Waiting for Him (27 page)

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Authors: Samantha Cole

BOOK: Waiting for Him
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“Oh, Kitty-Kat. I am so going to make sure he spanks your ass for that. Do you know the reason why he didn’t come after you? The reason he’s been getting drunk almost every night at the club? Or why he’s turned down every sub who’s offered to help him forget you?” Feeling more miserable by the second, her gaze fell to her lap and she shook her head. “Because the first time you left him, it wasn’t your choice or your fault. But this time, Kat, you
to leave. You walked out on him when he needed you the most. He wasn’t angry with you…he was frustrated at the situation. And I’m sorry you misinterpreted his frustration as anger. He loves you. But he’s hurting, thinking you don’t love him enough to stay with him.”

Her tears started again and she tried to wipe them away as fast as they rolled down her cheek. “Oh God, w-what’ve I done? I do l-love him and I’d never hurt him on purpose. I was j-just scared. Everyone I’ve ever loved is gone and…and the one person who’s still here, I pushed away. C-Carter, w-what am I going to do?”

Holding her head in his big, calloused hands, he forced her to look him in the eye. “What you’re going to do is go dry your eyes while I clean up, and then we have a plane to board in…” He glanced at his black military watch. “In a little over an hour.”

Her mind spun in five different directions. “What! What are you talking about? I can’t just get on a plane and leave. I have to work and…and…”

He lifted her from his lap until she was standing on her own two feet, and then rose from the couch. Grabbing her shoulders, he turned her toward her bedroom. “I spoke to your boss. I told him you were leaving and to consider this your resignation.”

Kat put on the brakes so quickly, he almost tripped over her. “When was this? And, holy shit, you can’t just tell my boss I quit. What if I didn’t want to go with you?”

“Oh, you’re going with me, Kitty-Kat. It was never a question. I explained the situation to Jeremy and Eva, and they’re happy for you. They also said if it doesn’t work out, you will always have a job here. But the choice is yours. You either go check the bags I packed for you to see if I missed anything important, or I tan your hide and carry you out of here. I suggest you don’t take option number two, because it’s a long flight, and you’ll want to be comfortable. Now, go wash up.”

He gave her a gentle shove toward the door, ignoring her sputtering and shock. She tried to glare at him over her shoulder, but he was already on his way to her kitchen. Her mind racing, she hurried to her bedroom and, sure enough, there were her three duffle bags all packed. Undoing the zippers she searched through them and found he’d pretty much thought of everything she would need for now, including her migraine medication. One bag had all her toiletries, while another was full of shirts, pants, shorts, and two pairs of her favorite shoes. The last bag…
oh, fuck a duck
…had her intimates—panties, bras, pajamas…and,
what the heck?
Pulling out the lacy garment, she blushed while holding it up.

“I figured you would need something for the club tonight, so I found a little boutique near the deli. The cute, blonde salesclerk was all too happy to help me pick something out.”

His appearance in her doorway had startled her for a moment before she recovered and gave him an unladylike snort. “I’ll just bet she was. She probably offered to model it for you, too.” As he leaned against the doorjamb, the corners of his mouth ticked upward. Kat examined the black lacy teddy which left nothing to the imagination. “Um…where’s the rest of it? I can’t walk around in just this.”

“Why not?” Kat gaped at him while he grinned like the devil himself. “Don’t panic, love, the bra and panties which go with it are in there too. That’s just the cover-up.”

Snorting again, she shoved the lingerie back into the bag. “You and I have different definitions of a cover-up.”

Carter stepped over to the bed and grabbed all three bags by their handles. “Did I forget anything? I cleaned out your fridge earlier, so nothing would spoil, and I just took out the garbage. I told your boss you’d be back in a week or so to say goodbye and pack up the rest of your stuff.”

She ran to the bathroom, wet a washcloth and wiped her face as fast as she could. Finding him waiting at her front door, she glanced around for anything else she needed. Her purse and the book she was currently reading were on her coffee table and she snatched them up. A quick check assured her that her phone was still on her hip. “I think we have everything I need for now. You’re so sure Benny and I are going to work this all out, aren’t you? What if the damage is done and he doesn’t forgive me?”

“Then I kick his ass and keep you for myself.”

He held open the door for her and she turned the lock on the inside knob before passing him. With one hand, he gestured for her to walk around to the back of her cabin where a rental car sat. After opening the passenger door for her, he popped the trunk for her bags and then climbed into the driver’s seat.

