Read Voyage of the Moonstone Online

Authors: Joe Dever

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Lone Wolf, #Magnamund

Voyage of the Moonstone (28 page)

BOOK: Voyage of the Moonstone
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Hastily you use your mastery of the elements to summon a gust of air to deflect the arrow that is now speeding towards your chest.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table
. If your current
total is 20 or lower, deduct 2 from the number you have picked.

If your total score is now 4 or lower,
turn to 44

If it is 5 or higher,
turn to 261


The rogue draws himself back from the table and casts a nervous glance at his shadowy companions before looking you straight in the eye.

‘Very well, Northlander,’ he sneers, ‘if you're from Sommerlund as y'say you is, you'll be sure to know the name of its capital city. Tell us, what is it?’

If you wish to tell the man that the capital of Sommerlund is Holmstar,
turn to 122

If you wish to say that it is Holmgard,
turn to 64

If you wish to say that it is Stargard,
turn to 227


You decline to answer his question directly for you do not wish to give him the impression that you are familiar with the ways of magic. Rather than reveal your true identity, or the reasons why you now find yourself in Bisutan, you simply say that you are a traveller who is on his way south.

‘Mmmm … ’ mutters the old man, clearly bemused, ‘perhaps, you have acquired something …
 … whilst on your travels? I am a collector of magical artefacts. In fact that is why I've come to Bisutan. If you have anything of an arcane nature I would be most keen to make you an offer of purchase.’

If you possess an Iron Skull, a Kutyan Emerald, or a Siyen Crown, and you wish to sell one or more of these Special Items to the old magician,
turn to 54

If you do not possess any of these items, or if you do not want to sell any of them,
turn to 262


Paoll shows you to your cabin which is situated at the stern, next to the captain's quarters. He suggests you rest here and offers to call you when the captain returns, but you are keen to familiarize yourself with the layout of the ship and you decide instead to accompany him as he goes about the task of rousing the sleeping crew.

The forward hold of this sailing ship has been converted into a dormitory for the ship's complement of eighteen men. Yet as Paoll's bellowing voice stirs them reluctantly from their hammocks, you count thirty-one men berthed here.

‘Welcome aboard,’ says a fair-haired young man whose blue surcoat is emblazoned with the scarlet anchor of the Kirlundin Isles. ‘My name's Dryan — Sergeant Dryan of the 1st Kirlundin Marines. My men and I have been assigned a tour of duty aboard
The Pride of Sommerlund
for the duration of the voyage.’

Illustration XVIII
—‘Welcome aboard,’ says Sergeant Dryan as you enter the cabin.

You speak with Sergeant Dryan for a few minutes and learn that he and his marines have been ordered aboard the ship by King Ulnar. Dryan's instructions are to protect the ship's cargo from the threat of pirate attack for, in addition to yourself,
The Pride of Sommerlund
is carrying a valuable consignment of wheat and timber bound for Bisutan. At first you are suspicious; in his briefing Lone Wolf said nothing about an escort of marines. To determine whether Dryan is telling the truth, you probe the sergeant's mind using your psychic skills and discover at once that he is genuine. He does not know or suspect the true purpose of your journey.

‘Well I'm glad to be sharing this voyage with you and your men,’ you say. ‘It makes me feel much safer knowing we have marines on board.’

You salute the sergeant and allow him to attend to his men. As you turn to leave, Paoll appears at the exit to the hold.

‘Capt'n Raker's comin' aboard, sir!’ he shouts.

You return on deck in time to see a broad-shouldered man with a golden beard and sharp blue eyes come striding up the gangplank.

‘I'm Raker,’ he says gruffly, ‘and you must be the Kai journeyman we've been expecting. Good, now we can be getting on our way.’ He turns to the First Mate and bellows: ‘Alright, Paoll. Set your crew to work. I want us to catch the ebb tide in one hour.’

Turn to 278


You wait until the last moment before you leap over the falling statue. It shears the surface from the steps on which, just seconds ago, you were standing but you escape unscathed. You see the statue finally reach the bottom of the stairwell where it smashes into several large segments which block the narrow doorway and fill the base of the stairwell with thick dust. Steeling yourself for what may lie ahead, you hurry up the stairs in pursuit of your prey — the scourge of Hikas.

Turn to 177


The old man frowns and curses you under his breath. Then he turns around and hobbles away across the beach.

‘Silly old scrounger!’ says Sligh, as he watches him go.

‘We're wastin' our time here, Grand Master,’ comments Oswin. ‘Shouldn't we be getting on?’

You nod in agreement and motion the others to follow as you turn your horse back towards the coast road. It is a clear night and the brilliant moon is nearly full. With luck you could be in Bir Rabalou well before midnight.

Turn to 232


The early morning streets of Gologo are empty as you ride towards its southern gate. Most of the inhabitants are sleeping off last night's celebrations and nobody sees you leave the town and set off along the jungle trail to Elzian.

For most of the morning your view of the surrounding land is restricted by the dense walls of verdant foliage that border upon this ancient trail. It is not until noon, when you crest a ridge of high ground, that you catch sight of what lies beyond the seemingly endless jungle. Less than a mile to the north is the titanic chasm of Gorgoron. It is a dark and forbidding sight, like a deep festering wound in the land that time has been unable to heal. Its sheer walls and immeasurable depth call to mind images of the Maakengorge, a dread chasm which lies to the south of your homeland province of Ruanon. Legend says that these vast canyons are scars inflicted upon the flesh of Magnamund by the vengeful hand of Naar.

