Wake the Dead 2 (Wake The Dead Series) (5 page)

BOOK: Wake the Dead 2 (Wake The Dead Series)
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“How was that?”

“It was nice,” she said, stretching and flinching as the rain hit her face. “And sad. She told me about Tom and how he got sick. She still sleeps in his bed where he died because it still has his scent,” she said, staring up at him as he stood over her. He lowered himself onto her and kissed her deeply.

“Isn’t that a little…morbid?”

“I dunno. I mean it’s not covered in blood or anything,” she said with a shrug.”

“You’re a good woman,” he mentioned in a complimentary way.

“I'm a
woman!” she corrected, smacking him in the head. Right after that, her eyes widened in shock and she winced, knowing from Alex’s grimace of pain that it wasn’t the smartest way to tease him about his poor choice of words.

”Are you
to hurt me, woman?” he said in his best sarcastically flippant tone.

“I'm so sorry, Alex!” she said, hugging him tightly. The rain began to come down more steadily, but the two ignored it, kissing and generally basking in the downpour as they fell to the moist grass. It wasn’t before another few moments had passed when Alex noticed Shadow standing before them, his pitch-black fur soaked through and through from the deluge.

“Sorry, buddy! Let’s get you inside,” he said, rolling off Selina and yanking her off the ground. They ran toward the entrance of the chapel and threw open the door as Shadow trotted inside. He quickly found a spot next to their clutter of crumpled blankets, before lying down. Alex found a can of tuna in his pack, opened it for him and placed it on the ground before the wolf.

As he ate the contents, Alex turned back to Selina and pulled her down on top of him.

“Think we’ll survive this?” Selina said, breaking Alex’s amorous mood.

“I plan on doing just that. Yes,” he said, staring into her eyes and running a hand through her dark, wet locks. “Such fine hair.”

“Just like my pop’s,” she said, rolling away from him and staring at the ceiling.

“Wanna talk about it?”

“Maybe later. Right now, I’m gonna ride you like I’m a cowgirl.”

She tossed away her shirt playfully; revealing her firmly shaped breasts and stomach. Her skin was warm, giving him a comforting feeling, the shade reminding him of cocoa as she dropped the rest of her clothing to the floor and sat on top of him. “That is, if my poor baby can take it, with his boo-boo head!”

She ran a hand through Alex’s shaggy mane of hair and looked at him sympathetically. “Well, can you?”

“Oh, I can take it!” he said, grabbing her by the back of the head and pulling her in for a quick series of deep kissed before releasing her. “Question is: can
take it?”

She grabbed his stiffening erection and worked it full quickly, holding his stare intently as she did. Only when she was satisfied with her efforts did she speak again.

“I guess we’ll just have to see, wont we?” She leaned back on her palms and began to work him carefully and slowly, teasingly gliding back so that he almost came out and then driving him back inside her.

The two of them began their playful session, becoming intertwined like one mass of steamy flesh for a long, long while.


Alex was awakened by the sound of knocking on the door. He rubbed his head and saw that Selina lay next to him, still sleeping after their intense lovemaking session last evening. He looked to the window and noted that light shone through, so it had to be the next morning already. Even Shadow, still lying in the corner, had not stirred from his slumber as of yet. Several candles remained around them where they slept, but they were no longer lit as Selina must have extinguished them last night before she went to sleep.

She is always thinking practically, that one.

Alex strode over to the door, wrapping a sheet around him, flung it open and squinted against the intrusion of light. In the threshold of the doorway stood Nick, Shadow suddenly barreling past the both of them to get outside.

“Come in?” he said, backing away to allow Nick entry.

“No thanks. Get yourself together. We got problems,” Nick said.

Alex moved forward, the blanket that covered him flapping in the breeze, and headed outside. He stared at the gate and saw a combination of both charred and un-charred flesh reaching through the steel bars to get at them. Shadow, poised and snarling at the gate, began snapping his jaws at the fleshy limbs.

“What the fuck?! How bad?” Alex asked, completely stunned that more zombies now waited for them outside the castle walls.

