Voracious (3 page)

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Authors: Jenika Snow

BOOK: Voracious
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Chapter Four


Alric stared in horror at the small, huddled figure just a few feet away. He couldn’t tell if it was a man or a woman. A flash of dark hair peeked out from under the hood they wore. Alric stepped outside then got down on his haunches in front of the still body.

“What’s going on?” Sam called out from inside.

“Sam, get some hot water started and grab the first aid kit.” He didn’t know if the person was hurt, and the weather was too treacherous for him to sense any injuries. It was better to have things ready just in case.

Alric wrapped his arms around the body and lifted. The person was tiny and weighed nearly nothing. Alric strode back inside and slammed the door shut with his foot. Sam had his pants back on and already had a bucket filled with water, steam rising over the top. He turned and grabbed the first aid kit, as well.

“What the hell?”

Looking down, Alric couldn’t tell exactly who it was, but they were unconscious. Hell, he wouldn’t have even been able to tell if they were dead if not for the fact that he was a shifter and could hear their heart beating faintly.

“Maybe a hiker that got caught in the storm?” Alric said softly, more to himself as he stared down at the person. The coat they wore was oversized for their small frame. Could it be a child? It very well could have been for how tiny they were.

Alric strode over to the fire and laid the still body on the rug, wanting to get the person warm and out of the clothes that were getting wet from the melting snow covering them.

“Sam, bring the water and some towels over here.” Chin-length auburn hair covered the stranger’s face, and Alric pushed the hood away, and then did the same to the wet strands that covered their face. “Oh fuck.”

“What?” Sam asked.

“It’s a female,” Alric said softly, but it wasn’t just that realization that had shock filling him. Before he could say anything else Sam was beside him. His mate sucked in a sharp breath as he stared down at the female. Her face was turned away, but Alric could see how pale and luminescent her skin was. Her cheekbones stood out in stark contrast against her thin face. She was thin, far too thin for his liking, and she was cold to the bone.

“For fuck’s sake, warm her up,” Sam said and thrust the bowl of water and rag to him. “And get her out of the clothes before hypothermia sets in, if it hasn’t already.”

Alric lifted his gaze to Sam’s and saw the expression on his mate’s face. Sam had realized the same thing as he had upon looking at her, yet neither said anything. Right now they needed to tend to her, and once she was on the mend they’d worry about the other revelation.

“We can’t worry about that right now, Sammy,” Alric said softly, and Sam snapped his gaze to his.

Alric didn’t know what had happened to her, but he knew Sam was with him in saving her life. At this moment, because of who she was, making sure she survived had never been more important.


The world around Dalia slowly came into focus. The first thing she was aware of was that she wasn’t cold anymore. The second thing was that she wasn’t dead, obviously. Once those two things penetrated her mind she woke with a start. She opened her eyes and sucked in a lungful of air. The room was fuzzy, her vision having yet to clear and focus. She heard the crack and pop of a fire, felt its warmth right beside her. Once her vision cleared she turned her head around and searched her surroundings.

She had no idea where she was, didn’t even know how she’d survived, but she felt this calm settle over her. All she could remember was why she’d run and that she had been stuck in the blizzard that had seemed to come out of nowhere.

She knew that the ones she was running from hadn’t found her or she would be in pain right now, not comfortable and warm. So what she needed to find out was where she was and how long she had to wait before she could leave. There was no way she could stay here, not when she would surely be found.

No, keeping on the move was the only way she’d survive. The ones after her wouldn’t rest until they either had her back or she was dead. Neither was an option for her.

Dalia pushed herself up and looked around at the unfamiliar environment. A fire was roaring brightly beside her, but as much as she wanted to enjoy it she didn’t give herself the luxury of doing any such thing. There was too much at stake. Looking down at herself, she pushed the thick blankets off of her and saw she no longer wore the clothes she’d been wearing when she escaped. The oversized, clearly male shirt she wore smelled of something spicy and rich … something that awoke this need in her.

She pushed that aside and focused on the reality of her situation. Dalia shifted and winced. Her aching body was sore and protested. Before she stood, she froze when she heard movement behind her. She held her breath. When she heard a deep, content sigh, she glanced over her shoulder and blinked at what, or rather
she saw.

There, sitting together in an overstuffed leather recliner, were two of the largest males she’d ever seen. They sat chest to back in an intimate embrace. I was clear they were lovers, yet looking at them made something inside of her
. It was a strange feeling, one she wasn’t used to, but something she had to ignore.

Dalia swallowed roughly and edged out from beneath the blankets. She scanned the floor for her clothes. As ragged as they’d been, she needed more than an oversized shirt to protect her from the weather when she left this place.

But she couldn’t see where her clothes or even her shoes were.

