Virtually Real (2 page)

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Authors: D. S. Whitfield

BOOK: Virtually Real
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Chapter 2


The Creation



The project took just over 20 years to complete, but at last Eli was satisfied that the computer and energy resources, together with their control systems, were in place.

“OK Eli,” said Lucas. “We’ve followed all your instructions and undertaken tests on all the sub-systems. What most of us have not been able to establish is how you are going to get the creation of this virtual world going.”

“It has to be done in stages.”

“What stages?”

“Wait and see!”

Eli lined up his team – each group by speciality.

“OK. Power up!”

A huge electrical load immediately made itself felt on Israel’s power supplies – 5% of the nation’s generation capacity was consumed on the project.

“It better have good pay-offs,” quipped one. “Otherwise we will have the government pulling the plug on the power as well as the money.”

Eli was enraptured. “Watch what happens. The space that we have allowed for this experiment is a one kilometre high spherical ‘cap’ of ten kilometre base radius. Furthermore we have scaled the sizes of all that gets created in the virtual world to be such that the 314 square kilometre base area represents the total surface area of the earth to scale. We have also programmed in hyperspace properties so that v-people will be under the perception that they are living on a sphere within the space provided.

“But right now all the energy is focussed on a singularity near the centre. This will be given a coded pulse and then we will see the beginning.”

“Supply the initiation pulse code,” he commanded.

“Pulse code on.”

“Signal the time flow dimension direction and rate.”

“Time direction and rate signalled.”

“Signal space dimensions”

“Space dimensions established.”

“Insert codes for form and pattern.”

“Form and pattern codes inserted.”

“Insert codes for remaining six dimensions that determine all relationships between created physical entities.”

“Six dimensional codes inserted.”

Those gathered stood in awe. Initially there was nothing to see – no shapes, no variations of any kind. Then after the last instruction a singular point seemingly exploded into a myriad of patterns of light. Light was everywhere – some parts brighter some of different colour. For the viewers there was a fluid, ever-changing flow – swirls and eddies of pure light.

“So far, so good,” muttered one cynic.

“What you see as light is only one part,” said Eli. “The whole of the electromagnetic spectrum is interacting, and the codes I have inserted will cause a separating out of regions of high energy and regions of low or nil energy. Just watch.”

Before their eyes the patterns began to cluster. Light was separated from darkness!



Some technical notes

The real world scientists had two ways of observing objects in the virtual world. Because each individual creature or “thing” in the virtual world was an advanced holographic image (albeit more complex and interactive than had ever been achieved before) the real world people could go in amongst them yet not be directly “seen” or experienced by any of the virtual creatures. However some of the more advanced virtual creations could indefinably sense the presence of ‘something’ outside the space-time domain of which they had normal consciousness.

The other observational method was the use of specialised 3-D computer screens. Scientists would command their computers to “bring up” any virtual object they wished in the experiment and they would then have an “image of the image” on which to make their observations.

Another factor that had been built in to the experiment was time variability. The scientists were able to run the experiment at whatever speed they desired in their own time domain, but in the virtual world the experience of time remained constant. Thus virtual people could live and die in their usual experience of time but within a short space of time as experienced by real world people. It was as if, for the scientists, a thousand years were as a day: and a day as a thousand years for the v-people.



The real world

“See! It started in chaos and now has order. That is stage one, and it’s excellent! Let’s adjourn since there is much to happen before we can move to the next stage. This is the day of stage one!” Eli exclaimed.

As the first stage settled in there were noticeable changes. Virtual building blocks of matter appeared ultimately giving rise to atomic elements. These began to coalesce in various ways until there was a separating out of a potential habitat for the v-people.

All this was observed and monitored.

The stages came and went. First there was an apparent disorder then, through the controls and inserted codes, came the order of that stage. And so it went, the separation of elemental clusters and the formation of place, the ubiquitous presence of water and its separation from land, the formation of complex molecules to cells to plants and animals, a cosmic rhythm of night and day and seasons.

It took time from the command for each stage to begin and the new ‘evolution’ to the final result. This process took a further five years but the whole scientific team was completely absorbed as they saw the whole coming together.

“Lucas. I want you to be in charge of all that has been created by us.” said Eli. “You have been with me from the beginning of the project and are the only one who has fully understood the way it has been constructed and will operate. All my staff will be available to you, and together we can make the lives lived in this virtual world a delight and joy for the creatures we make. This will be my crowning achievement.”

“What about the v-people? They were to be the grand finale.”