“Worse than before,” Nick said, sighing deeply and folding his arms over his head. “I got up on the wall and there are zombies choked throughout the parking lot and inside the grounds like I’ve never seen before. We’ll never be able to get your van out of there, let alone a single car out of that lot.”

“Shit! What happened then?”

“Well, the fire did its job. It killed the ones that were here,” Nick said, pausing to allow Alex to connect the dots on his own.

“But in killing them—it drew in more of ‘em. Son of a bitch.”

Nick nodded his agreement of Alex’s summary. “Yes, indeed.”

“How the hell did we not think that far ahead?!”

“Dunno. I can’t believe I didn’t see that coming.”

“So now what?”

“We gotta formulate a plan B. Over breakfast,” he said, taking in a deep breath and then sighing deeply in what Alex perceived as a clear sign of frustration. It was something that he’d never really seen from this stoic and charismatic leader until now.

Selina suddenly appeared in the doorway, partially dressed with a towel around her bare chest, an inquisitive look on her face. “Did I just hear that right?!”

He nodded toward the gate and as Selina turned to regard the scene, Alex chuckled against the absurdity of it all. The wolf had torn off a scorched arm from one of the zombies and was shaking it violently. Alex wondered for a split second just how awful that limb might taste, but it seemed Shadow was going to eat it anyway.

“I guess he’s all set. Are you guys gonna join us?” Nick asked, tapping his foot in expectation of the pair getting dressed and coming with him. They did just that, Alex quickly throwing on a pair of jeans and a tee shirt while Selina finished dressing her upper half.

She headed out first, looking back to Alex who tied his boots. He cracked his neck and then followed the two of them who had already started to walk off without him. Alex ran after them and as he watched them cross the bridge, he slowed down as an idea sprang to mind.


Chapter 4


Everyone gathered at the table waited in anticipation for what was to come. He told Nick his idea in private and they waited for the others to gather before talking about it again.

It seemed as good an idea as any.

“So, since everyone is here now, why don’t we explain the situation,” Nick said. “The undead have gathered en masse upon the gates of our home as if Satan himself vomited every single piece of shit direct from hell into one area.”

“Melodramatic as usual,” Liz commented, drawing a sidelong look from her husband before he continued.

“The fire did its job, cleansing the grounds of the zombie horde, but in turn, it brought more of them to our doorstep,” Nick continued, tearing at a piece of bread, chewing it and swallowing it before continuing again.

“Out of the proverbial frying pan,” Phil said, scooping a mouthful of cereal into his mouth.

“Something like that, yes. But Alex here has come up with an intriguing idea. I’ll let him explain.” He gestured for Alex to take the floor and so he stood and began to explain his plan. All eyes were upon him as he spoke.

“So, remember that Ben said that they had almost finished the moat outside? I took a peek at what needs to be done and noted that there ain’t much of the earth holding the river from coming into that trench.” He remained silent for a minute after the initial explanation, allowing the others to think about that statement.

“So we finish the moat?” Alexis asked.

“Yes. We dig out the rest and let that water come into the trench, establishing a wide moat, and we find a boat—or make something if need be—and ride that out to the river. We can go from there to the riverbank upstream, find a clearing and dock it. From there, we walk to the road. There’s gotta be plenty of abandoned vehicles that we can use to make our runs,” Alex finished, staring from face to face.

“Digging out that trench is going to be dangerous,” Liz said, cracking her knuckles. “Isn’t it?”

“I’d say yes. But, if we do it carefully, we can do it.”

“That’ll take weeks,” Kelly said with a frown.

“It would if all we were doing was digging. But, I was thinking we dig it out a little more by hand, and then we design some rudimentary bombs out of …not sure what…and finish it that way. It would be faster, right?”

“That’s kinda dangerous, don’t you think?” Phil asked.

“I know how to do a firebomb. I might be able to cook up something else,” Alex said. “Well, in theory. Never actually made one, but…..”

“Let’s call that plan B,” Nick interjected, not liking the idea very much.

A few conversations began at the table as the gathered associates discussed the pros and cons. Alex and Nick allowed them to continue their private discussions for a few moments until finally, they quieted on their own.

