Voice Of The Demon (Book 2) (51 page)

BOOK: Voice Of The Demon (Book 2)
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‘And this latest business only makes the situation more unsettled. For almost a year, we’ve had roving bands of soldiers searching for sorcerers, the Queen and now for the errant Bishop McCauly. Selar’s mismanagement is costing the country a fortune.’

‘Father, please,’ Bella began, glancing at Jenn before continuing. ‘I beg you to exercise a little caution with what you say.’

Jacob gazed down the dining table at her and sniffed. ‘What? Are you now going to tell me I have spies in my household? Hah! I would have been arrested years ago and you know it. Why the sudden caution? You’re no less a critic of our sovereign than I.’

Jenn put down her knife. She wasn’t really hungry anyway, and she wouldn’t feel comfortable trying to contact Finnlay later while sitting with a full stomach.

‘I think what Bella is trying to suggest, Father, is that you can’t tell whether any of Eachern’s guards might be wandering around, listening in.’

Jacob attacked his dinner with more gusto than usual. ‘Hell, Maclean has them well under control. There’re only six of them. Come to think of it, I still don’t understand why Dunlorn’s man is now serving you. I always thought the two of them were inseparable.’

‘I told you before, Father,’ Jenn murmured, sipping mulberry juice, ‘I asked him and he agreed. I’m lucky to have him.’ And would be lucky to keep him after last night. Micah had been unusually quiet all day, spending most of the afternoon with Shane in the stables. What those two had to talk about for so long puzzled Jenn. Still, at least Micah had returned with some of his old humour in his eyes.

‘The point is,’ Jacob continued, ‘all these patrols achieve is to make the people nervous. Nobody knows who to trust any more. Everyone is afraid they’ll be reported for some little trifle – and be hauled up for treason.’

‘But surely that will make hiding the Bishop all the harder?’ Bella rose and refilled Jacob’s cup with the sweet white wine Jenn loved so much.

‘Not a bit of it. McCauly was always trusted. That was Selar’s problem. The longer McCauly stayed in prison, the more people knew he could be trusted. Now that he’s free they have someone to rally around.’

‘Do you think McCauly is the sort of man to make an armed stand against Selar?’

Jacob picked up his wine cup and rolled it between his palms. ‘No, not armed. He’s no soldier. He’s a man of peace – and a very clever man at that. I know him quite well. He married your mother and I.’

Jenn exchanged a surprised glance with Bella. Together they chimed, ‘Really?’

‘Yes,’ Jacob said with a smile. ‘He was newly ordained at the time, and had just finished writing one of his famous
theological books. In his younger years he was considered one of the finest minds in the Church – which is surprising, considering his background. After the conquest, he kept his activities contained, staying put in that monastery down in Cean Airde. He did write more books, but they weren’t widely distributed outside the Church. I tell you one thing about Aiden McCauly, he’s very tough. I was never worried about him falling apart in prison. I’m not surprised he survived long enough to be rescued.

‘But,’ Jacob took a mouthful of wine and continued, ‘I find I care less about it these days with the imminent birth of my grandson.’

‘Oh, Father,’ Bella laughed, ‘you don’t know it will be a boy.’

‘Of course it will be a boy!’ Jacob smiled at Jenn. ‘What else would my Jennifer have? And when he’s born I intend to do the Presentation myself, whether Eachern is here or not. No matter where his father has come from, your child, Jennifer, will be a Ross, descended from a line of Kings and heir to these lands. Tiege Eachern’s title and lands were only given to him as reward for his efforts during the conquest. Their price was the blood of a thousand Lusarans. My grandson will have the touch of Kings on his forehead before that of a murderer.’

Bella frowned. ‘And what if it’s a girl? Will you still take the Presentation yourself?’

‘Of course!’ Jacob laughed. ‘I’ve not done so badly with my girls so far, have I?’

Jenn had to smile. Jacob was irrepressible, and so very excited about the coming event. She opened her mouth to ask another question, but a sudden wave of tiredness swept over her and she drew in a deep breath to cover a yawn. Bella was not so easily fooled. ‘I think it’s time you were in bed. Come, I’ll take you up.’

Jenn kissed her father goodnight and allowed Bella to help her up the stairs to her room. Once inside, Bella dismissed Addie and took great joy in restoking the fire and pulling back the covers on the bed while Jenn changed. She mumbled all the while about how things were never arranged
as they should be, but Jenn was far from complaining. Once in bed, however, Bella did not leave her alone but sat beside her with the candle on her lap.

