Vostok (37 page)

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Authors: Steve Alten

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: Vostok
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“Fearing an alien invasion, Truman made sure our allies and the Soviet Union knew about the E.T.s and their technology. Because Congress couldn’t be trusted, a small group of world leaders were organized to strategize how to deal with the threat. This ruling body became known as the Bilderberger Group, named after the hotel where they first met.

“The alien encounters grew more frequent in 1953 after President Dwight Eisenhower took office. To deal with the problem, Eisenhower appointed Nelson Rockefeller as chairman of a Presidential Advisory Committee on Government Organization. His first assignment was to create a secret task force.

“By 1955, the new entity, known as MJ-12, was placed in charge of all alien activities. The secret society included Nelson Rockefeller, Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson, CIA Director Allen Dulles, Secretary of State John Dulles, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Arthur Radford, and FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. There were also six men selected from the Council on Foreign Relations and six from a scientific group formed during the Manhattan Project, known as the JASON Society. Policies could only be mandated by a majority vote of twelve, thus the name MJ-12.

“Power breeds contempt, Dr. Wallace. Over the years MJ-12’s top positions were dominated by members of the CFR and the Trilateral Commission. This group of elitists ruled in favor of its own special interests. Buoyed by Eisenhower’s hands-off executive orders and Rockefeller’s restructured government, this secret society had essentially been given the keys to rule the world, and they intended to shape it in ways that ensured they remained in power.

“Trillions of dollars have been secreted into covert funds over the years, to feed the military industrial complex without congressional oversight. Billions more were raised by exploiting the opium market. Working with South American drug cartels, cocaine shipments were brought by boat to offshore U.S. oil-drilling platforms, where CIA operatives would then transport them ashore
with the rig’s supplies, bypassing customs. New Orleans and California were the primary destinations, targeting minorities and the poor, an element the elite considered to be our nation’s weakest links. Even today, the CIA controls most of the world’s illegal drug markets, as well as its major newspapers and media outlets. Some of these vast appropriations were used to build elaborate underground facilities, supposedly to house the government in case of nuclear war. In reality, these bunkers are part of a plan known as Alternative Two. Alternatives One, Two, and Three are contingency plans that deal with the threat of an alien invasion.

“When President Kennedy learned what the CIA was doing, he threatened to shut down the agency, and with it MJ-12. In doing so, he underestimated the lengths the elite would go to, remain in power. If you believe that Lee Harvey Oswald and his magic bullet assassinated JFK, then I’m wasting my time with you. Most of the Warren Commission was made up of CFR members; you know how that investigation played itself out.

“There are secret underground military bases across the United States, including one in Fort Huachuca, Arizona, run by Army Intelligence, which houses nine extraterrestrial vessels and the remains of their crew.”

“Is that where we are?”

“No, you’re in Dreamland, better known as Area 51. We run a program here where our pilots test alien aircraft. We also run a fake test program to fool the public.”

“You mean like the bogus alien craft you used to launch your false flag event?”

“That wasn’t us. But I can see you don’t believe me.” He touched something in his right ear. It must have held a communication link because a moment later, the door hissed open and someone entered.

Her perfume arrived before I saw her. “Susan! Susan, are you all right?”

She knelt and kissed my cheek. “I’m fine. It’s you I’ve been
worried about.” She looked up at the Colonel. “You’ve accessed enough of his memories for a lifetime. I want these tubes taken out of him.”

“In a moment. He needs to know who we are and where we stand.”

Searching through a drawer beneath my table, she located gauze and tape and then set to work removing my I.V. tube. “Zach, MJ-12 fractured into two ideologies years ago. Our group is made up of intellects from the JASON Society and seeks peaceful relations with the E.T.s. The other group, composed of radical members of the Bilderbergs, Trilateral Commission, and CFR, seek to exploit the aliens’ technology for their own New World Order.”

I winced as the tube was extracted from my vein. “You’re a part of this?”

“I was recruited into the JASON Society my senior year at Yale.”

“What about… us?”

“I was told to get close.”

“In other words you used me.”

“Yes, but for the greater good. There’s so much you don’t understand.”

“Try me.”