Looking around the cabin again, she tried to gauge who these men were by their possessions. The cabin was rustic, yet spacious. There were boxes pressed up against the walls, and she had to assume they’d either just moved in, or were in the process of leaving.

Looking down at the shirt again, she picked at the material. She could still hear the blizzard waging war outside, and wrapped her arms around herself. All she could think about was when
would find her, because she knew eventually they would. They were skilled trackers, and they were hunting her. She hoped the snow and wind had hidden her footprints so that they wouldn’t be able to track her.

Those thoughts and hopes were the only thing keeping her in one piece at the moment.

She placed a hand on her belly just as it gave a mighty growl. When was the last time she had eaten? She couldn’t even remember. Not knowing what else to do, Dalia moved over to the couch and sat down. The leather molded to her body, and she let out a pleasure-filled and content sigh. Glancing at the strangers on the recliner again, she couldn’t help but tear up. These men had saved her, even if she didn’t know their true intentions. But staying here was dangerous for them, too. She should just run, risk the weather and hope she reached a town, because she didn’t want them hurt because of her.

And if the ones searching for her found out these males helped her, kept her from them, they’d make them hurt ten times over.

Feeling hot tears slip down her cheeks, she wiped them away, not wanting to show weakness. She wanted desperately to feel safe, even if only for a moment. But the tears wouldn’t stop. Dalia cried quietly, not wanting to wake up the men that had saved her life.

But then she heard a rustling, and lifted her gaze to stare at the two males. Dalia quickly wiped her tears, knowing her eyes were wide. The men watched her with hesitance and worry in their expressions. As she stared at them, the feeling that had first started in her rose to a fever pitch. It was like a living entity inside of her, making everything else fade until it only focused on these two males, and what they were to her.

“You’re wolf shifters,” she stated the obvious first. But she didn’t dare say the other thing, the other reality of this situation. No, because she was already too confused, and dropping that bomb, saying it out loud, would make this so much worse.


Alric glanced at Sam then back at the female. The realization of this situation, of what they all were to each other, was clear on her face. It coated the air, made it thick, heady … heated. It was a connection, a chemistry that couldn’t be denied. But she’d held back from saying what hung between them, so neither of them said it right now either.

This small and fragile female was a wolf shifter, as well, but it was almost as if what they all were to each other came as a shock. It was as if she had never thought this could happen to her.

What happened to her to make her feel this way?

“Can you tell us what happened?” Sam’s voice was gentle and coaxing.

She didn’t speak for the longest time, and Alric could see the war of emotions that played across her face.

“I…” Her voice was no more than a whisper, but both of them heard it nonetheless. She started to cry again, and Alric wanted nothing more than to go and comfort her. He got up to do just that, his wolf wanting to make sure she was okay, that she was happy. And despite Sam tightening his hold on him, trying to stop him, Alric pulled away. He watched her stiffen when he crouched in front of her, but she didn’t move away.

“You’re safe here,” Alric whispered and lifted his hand to rub his thumb along her cheek to wipe her tear off. Her skin was warm, and a jolt of electricity slammed into him from that small touch. She gasped, and he knew she felt it, too. “Whatever happened out there can’t get you in here. I promise.” He stared into the deep green depths of her eyes, willing her to trust them even though she didn’t know who they were.

“I’m from Willowhearth,” she finally said, her voice soft.

Alric played the town name over in his head, finally realizing that it was a small shifter community about four hours from Forrest Haven.

Hell, she traveled that far on foot, and in this weather?

As if reading his mind, she said, “I couldn’t stay there any longer. They would have killed me once I had the baby.” She covered the small swell of her belly protectively with her hands.

Alric looked down at her belly. Realization and shock filled him, and he sensed that reality, as well, from Sam.

“Your mate didn’t protect you?” he growled out that sentence, the very thought of her mated to someone that would have hurt her having his wolf rise up, having him see red. He heard the low rumble leave Sam, as well.

Hell, I don’t want to even think of her with a male.

A nasty purple bruise marred the side of her face, and he couldn’t help the rage that consumed him.

How can this be? How can she be here, pregnant with another’s baby, hurt and frightened?

Alric didn’t want to delve too deeply into it, at least not right now. He was just thankful she hadn’t died, and that she was here now with them.

“There is no mate,” she stuttered on the last word, as if just mentioning it brought fear to her.

“Shhh, let’s start with something easier. What’s your name?”

She blinked a few times, and he scented the calm filling her. He wanted her to realize she was truly safe here.

“Dalia Cooper.”


He said her name over and over again in his mind and turned to stare at Sam. His mate had a look of pure terror across his face, but Alric could see, beneath all that fear, the reality taking root. He needed to speak with Sam about all of this, but it would have to wait until Dalia was taken care of, and before they brought this out in the open.

“I’m Alric, and that is my mate, Sam,” he said.

She glanced at Sam.

“You’re mates?” she said softly, and although there was the knowledge she already knew that, she also sounded confused.