“I think we’d kill each other if you kept me for yourself, not that I’d let myself be kept. You’re quite infuriating at times, you know.”

“Ha! I’ve been told that a time or two, Kitty-Kat.” He started the car and put it in drive. “Shit. I keep forgetting to ask. I was talking to Eileen, when I was checking on Rick, and I called you ‘Kitty-Kat’ to her. She said it was your father’s nickname for you. I didn’t know, Kat, and if it bothers you, I can stop. Does it?”

Kat shook her head and turned to face him after putting her seatbelt on. “No, it doesn’t. The first time you said it, it threw me a little. But then I realized how much I missed hearing it. Just like when Benny calls me Kitten—no one else but him ever called me that. As long as it’s said with the affection I know you mean, then I like it, and you can keep using it. It makes me feel special.”

“Then I’m honored.” He pulled out of the long driveway onto the road leading to the highway. “You are special, little one, and don’t you ever forget it. Now, let’s go get you and your Dom back together, shall we? Before Ian finally breaks down and kicks his ass.”

Chapter 26

A little after midnight, Boomer handed over his car keys before Tiny would open the club door for him. How sad was it the big bouncer knew he was here to get drunk…again? Aside from Monday and Tuesday, when The Covenant was closed and he’d gone to Donovan’s, he had been here every night since his dad had been released from the hospital. He’d offered to stay at his parents’ house until Rick was more mobile, but his mother had insisted she could handle things and he should go after Kat. Instead, Boomer returned to Tampa and began drowning his sorrows.

The other Doms had taken pity on him and put up with his morose drinking, making sure someone drove him home every night. Then after popping Tylenol for his resulting hangovers, he’d take a taxi back to work the next day or catch a ride with one of his teammates. Ian had wanted him to crash in one of the rooms above the offices, but it would only bring back painful memories of the night he and Kat slept there—well, after they had done other things, of course. At least at his condo, she’d only slept in the guest room. And damn, her scent was still there—he knew, because he went in there all the time just to sniff her pillow like a heartbroken ass.

There was no way he was chasing after Kat. She’d ripped his heart out and stomped on it on her way out of the hospital to return to Oregon. When he’d returned, much calmer, with a sack of sandwiches and sodas, he’d discovered Kat missing. Ian and Marco had left to retrieve the vehicles. Leaving the food with his mother and aunt, he searched the entire hospital, starting with the cafeteria, thinking she might have gone for coffee. After not finding her in any of the public places in the building, he asked the security guard at the main entrance and found out Kat had left, taking a cab to God knew where. He couldn’t call her to find out where she was going because her phone was still back at the compound, and she had given the medical alert bracelet back to Brody, so the GPS was out as well. An hour of worrying later, Jake called to say Kat had arrived at the compound and packed her duffel bags in her car which had still been parked in the garage behind the offices. After speaking to SAC Stonewall she drove away. Jake hadn’t been able to stop her, since, in all the confusion, he hadn’t known she was there until it was too late. He had to check the security videos to see what she’d done.

Boomer had told her he loved her, and although she’d said the words back to him, she’d obviously not meant them. Or maybe she had, but his job and the violence involved in it was too much for her to handle. While he hadn’t been the one to kill any of the Russians, a fact which still pissed him off, Kat had seen up close and personal how dangerous his job was. Maybe she couldn’t deal with it. Either way, the ball was in her court. He’d be damned if he would beg her to come back to him.

He said hello to a few people on the way to the bar and almost winced when he saw the bartender, Master Dennis, grab a bottle of Jack Daniels to start making his drink. Had he become so predictable in less than two weeks? Maybe he should fuck with the guy and switch to Southern Comfort. The thought left his brain as fast as it’d come. He wasn’t in the mood to joke around. Instead, he sat his sad-sack ass on an empty stool and nodded his thanks when the drink, mixed with a dash of Coke, was placed in front of him on a cocktail napkin.

He’d spent most of the day and half the night following some fucktard around who was cheating on his wife of six years. The guy was in deep shit because his suspicious spouse was the one with the purse strings and their pre-nup was clear—cheat and he doesn’t get a cent. And Boomer had the pictures which were going to make the bastard drop to his knees and cry buckets. Mulling over his boring yet successful day in solitude, it wasn’t long before clinking ice was the only thing remaining in the glass and he caught the bartender’s eye for another one.

