Viridis - A Steampunk Romance (20 page)

Read Viridis - A Steampunk Romance Online

Authors: Calista Taylor

Tags: #fiction, #mystery, #historical, #scotland, #science fiction, #steam punk, #erotic romance, #london, #sci fi, #highland, #scottish, #highlander, #romance steampunk

BOOK: Viridis - A Steampunk Romance
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“Aye, that there’s the navigation area.” Gavin
linked his arm with hers and explained things as he walked, while
Seth disappeared into the seating area. “This here,” he pointed to
a massive table with a map on it, “is where I make most of my trip
calculations. My other maps are held just there.” He pointed to a
glass case filled with diamond shaped shelves designed to hold maps
of all sizes. Gavin continued, “And here’s the helm.”

A bay of wood and brass angled in an arc before a
wall of glass, allowing the operator a two hundred and seventy
degree view for greater ease of navigation.

“I still cannot believe it.” Phoebe moved to the
helm, bending forward to get a better look at everything. A compass
along with gauges for measuring altitude, velocity, and airship
pressure were all clustered around a large brass wheel, several
levers on either side of it. “It’s beautiful, Gavin.” When she
turned back to face him, she found his gaze intent on hers, making
her stomach clench.

“Phoebe, please talk to me…” His voice was just a
whisper, the emotion in it tearing her heart to shreds. “’Tis been
eight months, aye?”

She reached up and cupped his cheek for just a
moment, his stubble rough against her hand. “What would you have me
do? I do not think I can tell him.”

Gavin covered her hand with his. “Phoebe—” Hearing
footsteps, she turned away from him and back to the controls.

Seth came to stand by her side, and she took his
hand in hers, looking up into such kind and loving eyes. Her heart
tripped over itself, not only with love but with the fear that
she’d made the wrong decision when she’d had the chance to be
completely honest with him. What had seemed like an insignificant
incident now threatened to ruin everything.

Seth smiled, but she could see his eyes searching
her face for what was amiss. “She’s a beautiful ship. Is she

Smiling back, she put all other thoughts from her
head, determined to have a good evening with the man she loved.
“Truly, I cannot imagine one more beautiful.”

“Shall we get started, then? Why don’t the two of ye
settle in, while I finish getting everything ready? There’s drink
over at the bar. I’ll be right back.” Gavin left them to take care
of things.

“You’ve yet to say where you’re taking me.” Phoebe
glanced over at Seth with an eyebrow perked in mock sternness,
trying to lighten the mood between them.

He moved to her side and wrapped an arm around her
waist, a teasing smile upon his lips. “Nowhere in particular. For
once, I want you to be surprised.” He kissed the tip of her
upturned nose.

“For once?” She laughed, pulling back just a little
to get a better look at him. “Has it ever occurred to you that the
reason I don’t like surprises, is that you’re forever and always
springing them on me? Even your return was completely unexpected. I
nearly fainted at the sight of you.”

He brought her hand to his lips, a look of worry on
his beautiful face. “I had not meant to cause you any distress. My
apologies. Once in London, I could not stay away from you— not even
long enough to send a proper message around. I had to see you,

Not wanting him to worry, she reached up and cupped
his cheek, smiling. “No worries, my love. I do think I’ve quite
recovered from the shock.” Unable to resist, she kissed him.

“Phoebe.” His voice was heady, just a murmur against
her lips.

Gavin cleared his throat, and they pulled apart, a
flush creeping across Phoebe’s cheeks at being caught in a kiss.
“We’re ready to go. If ye’d like, ye may take a seat either in the
sitting room or by the helm.”

“The helm!” Phoebe exclaimed, clapping her hands in
delight as she moved across the room. With a laugh, Gavin pulled
out a chair for her next to the captain’s seat, and Seth took the
chair on her other side.

Gavin deftly maneuvered them up into the sky,
working the controls with ease. They watched as the lights of
London became visible on the horizon, sparkling like fireflies in
the dark of night.

“It’s so beautiful.” She reached out to Seth, and he
took her hand, strong and reassuring. “So different to see it from
this high up.”

“That it is,
a ghaoil

Gavin turned to Phoebe, his knee inadvertently
brushing against her leg, seated as she was between the two men in
the small space. “Where’d ye like to go, love? Would it please ye
to dine above the sparkling lights of London or beneath a blanket
of stars?”