Jenn watched her for a moment, then clasped her hands together. ‘What is it?’

‘I suppose I could ask you the same question.’

‘What does that mean?’

Bella played with the bed cover. ‘You’re too quiet. Even Father has noticed it. You are feeling well, aren’t you?’

Jenn closed her eyes and turned her head away. ‘Why is it that everyone is so concerned about this baby? I’m healthier than it’s possible to be! I just wish everyone would stop asking!’

‘I wasn’t asking about the baby, Jenn,’ Bella murmured gently. ‘I was asking about you.’

Oh, yes indeed. Bella wanted to know how she was dealing with being married to Eachern, how she felt about living away in Ayr, how she felt about. . .

‘I’m fine, Bella, really. I’m just tired. I’ll be all right tomorrow.’

There was no response, but eventually Bella rose to her feet and kissed Jenn on the forehead. ‘I’ll be close by if you need anything.’

For a long time after the door closed Jenn stayed where she was. Why hadn’t she told Bella the truth? Why hadn’t she taken the opportunity to Seal her? Bella had come to her, offering comfort – and Jenn had turned away.

What was wrong with her?

Cursing silently, Jenn sat up. She pulled a shawl over her shoulders and went to the dressing room door. She knocked on it once, then took a seat by the fireplace. After a moment, Micah came in.

‘Have you put a warning on the door?’

‘No. There’s no point. Once I’m talking to Finnlay I won’t sense anyone approaching anyway. That’s why I need you here.’

Micah didn’t sit immediately. Instead, he stood by her chair. He had something in his hand. ‘This arrived while you
were at supper with your father. I think you should read it before you try contacting Finnlay. It’s from Dunlorn.’

Jenn looked up sharply at that and took the letter from him. Her hands trembled trying to open it. Eventually she handed it back to him. ‘I can’t read it. What does it say?’

Now Micah sat opposite her, but he didn’t need to read from the letter. ‘Lady Margaret has had word from Kavanagh at Flan-har. The raid which rescued the Prince also brought about the death of the Queen.’

Jenn’s hand flew to her mouth. ‘Sweet Mineah!’

‘The Princess, Samah and Kandar are safe and unharmed. Kavanagh is already moving them out of the country on a ship to the southern continent. He believes they’ll be safe there.’

Jenn bit her lip and took in great gulps of air to try and control the tears which threatened to flow. The brave Queen – dead. Her sacrifice for nothing. Now Selar would bring the Prince up in his own image, just as Rosalind had always feared. There would be no stopping the son from becoming the monster the father was.

‘There’s more. From Kavanagh’s description, I would guess those responsible were Malachi.’

Jenn gaped at him. ‘But how can . . . Malachi? Then
must have had something to do with it! Carlan – but what can he be interested in? Why would he bother getting the Prince back? It doesn’t make any sense.’

‘And yet Kavanagh swears the only way anybody could have got past his guards was by sorcery. He knows nothing about it, of course, but I’ve met him and he’s not a fanciful man.’

Micah broke off before he could say anything more – but his expression spoke for him. If only Robert were around . . .

Jenn shut her eyes tight against the sudden pain in her chest. She couldn’t afford to give into it yet. There was still work to be done.

Without waiting, Jenn sent her thoughts across the night in search of Finnlay.

Jenn? Is that you?

Yes, Finn. It’s me. How did it go?

Fine . . . What’s wrong? You don’t sound well.

There’s nothing wrong with me. I’ve just heard some news about the Queen. She’s dead, Finn – and Kavanagh believes it was Malachi who took Kenrick. You’ll have to get the council to send someone to investigate. I don’t think this is something we can let slide. If Carlan was behind the Prince’s return, then we need to know about it – and why.

I agree – but I’ll have to send a message back. I’ve left the Enclave.

Jenn’s heart almost stopped.
You’ve what? Finnlay, are you mad? Where are you? What are you doing?

So many questions. I swear you haven’t changed a bit since I met you.
There was laughter in Finnlay’s mental voice, as though he were deliberately trying to lighten her mood, but she resisted.

Finnlay — you aren’t going to do anything silly, are you?

