Read Waiting For Forever (Beautiful Surrender, Part Four) Online

Authors: Ava Claire

Tags: #billionaire, #billionaire romance, #alpha male romance

Waiting For Forever (Beautiful Surrender, Part Four) (5 page)

BOOK: Waiting For Forever (Beautiful Surrender, Part Four)
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Her nails dug into her thighs, every pant, every
shudder felt like her hand on my cock. Stroking the shaft,
massaging my balls. The sound of her pleasure, the clinking of the
cuff with the spreader bar, her wet, juicy body...I could wait no

I unhooked the bar from one end, saying the hell with
the other. "Bend over," I ordered her huskily. “Hands on your

She obeyed, her pussy ripe for the taking. The roar
in my ears was a craving only Melissa could fulfill. I wouldn't be
whole until I was inside of her.

I guided my cock where it belonged, the world melting
away as I rocked into her. Our bodies crashed into each other until
all that was left was the fire of release. Building, hurtling me to
my peak.

"Come with me, baby," I breathed deeply, gripping her
tight, feeling her body clench. Her moan was suppressed, but it was
a shout of elation to my ears. It matched the one that clawed from
my throat as I came.

Fingers shaking, pulse racing, I unhooked the ball
gag and tossed it aside. It was the sign the scene was over and she
turned to me, dropping her head against my chest. Arms looped
around me and held me tight.

"I didn't even think the word red," she murmured. She
peered up at me, her eyes open and filled with a love I never
thought I'd find. "What we have? I never want it to stop."





I wasn't sure how long we stayed wrapped up in each
other, but the city was nearly dark, the windows in the buildings
that lined the street twinkling in the night sky. This was my
bliss; his arms around me and his scent clinging to my skin. I
didn’t need anything but this.

My stomach begged to differ.

My hunger bellowed in the silence. His hold on me
slackened and I looked up at him, slightly mortified.

"Wow," he mouthed, eyes agape. "Was that me or

I elbowed him, laughing with something else entirely
consuming me. This playfulness, these tingles in my stomach, the
way my heart soared in my chest – this was a whole new world for
me. My laughter tapered off as he held my face in his hands. I
never knew that love was something that I could not only feel, but
something I could reach out and touch.

I hooked an arm around his neck and pulled him close,
lips pressed against his. Was there a part of him that wasn't
tantalizing? Even the sweetest kiss made me soaking wet, the memory
of him inside me making me arch into the embrace.

Screw food.

I was ready for round two.

He grabbed the hand that was snaking its way to his
cock. He pressed a kiss in my palm, his eyes hot with passion. "You
want more?"

"Oh yes."

He closed my hand, a smile teasing his lips. "Food
first, little sub."

I pouted, but I let him walk away. Mostly because the
sight of that man's chiseled behind was a devastatingly hot thing
to behold.

"What are you in the mood for?" he called from the
hallway. "I can arrange for some groceries, but I believe I have
the stuff for sandwiches. Or I can order in."

I pulled my t-shirt on, hopping after him as the
panties came next. "Not in the mood for anything in particular.
Sandwiches are fine."

I walked into the main area, eating up his muscular
chest as he filled a glass with water. He brought the glass to his
lips, and I felt a fluttering between my thighs. He glanced in my
direction, an eyebrow hitching. I dropped my head, kicking myself.
He was like the Submissive Whisperer. He knew what I was thinking
before I could even think it. And I was just broadcasting 'I'm
hungry, but the only thing in your kitchen I want is you.'

He filled a second cup with water then brought it to
me. It was hard to grip the glass when all I could think about was
how badly I wanted to grip him, but I managed. I guzzled the water,
trying futilely to snuff out the lust that raced inside me like
some wild, feral animal.

I traced the rim, avoiding eye contact. "I'm

When he didn't follow up, I snapped my gaze to his.
He had that same inquisitive look he had on his face when we first
met. Trying to decipher my code.

"What are you apologizing for?"

