Viridis - A Steampunk Romance (29 page)

Read Viridis - A Steampunk Romance Online

Authors: Calista Taylor

Tags: #fiction, #mystery, #historical, #scotland, #science fiction, #steam punk, #erotic romance, #london, #sci fi, #highland, #scottish, #highlander, #romance steampunk

BOOK: Viridis - A Steampunk Romance
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Samuel was standing in the small storefront, his
arms out at his sides as her seamstress took measurements. “Really,
Mum, ‘tis not necessary. I’ve all the clothes I need.”

Phoebe smiled at him. She knew he would be too proud
to take the clothes if she thought he needed them and could not
afford them, so she chose her words carefully. “I know, dear.
However, with all the work you’ve been doing around the house, I’d
hate for you to ruin your own clothing, catching it on a nail or
staining it with soot. It’s only a couple of everyday items. A warm
winter coat too, seeing as the weather’s been unseasonably cold and
you’re constantly out and about running errands for me or the

Finished with her measurements, the seamstress stood
and had Phoebe select the fabrics. “I’ll have the garments sent
over as soon as they’re completed. Would ye like to see your dress
now? ‘Tis nearly finished.”

“I appreciate all you’ve done and in such little
time,” Phoebe said, taking a deep breath to try and stave off the
flood of emotions. “The wedding has been postponed. I’m sorry to
have rushed you for nothing.” She looked down, blinking away the

“Och, dearie, these things happen. Don’t be worrying
yourself over a little delay. Let me go and get the dress. I’m
hoping you’ll like it.”

The seamstress went to the back room and returned
moments later with the dress cradled in her arms. It was beautiful.
The ivory silk caught the light with a golden glow, the corseted
bodice bejeweled with seed pearls and embroidered with golden
thread that seemed to shine from within, the bustled skirt adorned
with a trail of bows down the train. Phoebe couldn’t help but reach
out and touch it, the silk soft as a baby’s downy cheek.

“I do hope it’s to yer liking. I’ve only to finish
the buttons down the back.” She turned the gown so Phoebe could see
the area in question.

“I’ve never seen a gown more magnificent. Thank
you,” she said, battling a fresh wave of tears.

She hadn’t expected that seeing the gown would have
such an effect on her, but it solidified, in her head and heart,
the fact that she and Seth would not be getting married come

The bright sun and fresh air were exactly what she
needed to regain control of her emotions, and by the time they had
exited the shop and walked down the street, she was feeling much
better, despite the worried glances Samuel was throwing her

“It’s all right, Samuel. I’m fine. Really.” She
managed a reassuring smile in his direction.

“If ye say so, Mum. I do hope you’ll let me know if
you start to feel poorly.” Samuel gave her a sideways glance, his
long stride shortened to keep pace with hers.

“Yes, of course. We’re nearly there now at any rate,
and can head straight back home afterwards.” Though it felt
wonderful to get out of the house on such a splendid day, she was
starting to feel a bit fatigued and would be happy to get back
without a long visit.

Located in an elegant and desirable neighborhood,
Lady Johnston’s house was one of the nicest in the area, and spoke
of great wealth and status. Sighing, Phoebe hoped Lady Johnston
would be otherwise occupied, as the thought of having to spend the
next few hours in civil niceties and idle gossip would be enough to
send her back to bed, ill. She had never had much patience for such
things, and she did not doubt her name and recent actions had made
their way into more than one conversation

Steeling herself for the possibility of a tiresome
afternoon, she climbed the stairs and lifted the heavy brass
knocker, letting it fall with a reverberating clack. The footman
answered the door and she asked if it would be possible to call
upon Lady Johnston.

“I’m afraid Lady Johnston is still at luncheon with
her two brothers, however I am expecting her shortly if you would
like to wait.”

Phoebe smiled, a wave of relief easing her spirits.
“No, no. Thank you, but that won’t be necessary. If you could
please see she gets this?” Pulling the letter and a calling card
from her reticule, Phoebe handed them to the footman.

“Yes. Of course. Good day.”

Phoebe walked down the stairs to where Samuel was
waiting for her. “Shall we head home?”