“Yes you’re right. This is the final part and it is special to me. These v-people will be made from all that has gone before but to give them a sense of real and independent life I will put within them a ‘mind’ that has a concept of self as an individual and this self concept will provide a sense of freedom to choose. Although we will be able to influence their behaviour, their environment and circumstances, they will be free to choose those things relating to the nature of their own heart and character. They can choose to act or not act; to believe the myriad thoughts and feelings that come their way or reject them. This is very important to me.”

“That will make them very much like us. Are you sure that you are not going to try and manifest them into our real world?”

“I will place within them a sense of what they are to do – but as I said before they will be free to choose.”

Lucas pondered the implication and repeated his question. “Are you going to bring these v-people – generated by all our scientific knowledge – and make them part of our own world?”

“I have something like that in mind. But their lives will have to have the right quality otherwise it will only create problems for us. They will have the potential to fit in and harmonise with each other and their environment in their virtual lives, or choose to elevate their sense of self and go each one their own way.”

“You’re playing dice Eli. What will happen to those who don’t make it?”

“You will understand later,” Eli smiled – almost to himself.

“Well let’s start and get the first one created. What are you going to call him?”

“Well since we are running this experiment in Israel why not take the name of the first one from the Israeli Scriptures and call him Adam?”

“So you’re starting with the chicken and not the egg this time?”

“Yes we have all the codes to do this, and as with the other virtual animals we have made, their bodies will reproduce the same way. And those bodies will contain all that is necessary to house and process the various energy and communication stimuli we have ordained.”

“Let’s start.”

And so it was.



Chapter 3





The virtual world

Consciousness dawned. Adam became aware that previously there was an entity that roamed among the plants and animals just like one of them. Now he was aware that he, himself, being a ‘being’. He observed that he could observe, and as he did so various thoughts and ideas came to his mind. He could dismiss some and they would drift away. He could hold some and they would develop and grow.

He also became aware of being able to communicate with some unseen presence as an equal – yet he knew that he was not an equal. Although he did not know it yet, the communication was with Eli and others of the team. This communication however with Eli had a quality and attractiveness that he liked, yet it was not intrusive. Other communications seemed to be subservient to his desires and wishes, and the feelings they evoked ranged as a full orchestra of intensity; strong and subtle, joyful and sad, rich and simple with infinite nuances. He did not know that he was a v-person; to himself he just ‘was’!

His surroundings seemed to have great brightness and vibrancy, and each plant, each animal of whatever form, and each feature of landscape held fascination and interest.

There also came to his awareness the ability to make different sounds and to flow these together with pauses and variations. Somehow he knew he could speak and so began to name the things he saw and experienced.



The real world

“Well there he is, Eli. All on his own,” said Lucas.

“It is important that this race be kept pure and that the qualities I have placed in him will not be lost,” responded Eli.

“It’s no good just having a ‘him’ or ‘it’. When are you going to create a ‘her’?”

“Just watch. This will be done differently because we will take the genetic material used for Adam, make some modifications and assemble a female version of him. These two will then reproduce as do other plants and animals we have created. Yet they will have very similar inner workings, although I have coded slightly different instincts within them. One is mainly for a nurturing role, and the other mainly for strength and environmental roles. But this is not hard and fast. The roles may overlap and each will have a measure of both but the emphases will be there.”

“I suppose you will call this one ‘Eve’?”

“Why not? From then on they can make up their own names for themselves and we will use those. Also, Lucas, the reproduction process that I have coded has value in their training as ‘adults’ or complete v-people.”

“I think you have a love for these imaginary creatures you have made, Eli. Remember you still have to keep this project going, maintain the resources and keep the interest of the communities that are paying for it.”

“I won’t forget. But I will admit that of all the things I have ever done this is the most satisfying and I intend to enjoy the v-people we’ve made. The freedom of choice they have should give rise to some interesting variations.”

“Will these creatures just be done away with when the project is over Eli? Will they just be nothing when the machines are turned off?”

“Just think Lucas, as long as we exist these will exist. What we have done is irreversible. The secret to using the energy sources is the insertion of code as an intrinsic part of its warp and woof. One interacts with the other, just like in the 1900’s when Maxwell’s equations showed that electromagnetic wave energy was the interaction of magnetic and electric fields. Anyway you know all that.

“So once the codes have been defined then they exist – at least as long as we do. And that includes the codes that represent each individual we’ve made.”

“But what will they experience?”

