Read VOLITION (Perception Trilogy, book 2) Online

Authors: Lee Strauss,Elle Strauss

VOLITION (Perception Trilogy, book 2) (11 page)

BOOK: VOLITION (Perception Trilogy, book 2)
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“Rebecca,” Finn said, reaching her. He pushed Philip out of the
way and lifted her head, feeding her the water.

It sloshed over her face, mixing with the foam that had formed
at the corner of her lips. Soon she revived enough to gulp it all down. Her
eyelids fluttered open and she looked around at the faces of the men. Her
expression went from confusion to awareness.

“Oh, no,” she sputtered. “It happened again.”

“Praise the Lord,” Mr. Galloway said. “She’s been healed.”

Noah joined us at that moment. “What happened?”

“Rebecca had a seizure. God ‘healed’ her,” I said with finger
quotes. “With the help of Finn’s special water.”

“Just because medicine is involved, doesn’t mean God isn’t,” Noah

Fine. “Can we get going?”

“Yes. Let’s go.”

I realized I hadn’t made it back to the stall to get my bag. “I
need to get my things.”

Noah nodded. “I’ll wait for you at the car. We’ll wave good-bye
as we drive away.”

I brushed by Hannah who was staring at Rebecca’s recovering

“Heard you in the loft last night,” I whispered with a knowing
grin. Hannah’s face almost burst into flames. “Don’t worry,” I said. “I’m not
going to tell.”

She covered a look of true mortification with her hand and flew
out the barn door. I felt a moment’s remorse for teasing her.

Everyone else cleared out, and I was left alone with only the
of sheep and
ing of pigs to break the silence.

I retrieved my bag from under the cot. A sound from outside
reached my ears that I hadn’t heard in a while. I rushed to a barn window and
peered out. My heart grew colder than the room.

From this position I could see the driveway and the front of
the house. A black car with tinted windows was parked there. A man I’d hoped to
never see again in this life stepped out of the driver’s side.

Agent Grant.





The last time I’d seen Grant was at Grandpa V’s house as he’d
chased Noah up the stairs while some other moron held me tight. Just after
Grandpa’s big confession on how he’d financed Liam’s illegal experiments and
had his lab partner killed, and just before I was subjected to a mind altering
concoction created by my ex-boyfriend to steal all my memories related to Liam
and the experiment, which included all my memories of Noah.

Grandpa V hadn’t counted on Noah getting away, and Noah had
been on the run from Grandpa’s lynch men since.

And now, so was I.

Finn and Dorothy huddled on the front porch to greet them, much
in the same way they did when Noah and I had driven up just three days ago.

Finn’s bellow echoed through the air. “State your business.”

Grant wore a high-tech jacket, and I imagined it emitted
sensors that scanned the property for live persons and ammunition. Another
agent, a woman, accompanied him. She was tall with an athletic build and
dressed similarly to Grant. Her dark hair was cut short and pushed behind her
ears in a no-nonsense manner. She walked stiffly away from the car as she
scanned the grounds.

Grant strutted toward the Rangers with that arrogant gait I

“Have you seen these two kids?” He tapped his ComRing and three
inch head and shoulder holographic images of Noah and me popped up.

Dorothy gasped and closed her eyes.

“We don’t permit technology on our property,” Finn said. “Now,
if you’d kindly turn that off.”

“My apologies.” Grant flicked his ring off. “But have you seen

Finn answered Grant’s question by shaking his head. I wasn’t
sure why, but Finn had decided to cover for us.

“Noah Brody is wanted by the state of California and the
Federal Government for the kidnapping of Zoe Vanderveen. If you willingly
assist them, you can be charged as accomplices to this crime. This would mean
prison, Mr. Ranger.”

Dorothy grabbed onto Finn’s arm.

“So, I’ll ask you again.”

Noah and I were in big trouble. I grabbed my bag and moved to
the far side of the barn, past all the moaning beasts to one of the windows
that faced the shed. I jimmied open the shutters—the sliding lock was stiff
from the cold and my flesh tore as I pressed it. It wouldn’t budge. I looked
around frantically for something to hammer it with. I spotted a tool used to
clean hooves and started banging.

“You need help with that?”

I yelped. “Taylor, you scared me to death.”