“There are two sides that are not finished, so we need to dig out both, right? Bryan asked suddenly.

“I don’t think so. Based on what I'm seeing, if we do the side on the northwest, we shouldn’t need to do the other. That side is
thicker, but if we get the water surging through it, I believe that alone will be too much for the other side to withstand and it’ll collapse once the water hits it. That’ll complete the circle and the moat will be whole,” Alex explained thoroughly. “But, the great thing is, is it doesn’t matter. Once we have a way out to the river from one side
the other, it makes no difference,” he said matter-of-factly. Bryan nodded and grinned, giving him a ‘thumbs up’.

“I’d feel safer if, during the digging, I hooked everyone up to a secure post on the surface here,” Kelly said with a half-smile. “If we do that, I'm in.”

The rest of the group agreed unanimously.

“So, the plan is, we set up a post in the ground with some of the lumber lying around here, tie a few sections of rope to the post, and tie that around anyone that’s working in the trench,” Kelly said, explaining his idea. “All I need to do is get that post in the ground and secured, and then we can start digging.”

“Sounds good. I’ll help get that started before I start helping with the digging. And I assume we have a ladder here?” Alex asked, scooping a handful of dried cereal into his mouth. Kelly nodded and Selina stared at him and smiled, particularly happy that his plan was being utilized.

The group went immediately to work, gathering the supplies they would need to begin digging in the trench below. They set up the ladder to climb into and out of the trench, steadied against the castle side.

Alex followed Kelly to an agreed-upon spot above the trench on the outer walkway where they would begin their work of securing a post. Once they stabilized the post, they would tie rope to it as well as around the waist of those working in the trench in case something happened. Alex and Kelly discussed this at length as they worked, agreeing that it was a precautionary measure as they dug further into the ground that separated the trench from the river. As the earth weakened around that area, the trench might unexpectedly fill with water and anyone below would get caught in the current of onrushing water and possibly drown.

“Once we get the post in, I’ll start plans on a makeshift flotation device,” Kelly explained, jamming the tip of a shovel into the ground.

, you mean? ‘
Flotation device
!’” Alex echoed mockingly, laughing at Kelly’s attempt at using formal diction. “How many shovels we got?”

“A half dozen at least. We’ve stocked up on tools and supplies whenever we could. That was the first thing Nick had us get from the SuperMart.”

“Makes sense. Food and tools. And fuel, eh?”

“Yeah, we’ll need more fuel for sure now. Especially before winter hits,” Kelly explained with a grunt, continuing to dig away the earth.

“Once we get this done, I’ll start getting the supplies together for the bombs,” Alex mentioned, pulling on a pair of gloves.

“I’ll let you in on a little secret,” Kelly said with a wink. “Nick has some dynamite that he’s been saving up.”

“Well, if we can use them in this case, I’ll only have to make one bomb to set the dynamite off,” Alex said with a wry grin stamped upon his face. “Think he’ll be okay with that?”

“No idea. Best to ask him when we finish this up.”

The two men quickly had the hole dug, using a post-hole digger, and the post was buried in the ground within the hour. Alex excused himself and headed into the castle to find Nick. He ran past the Great Hall, the only room other than the bathroom that he had seen, and continued down the halls calling his name.

At the back end of the castle at the very end was another open area, which was where Alex found Nick. He was by himself, pacing back and forth with his arms behind his back in a contemplative way. He clearly had a lot on his mind.

“Penny for your thoughts?”

“Well, a penny has even less value than it did before the world went to hell. But, if you must know, I’m concerned about making it through another winter with these undead monstrosities roaming about.”

“You mean in the condition they’re in, right? Fast and scary as shit, like they were in the beginning?”

“Yes sir,” Nick admitted. “That does not improve humanity’s chances at surviving this thing.”

“I thought you were ‘Mr. Positive’?” he asked, using air quotes.

“I am. Don’t mistake my concern for negativity. It’s just worry. These…friends look to me to make the decisions and I gotta say…it’s getting’ old. Just between you and me, all right? I’ll do it as long as I am able,” he said frankly, which took Alex off guard. He never would have expected this from the man, but he was human after all.