“As long as a being’s code is embedded in any form of energy-matter matrix there will be a ‘being’ that experiences. Furthermore, each experience itself subtly modifies the code, and in the case of v-people the code changes step-by-step with each choice and each decision.”

“So what will be the place of these v-people at the end?”

“It is my intention that these v-people will become friends of mine. Friends who will hold to the basic relationship rules that bind us all. They will be tested of course, for I believe that some may not recognise what their purpose is. To those that I relate to I will give similar authority to run this experiment too.”

“Eli, I never saw that. I could see how everything would work. I understood the mathematics and space-time-relationship principles involved; but never did I foresee that we could make something so virtually real that it can independently interact with us.”

“Go your way Lucas. You have the senior role in this. You will teach and bring understanding to Adam and his descendants for among all of us you are the one who has the most wisdom and knowledge.”



The virtual world


Adam was startled. What had he heard?

“Adam.” It came again.

He then realised that it was not something he heard with his ears, it was something that had communicated from somewhere in the depths of his being.

“What is it?” he internally replied.

“I want you to understand something which will determine your course of life and of those of your children.”

“Alright! What is it?”

“Look about you. What do you see?’

“I see immense variety – of things like rocks, plants and animals and I want to find out more about them. There is so much I want to know about all these things.”

“It is in my power to give or to hide answers, but it adds to your status to search them out.

“You and your children are free to take up any interest you like, do anything you want, enjoy yourself with whatever feelings and senses you desire and experience whatever you want to the limits within you, except ... ”

“Except what?”

“You will have a choice to harmonise with all that is around you, and with me. But to do this you will sometimes have to decide not to do some things that would like to do. You will need to communicate with me and depend upon me for the best way to live your life. This is because you do not yet see and understand all that is. You do not have the ‘big picture’. But I can promise you this, that as you follow the leadings I give, you will grow in knowledge, understanding and ability to the point that you will be like me. In so doing your experiences will grow too, and your sense of joy, interest and wonder will be much more that you now have.”

“What is the other choice I have?”

“Oh that! You will be free to choose to be independent of me, and to trust in your own abilities and go your own way – you and your descendants. But without submission to the principles of relationship harmony there will of course be a growing disorder in your own life, your descendants’ lives and the environment in which you live. Choose that way and something will happen to you, it will seem exhilarating and freeing at the start but something will die in you. If you choose to go it alone; alone you shall go! There will still be all that is here available for you but our friendship will be changed – and you will miss me!

“I have given you those choices and you know the consequences. You are very free to choose. Your feelings are neutral on the matter. There is no weighting of fear of one, nor attraction to the other. But you now know.”

Adam felt a sense of responsibility with this knowledge, but it didn’t weigh on him because he decided that he would not worry at all about the second option – it just was not worth it. Life was already so good.

Adam felt alone. Although he had immense enjoyment there was an increasing pain inside him.



The real world

“Do you see what is happening to Adam, Eli? When are you going to get the reproduction phase operating?” said Lucas. The rest of the team are getting restless on this one.”

“It’s already started. I have put within him an undefined pain and longing and it will be good for this to continue a while.”



The virtual world

The weeks went by and Adam communed in the depths of his being. He had such a longing for a companion; someone like himself with whom he could relax, share ideas and provide comfort. And other yet vague desires were stirring in him!

“Where are you?” he cried.

Eli picked up the thought codes from Adam and responded.

“Here I am.”

“I am hurting. I have a need of something more in my life. I need someone like myself.”

“I know. It is not good for you to be alone and I wanted you to experience that for a while.”

Heaviness came over Adam: he entered a trance and finally unconsciousness. Later he awoke. Something was different, something had changed.


He heard a soft voice behind him. He turned and looked. Something in him softened, and rich compassionate feelings that he had not known before flooded through him. The world in which he lived was beautiful and exhilarating, but this was a different beauty that drew and fascinated him.”

“Eve,” he said instinctively.

There began a gradual but graceful exploring of each other’s personality with deepening appreciation. They were different, yet in a peculiar way they were one unit. Feelings between them ebbed and flowed, and new body responses were roused.

Adam was overjoyed and that joy was with Eve. Instinctively they could and knew how to pleasure one another and build their relationship with intensity on intensity.

So it was. Adam had taught Eve all that he knew of the world and she had taught him the insights and observations she had made. Over time Eve had become aware of the choices that Adam could make but also saw that he had no interest in separating himself from that inner presence that he had not named.

One of the differences between the two of them was that Eve seemed to have easier communication with the team – although of course she, like Adam, did not actually know it was humans who were running an experiment.


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