always have to work within the laws of karma. This is her allotted time. For example, if someone is near death but has more work to complete here on earth, then I can generally pull her back from the point of no return. However, if there is a karmic debt to be paid or her work here is finished, then there is nothing I can do. I always have to check before I heal to see if there is a karmic debt involved. In certain cases, I have been able to bring back people who have died. I was able to pull the soul back into body before it had cut the silver astral cord. The important thing is that she and her daughter can now repair their relationship. Once that relationship is finally healed, she has completed her task on the material plane and can then leave her body for the next dimension. I'm sure Mrs. Moore will call me as soon as she gets her mother home. Would you like to be able to do this?”

“Do what?” I knew exactly what he was asking but decided to be a difficult, uninterested teenager.

“Heal people.”

“Not really.” I was more concerned with getting to the beach than removing a blood clot in someone's brain. Pop motioned me to sit down, but I pretended not to notice and continued to stand, hoping to run out of there as soon as possible.

“Philip, to heal someone, to give them the opportunity to walk again or to take away their cancer, is the most important thing you can do with your life. It is very rewarding, a gift from God. There is no more satisfying way to live than to serve others. Arthur has told me that you're a gifted healer. If you choose not to follow my methods, then you will heal in other ways.” This was not exactly what I wanted to hear. It was one thing to struggle with learning to live with a supernatural father; it was quite another to know that I had inherited his psychic DNA. As soon as my father delivered this message from Arthur, I knew that no matter how hard I tried, I would never become a normal guy, at least not in this lifetime.

“Oh, by the way, Mark's father had a small accident, and his car was towed. I don't think you're going to the beach today.”

“Thanks for telling me,” I said with just a bit of unintentional sarcasm in my voice.

“I just thought I'd let you know. I felt it when Mark was trying to get through while I was on the phone. I'm sure he'll call you later.” My father had his own form of psychic call-waiting.

“Yeah. I was really looking forward to going to the beach. Oh, well.”

“Maybe we could spend a few minutes working with the pendulum. If you knew how to use it, then you could know ahead of time whether or not you are going to go surfing. Once you master it, you can know anything about anyone, anywhere. The pendulum is the central tool in helping you to fully heal people. It can help you determine what modality to use to heal someone and how effective your healing efforts are.”

“Ummm, maybe some other time.”

Not taking no for an answer, my father picked up his pendulum and said, “Here, let me show you something.” As he held it between his thumb and index finger, it suddenly started to swing in a large clockwise circle. “See that?”


“That's giving me a yes answer.”

“Yeah. So? Yes to what?”

“I asked the pendulum if you were having sex with your girlfriend last night, and it said yes.”

“Ooops,” I thought to myself, “he got me.” I wasn't intrigued so much as annoyed that Pop knew embarrassing details about my personal life. He always made me feel transparent. Mental privacy was a luxury I did not know.

“I only asked that question to get your attention. Spying on people is not the purpose of this tool. You can also use the pendulum to retrieve any information you need from the past or the future. Everything is available to you. In the most simplest of terms, our lives and our universe are composed primarily of energy as well as thought, which is a form of energy. Ultimately, everything comes down to this simple concept.

“Using the pendulum will help you learn to train your mind so that you can direct your thought energy anywhere and anyhow you please. Your mind has unlimited power that transcends time and space. Eventually I can teach you to create thought-forms that can cover the planet—or just protect your house from red ants like I did the other day.”

Because our property was thick with lychee, banana, and mango trees, there were always ants everywhere—including my bed and underwear drawer. They came in through the windows and cracks in the walls. Every time you opened a kitchen cabinet, ants were crawling all over the dishes and plates. I would sometimes just lie in bed and watch long traffic lines of ants snaking their way up the wall and out through some microscopic opening. Our whole house seemed to be animated with moving waves of ants. There was no need to buy an ant farm for my amusement and education; I lived in one.

“Have you seen any ants lately?” my father asked.

“You're right, there weren't any ants on my toothbrush this morning. Where'd they go?”

“I got rid of them through thought. I built a thought-form around the house that was like a natural insecticide. I imagined a wall of daisies surrounding the house.”

“Daisies?” I knew we were heading into nerve-gas territory all over again. Pop would come up with some wacky idea, and eventually science would prove him right.

“Did you ever hear of a powerful insecticide called pyrethrin?”


“Well, it's made from certain families of chrysanthemums and daisies. By properly visualizing these flowers, I changed the vibration of the house, and as a result, the ants don't want to come in there anymore. It's as if there is an invisible force field around the house that repels them. The ants are now back in the yard where they belong. In the old days, before I developed the thought-forms, I used to have to talk to the ants. I'd tell them that if they didn't get out of the house in twenty-four hours, I was going to spray. They always got out, but in a month or two, they were back. Now, with my new methods, they're gone for good, and I don't have to spend my time negotiating with the ants.