“As ye wish, Mum.” They had only gone a few houses
down the road when a horse and carriage clattered down the

“Is that the Lady, Mum?” Samuel asked, craning his
neck to get a look at who was inside.

“To be honest, I’ve never met her, though I can only
assume it is she returning from her luncheon.” She turned and
looked over her shoulder, only to get a shock at the sight of Lady
Johnston and her dear brothers exiting the carriage— one of the men
none other than Victor.


Phoebe rushed home, fighting to control the panic
that surged through her body. She was certain it was not a simple
coincidence that Sarah had once worked for Victor’s sister, or that
her formula had been stolen from within her home. There were too
many connections to Victor— his proposal, his assault, the
accusations and now a connection to the theft. Was he also
connected to Niles? It would not surprise her since it was Niles
that had her formulations on the module.

She immediately contacted William, who promptly
arrived at her home with a constable. Poor Sarah looked terrified
upon seeing the inspector, the color draining from her face as she
was confronted.

“I’m so sorry, Mum,” she said to Phoebe with
downcast eyes. “I had not a choice. I hope you’ll someday forgive

William’s face bore little expression, but his tone
was consoling as the constable led the girl from the room. “We will
take her to the station for questioning.”

Phoebe nodded. It nearly killed her to see her maid
in the constable’s grasp, and Sarah’s plea tore at her heart.

“Unless she acted alone, which I doubt is the case,
I do not want to press charges, though I’m afraid she will not be
able to return here,” she said to William.

Phoebe was convinced Victor had threatened or
coerced her into taking part in the theft. But why? It was a sad
situation, and Phoebe knew all too well that desperate people did
desperate things, things they would not normally do if poverty had
not forced their hand.

“I’ll have Samuel gather her things for her. When
you’ve finished with your questioning, could you please tell her
she can find employment at my shelter? And could you also give her
this?” Phoebe pulled a coin out of the pocket of her skirt. It was
not much, but she could not push the girl into the cold with

William nodded, taking the coin. “As you wish.”

Once they had left, Phoebe settled before the fire,
feeling incredibly drained. Her heart was still pounding from the
shock of it all, her mind racing through the possibilities. What
could Victor want with her formulations? Had his entire courtship
been a ruse to get information?

Seth and Gavin walked in just then, and it took but
a moment for them to notice her distress. Seth was at her side in
three long steps. “Phoebe, are you all right? What’s happened?” He
knelt before her, looking up into her face, his eyes lined with

“I’m all right, love.” She dreaded having to tell
Seth that Victor could be involved in the thefts. “Perhaps a

Gavin nodded. “I’ll get it.” Trying to avoid Seth’s
eyes, she watched as Gavin poured her a glass. “Here ye are,

She thanked him and took a sip, nursing the drink.
She knew they’d want to retaliate against Victor, but they’d cause
nothing but more problems if they attacked him again. However, she
could not keep Victor’s involvement a secret.

“Truly, I’m fine. Please, have a seat.” She gave his
hand a squeeze to reassure him. He took a seat by her side on the
sofa, Gavin taking the chair. “It’s about the formulas. I’m afraid
my maid may have been involved.”

Seth’s forehead furrowed in question. “You found
proof of her involvement?”

She sighed, her hands worrying the fabric of her
skirt. “I believe so. William and a constable already took Sarah
away for questioning.”

“Do not fret, love. If she’s innocent, they’ll
release her. The inspector is an honest man,” Gavin said.

Phoebe took a deep breath. “There is more to tell. I
checked the maids’ references. One of them—a Lady Johnston—lives
quite nearby. Since it was such a nice day, I walked to her
residence with Samuel.”

“Did the lady confirm your suspicions?”

Phoebe shook her head. “She had been at luncheon
with her brother and was not home, so I left a letter with her
footman.” She looked from Seth to Gavin, the words sticking in her
throat. “Just as we were leaving, a carriage pulled up and it was
indeed Lady Johnston and her brother.”

“You did speak to her, then?” The crease in Seth’s
brow grew deeper by the moment.

“No, my love. You see, her brother…” She shook her
head, resigned. “It was Victor.”

“Victor.” Seth cursed. “Why does that not surprise
me in the least?” He got up to pace the room, his anger pouring off
of him.

