Vivid Temptation (Touched By You) (5 page)

BOOK: Vivid Temptation (Touched By You)
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Ellis not only supported her decision, but had been the one to suggest it, though Jazzy had already decided it was the only way. Her adopted son doing so well was due in no small part to the stable home environment. The last thing anyone wanted was for Asher to feel abandoned at a babysitter. For most children, it was a common occurrence, but for him it might create problems.

Without Jazzy to oversee the staff and greet the customers, Ellis was forced to hire. He had trouble finding anyone who stayed very long. The turnover in the position upset the establishment since there was no one there as a stabilizing influence.

As chef, Ellis took care of planning meals and directing the preparations, often assisting with details. Fortunately, he was able to hire a competent sous chef. Even so, the busy kitchen was very demanding, and having to also run the operations put a strain on everything.

Jazzy had told Natalie that it was a tough situation. But they wouldn’t have delayed their decision to include Asher in the family, even if they’d known beforehand of the difficulty. The text to Natalie was short, but conveyed worry. Wanting to help, but not sure exactly what to do, Natalie replied that she’d stop by to chat soon. Something would work out; it had to.

10 – Snowy Boston


In late January, Tanner had to drive to Boston for an important meeting. Natalie went along. They’d never been apart, no matter the business demands, and they didn’t plan to start. Plus, even as close as it was, Natalie had never been to Boston. It seemed most of their travel had been international, not domestic.

The weather in Boston was frigid and snowy, so Natalie packed her warmest winter wear. Glad they were driving instead of flying, considering the icy conditions, she settled into the leather seats of the limo for the trip. Tanner was in business mode, and worked at the limo computer for most of the drive.

Natalie busied herself reading Ella’s book, and was lost to the world. She didn’t normally find the time to read romance novels. Her days were filled with activity and her nights were reserved for her husband. But once she got two paragraphs into
Dare To Love
, Natalie couldn’t put it down.

When Tanner said, “We’re here, baby,” she came back to reality.

“Huh? Already?”

Tanner laughed. “That must be a good book.”

“You have no idea.” Natalie grinned. “Darn, I’m in the middle of a chapter. I guess it will have to wait.” Yet she still held the book open.

Tanner smirked, took the book from her hand gently, and closed it. “You’ll have plenty of time to finish while I’m working.”

“Not with Cheryl here. We’ll be shopping.”

was arriving the next day with Cheryl. The meeting was with a social media guru, and though Tanner’s attendance was important, Dani’s was mandatory. The social media company they’d invested in with the other Russian businessmen had taken off. The plans for utilizing the power of social media strategically depended on expertise in the field.

Tanner had hired qualified staff to oversee the thriving social media division, as had
Dani. But that did not preclude the need for a qualified consultant. It seemed everyone used social media in business, but not many did so effectively. And even fewer could claim the status of “expert.”

Sean Reid was an expert, and it was not a self-assigned title. Reams of business articles, news releases, and other media coverage touted him as the go-to person for social media. He blogged generally about the subject and gave seminars when he had the time. But to get the hardcore data, to pick his brain for the inside information he doled out to precious few, one had to pay.

Tanner said he was insanely expensive, and worth every penny. It wasn’t like there were others with the same level of expertise. Men with such experience and talent were hard to come by. Once presented with Sean Reid’s credentials and evidence of the validity of accolades given him, Tanner set up the meeting without hesitation.

was flying in from Moscow to attend, though he planned to stay in Boston for a week or so with Cheryl to take advantage of the trip. Arriving a day early gave Tanner time to show Natalie a bit of Boston. He’d reserved a room at Boston Harbor Hotel at Rowes Wharf; Dani and Cheryl could take a water taxi to it from the airport.

Sitting right on the harbor, the hotel offered an unparalleled view. Cruise ships and smaller boats could be seen coming and going. The weather wasn’t good for recreational sports, so the yachts and sailboats normally dotting the harbor were safely secured at the marina.

The room was beautifully decorated with wood furnishings in an antique style, appropriate for the city. Their suite had a large balcony overlooking the harbor. It was the ideal location—in the financial district, yet close to eateries and tourist attractions. And it was only ten minutes from the North End, which was known for its wealth of authentic Italian restaurants.

If it hadn’t been so cold, Natalie would have lobbied to go out on a whale-watching boat. Instead she was inclined to plan warmer activities. Their room was large, well appointed, and quiet. A bottle of champagne and chocolates with fresh fruit were there when they arrived. Looking out at the snowy ground below, Natalie nearly opted to stay in and enjoy the luxury
accommodations. But it was her first time in Boston, so she dug warmer clothes out of her luggage and helped Tanner decide where they should go.

He wrapped his arms around her down-filled coat and squeezed her. “I’ll never be able to find you under all these clothes.”

“Don’t worry about that. They are all removable.” Natalie grinned. Maybe she
convince him to hide away in the hotel; getting naked in the warm room sounded pretty good.

“We better go before you tempt me.” But he didn’t let her go. Holding her tighter, Tanner covered her mouth with his. The warmth of the kiss and softness of his lips captivated her. Leaning into him, Natalie brushed her tongue along his, already looking forward to the evening. If he’d kissed her just a second longer, she would have started undressing him. Boston paled in comparison to his beauty any day.

“I know that look,” he said, lust flaring in his eyes. “Either we go or stay. But if we’re going, it has to be now. Otherwise…”

“Okay. I’m going,” Natalie said, heading for the door. “Are you coming or not?”

Tanner laughed and followed her out.