"I know we're not in the bedroom, so the Dom and sub
stuff doesn't apply, but I..." I didn't finish, realizing that the
knot in the pit of my stomach wasn't hunger. It was dread. I'd felt
this before. Trying to be sexy for Jason, telling him how I desired
him, and I was met with him pushing me away. Telling me that not
everything had to cycle back to sex. And here I was, barely able to
think about anything other than Logan fucking me over the

"What we have, I know it's new and fresh and
everything is happening so quickly, but I want you to know that
this isn't just sex for me. Just because I can't take my eyes off
you, I don't want you to think that's all I'm about." I picked at
my nails, not wanting him to see the pain that rushed to the
surface. "I'm not just some sex crazed nympho."

"Melissa, I love every part of you. The stubborn
part, the sensual part, the part that put everything else on pause
to take a moment to appreciate the view back in the bedroom."

I met his eyes just in time for a stupid tear to
escape from my eyes and race down my cheek. I swiped it away
angrily, holding up a hand to stop him from coming to my rescue.
"I'm fine. Really."

"Uh huh." His voice was low, but the sarcasm came
through loud and clear. He waited expectantly for a few minutes,
not saying a word, until he sighed and turned to the fridge. He
pulled out meat and cheese. "Mayo? Mustard?"

"Just mayo," I answered softly. I still wasn't ready
to answer the real question. If I told him what was going on, I'd
have to admit that I was still picking up the broken pieces that
Jason left. If I thought tears would ruin the after sex glow,
mentioning my ex would kill it dead.

I pushed off the counter, flashing him a smile that
he missed because he was concentrating on opening the bread. His
eyes were narrowed and pensive, like he was defusing a bomb.

"Need a hand?" I said, forcing some cheer in my

He passed me the bread and grabbed two plates. "I
know I haven't done this in awhile, so I could be a little rusty."
He put the plates side by side. "What we have is a relationship
instead of an arrangement. But it's not always hot sex and cuddling
if memory serves. The relationship part means we talk about the
hard and uncomfortable. We're supposed to be there for each

I dropped two pieces of bread on one plate. "I

He put both hands on the counter, putting the
sandwiches on the back burner. "How about I start? I built my
company up from nothing. We were barely a blip on the radar, and
now we’re a multi-billion dollar corporation. With all this shit
with Delilah, the board is pressuring me into taking an extended

My heart went out to him. "I'm sorry, babe." I worked
in marketing--image was everything. If you Googled Mason
Acquisitions a few months ago, you would have gotten a totally
different result than now.

He gave me a sad smile and turned back to the jar of
mayo, stabbing his knife into the container and slapping the mayo
onto the piece of bread. "I'm just trying to make the best of the
hand I've been dealt. Damage control."

"I get it." I arranged the bread side by side and
stepped back. "I know all this drama with Delilah is probably
reminding you why you don't get all tangled up with someone--"

"I'm glad that I'm tangled up with you."

As if I could fall for this guy any harder, he combed
his fingers through my hair and kissed the tip of my nose, our
foreheads touching while he stroked my cheek. "You're the only
thing keeping me together right now."

I wasn't sure if it was his eyes or the sheer
nearness of him, but the words came rushing from my mouth.

"I’ve been thinking about Jason."

Logan reared back like I'd just spit on him.

"Oh no!" I said, realizing that sentence alone
sounded really bad. "It's not like that. Me and Jason? We're done.
Period. But he's still there. Lurking beneath the surface." I
needed to do something with my hands, so I started piling the meat
on the bread. "I got so used to feeling like sex and desire was
routine. Not as important as love. Sex was just something we did.
And for me to want it all of the time, to want him to be aggressive
and take me, use my body for his pleasure--it was the ultimate
sin." I closed the sandwich, wishing I could close that chapter of
my life. Wishing it was that easy. "Being with you...I love every
minute of it. I just don't want to screw it up." My nostrils
flared, a terrible thought scratching through my mind. "I just got
you back, if I lost you again-"

He pulled me back where I belonged, head against his
chest. I relaxed in his arms, reminding myself that what we had was
different. He wasn't Jason. Love with Logan wasn't black and white.
All or nothing.