Colonel Vacendak interrupted. “As I explained before, we’ve figured out how these saucer-shaped E.T. vessels appear to violate the laws of physics, hovering in mid-air and changing directions at will, moving at beyond-lightspeed. They’re phase shifting in and out of a higher dimension, using a device similar to what you wanted to unleash upon the world, an energy device that creates a powerful rotating electromagnetic field that interacts with gravity. For some reason, the being you were in contact with seven years ago chose you to deliver it to humanity. Care to tell us why?”

“Maybe because it knew you and your kind would exploit it instead of share it, like the other assholes.”

Susan stepped in between us. “The E.T. communicated with you while you were in a lucid dream state, something we refer to as a conscious-intelligent visual, or CIV. Existence is all about consciousness. Among higher souls like your alien friend, it transcends the limits of both time and space. While the Creator represents the absolute universal mind, physical beings like ourselves can tap into the same energy, or light vibration, to experience precognition, inspiration, intuition, creativity, and even remote viewing. This can be achieved because a link exists between awareness and matter. When you entered the ice tunnel, the purity of your consciousness allowed you to gain entry into the ship.”

The Colonel nodded. “Tell him more about the different species we’ve encountered.”

“Nordics are physical beings that resemble humans. They prefer to observe from a distance, though at times they’ve flown over our nuclear missile bases and short-circuited our weapon systems. They have communicated messages intended to awaken a spiritual evolution. Grays and Reptilians are darker beings who visit evolving worlds under the guise of serving as a ‘mentor’ species. They come bearing gifts, which they offer those who share the same negative vibrational frequencies as their own. Secret societies like the Bilderbergs, who are misled into bringing about mass destruction on a planetary scale, become their puppets.

“Zachary, a spiritual revolution is already upon us as the masses refuse to accept poverty, inequality, and endless war spawned by class warfare and greed. In order to control the populace, the elites have once again created the illusion of wolves stalking the flock, this time in the guise of aliens hell-bent on destruction. These contrived threats will lead to the forfeiture of even more personal freedoms, in this case the energy system you introduced to the public. It’s a page straight out of the 9/11 playbook, except on a global scale, spawned by a Faustian agreement entered into between the elites and their alien counterparts, placing all of humanity in grave jeopardy.”

“How is humanity in danger? And what does all this have to
do with me?”

“It had nothing to do with you,” the Colonel said. “All we wanted you and your team to do was plant a few sensors around that damn ship and get out of Dodge. Instead, you triggered a portal that our alien visitors have been trying to access for years. If Susan and her fellow JASONS are right and some kind of cataclysm is going to hit—”

“Catacylsm? What kind of cataclysm?”

Susan held my hand. “Zach, honey, there was a reason you were contacted seven years ago in Lake Vostok. We believe an extinction event is going to happen in the near future. It could be natural or man-made, or induced by the E.T.s. To prevent it, we need to know what it will be and when it is supposed to happen.

“I’m sorry, baby, but we need to take you back.”


bonkers. But I’ll tell you a secret. All the best people are.”

—Lewis Carroll

“Take me back where? To Lake Vostok? You’re nuts!”

“Zach, the space-time portal you accessed allows you to move within the multiverses of your soul’s existence. You can use the portal to access the future. Not only can you learn what disaster awaits us, you can determine the proper course of action that will save our species.”

“And how the hell am I supposed to get back down into that godforsaken lake?”

“The Colonel will explain everything. For now, let’s get you cleaned up and moving about.”

I let out a loud yelp as Susan removed my catheter. She pulled loose the Velcro straps from my ankles and wrists, then removed the EKG tabs from my chest.


“Sorry. Try to stand.”

I attempted to climb out of the chair, but my legs lacked the strength.

The Colonel summoned his physician, who returned with a wheelchair. “Susan, take him to the dining hall and get him something to eat. The transport leaves tomorrow morning at 0800 hours. I need him fit enough to travel.”

“Twelve hours? I’ll do my best. Zach, let’s see if we can get some solid food into you.”