The city of Boston was rich with history and culture. It had cosmopolitan sophistication, yet retained its Old World charm. From the comfort of their hotel in the heart of the downtown central business district, they ventured out to the restaurants not far away. Sightseeing could wait; Natalie was hungry. Hearing about all the Italian restaurants had her salivating.

On the recommendation of the concierge, they went to Assaggio in the heart of the North End, and sat at a table with a view of the harbor. Natalie shivered, warming her hands, glad to look out at the cold from the warmth of the restaurant. She ordered the minestrone soup with crusty bread, and Tanner the smoked salmon panini.

The warm soup hit the spot, and she leaned back with a sigh of satisfaction. Watching Tanner finish his lunch, for some reason she imagined him as a father. He would make a good
father, she knew. But he hadn’t brought up the subject since the day they went ice skating. Should she press the issue? Natalie wanted to, but wasn’t sure it would do any good.

11 – Baby Discussion


Tanner took a sip of his water and dabbed his mouth with his napkin. “Good food here.” Natalie nodded but didn’t say anything.
“Still cold? Do you need anything?”

He could be so sweet. Natalie smiled at his question. “No, I’m fine.”

“You’re looking at me.”

“Of course, you’re too handsome not to look at.”

“It’s not that kind of look. I know that look, and this is definitely not it.”

Natalie looked out to the water.

“Something you want to talk about?” Tanner looked so sincere, so interested. He was impossible.

“Yes, if you must know.”

Tanner waited, his eyes looking deep into her soul, seeing more than she’d spoken of.

“You know, don’t you?” Natalie waited.

“A baby?”

Natalie shrugged.

“I’m beginning to recognize the signs.” Tanner ran his hand through his hair. “You know I want a baby as much as you do.”

“Do you?”

“Of course I do.”

“How would I know? We talk about it, but only when I bring it up. It’s been weeks. Are you stalling for time? What is it? I don’t understand, I guess.” Normally she avoided pressing him about anything. But on this subject absolutely nothing happened unless she did it. Sure, he had set up a fund for their future children. But that was a bank account, numbers and figures—not real, living, breathing children.

“I’m not sure I know how,” Tanner said.

“How to have a baby?”

“No, how to be a father.”
His blue eyes were soft, endearing.

Natalie knew when not to interrupt.

“I wasn’t born with a silver spoon, but I had one later. William was a good father. He took care of me, taught me the business. I feel only fondness for him and for what he did. Yet…it’s not like I had a normal childhood.

“I’d like to think the domestic abuse I was exposed to so young didn’t affect me. But it did. Imagine Asher, at his tender age, in a household where the father gets raging drunk and beats up on his beloved mother. It’s something you never forget.”

“But you would never do something like that.” Natalie couldn’t resist interjecting.

“I know that. Still, I never experienced the stability of a loving home with a mother and father together. Or anything normal
like that. Remember, not long after my mother died, William married Gabriella.

“His intentions were good; to give me a mother. But they weren’t in love, not like a husband and wife should be. What kind of example was that?
And then Gabriella. Well, you know what kind of person she is.

“From the first day, she resented me. Do you know what that feels like as a child, even as a teen trying to mature, get your footing in life? It’s damaging. I’m a strong personality, but still it leaves scars.

“It wouldn’t matter anymore. I have you; we have our life. But to bring a baby into the picture? That’s different. How do you know that the emotional damage done to me won’t show in my behavior?

“We all think we control what we think, what we do. But often that’s not the case. The thought that I might in some way damage a child, even a child of my own, is…well…daunting.” Tanner looked at her, quiet, reflecting.

“Tanner, I can’t tell you there will never be problems. There are things to work through in everything we do in life. In marriage, in our careers. But we still have to live, and together we make the joy greater and wrestle down the demons that would be our undoing.

“We’ve come so far, and having a family together is something I really want. And I know you do too. I’ve seen you around children. I’ve seen you with Asher. You will make a good father. And if you make a few mistakes, it will be more than outweighed by the love you will give.”

Tanner stared at her, and she wasn’t sure if he was going to deny all of what she’d said or embrace it. He reached out and took her hand in both of his. “I love you. I want you to have my baby. Even though I haven’t brought it up, I’ve been thinking about it, every day. If you are that confident in me, and aren’t afraid, then…I think we should have a baby.”

His words stunned her. Natalie couldn’t believe he’d just said what he did. “You’re serious?” She shouldn’t allow doubt to enter, now that he’d made the commitment, but she had to be sure.

“I’m serious, baby. You can quit the birth-control shots.” He lifted her hand and kissed it, letting his lips linger. “I intend to get you pregnant.”

Natalie’s cheeks warmed and her heart swelled with love. The idea of having Tanner’s baby washed over her in a flood of emotion. Her eyes welled with tears, the joy too much to contain. She just nodded, unable to speak.

12 – Love In The Afternoon


Natalie started undressing Tanner as soon as they got back to the room. By the time she had him bare to the waist, he was undressing her simultaneously. It was mid-afternoon and the overcast sky illuminated the room in a dark, sexy cast. The view of the harbor loomed outside the window like a lifelike painting.

Tanner pulled her sweater over her head and let it drop on the rug. Her nipples stiffened, poking through her black bra, and the look in Tanner’s eyes told her what he thought of her choice in undergarments. “You wore that all day?” he whispered, less of a question than it sounded.

“For you,” she whispered back. The delicate satin bra looked like any other except for one notable feature. There were slits in the cups, so her breasts peeked through, her nipples uncovered. It had a surprising, sexual effect; both that she wore it all day, feeling her nipples graze against her sweater, and knowing Tanner would discover her state of undress later. And the unexpected, sensual sight had the predicted effect on her husband.

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