Like what? I’m just on a little wander. I had a good long think after we spoke last night and a few interesting things occurred to me. Before you ask, I had the foresight not to discuss them with anybody. I just felt it was time I stopped sitting in apathy and watching things happen around me.

What are you doing?

Looking for Robert.

Jenn couldn’t respond for a moment. Eventually she managed,
Where are you now?

I’m camped at the foot of the Goleth. It took the whole day to get down. Tomorrow I’m heading towards Dunlorn. I fancy a visit to my mother on the way. I want to introduce her to Fiona. It will be a short visit if I’m to find my brother before the month’s out. After I’ve had a good look around, I might come and see you, if you’re still at Elita. Tell Micah to keep an eye out for me.

Jenn couldn’t say anything. In one short breath, everything had moved past her so fast she couldn’t keep up.
Finnlay. . . please be careful.

Of course – and I have Fiona along to keep me in line. Don’t worry. With any luck, I’ll be with you in time to see my nephew born. Was there anything else?

No. Just take care. I’ll call you in a week at about the same
time. As you get closer, you might try calling me back. I’ll listen for you.

Goodnight, Jenn.

Goodnight, Finnlay.

She took a deep breath in the ensuing silence and opened her eyes slowly. Micah was watching her expectantly. For some reason, Jenn found it suddenly difficult to speak. She opened her mouth, but nothing came out – and tears began to flow down her cheeks, unbidden. Instantly, Micah was at her side, kneeling. He reached out and took her hand.

‘What is it?’

‘Finnlay’s left the Enclave to go looking for Robert.’ Jenn gulped in another breath. ‘By the gods, I hope he succeeds!’


Thunder rolled across the sky, among clouds invisible in the night. Finnlay could hear rain on the other side of the forest, but so far the little shelter he’d built had remained untouched by the downpour. He didn’t mind the rain – but he did mind the waiting. Fiona had been gone for hours now and although she wasn’t exactly late, she would be soon.

Impatient, he got up once again and adjusted the cover over the huge pile of wood he’d collected during the day when he’d had nothing better to do. Then he peered among the dark trees, trying to see if she was out there moving towards him. He didn’t dare Seek her. That was how Carlan had found him in the first place.

Carlan. Was Jenn right? Had he been responsible for returning Kenrick to Selar? The whole country was afire with the story – though it seemed Rosalind’s fate was unknown. Of course, Selar would hardly go about announcing that he’d had his own wife murdered. Jenn’s last call a few days ago had given him no further news and he’d forbidden her to talk long because she was now so close to her time.

‘You never did have a very good sense of direction, Finnlay Douglas.’

Finnlay whirled around to find Fiona approaching from the other side of the forest, carrying bundles under her arms and drenched to the skin. ‘But I could have sworn . . . Oh, it doesn’t matter. Here give me those.’

He brought her under the shelter and dropped the bundles, turning quickly to build up the fire before she could get cold. He took her cloak from her and threw his own dry one over her shoulders.

‘I don’t see much point in me trying to get dry. The rain is heading this way and we’ll both be drowned before the night’s out.’

‘No we won’t,’ Finnlay smiled, taking a seat by the fire. ‘This shelter is very strong, you know.’

‘Well, we’ll see.’ Fiona collected one of the bundles and unwrapped the cloth. She passed him a hard brown roll and a piece of flat cheese. ‘I’m sorry there’s not more. There’s been a garrison stationed in the town for a few weeks and they absorb most of the available supplies.’

‘A garrison? And you still stayed all day?’

‘Calm down, Finnlay,’ Fiona soothed, ‘I was in no danger. Who’s going to know me?’

‘Well, did you find out anything?’

‘Yes and no.’ She paused to take a sip of the brew Finnlay handed her, then continued, ‘The major topic of conversation is still Kenrick’s miraculous return – but in the quieter moments, people are talking about McCauly.’

‘And what are they saying?’

‘Mostly that they’re glad he’s free. They expect things to change for the better now – though how they work that out is a mystery to me. There’s one thing I heard, however, that I find quite disturbing. If it’s true, then we could be in a lot of trouble.’

‘What’s that?’

‘I heard it twice – and that was because I was hidden and eavesdropping. The whisper is that McCauly’s release was somehow brought about by your brother.’

‘By the gods!’

Fiona said, ‘Yes, that’s what I thought. Do you think it’s possible?’

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