“Well, if death is something you’re trying to avoid, let me
assist you.”

I handed him the tool and he unlocked the hinge with seemingly
little effort. I tossed my bag out and worked to get my body out of the window.
My foot slipped, trying to find purchase.

Taylor clasped his hands together. “I’ll boost.”

He practically launched me out of the window and hopped after
me like a star athlete.

“Come on,” he said.

I draped my bag over my shoulder and raced after him, dodging
through the forest, trying to stay hidden by the trees.

Taylor took us straight to the bunker.

“Is Noah here?”

“He’s coming.”

Taylor moved the door mat and opened the hatch. I went first,
feeling a whoosh of cold air follow me down. I didn’t have a jacket and broke
out in goose bumps.

He wrapped a blanket around my shoulders and then pulled me
into a bear hug.

“Body heat is the best kind,” he said with a chuckle.

My heart skipped. “Isn’t that against your religion?”

“What? Body heat? Not last I checked.”

He rubbed my arms, and I grew warmer. I found myself relaxing
into him.

That was how Noah found us.

“What the hell?” he said.

I jumped back like I’d been caught cheating again, which I

“She doesn’t have a coat,” Taylor said. “I was just keeping her

Noah’s expression didn’t soften.

“It was nothing,” I said.

“Right,” he spit out.

“Hey, now’s not a good time for a lover’s spat,” Taylor said.
“You got people looking to do you harm out there.”

 “They’re searching the house at the moment,” Noah said. “Next
it’ll be the outbuildings.”

“Where were you?” I asked.

“I parked the car down a service road, before they could find
it, then came back for you.”

Taylor sat in the chair at the desk and turned on the laptop.
He tapped on the old-fashioned plastic keyboard like an expert.

“You type pretty well for a guy not exposed to technology,”
Noah said, frowning.

“Sometimes you have to be flexible,” Taylor said. A window
opened up showing mine and Noah’s faces side by side, my last name VANDERVEEN
in bold letters.

I exhaled. “You know who I am?”

Taylor spun his chair around to look at me. “I’ve always known
who you were.”

“Wait a minute. You’re Finn’s whiz-kid?” Noah said.

“Shh,” he warned.

We heard muffled sounds of footsteps circling above us along
with the clanging of yard tools as they searched the shed. My heart raced and
burning fear flared in my chest. What would happen to me if they found us? All
they had to do was look under the door mat.

Would Grandpa V have my memories erased again?

I couldn’t think about what they’d do to Noah.

The shuffling was followed by the creaking of the shed door
until there was silence.

We let out a collective breath.

“That was close,” Noah said.

“Do you think they’ll come back?” I asked.

“Yup.” Taylor pointed to the monitor. A government site was up
with Grant’s page opened. Grant’s request for immediate back-up to the address
of the commune was in the notes.

“You’re a hacker?” Noah was incredulous.

I had to admit I was also surprised. And impressed.

“I’m a man of many talents,” Taylor said. “Unfortunately, I
don’t know if you have time to get away before the back-up arrives. Says here
they were dispatched ten minutes ago.”

“Why? I thought they searched the place,” I said. “As far as
they know I’m not here.”

“Something must’ve tipped them off.”

Or someone. And my money was on Rebecca.

“What are we going to do?” I asked.

The ammunition cupboard had a key code, which Taylor apparently
knew. His fingers flew over the pad and it clicked open. He tossed a gun to
Noah. “Do you know how to use one of these?”

Noah examined it carefully. “I think I can manage.”

Taylor ran up the steps to the hatch. “I have to get Finn.”

Noah stared at me with a pained expression. He probably regretted
coming back for me in Sol City, and I wouldn’t blame him. I didn’t know if he
still loved me as he’d once claimed. But I could be certain of one thing:
Taylor Blake for sure didn’t love me and if Noah and I got out of this alive, I
would devote myself to him. I owed him my life.

“Noah,” I said softly. I took his hand. He glanced at our
entwined fingers and pulled me close, resting his chin on my head.

“We’re going to get through this,” he said. “We’re going to

We pulled apart when the hatch opened up. My eyes bugged out as
each member of the commune came down the steps with food, water and blankets in

Dorothy grabbed her chest. “Finn! What is this?”