Beyond the ridge the trail descends to the ruins of an ancient town. Here you stop to rest your horse and drink from a pool of clear water that bubbles freely from the loamy soil. Unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3

To continue,
turn to 113


You strike your killing blow and the Otokh emits a loud and terrible shriek. Its great body convulses, and hissing sparks cascade from its limbs and maw as slowly it relinquishes its grip upon the masthead. You watch with awe as the creature plummets through the rigging and crashes down upon the deck rail with terrific force. Five enemy raiders are crushed to death and several more are consigned to a watery grave when they become entangled in the creature's legs. They are dragged screaming to their doom as the Otokh rolls through the shattered ship's rail and disappears beneath the foaming waves.

The death of the Otokh sends a wave of panic coursing through the enemy's ranks and soon they begin to falter and fall back to their own vessel. The enemy leader curses and screams as his men swarm aboard, and you hear him threaten personally to tear the throat from any warrior who refuses to fight on. This threat appears to work for the raiders cease their retreat and begin instead to regroup in preparation for another attack. You watch as the leader leaves the protection of his ship's forecastle and takes his place at the head of his troops, ready to lead this second assault.

If you possess a Bow and wish to use it,
turn to 244

If you do not, or if you choose not to use it,
turn instead to 230


You magnify your vision and detect that there are violent thermal air currents swirling between the mountain peaks. You detect that these are the result of the dry air currents from the Bavari Hills meeting with the humid jungle air of the southern reaches. You warn Yranai but he seems unconcerned.

‘It may get a little rough but
is built to take it,’ he says with bravado, and he bangs his fist on the handrail that runs around the rim of the basket, as if to demonstrate his craft's sturdy workmanship. When a section of the handrail immediately falls away and is lost in the mountains below, it does not readily inspire your confidence in this craft or its pilot. Sheepishly, Yranai plays with the valves of the engine and the balloon drifts to the east, towards some more distant but lesser peaks where the air is calmer. He gives you a wry grin and you give thanks to Kai and Ishir that he has heeded your warning.

Turn to 68


You examine the plants closely and are able to identify them as Cowana — a marine variety of Laumspur. These plants possess the same healing qualities as their land-based cousin, and there are enough growing here for three doses.

Each dose of Cowana will restore 4
points to your total when swallowed after combat. If you wish to keep one or more doses, record them on your
Action Chart
as Backpack Items. Each dose will take up one space in your Backpack.

To continue,
turn to 99


The crowd is beginning to turn ugly. Judging by the way they are looking at you it is clear that they believe the thief's lies. Rather than risk a confrontation with them or the city militia, you decide that perhaps in this instance discretion is the better part of valour. You toss the stolen item back at the thief and grudgingly you tell him to keep it (erase the first item you have recorded on your Backpack Items list).

The crowd immediately loses interest in what they now believe is just another everyday street incident in Bisutan. The thief sneers as he pockets your property and then he turns and scurries away into the crowd, like a rat entering a sewer.

Turn to 96


You are knocked backwards by the searing pain of this unexpected psychic attack. Your innate mental defences knit together to protect the fabric of your mind, but before this protective shell is fully erected, you experience the chilling effects of psychic shock: lose 4

As the pain in your head recedes, you open your eyes and see a sinister new threat loom into view.

Turn to 75


The archer's arrow hurtles across the street towards you as if in slow motion. Your senses are alive to the imminent danger, but you feel rooted to the ground and incapable of moving out of its path. Then a starburst of pain erupts in your head and the salty taste of blood fills your mouth. The arrow has penetrated the front of your skull and death is instantaneous.

Tragically, your life and your quest end here in Kilij.


You steer your horse along a street running parallel to the beach, and enter the courtyard of a large two-storey hostel with stables. A young boy takes your horse's reins and leads him away to an enclosure at the side of this brightly-painted building, and you enter the hostel's front door to find it is empty. It seems that everyone has gone to the beach this evening. Then you hear a noise from beyond an open doorway and a balding man appears. He rubs his bloodshot eyes and yawns, revealing a mouthful of gold teeth. You ask if he has a room for the night and lazily he nods his head.

‘I've two types of room and service,’ he says. ‘There's Standard and there's Best. Standard costs 2 Gold Crowns a night and you don't get no food. Best costs 4 Gold Crowns and you get lots of food in the morning.’

If you wish to buy a Standard room for the night,
turn to 216

If you decide to buy a Best room,
turn to 138

[20] If you do not have enough Gold Crowns, you may choose to barter a normal Weapon, Backpack Item, or Special Item at your discretion.


You take aim at the creature's ghastly mouth and release your bowstring, sending your Arrow arcing across the water towards its target. But before your missile finds its mark, the creature springs into the air and launches itself into the rigging of your ship.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table
. If you possess Grand Weaponmastery with Bow, remember to add 3 to the number you have picked.

If your total score is now 3 or lower,
turn to 81

If it is 4–6,
turn to 154

If it is 7 or higher,
turn to 222

BOOK: Voyage of the Moonstone
8.01Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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