Waiting for the Monsoon (30 page)

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Authors: Threes Anna

Tags: #Fiction, #Literary, #General

BOOK: Waiting for the Monsoon
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and a doctor comes toward to her. She can tell he is exhausted by the expression on his face. After a perfunctory introduction, he informs her that the chances that her father will live are slim. Charlotte is about to faint, but she refuses to listen to her body. She wants to see him. Although it takes all her powers of persuasion, the man agrees to let her have just one minute with her father. He mutters that the last thing he needs now is foreign bacteria.

All she can see of him is his undamaged face. The rest of his body is concealed within a white tunnel. He seems to be asleep.

“He doesn't look that bad,” she says in surprise.

“Well, not his face. But the rest! Nothing's in its normal place,” the doctor says. “As if he's been through a meat grinder.”

Speechless, Charlotte looks at the man. Only then does the doctor realize that the woman next to him is a relative.

“In a manner of speaking,” he hastens to add, in an attempt to play down his words. Gently, he ushers her out of the room.

“Thank you, doctor,” she whispers. Then she walks back down the long corridor, out of the hospital, and into the warm tropical night.

1995 Rampur ~~~


Charlotte was standing in the music room. “I'd like you to move the table from the
's workplace into this room.” She pointed to the middle of the room, directly under the revolving fan.

“But the
is working, ma'am.”

“This is going to be the
's workroom.”


“Yes, here.”

Hema looked at his employer despairingly.

“But, ma'am, he is a


“An ordinary

“I remember quite clearly that when my husband was still alive we often visited Maharaja Man Singh. The property of the maharaja was gigantic. There were stables with Arabian horses, English and Italian gardens, fountains, four large gates, and a driveway ten kilometres long, which he once had covered with oriental carpets. The maharaja had the largest continuous hunting grounds in India, and all over his palace there were tigers and elephants on the wall. He also had a ballroom and a large library, and he was very well read. And in the middle of his palace the maharaja had a special room where the

“In the palace?” Hema looked at her in disbelief.

“Yes, in the palace.”

Hema wanted to protest. His prediction that the
would ultimately seize power had come true. Memsahib, who after the disaster with the tenants had never again allowed strangers into the house, was now determined to give the
the music room, so that the awful man could pull a cord, and a bell in the kitchen would ring: MUSIC ROOM. No matter what happened, he resolved that he would not respond to any summons that came from the music room.

“The floor needs cleaning, and the walls have to be washed down. I'll take care of Father today.”

There isn't enough time to mop the floor
, thought Hema to himself.
Who would do the shopping and the laundry? And who's going to cook, make tea, and all the rest?
He had always accepted his lot in life and performed his duties to the satisfaction of everyone, himself included. He was shocked by his own defiant reaction and immediately feared that he had contracted the same malady as the general. He placed a finger on the tip of his nose. He had seen how the doctor asked the general to perform that manoeuvre, and that he was never able to do so. His finger went straight to his nose, landing on the very tip. He heaved a sigh of relief.

“Is there something wrong?”

“No, memsahib. I'll do the floor tomorrow.”

“I'd rather you did it today.”

And again a wave of anger boiled up inside him. He was struggling to contain himself when suddenly the electricity went off again. This was immediately followed by a loud thud above their heads. He turned and raced up the stairs.

She didn't understand it herself. She had been standing in the middle of the music room when she noticed that there was a loose wire hanging from the lamp. It occurred to her that it might have something to do with the fact that the electricity regularly conked out. Hema had knocked and walked into the room, and when she opened her mouth she'd said things that she was positive she never intended to say. No matter what she did, the words continued to pour out. She had waged a battle with herself, inside her head, but the sentences paid absolutely no attention to her. They brushed her aside politely as the words tumbled out of her mouth at full speed. It had been years since she had last thought of the maharaja, and the tailor who had made her first evening gown had never crossed her mind again. But suddenly there they were, like a swarm of homicidal starlings scouring her lawn for unsuspecting victims. She heard Hema enter the nursery, and soon everything was quiet again. What must he think of her? She knew he was very sensitive about his status, and she had no desire to anger him. He had served them faithfully for so many years that she had gradually come to regard him as a member of their little family — except for the fact that he was a servant and slept in the kitchen, while they were the people he served. But it was true that the tailor's room had been centrally located inside the palace of Maharaja Man Singh, and that people were constantly coming in and going out. There was always someone who needed him, and the tailor's servant and his errand boy were constantly at work. Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to have the
work in the music room. It was much cleaner than the area next to the kitchen, and the wife of Nikhil Nair was right when she said that fabric was quick to take on food odours. It had become clear to her that he had to go, and yet here she came up with one reason after another to keep him. The power wasn't back on yet. She heard Hema lock the door upstairs. She would tell him that she'd been mistaken and that the
would be leaving soon. She'd ask him if he knew of a house where there was an extra workplace, since she was aware that the personnel liked nothing better than exchanging the latest gossip. She was standing in the dark doorway of the music room, and she saw Hema coming down the steps. He had a slight limp and he paused at every other step, heaving a small sigh.

“Ma'am!” He started when he saw her standing there.

“I want you to mop this room now.”

the window. There were no shutters in the servants' quarters, and it was incredibly hot, but the heat had never bothered him. He glanced at the jasmine bush under his window and saw that his nocturnal watering was beginning to bear fruit. The leaves, which not long ago were dry and withered, had regained some of their former vitality. He reached out and broke off a twig. He scratched the surface of the bark and then smelled it. The scent had returned.

1955 Bombay ~~~

to jump up and run after Mister Patel when he sees a boy with a shiny black face coming down the stairs.

“Hello,” the boy says.