“Well, I wanted to ask if I could make use of those dynamite sticks you have. It will save us weeks of digging and, more importantly, will keep everyone safe. I don’t think we want anyone in that trench when the levee breaks.”

“I disagree. Don’t you think using dynamite there would be more dangerous? We don’t know how it will work and more importantly,
it will do the trick.”

“It was just a thought and I figured it might save us some time digging. The explosion could go outward…,” Alex paused moment and considered that the dynamite would take the path of least resistance. ”Or it could do nothing at all.”

“Sounds like a definite maybe, eh? All I know is, is that these people are counting on me.”

“Heavy is the head that wears the crown, right?” Alex asked jokingly, placing a hand on Nick’s shoulder in a strange role-reversal. It felt quite odd to him. Nick must have sensed it and gave him a deadpan glance.

“So, you’re needin’ supplies to make a firebomb that’ll set the whole thing off, right? Whaddaya need? And keep in mind that I am only entertaining this as a last resort.”

“Gotcha. Well, let’s see what we have to work with?” Alex asked him. Lead the way.” Nick headed off through the halls of the castle into a room with one window high up on the far wall, but it through a ton of light into the room. It was a huge space with things stacked up in piles. One side of the room had canned goods and edibles, and the other side had chemicals, and paper products.

“You guys can live for a year on this, right?” Alex asked excitedly, his voice echoing in the expansive chamber.

“It might be enough, yeah. Some of it we found in various food kiosks in the fairgrounds, and more was stored to feed the guys working here. But, most of it we got on supply runs at the grocery store and the SuperMart, and various other places around on the highways out there. Ya know, stuff we’ve gathered along the way.”

“Yeah, Phil used to work at that grocery store he said, right?”

“Yep. Ollie’s…or Sallie’s or something like that,” Nick said, waving his hand, gesturing for Alex to take a look at the supplies.

It wasn’t long before Alex found a few items that might be useful to make a homemade explosive. And then, another thought dawned on him.

“Nick, if we dig a hole deep enough into whatever is left, we can set the sticks of dynamite in the hole and just drop a firebomb down there to light ‘em up,” Alex said, talking his way through the problem. “That might be less dangerous and even easier to make.”

“How deep a hole?”

“”Halfway, I’d say,” Alex said, rubbing the stubble on his chin and realizing that Selina might want him to shave again soon. He chuckled as that foreign thought entered his mind at that particular moment. Nick thankfully ignored it as he too was deep in thought.

“Molotov cocktail?” Alex nodded.

“We need gasoline, motor oil, a bottle and a rag. Pretty easy stuff. We do have some gasoline leftover, right?”

“Yep. A pair of two-gallon cans was left behind, just in case. Thankfully, the generator is full and we really haven’t been using it all that much.”

“Yeah, it’s been staying light out pretty late, eh?”

“Sure, and it hasn’t been cold,” Nick mentioned and then he stood right in front of Alex to make sure he had his attention before speaking again. “Just a thought…it’s a bit reckless to just drop a firebomb into a hole full of dynamite. Might wanna rethink the execution. Or not do it at all.”

“I’ve been thinking about that,” Alex said. “You’re probably right, though.”

“Okay then. I’ve got maybe a dozen sticks in my room in a safe. I wanted to keep them out of reach and dry in case we needed them,” Nick explained. “It’s good to be prepared, right?”

“Sure…hey, they must have had construction crews with vehicles here to do the digging and whatnot. “

“There were cranes and bulldozers and whatnot initially, but they are parked way on the opposite side of the parking lot. We found them a while back,, but none of ‘em start or turn over. Kelly worked on the crane engine for weeks, but couldn’t get it to go.”

“Great. I know how to work ‘em, and I know a little about the engines, so I can take a look—“

“If we ever get out there, sure,” Nick interrupted, clearly thinking the notion to be implausible at this point in time. “We’ve got more pressing concerns though, wouldn’t you agree?” Alex simply nodded and rummaged through the supplies, finding an empty six-pack of generic cola bottles.

“One down!”

“Well, let’s see what else we can find you,” Nick said as the pair began picking through the contents of the room.


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