“Scratch that, Dennis. Master Ben will be playing tonight.”

Boomer glared at Carter as the Dom smacked him on the shoulder, then leaned against the bar with an annoying grin on his face. “I’m not fucking playing tonight, Dennis. Fill it up.”

Picking up the empty glass, Carter handed it to the amused bartender while shaking his head. “Nope. You’re playing, so no more booze. Two waters please, Den.” Turning back to Boomer, he ignored the dirty, pissed-off stare he was getting. “I’ve got a lovely new submissive who wants a little action, and I think she’s just what you need to get out of this fucking funk you’re in. Your other option is the one Ian and Devil Dog came up with, but I think you’ll choose door number one after you hear what’s behind door number two.”

His eyes narrowed. He wasn’t in the mood for this shit, but apparently everyone was done with his pity-party except him. “What’s their option?”

“A session with Mistress China, who I must say is head-over-her-pretty-ass about the idea. You know how much she loves to whip pathetic guys back into shape.” Carter paused to take a drink from one of the water bottles which had been placed in front of them. “So, what’s it going to be, Boom-Boom? Some hot sex with an even hotter sub, or China’s bullwhip?”

Astonished, Boomer grunted. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me?”

“No, he’s not.”

He sighed heavily and spun around on the barstool to face Boss-man and found the rest of his team in attendance.
Shit. Just what he fucking needed—an intervention.
All five of them had their best Dom faces on, daring him to give them shit. Add in the super-spy and there was no way he was getting out of this. His choices were clear—a lashing from the sadistic Whip Mistress, or fucking a willing submissive who might let him forget about Kat for a little while. The problem was…he didn’t want to forget about her. He wanted her by his side and in his bed for the rest of his life. Fucking another woman would never change that. Instead, it would make him feel like he was cheating on the only woman who would ever own his heart. And that right there was his answer. “If I lay off the booze and get my head on straight, can I pick door number three?”

Ian’s cocked one eyebrow. “Door number three?”

“I need some time off. I’ve got to go after her…to Portland.” He swallowed hard, refusing to break down in front of the men who were brothers to him. “She’s my life. I don’t care if I have to get on my knees and beg, or tie her ass up and kidnap her, but damn it, I’m not letting her get away this time. I love her and I’ve got to get her back.”

“Thank fuck! Now we can put an end to this fucking pity-party of yours. I was about to start watering down the Jack.” Ian took a step toward him. “But she’s not in Oregon, Boom.”

His eyes narrowed as he slid off the stool and stood. Panic assailed him. If she wasn’t in Portland, where the hell was she? “What do you mean? She’s somewhere else? Where? Her aunt’s?”

He might have asked Ian the questions, but it was Carter who answered. “Downstairs in room four, waiting patiently and presenting herself for her Dom. Don’t fuck it up. And don’t freak out when she tells you I kissed her.”

Running toward the grand staircase, he barely heard the other Dom’s last words and the chorus of snorts and chuckles from his teammates. All he could think about was Kat was waiting for him on the other side of the building. Ian or Devon must have waved at the bouncer at the top of the stairs because he let Boomer pass without checking his membership card for alcohol consumption. Tamping down the urge to push people out of his way, he made his way through the crowd as fast as possible, dodging bodies, and cursing along the way. On the other side of the cavernous room, there were two sets of hallways which led to twelve private rooms, six off each. An on-duty Dungeon Master, stationed between the entrances to both hallways, nodded at him as he ran past. Grinding to a halt outside room four, he paused to catch his breath and calm himself down. Carter had said she was presenting herself for her Dom, so her Dom is what he needed to be when he walked into the room.

He didn’t know who had taught her how to present, but he had a strong feeling it was Angie and Kristen. Since their Masters knew about Kat being here, it was pretty much a given for them to know as well. And he was positive those two match-makers couldn’t pass up an opportunity to help create a happy-ever-after.


what the fuck?
Did the fucking spy say something about kissing Kat? Damn, he’d kick the guy’s ass later if he didn’t have a fucking good excuse for it—and maybe even if he did.