Yeah, he could relate.

“Everything will be okay now.” Alric brushed her auburn hair away from her eyes. He noticed her blush, and his heart sped up. “Would you like something to eat and drink?” As soon as she nodded he sensed Sam standing and going into the kitchen.

“I don’t want to rush you, but we need to know what happened so we can move forward.” They’d have to bring up everything sooner or later, and Alric would prefer to do it soon. This couldn’t be ignored.

“Dalia, tell me what happened.”

Chapter Five


Dalia glanced down after Alric spoke. She started picking at invisible lint, not sure where to start, but having this strong need to be honest with him, with both of them, about everything.

“Things shifted within our pack, and a sadistic wolf took over. I was then part of the Braylock pack. Our alpha, Clay, is a very cruel alpha. I didn’t choose to be part of their pack. I was given to Clay as a payment.” She heard him suck in a sharp breath. “The pack I was born into is Willowhearth. Something happened in the past, and when I was born I was bequeathed to Clay. When I came of age I was given to Clay to settle that debt.” She quickly wiped her tears away.

“Given as a payment?” Alric growled out, his anger coating the air. She scented Sam’s aggression toward it, as well.

“And they gave no thought about your bound mate, the one you were destined to be with?”

She shook their head. “My mate was Clay since the moment I took my first breath, or at least in my father’s eyes that’s how it was.”

Sam stopped beside Alric, the tension in him clear. He set a plate and mug on the coffee table in front of her. The smell of the food had her belly clenching in hunger.

“It sounds barbaric.” There was a growl in Sam’s voice.

“Yeah.” Memories washed through her. “When I found out who I was to be bequeathed to, I refused to take him as my mate. The Braylock pack is not known for their gentleness and kindness. They are a ruthless pack that enjoys causing pain and suffering…” Her breath hitched. “I didn’t want to be a part of something so ugly.”

Alric placed his hand on hers, and she felt his strength seep into her. Sam sat beside him, but he didn’t touch her, just watched her, as if he were afraid to get too close. She could sense that although Sam was clearly an alpha, he was the “gentler” of the two of them. He held more empathy and compassion. She could picture both of them together, Alric more headstrong, more determined.

Where would I fit in all of this?


It was clear Sam was struggling with the story Dalia had just told them, and Alric couldn’t blame his mate. But they had to know the details if they were going to protect her.

And we will protect her, no matter what.

“He will come for me. I know he will.” Her voice shook, and when she reached out for the mug on the coffee table Alric saw her hands shook as well. She took the mug and brought it to her lips, her focus on the fire in front of them. She set the mug back down and looked at them, her eyes wide and full of tears.

“He loves the idea of me, of owning me like a piece of property.”

Alric couldn’t help the low warning growl that left him at that thought. Sam placed a hand on his leg, trying to calm him clearly.

And then she placed her hand over her slightly rounded belly. “I’m pregnant, as I know you two are aware. I love this child, even if the creation of this baby was by force.”

Alric saw red. His wolf rose up, and he felt the shift start to take hold of him. Of course they’d known she was pregnant, but the very idea that she’d been taken in
way, had raw fury filling him.

He sensed Sam felt exactly the same way, but where Alric couldn’t hide how he felt, Sam kept his cool.

“I’m pregnant, but not by choice.”

“He forced you?” The words were no more than a growl from him, and he watched as her eyes widened. Fuck, he needed to be calm, especially with how fragile she was. The smell of her fear was thick, and he cursed inwardly at being the cause of it. She was innocent, so fucking vulnerable, and he was making this worse.

He stood, putting some distance between them.

“It’s okay, Dalia. You’re safe here,” Sam said.

She breathed out heavily. “I know. I’m not afraid of you two, I promise.” She licked her lips before continuing. “I have not known gentleness from another male. I never wanted Clay’s baby, but now that I am pregnant I can’t even think of giving him up. This baby is all that I have, despite the way he was conceived.” Her eyes were big and shiny from her unshed tears as she looked at both of them. “I can’t let Clay have the baby. He will warp his small and innocent mind—turn him into something evil and twisted … just like him.” She whispered.

Alric watched as Sam finally touched Dalia. He rubbed her back, the compassion on his face tangible. God, he wished he had the kind of gentleness his mate had.

“He’ll pay for what he did to you,” Alric said, not able to keep the thought in any longer.

She closed her eyes briefly. Alric could sense how tired she was, could feel how worn out her small body was from running from her nightmare.

“You need to rest, but eat first. You need the nourishment, Dalia.” Alric took a steadying breath and walked up to the couch. He gave her a lingering glance before taking the mug back to the kitchen to refill it. When he came back with the mug refilled he was pleased to see she was eating. Once she was finished he cleared off the coffee table. Sam went and got her a thick blanket, and helped her lie back on the couch.

