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Authors: Lacey Alexander

Voyeur (26 page)

BOOK: Voyeur
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"Why, Mr. Stone, I didn't know you baked."

He winked. "Only for you, baby."

He set the brownies in the same spot as the platter, which he'd just removed—quite the little host, she couldn't help thinking. And when Laura bit into one of them, it was so chocolaty, gooey, and delicious That she actual y moaned—and her pussy spasmed lightly.

"Sounds like I should bring these to bed with us," Braden said with a wicked, teasing grin.

"It would be messy," she said.

"You worry too much."

She kept her eyes locked on his. "You're right, I do." Her knees stil touched both his and Tommy's. "And I'm going to stop. Right now." She meant it.

She was going to quit thinking so much. At least for tonight. "Al worries of any kind are official y . . . gone."

As if to prove it, she indulged in another big bite of the sticky brownie, letting out another soft moan as the scrumptious taste melded with her new

sensual awareness to trickle, once more, al the way down into her panties.

"You have"—Tommy leaned closer to her, drawing her attention back to him—"icing on your mouth." Reaching up, he gently swiped it away with one ringer—then held it out to her.

Wrapping her hand around his, she drew his ringer near and licked the chocolate away. Fresh excitement blazed through her, making her stomach

tighten as she broke a sexy gaze with Tommy to look at Braden.

Her lover’s expression dripped with such dark desire That she felt it pooling within her, beginning to fil her. "Stil a little more," Braden said, his deep voice barely audible as he leaned over to lick a bit of remaining icing from the corner of her mouth.

"Oh ..." she heard herself sigh as pleasure fluttered downward. And she began to understand—ful y now, and with no real fear—that this was going to happen. And That she was going to let it.

"More wine?" Tommy asked, noticing her glass was nearly empty again.

Sounded like a good idea. "Yes."

"I'l open another bottle," Braden announced and rose, partial y clearing the table as he went. Tommy and Laura got up, too.

When Laura automatical y began to help, stacking plates together Braden touched her arm. "Leave it, honey. You and Tommy go in the living room,

chat a little more."

She didn't answer, just put down the plates and picked up her wineglass to join Braden's friend where he now stood peering into the vast darkness

out the floor-to-vaulted-ceiling window. Getting up had suddenly made her feel the alcohol a bit more, but she didn't mind.

"You live up
correct?" She looked to the right, up the mountain, lifting a finger in that direction.

He pointed. "You can see my security light from here. Do you see


She looked, but trees seemed to be blocking the light from her view. "No. Where?"

Tommy set his wineglass on the desk, then positioned himself behind her, placing his strong hands at her waist and turning her body just slightly.

"It’s hard to spot—you have to catch it at just the right angle through the pines." His breath came warm on her neck as he spoke, and the warmth spread downward.

Although the strangest sensation struck her just then: she liked Tommy a lot, but if she were here alone with him now, just the two of them, she

wouldn't be nearly so anxious to fool around. Tommy was hot, but it was
desire for this, that made her want it, too, and that made Tommy’s nearness so exciting, his touches so tantalizing.

"You haven't seen us fucking in the window, have you?" she asked. Another wave of warmth passed through her at her own shocking brazenness.

His hands remained firm at her waist, his body grazing hers from behind. "You fucked in the window?"

She nodded, stil peering out into the black, aware that he was beginning to grow hard against her ass. She supposed if anything would make her

pul away at this point, it was
—but she didn't move. "Right over there," she said softly, pointing. "Next to the telescope."

"No, I didn't see." His voice had deepened, and his musky scent enveloped her. "But I would have liked to."

She dared to peer over her shoulder at him, to meet his eyes, that close. "Braden asked me if it excited me to know someone somewhere might be


"What did you say?"

Her own voice came out surprisingly raspy. "I said yes."

She didn't flinch when Tommy lowered a gentle kiss to her shoulder, his mustache teasing her skin. He whispered softly in her ear. "Is this okay?

For me to touch you?"

I think so.

But no, no doubts—only certainty. "Yes."