Madan stares in amazement at the boy, who is covered in oil. He's the same height as Madan. There's oil running down his face, which he keeps wiping with the back of his hand. Madan offers the boy the piece of cloth that Mister Patel has just thrust into his hand, but the boy waves it away. He says admiringly, “Mister Chandran made it himself. It's beautiful, isn't it?” The boy points to the fabric with a grubby forefinger. “Do you get to unpick it?” There's a touch of envy in his voice.

Madan doesn't see why the boy should be envious of someone who's allowed to unpick a piece of cloth. He shrugs.

“The white threads are the warp and the red ones are called the weft. You have do it very carefully, you know.”

Do you work here, too?
Madan croaks unintelligibly.

The boy gives him a long look, wrinkling his brow. Then he leans forward and says to the weaver underneath the stairs, “He can't talk.”

The man mutters something and Madan looks at the cloth in his hand. It's nothing special. Just an ordinary piece of cloth, in a red and white diamond pattern.

“Are you coming?” The boy turns and heads back up the stairs, leaving an oily footprint on each step.

Madan casts one last longing glance down the hall in the direction of the gate, but Mister Patel is well and truly gone. So he follows the boy up the stairs. Gradually the smell of oil and iron becomes sharper and the sound of whirring machines grows louder.

walks out of the bookstore. He held
Genetic Metamorphosis in Single-Celled Organisms
in his hands, and he knew immediately that it was his book. But the man at the counter refused to give it back to him, even after he recounted in detail all he had been through. The man had even retorted that it was the best story he'd heard but he wasn't a philanthropist. If Mister Patel really wanted the book, he could buy it, just like anyone else.

As he passes the small gate leading to the weaving mill, disappointment gives way to guilt. He should never have deserted Madan. As he walks down the long, dark corridor, his footsteps sound hollow on the cement floor. Chandan Chandran is still sitting at his loom, but the little boy Patel took under his wing during those long months is nowhere to be seen. If it weren't for the disappointment at not getting his book back, the pressure put on him by his nephew, his sleepless nights, in addition to the worry about the house that has been stolen from him and the money that was not returned after the five months he spent in prison unjustly, he would no doubt have gone back and inquired about young Madan. But now, for the first time in his life, Mister Patel is overcome by a sense of rage, because Madan has disappeared. He leaves the building in indignation and resolves on the spot to return to his birthplace, Hyderabad.

floor is filled with looms. They are made not of wood, like those in the studios and workplaces along the street, but of iron, and they are powered by small motors. The exhaust fumes disappear through pipes in the ceiling.

“I'm the oiler,” the boy says with pride.

Madan gazes in fascination at the rumbling, chugging semi-automatic machines with their taut threads, where men are throwing the shuttles back and forth, and at the roll of fabric that emerges at the other end. Never in his whole life has he seen so many machines in action. On one of them he sees the red and white fabric. He points to it and the boy nods enthusiastically. His words are lost in the loud clanging produced by the machines. Overwhelmed by the sounds and movements of all those iron rods and bars, he follows the boy. They pass a wall containing hundreds of spools of thread, in more colours than he thought possible.

In a corner next to a ladder, they stop, and the boy motions to Madan to follow him to the floor above. Upstairs he pushes open a hatch. Madan climbs into the opening. He is aware of a pungent, spicy odour. The small, poorly lit room has no doors or windows, and the rattle and clang of the machines is muted. Along the walls there are shelves with tin cans and boxes, small wooden crates, and bags and bottles filled with various unidentifiable substances. The smell of oil and iron has disappeared, replaced by an aroma he has never smelled before and cannot identify. The room is so permeated with odours that he's suddenly dizzy and has to sit down. Cautiously, he takes a breath. The air stings the sensitive lining of his nose. In prison he often tried not to breathe, especially when he was behind the curtain, but now he does the opposite. He cannot get enough of the intoxicating sensation in his head and the tingling in his nose. “Hey!” he hears the boy call. “Come down!” Madan could have spent hours sitting there, sniffing those smells, but the boy slams his hand down on the ladder, urging Madan to hurry. As he comes down the steps, Madan is so overwhelmed by the multitude of scents that he has to hang on to the railing.

“And don't let on to the boss that I showed you his room, okay?” the boy says.

Madan shakes his head, wondering how he was presumed to convey his thoughts to the boss.

1995 Rampur ~~~

himself as he mopped the music room, and when the bucket tipped over, he almost burst into tears.

Charlotte knew she ought to go downstairs to reassure him, and to cancel her plan while it was still possible to do so. But her legs refused to move, and when she tried to lift her right leg with both hands and put it down next to the bed, it was so heavy it wouldn't budge. She fell back onto the pillows and, without thinking, picked up the wooden box, took out a cigarette, and lit it. She realized after she had inhaled and began to cough that the cigarette was actually lit. The ritual of “smoking” a cigarette from the little box enabled her to think more clearly, but that had suddenly been destroyed. Her thoughts shot off in all directions, and her normally relaxed contemplation became impossible. Even gazing at the statue of Ganesh could not calm her nerves. She took another draw on the cigarette. It was so very long ago since she'd last smoked . . .

She was not disturbed by the fact that the cigarette tasted good to her. It seemed to be part of all the strange things that were happening. While everyone around her was waiting and longing for the monsoon, she said things she never meant to say, did things she didn't mean to do, and read thoughts she didn't want to read. And she knew for certain that all that had nothing to do with the extreme heat.

Hema informed him that from then on he would be working in the music room. When it came to blocking his thoughts, he had no faith in the thickness of the ceiling and floor between him and Charlotte. The more he protested, the more adamant Hema became. Again and again he stressed that those were memsahib's wishes, and that she knew a maharaja whose tailor lived in the middle of the palace. He added haughtily that he was glad he wasn't the butler there.

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