“But there is only one requirement for using any psychic tools or methods. Your efforts and intention must be for the highest good. If you use these tools for personal gain, for revenge, or for harm, it will come back to you negatively tenfold. You can't get away with anything in the spirit world. There are no shortcuts, no get-rich schemes. Once you become a partner with them, they are always watching. They will take care of you, but you have to uphold your end of the bargain. Remember, always ask, ‘Is this for the highest good?' This is a question you should ask about anything you undertake. If you do, you'll never go wrong.”

The spirit world sounded a bit like the Mafia to me.

“Because I know that you really don't want to be sitting here, I'll make this quick. I'm just going to give you a small lesson on the pendulum, and you can practice whenever you want. Once you get this under your belt, we'll go on to bigger and better things. There is so much for you to learn that will help you for the rest of your life. First of all, the pendulum has no power of its own. It's not magical or magnetic. The pendulum is only a tool to help you communicate with your high-self, which has all the information you are seeking. When necessary, the high-self will go out into the universe and other dimensions to get the answer. Also, by using the pendulum, you will be able to tap into the akashic records, where everything is recorded.”

According to my father, the akashic records functioned as a type of ethereal Library of Congress where every thought or action by any living soul in the history of the world has been recorded and stored. I wasn't sure if this endless invisible database also included reruns of
I Love Lucy
Perry Mason,
but it probably did. My father had a way of accessing the akashic records to gather information about his patients in order to produce a more accurate diagnosis.

“The important thing is
you ask the question. Just like in life. You have to know exactly what you are asking for. For now, keep it simple with just yes or no questions. Go ahead, ask a question, and the pendulum will respond.

“Before I start any work, I say a quick prayer to raise my vibrations so I'll be able to tune in to the proper frequency. I simply say, ‘I raise my vibrations to the divine and healing level.' Now say it.”

I felt pretty stupid saying this prayer out loud, so I sort of mumbled, “Okay, I raise my vibrations to the divine and healing level.” My attitude was, “there, I said your stupid prayer, what else do you want me to do?”

“Philip, you need to feel this as you say it. It has to be real for you. Your superconscious and subconscious minds will hear and understand these instructions and respond accordingly. If you say this properly, you will feel your vibrations rise to a higher frequency. As soon as you say this prayer, your mind will clear, your eyes will brighten, and you will feel a calm alertness. Now say it again. But this time mean it and feel it.”

“I raise my vibrations to the divine and healing level.”
I said it with a clear, strong voice, probably a bit louder than I should have, but I wanted to make sure the spirits heard me.

“That was good. I can tell you already feel better.” I didn't want to admit it, but I felt as if I had suddenly woken up. “The pendulum will indicate a yes response by either moving in a clockwise circle or by making a vertical movement. A no response is counterclockwise or a horizontal movement. Now watch.”

My father held his hand perfectly still. His wrist was resting on the edge of his desk. All of a sudden, the pendulum began to move in a smooth clockwise circle. “There. That's your yes answer.” He must have then given some mental command because the pendulum suddenly stopped and just hung straight down. A moment later the pendulum began to swing in a counterclockwise direction. “You see? That's a negative answer.”

“But what are you doing to make it move?”

“Nothing. I'm simply asking a question, and it responds. Try it.”

I picked up the pendulum and held it exactly as my father did. It didn't move. I waited. Nothing. Finally I shook my wrist from side to side, which made the pendulum jump all over the place. I looked up at my father. “I can't do this.”

He laughed warmly. “You're still thinking about whether Mark is going to call, and if not, then you want to go back in your room and listen to records. Try this, in order to blank out your thoughts: close your eyes for a second and imagine a piece of black velvet covering your mind. It will quiet everything down. Go ahead.”

I shut my eyes and visualized a piece of black velvet draped over my head. My head suddenly seemed heavy and nodded. I felt as if I was about to go to sleep.

“Okay. Open your eyes. There. Your mind is still. Don't
to make this work. It won't. Just ask a simple yes or no question.”

“All right. Am I going to the movies tonight with Maya?” I looked up at my father for reassurance that it was okay to use such a sacred tool to ask such a mundane question. He looked at me and nodded. I held my hand perfectly still. Too still. I was squeezing my wrist and my fingers tightly. There was no movement from the pendulum.

“Just relax. It will come.”

I took a deep breath and released the tension in my hand. The pendulum made a small counterclockwise circle the size of a dime. My father's circles were much bigger, maybe the size of a small lime. I looked up at him. “This says no, right? Well, it can't be. We made a date for tonight. I was going to pick her up at seven, and we're going to see something at the Miracle Theatre.”

“Well, I guess you're not going. That's what the pendulum is telling you.”

“No, the pendulum is wrong. Or maybe I don't know how to work it.”

“The pendulum is never right or wrong. The pendulum doesn't know. It just picks up and relays information. I don't think you're going to the movies tonight. Let me check.” Holding the pendulum, my father asked out loud, “Is Philip going to the movies tonight, Saturday, with Maya?” Immediately the pendulum swung in a larger counterclockwise direction. “The answer is still no. Do you want me to find out what happened? Maybe she's sick or her mother needed her.”

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