It felt no less than surreal as he delivered another smal kiss in the same spot, but this time she leaned her head to the side, arching her neck for

him, thinking,
This is really happening, really happening.
And if any last vestiges of fear lingered inside her, they disappeared when she glanced toward the kitchen and found Braden watching. As always, his eyes fueled her.

He dropped the dish towel in his hand to the dining table and stepped into the living room. He moved his lips to say,
Don’t be afraid, I want this.

Which made her want it, too—even more than before, more than when it had been only a vague fantasy, a shapeless desire flitting around the

edges of her mind. Now it was concrete, real, within her grasp, and she yearned for it—yearned to know how it felt, yearned to experience

everything there was to experience with Braden.

He seemed rooted in place by the sight before him, and Laura knew stark passion transformed her face as Tommy continued to rain soft,

tantalizing kisses across her neck and shoulders. Each was like a tiny pinprick of pleasure, accentuated by Braden’s eyes, watching another man

touch her the same way
normal y touched her.

As Tommy’s kisses went on, his arms slowly eased around, his hands sliding sensuously over her stomach like a warm vice. When one rose to

gingerly cup her breast, she let out a hot sigh, astonished—stil —at how Braden’s gaze ratcheted up her every physical response to the other man.

Soon both of Tommy’s hands closed ful y over her breasts, beginning to massage and lift, letting the nipples pucker between the light pinch of

thumb and forefinger. Laura’s head dropped back with a thready moan as she arched deeper into his grasp, and behind her, his hard-on pressed

more prominently against her ass. "Mmm . . " she heard herself purr. And that quickly, she was losing herself to the moment, to the situation, to the two men.

When Braden came to stand before her, the very heat of his body made her feel delightful y sandwiched between them. She peered longingly up

into his eyes as he lifted both hands to her face. Tommy’s caresses spread over her breasts and bel y now, and having them both touch her—

despite Braden’s touch holding some remnant of soft innocence—set off the fireworks of reality inside her. And the reality was . .. she liked being

touched by both of them at the same time. And
she was going to love what was to come. Her pussy wept with anticipation.

Braden’s mouth melded hotly with hers, the kiss turning her even
more inside out than usual. One kiss led to another, and another, each hot
and needful, until Braden’s thumbs slipped beneath the shoulder snaps of her camisole, lowering them to her upper arms. The fabric dropped from her

chest, revealing breasts that strained against the tight fabric of the bra.

"Ah, so fucking beautiful, baby," Braden murmured, his eyes locked on
her cleavage. As Tommy caressed her waist and stomach beneath the crumpled cami, Braden’s warm hands captured her aching breasts for a firm,
ful knead.

"Oh ...” she moaned, but quick as that, Braden curled his fingertips around the demi-bras lacy edge and pul ed downward on the cups, just enough

to reveal the taut pink peaks. He looked as weakened by the sight as she currently felt.

Tommy’s touches grew bolder as he shifted his hands up to her hared breasts—replacing Braden’s—to massage the soft flesh. She moaned and

drank in the heated look on Braden’s face, and her cunt pulsed with wild lust.

Braden’s mouth dropped to one hardened nipple where it jutted between Tommy’s fingers. He suckled deep and intent, making her cry out. She

had, at some point, begun to lean back against Tommy, a necessity now for she feared her legs would crumple beneath her otherwise. She

down, watching Braden’s mouth closing over her as another mans hand held her.

As Braden moved to her other breast, which Tommy lifted like an offering, Laura knew the sound of her breathing was the loudest thing in the room,

although Tommy let out heavy, labored sighs behind her, as wel . Braden licked her beaded nipple now—long, languid licks that left it hard and

glistening with each stroke.

Without planning it, Laura found herself thrusting her chest farther toward Braden’s ministrations. She lifted her arms above her head and brought

her hands down in Tommy's thick hair. His kisses fel to her neck again, and his hands eased to her hips as Braden took ful charge of her needy

breasts, caressing with both mouth and hands.