All the commune people looked stunned, their eyes wide and
glossy with fear as they took in the lights and gadgetry of the computer and
printer set up. The girls grouped together like a frightened flock of birds.

“I’ll explain later,” Finn said. “Right now, this is the only
place I know that you will be safe.”

Dorothy’s face was ashen. “You’re not going to

“Damn right,” Ike said. “Pardon my language, Dorothy, but the
spawn of Satan are about to descend on our doorstep and we have a God-given
right to fight them off.”

“But we’re pacifists,” she squealed. “We can’t take up arms. We
must put our faith in God to protect us.”

Noah raised his rifle. “No disrespect, Sister Ranger, but I’m
putting my faith in God and thanking him that he provided this.”

“I’m not making anyone fight who doesn’t want to,” Finn said.
His eyes were wild, and he jumped with nerves like he’d been waiting his whole
life for something like this to happen. His eyes darted from man to man. “Who’s

Besides Finn, Ike and Noah raised their hands. Then Taylor.

“Son,” Mr. Galloway said, shaking his head. Obviously, he
didn’t know about Taylor’s secret life as a techy.

“I’m sorry, pa,” is all he said.

Simon’s hand went up and Hannah burst into tears. “I’ll be all
right,” he said to her. “God will keep me safe.”

Philip’s hand went up with a quiver. Finn’s gaze landed on him.
“Philip, I need someone to look after the women, in case...”

Philip seemed relieved as his hand came down. “I’ll do it.”

“Okay,” Finn said. “Grab your ammunition and we’ll set up
strategically in the house and across the yard. Philip, stay here with the
women until one of us returns with the all clear. Otherwise, stay until

He opened the hatch and the guys headed out. Noah squeezed my

“I’m coming too,” I said, taking a fire arm from the cupboard.
My small pistol was tucked in the back of my pants, but I was glad to have another.

“Zoe, no,” Noah said, bearing down with his dark stare.

“I’m a good shot and you know it. I saved your life, too, once.

His shoulders collapsed as he puffed out in resignation. I fell
in line behind the guys leaving the bunker, fully aware that the women gawked
at me as I left.







Shots rang out before I turned the corner of the shed. Grant’s
back-up stormed the property and spread out throughout the commune. We were
outnumbered and out positioned.

I crouched behind the shed and tugged on Noah’s arm. “Someone’s
going to get killed,” I said. I wasn’t being melodramatic. It was a statistical
certainty. “I should give myself up. You could escape. I’m the one they want.”

Noah kneeled beside me. “No, Zoe. Don’t.”

“But someone—”

“As long as it’s not you.”

My jaw dropped. Noah was willing to let others die in order to
save me. Why?

“Please, Zoe. We’ve come too far to give up. We just need to
make it to the car.”

I let out a long, shaky breath. “Okay.” If we were going to
die, we’d die trying.

Ironically, the sun came out. Had this happened one day
earlier, Noah and I would’ve been long gone. It was low on the horizon and
worked to our advantage, shining east toward Grant’s team, making it hard for
them to see us.

Something glittered to my left.

“Over there,” I said. I fired my weapon.

The shot was returned, and Noah and I ducked.

Whoever it was sprinted exceedingly fast to the next
outbuilding, a flash of reflection following them.

“Cyborgs!” I said.


“Grant’s back up. Some of them are cyborgs.”

“Damn Vanderveen,” Noah said. “Go! I’ll cover you. And shoot at
anything that shines.”

I ran to the forest, ducking as Noah shot a round in the
opposite direction. I did the same for him from my position so he could join

A branch snapped, and I turned, gun pointed at the sound.
Taylor stood thirty feet away. A cyborg pointed a weapon at Taylor’s head. Noah
aimed his gun and shot. Taylor dove behind a bush into a snow bank. The cyborg
crumbled to the ground as his circuitry fried.

Other agents seemed to materialize out of nowhere. Noah and I
joined Taylor and started shooting back. Grant and his agents almost outnumbered
us two to one and, though I admired their tenacity, these commune folk weren’t
exactly great shooters.

Finn and Simon flanked us to the north. Ike had climbed on top
of the sloped roof of the barn.

BOOK: VOLITION (Perception Trilogy, book 2)
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