“It still doesn’t explain why Niles would have the
formulas unless they were working together,” she said.

“I know you liked Niles, what with him being a good
friend of your brother’s, but the formulas were in his possession
and now there’s a possible connection to Victor.”

A silence fell amongst them, the only sound coming
from the crackle of the fire as the logs broke apart and settled,
sending sparks dancing. Seth stared at the flames for a long time
before continuing. “I had thought Victor’s interest in you to be
one based purely on who you are—for who could want anything
more—but it’s now clear the bastard’s interests extend to the other
things you have to offer. It makes me wonder just how far he’ll go
to get what he wants.”

Gavin’s gaze held hers, though when he spoke, it was
to Seth. “Dinna fash,
mo charaid
. He’ll be bothering no one
by the time I’m done with him.”

Phoebe slammed her hand on the nearby table. “Don’t
you dare! I swear I’ll never speak to you again. And the same goes
for you.” She shifted her gaze to Seth, pinning him with a stare.
“Have we not had enough difficulties?”

Seth’s lips curled into a sweet and innocent smile.
“Och, love, ye act as if I’ve not already learned my lesson.”

“Hmph! I certainly hope so.”


Chapter Forty Nine


William sat across from Chief Inspector Murdock,
trying to control the urge to reach across the desk and throttle
the man into unconsciousness.

Murdock ranted and raved, his face a mottled red.
“Lord Fenwick is absolutely furious with your heedless accusations.
You’re no longer in charge of this case, and after all you’ve done
to disgrace the department, you’re lucky that I’m allowing you to
retain your position as Inspector. Inspector Adrian Nelson will be
lead investigator on the case from here on out. You’re to turn over
to him any information you have. Let me make myself clear: you are
to do as Nelson says regarding the matter, and you will stay away
from Lord Fenwick or I will have the great satisfaction of
relieving you of your duties.”

William had no doubt Murdock would enjoy it with
every fiber of his being. Ever since he’d been promoted to
inspector, they’d been butting heads like two bulls in one very
small pen.

“The maid all but confessed that it was Lord Fenwick
that put her up to stealing the formulations for Viridis. The
evidence clearly points to his involvement in the theft, if not the
murder. Not to mention the assault on Lady Hughes.”

Murdock sputtered with rage. “You’re going to
condemn a member of the nobility on the word of a maid and that
scandalous woman? If he’s guilty, then Nelson will see to it. Now,
get out! And if I hear you’re still harassing Lord Fenwick, I’ll
make it so you never work in this city again.”

There was little William could do but hand over the
case. Still, he knew Nelson was a smart and honest man, and had to
trust that the truth would eventually be revealed.

He spent the next hour copying everything he had on
the case, including the latest development with Lord Fenwick’s
connection to Phoebe’s maid. He knew that if Murdock discovered
what he was doing the consequences would be great, but there was
something about this case he could not let go. However, when he
arrived at Nelson’s office, he found it empty.

“Is Inspector Nelson in?” William asked the
constable lingering outside of Nelson’s empty office.

“I’m afraid not. Gone to make an arrest on a new
case of his, and don’t know when he’ll be back. Nasty business, it

William got a sinking feeling. “Is it, then?”

The constable leaned in conspiratorially. “Member of
the nobility was nearly knifed outside his gentlemen’s club a few
nights back. Just going to make the arrest now.” He shook his head,
making sounds of disapproval. “’Tis just horrid what the world is
coming to.”

William’s head started to swim, and though he knew
the answer, he still needed to ask. “Who was the man attacked?”

“That would be Lord Victor Fenwick, sir.”

William shook his head, not quite believing it. “I
thought the man in question was released. What’s happened?”

“I guess the judge had been lenient, but his
lordship wasn’t terribly happy and a man that powerful don’t like
to be denied.” The constable shrugged his shoulders. “Is there
anything you’d like me to relay to the inspector when he gets

William cursed under his breath. “No, no. We’re
working a case together and I wanted to leave him my notes. I’ll
just put them in his office.”

He left the pages on Nelson’s desk and sent up a
silent prayer to what gods may be listening. With luck Nelson would
not easily be persuaded to overlook the facts simply because the
nobility were involved.

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