Her eyes were closed, and he knew it would only be moments before she was asleep.

Good. Her body needed that sleep. It would help her heal.

They waited until they sensed she was asleep before moving into the bedroom. He needed to speak with Sam about all of this. Once the door was shut he sensed Sam’s strong composure snap. His mate started pacing, and Alric could feel the anger and possessiveness inside his mate toward Dalia.

“We have to keep our shit together,” Alric said in a low voice. This wasn’t just about finding a fragile female nearly dead on their doorstep. This was about so much more. Alric sat on the edge of the bed and rested his head in his hands. Confusion was heavy within him, and he honestly didn’t know what to do, or how to keep his own shit together, least of all tell Sam to do it.

“I’m at odds, Alric.”

“I know.” Glancing up at Sam, Alric had never thought something like this could happen. They stared at each other for long seconds before Alric finally spoke the words they’d kept to themselves … the revelation they knew she was aware of, too.

“She’s our mate.”

Sam rubbed his hair haphazardly and sat beside him. “It’s rare to have a triad mating.”

Alric nodded. Yeah, it was, but it was their reality, and they would not give it up.

“I won’t give her up, and I won’t let them take her away,” Sam said with conviction. Sam came to sit beside Alric, and he let out a low growl of possessiveness. Yeah, Alric knew how his mate felt.

“She’s ours by fate, and no one can have her but us.”

“Who would have thought the two of us would have another mate?” Sam said under his breath, but there was so much awe and happiness that it came out of Sam and filled Alric. Alric felt joy at the fact they’d found their triad. Alric might have mated with another male, but he was deeply attracted to Dalia, and he knew Sam was, as well. Alric could feel it coming from his mate.

Although they were with each other, both he and Sam had been with men and women before they’d been mated. It just so happened that he’d mated with his best friend and the man he loved.

“It sounds like her pack will not let her go.”

Alric looked at Sam when he spoke.

“They won’t have a choice. She isn’t an object they can acquire and do with as they please. She is
mate, Sam, and it is our job to protect her.”

“We should leave with her and go back with the pack. All of us will be able to protect her better.”

Alric shook his head. “Sam, the power went out not too long ago, and the blizzard is only getting worse. I don’t want to risk traveling with her in the condition she’s in. What if something was to happen? She’s lucky she didn’t die before she got to us.” Alric swallowed past the lump in his throat, the very thought of her dying having this intense pain settling in his chest. He had only just met Dalia, but she was already making an impact on him … on both of them.

Glancing at Sam, he could tell by the expression on his mate’s face that he thought the same thing.

“You’re right. She is far too vulnerable to be traveling right now. I think one of us should consider going and getting help, though.”

Alric nodded, knowing the reasoning was logical. It just depended on if they could get down the mountain in time to get help. They had brought their snowmobile with them, but it hadn’t been used since the previous winter. Even if they trekked down the mountain in their wolf form, which would be safer, the weather was a bitch, which would be unsafe for whatever form they were in. All in all, it was just a dangerous trek, but one they would have to make if they wanted to keep their mate safe.

“We’ll figure it out once she’s up from resting. We can hope her pack can’t track her because of the storm.” Sam smiled, and Alric leaned in to kiss him.

“We also have to bring up the mating situation,” Sam said. “I sensed her realization on the matter, but she also seemed confused by it.”

“Maybe because you and I are mated, and she doesn’t know where she’ll fit in all of this.”

Sam nodded. “Either way this needs to be brought up, because I’m not letting her go.”

“No, we aren’t.”


Dalia woke with a start. The dream she’d had was of Clay finding her. She instantly sensed Alric and Sam weren’t in the room, but her wolf side picked up on them being close. She eased back on the couch and breathed out. Exhaustion took hold of her. She couldn’t believe she’d poured her heart out to these strangers.

No, they aren’t strangers. They’re my mates.

They’d saved her, but trusting others was something that had left her long ago. But Alric and Sam were different, and that was in a good way. They were fierce and strong, yet they exuded a warmth and understanding that Dalia had never seen or felt. She was used to the ruthlessness of the packs around her, the corruption and pain that Clay delivered to anyone that crossed him, her included.

She could feel the mating pull toward them, but didn’t know how this would all work out. She wanted to be with them, because her wolf didn’t accept anything less. But she was afraid. She didn’t want Clay to hurt them, and the sociopath would without a doubt. She could sense Sam and Alric were dominating, but not in the way that she feared. They genuinely felt empathy for her, something she’d never gotten from another person. She had been a prisoner for so long she’d forgotten what it felt like for someone to actually care for her, as an individual, not an object. It was enough to make her cry all over again.

Dalia stared at the fire. She watched it until her eyes grew heavy and exhaustion claimed her. For the first time in her life she felt peace, and what a wonderful feeling it was.

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