Love with Logan was freedom.

"Any man that ever made you feel anything short of
incredible is out of his mind."

He fisted my hair and I arched into him, our lips
colliding. There was no breaking for air, no concern for anything
but discovering how many kisses it would take to make the world
fade away.

His cell jingled over on the couch and he paused the
onslaught, giving me one final peck before he made his way to his
phone. Sensing the huff that was descending on me, he threw me a
smile over his shoulder. "Normally, I wouldn't answer, but I'm
playing friendly with Delilah. It could be about the baby." He
picked it up, frowning at the screen. "It's not me. Must be

"Me?" I said, making a face as I joined him in the
living room, swiping my purse. I dug into the side pocket I kept my
phone in. A three-letter word had my heart thudding in my


We hadn't talked since the blowup at
the office. Not that I expected him to approach me. I knew my dad.
He'd bide his time, making me second guess and stew in my anger
until it was a black hole inside of me. Then I'd be left with guilt
and remorse, and I'd end up apologizing. The whole song and dance
usually took weeks, not days. And this was a first. He was

I accepted it, a smile hiding behind my lips. Maybe
the outburst in the office was what we needed. Maybe he was finally
starting to see that I needed a father, not a boss.

"Hey Dad!"

"Melissa, can you tell me why our phone lines have
been clogged with calls from the press? Something about you
stealing the boyfriend of some actress?"

The smile disintegrated. "Let me explain-"

"Oh, this should be good." His voice was brusque.
Callous and unfeeling, as usual. "What have you gotten yourself





"Still pouting?"

I knew the answer. If I could have my way, we'd be in
bed. Those big blue eyes would be wondering what kinky thing I had
in store. Her long blonde hair would be like a wild halo; the sun
streaming in golden, just like her skin. Instead, we were on the
road just outside of Sacramento.

From the way Melissa had completely shut down last
night, I had a feeling her father had made some sort of ultimatum,
ordering her home as soon as possible. She had barely said a word
the rest of the night. She only took a couple of bites of her
sandwich before she retreated to the bedroom.

She didn't have to say the words, but I knew she
needed the space, so I backed off and attended to my business.
Checked the earnings reports, eyed potential investments. When I
went back in the bedroom where she was tossing and turning, face
twisted with a struggle she couldn't escape in her dreams, I
rescheduled my meetings the following day. I slid into bed beside
her and I held her. I tried to cherish the moments. The way she
leaned into me like she couldn't get enough of my touch. I knew she
wouldn't be happy with me in the morning when I told her a car
would be taking us to Sacramento so she could iron things out with
her father.

After she spent the better part of the morning hours
telling me she didn't want to see him, then relenting slightly and
telling me she'd see him, but alone, she'd finally conceded
altogether. She warned that I'd see with my own eyes how she and
her father were like oil and water.

Other than a 'no' when I asked her
if she wanted to stop for coffee and a 'whatever' when I got her a
mocha that she begrudgingly drank, we did very little talking. But
as the miles between us and our final destination became fewer, she
started fidgeting.

"I can have Mike pull over so you can stretch your
legs if you'd like."

"It's an hour and forty-five minute
drive, Logan," she fired back. "Not a cross country road

The Dom in me wanted nothing more than to get the
driver to roll up the partition and spank her for mouthing off, but
I kept him under lock and key. The fact was, I had no idea about
the details of her relationship with her father, besides the
obvious strain. She had every right to deal with the stress of
seeing him how she deemed fit.

I was so used to taking charge, so
eager to fix
since things in my life were a mess, that I didn't consider
that I was overstepping my bounds.

Too late to go back now. Just have to make the best
of it.

I leaned back against the leather seat, saying
something I should have said before we embarked on this road trip.
"Tell me about your father."

She gave me a wilting look, her lips pulled into a
scowl. "We're almost there. You'll know all about him soon

BOOK: Waiting For Forever (Beautiful Surrender, Part Four)
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