She felt her self-control beginning to wane—her ass grinding slowly against Tommy’s hardness behind her as she watched Braden laving her

delighted breasts with wet licks and kisses. And just when she thought she could exist happily like that forever, one of Tommy’s hands skimmed

inward, over her jeans, until he was stroking between her thighs.

A fresh cry escaped her as the hot pleasure rocketed through her. Her body fel into a natural undulation, against Tommy’s hand and his erection

behind her, against Braden’s hungry mouth and kneading palms—
and for his eyes.
Because she stil felt his gaze, felt him watching her every

reaction, and she relished it.

Tommy’s hand left her crotch only to unbutton her jeans, then low the zipper. When he eased his fingers down inside, stroking into her wetness, they

both moaned.

Braden drew back, looked down—then knelt before her. Wrapping his hands around the waistband of her jeans, he tugged them to her thighs,

keeping his gaze riveted on the front of her miniscule panties, Tommy’s fingers inside.

She couldn’t part her legs far due to the denim, but Tommy’s middle finger raked through her damp slit, making her al the more crazy given

Braden’s close-up view. She sighed her pleasure—then bit her lip when Braden’s hands rose to her thong, drawing it, too, gently down to her


"Ah, God," he moaned at the sight of Tommy’s fingers rubbing her, sinking deep now. "So fucking pretty, baby."

"So smooth," Tommy echoed.

"Tel Tommy," Braden said deeply, "how you shaved this pretty pussy for me."

She could barely speak amid the rampant lust pulsing through her body, particularly the part they were focused on right now. Tommy’s large finger

stil raked through her moisture. "I shaved it. . . in the shower . . . when he asked me to . . . while he watched. And again . . . today. For both of you."

"That’s so hot," Tommy purred, stil touching, touching, and Braden
didn’t move, simply watching, up close, until she could have sworn her cunt gaped wider just for him.

When Braden leaned slowly inward, Tommy seemed to know he intended to lick her, so he withdrew his finger and used both hands to part her

labia. She shuddered when Braden’s tongue raked over her engorged clit, and she again suffered the yearning to spread for him, and tried even

though she knew the jeans would stop her.

Dragging his wet tongue up her center, again, again, he pushed her jeans and thong down farther, al the way to her ankles until she was able to pul

one foot free. Then—sweet heaven—she parted her legs so that she could feel each hot lick deeper. Tommy stil used his fingers to part her pussy

as Braden laved her whole slit from top to bottom. Behind her, Tommy’s arousal pressed harder—so hard—into the center of her ass, so that as

she moved instinctual y against Braden’s mouth, she felt deliciously stimulated from the back, too. Experiencing that "sandwich effect" again, she gave herself over to it, letting herself feel whol y taken by them both, whol y trapped between them, surrendering to their wants and whims.

Final y, her legs weakened to a point that she had to break through the heat to breathe, "I can’t stand up any longer."

Braden ceased ministrations, ending with one soft kiss just above her clit, and murmured, "Come on, let’s bring you over here."

He took her hands and led her swiftly but gently to the sofa. Her legs would barely move—she felt dazed, intoxicated more by the men than the wine

now—so he guided her.

Yet being back face to face with him brought on a whole new bevy of desires that had to be acted upon. His clothes needed to come off. And she

had to get to his cock. It wasn’t a choice, but a raw need.

Drawing her knees up beneath her on the sofa, she pushed the open shirt from his shoulders, then scrunched the dark T-shirt underneath, trying to

get to his broad chest and that six-pack stomach. He helped, ripping them off, and she reached for his belt.

Then she remembered Tommy, who'd sat down behind her on the couch, and he'd been so sweet and generous so far that she didn't want to leave

him out. Turning, she reached boldly for the buttons on his shirt, and he leaned back, watching her undo them. She knew that surely Braden

watched, too, and as always, his eyes injected in her a whole new wanton passion.

She fol owed her instincts, letting herself go more in this moment than ever before. Braden wanted to see her with another man—then see her he


As Tommy's shirt fel open to reveal the same muscular stomach he'd revealed at their first dinner, she began to kiss his broad chest, began to kiss

BOOK: Voyeur
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