Inhaling deeply, he turned the knob and opened the door. His breath caught at the sight of her and got stuck in his chest. She was kneeling on a red satin pillow in the center of the room, knees shoulder-width apart, back straight, head bowed, and her up-turned hands resting on her thighs—presenting perfectly. Dressed in a black bra and panties with a sheer lace teddy over them, she was the most beautiful thing his eyes had ever seen in his life and his cock agreed. He noticed a shiver go through her body and it thrilled him. When he remembered to breathe again, he entered the room, closed the door behind him, and stepped over to stand in front of her.

For a few moments he remained silent, letting her anticipation build while he took in her beauty. His hands were shaking, itching to touch her. He was about to speak when he noticed papers spread out on the bed behind her. Skirting around her, he picked them up and was surprised to see her completed limit list and a note from one of the doctors on staff clearing her for play after an earlier examination. There was also a note from Ian saying Kat’s background check had been done by Brody.
Holy shit.
Obviously, several people had a hand in expediting her clearance for the club. He’d have to remember to thank everyone.

Scanning her limit list real quick, he grinned when he saw a check mark in the green column of several activities he wanted to do with her tonight. Stepping back in front of her, he spread his legs and crossed his arms while wiping the smile from his face. She had some punishments coming to her before they talked and then had some fun. He lowered his voice. “Stand, Kitten, and strip for me. As pretty as your outfit is, I want to see you naked.”

He was pleased when she didn’t hesitate, and impressed at her gracefulness as she rose up on her feet in one fluid movement. One by one, she removed the three garments and handed them to him, all the while keeping her gaze on his feet. Damn, she was gorgeous. Her hair was pulled back into a simple ponytail, and he couldn’t wait to wrap the silky strands around his wrist. Tiny goose bumps popped up on her soft skin and he knew it was from desire and anticipation instead of cold. The rooms were kept at a comfortable seventy degrees for that reason. A blush spread across her chest, but it wasn’t as pink as her nipples which were already puckered and distended, waiting for him to feast on them. His gaze traveled south and when it reached the junction of her hips and legs, his cock hardened painfully and his knees almost buckled. She was waxed bare, and since the skin wasn’t red he knew she had to have done it before today. Tossing the lingerie on the bed behind her, he asked, “What’s your safe-word?”

She spoke for the first time since he entered the room. “Red, Sir.” Her voice was husky and seductive, and he held back a reactive groan.

“Good girl. Look at me, Kitten.” When her head tilted up, he was floored by the different emotions he saw flash through her eyes—anticipation, fear, and hope. He prayed the fear was only because she was worried he was mad at her. Well, part of him still was, but it was fast being pushed aside by relief over her being here. For now, a little fear in her was good. A jolt of awareness passed through him when he noticed his collar around her slender neck.
Holy fuck!
He was about to throw out his man-card and break down crying in front of her from the sheer pleasure of seeing the leather band still in place. He swallowed the lump in his throat. “When did you wax your pretty pussy and why?” When her eyes shifted away from his in evident embarrassment, he added, “Uh-uh, Kitten. Eyes on mine. If you look away again before I permit it, you’ll just add to your punishments.”

Her gaze met his again, but this time her eyes were wide in surprise…and there it was—unadulterated lust. God, he loved her. “Yes, baby. You have some punishments headed your way, but I’ll explain that in a minute. Answer my question. When and why did you wax? I’m not complaining….quite the opposite really.”

“The other day, Master.” His pounding heartbeat sped up further, threatening to burst from his chest at her use of his title, but he stayed quiet, letting her finish. “I was reading everything I could about the lifestyle, and there were a lot of mentions of how both Doms and subs liked it because it made a woman more sensitive.”

Boomer hadn’t thought he could be more stunned or pleased than he already was. Her punishment would have to wait—they definitely needed to talk first. “You’ve been researching BDSM? Why?”

Her cheeks turned tomato red, but to her credit, her eyes remained focused on his. “Because it means so much to you, and I…I hoped…”

“You hoped what?” This time her gaze fell and he used his fingers to tilt her head back up, waiting for her to meet his stare again. His heart squeezed when her eyes filled with tears, but he didn’t let them sway him. She couldn’t be allowed to top from the bottom, whether it was intended or not. He needed to be firm with her if this was going to work between them. “That’s five more spanks on top of the ones you already deserve. Now, you hoped what, Kitten?”

Kat swallowed hard. “I hoped you would change your mind and come after me. I wanted to please you by learning as much as I could about being your submissive. I know I haven’t learned everything yet, but I was hoping you’d teach me the rest.”

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