Susan wheeled me out of the pneumatic door to an antiseptic-white, tiled outer corridor. We passed a dozen similar
doors, each chamber’s electronic keypad marked by either a green or flashing red light. I wondered who else they had hooked up to their insidious machines, whose memories they were probing.

At the end of the hall were three elevators. Susan swiped the magnetic strip on her identification card and pressed the UP button. The middle car arrived and she backed me inside.

We were on the twenty-third floor. The thirty-three elevator buttons were arranged in ascending order to reflect the subterranean location of our facility, the top floor listed as G.

She pushed SEVENTEEN. “
Zach, we’re being watched. Don’t react—I know you can hear my thoughts. I want you to tell me you’d prefer to take a hot bath to get your circulation going before you eat something.”

My pulse raced as I heard her words whispered into my consciousness. “Susan, if it’s okay with you, I’d like to take a hot bath to get my circulation going before I eat something.”

“Good idea. I’ll take you to your quarters.” She pushed FIVE.

The elevator passed the seventeenth floor and stopped on the fifth.

The doors opened and Susan wheeled me out to a seemingly endless corridor that felt more like a dormitory than a secured floor. Corkboards spaced at intervals along the walls held flyers advertising the week’s schedule of social events. We passed a dozen rooms, a lounge, and a weight room before we reached Suite 514.

Susan indicated the keypad, and I pressed my thumb to it, unbolting the door.

The room brightened as we entered, revealing a small living room that looked out onto a dazzling view of a Mediterranean beach and an azure sea. The balcony door was open, venting the air-conditioned apartment with warm gusts of briny air. I heard the ocean washing along the shoreline and seagulls cawing—and none of it was real.

Susan shut the door of the video-screen balcony,
extinguishing the view.

“Zach, keep all verbal communication to small talk. Once we’re in the bathtub, I’ll answer all of your questions.”

I caught myself nodding. “Uh, nice place.”

“Let’s get you into a hot bath.”

I stood and leaned on her shoulder as she led me into her bedroom.

A queen-size bed faced bay windows that were part of the same holographic system as the balcony. There was a sound system and a flat-screen television. A wall of mirrors concealed a closet.

I stripped out of my surgical greens while Susan ran the bath water. My arms were covered in bruises from multiple I.V.s. My leg muscles had atrophied. Remembering the weight room, I decided a workout would follow my meal, if only to regain some strength to escape.

Susan was naked, waiting for me inside the whirlpool tub. “Come in and lean back against me. I’ll massage your shoulders.”

I climbed in and lay back against her breasts.

She wrapped her muscular quadriceps around my waist, running her hands along my groin.

I grabbed her wrists. “
Hey, knock it off! I want answers, like how we’re able to communicate telepathically.”

“Now, don’t react… I’m a Nordic.”

I tried to sit up, but her legs were far too strong.

“I won’t harm you. I’m here to help you, but you have to trust me. The Colonel lied. He needs you in Vostok to access the alien vessel. Once MJ-12 has access to the portal, they’ll be able to time-jump, altering third-dimension reality. We can’t allow that to happen.”

“What’s this ‘we’ stuff? You don’t need me, Susan, you’re Nordic. Destroy the damn portal and be done with it.”

“We can’t. The magnetic shield is far too strong. Even if we could destroy it, there’s a hierarchy in play. The being that communicated with you
exists in the upper dimensions. When it comes to these higher-vibration entities there are no coincidences. The portal is in Lake Vostok because it knew you would be there. It offered you the gift of energy for a reason. If it knows what is to come, then we must trust it.”

“And why should I trust you?”

“Nordics have been mentoring humans for thousands of years. The Mayan teacher, Kukulcan, was a Nordic, as was the Inca leader Viracocha. If Colonel Vacendak knew I was a Nordic, neither one of us would ever see daylight again.”

“Where do Nordics come from? How long have you been on Earth? Were you born here?”

“I’ll tell you everything, but you must remember we’re being watched. Close your eyes.”
She kissed the back of my neck while massaging my shoulders.
“Life thrives in multiple plains of existence throughout the universe. Imagine each galaxy as a garden, most of its flowers cultivated within its central greenhouse. Star systems like yours, situated along the fringes of the galaxy, must be seeded for life

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