Phoebe bit her lip as she thought about it, her
excitement causing her to fidget in her seat. “I don’t know. Shall
we say the stars?” She turned towards Seth in question. “It’s
always so difficult to see them amongst the brightness of the

Seth brought her hand to his lips. “The choice is
yours, my love.”

“The stars then.” She looked from Seth to Gavin and
smiled, as they started their journey north.

It was a perfect night for their trip. The dry air
and cloudless sky sparkled with thousands of dazzling stars. Though
it was bitterly cold out, especially this high up, the steam from
the engines kept the temperature within the cabin warm and

For a ship this size, it was remarkably quiet,
gliding with seemingly little effort. With the additional altitude,
London now gleamed in the far distance like a distant galaxy,
melding into the astral bodies above.

Phoebe shifted in her seat so she could lean back in
Seth’s arms, her back to his chest, looking out upon the world
around them. He held her to him, his head resting on hers. She
still could not fully believe they would be married in only a
week’s time. Only a fortnight ago, Seth had been hundreds of miles
away, and she had not been sure when she would see or speak to him

Once Gavin got them on a course he was happy with,
Seth escorted Phoebe to the sitting room and showed her to a plush
chair by the window. Gavin soon returned, wheeling a serving cart
into the room, laden heavily with a cornucopia of food

“What did you lads get up to today?” She looked
between the two of them with suspicion and humor. “Here, sit. Let
me serve that up for you.”

Gavin waved her back to her seat. “Tcha, don’t be
silly. I’m sure between the two of us, we can manage to get food on
a plate. ”

“You are both too good to me.” Phoebe took the plate
Gavin offered, thanking him. It was piled high with a combination
of roast duck, sirloin of beef braised in red wine, with a side of
roasted potatoes and onions cooked down to sweet perfection. “I do
not know how I’ll get through all this, but it looks and smells

The food was deliciously satisfying. While eating,
she looked around and was taken aback, not only by the beautiful
star-studded night and the magnificent airship, but by her
companions. She was stunned and flattered that they had planned
such an evening with her in mind, and it still shocked her that she
could have two such amazing people in her life.

Seth ran a hand down her arm, his voice soft and
gentle. “Are you all right, my love?”

She gave him a smile. “I could not be better. I just
wanted to thank the two of you for everything.”

They finished their meal, and with everyone’s
appetites now satiated, they sat around in idle conversation, each
with a drink in their hand. Gavin reclined on a chair, his long
legs crossed out in front of him, his kilt going to his knees, tall
woolen stockings and lace-up boots covering the rest of his legs.
“Have the two of ye given any thought to where ye’ll have the

Phoebe looked to Seth and shook her head no. “We
hadn’t really the chance to finalize any decisions. It will only be
the three of us and Gabriel. We could do it at one of our homes, I
suppose, since the weather has been too brisk for an outdoor

Gavin took a sip of his brandy peering at them over
the rim of his glass, “You could get married here on the ship. We
could take her up even.”

Phoebe couldn’t have thought of a more perfect way
to get married. She looked over at Seth who had his eyebrows perked
in question. She beamed in answer and he nodded at Gavin. “Aye.
That would be brilliant.”

They ironed out the details, but before long Phoebe
stifled a yawn. “I’m sorry. It’s been quite a busy day.”

“I have the two of ye set up in the guest quarters.
I’d be happy to show ye up so ye dinna get lost.” Gavin stood and
offered Phoebe a hand.

Phoebe looked from Gavin’s extended hand to Seth,
her pulse skipping away. “Will you be joining me, my love?”

Seth sat forward. “I have a few things I need to
speak to Gavin about. Do you mind? I’ll still see you up to bed,
and I promise I won’t be terribly long.”

“Of course, I do not mind. Stay; I can find my own
way, love.” Phoebe leaned over and gave Seth a kiss goodnight. His
lips, warm and tempting, made her wish he’d accompany her to bed.
She took Gavin’s offered hand and stood. “You need not accompany
me. It’s just up the stairs, is it not?”

“Nonsense. It’ll only take but a minute to show ye
to yer room, and I’m already on my feet. Wouldn’t want ye to take a
wrong turn and fall into the cargo bay.” Ignoring her protests, he
took her arm in his and escorted her up a sweeping staircase to the
second level, where the bedrooms were housed. He opened the door
and stepped inside. “Here’s yer room, love. There’s a privy just
there behind that door. Do ye need anything before I go?”

“No, I don’t believe so.” She smiled at him. “Thank
you— for all this. It was amazing.”

“Phoebe…” He turned towards her and ran his hands
down her arms. “I’m sorry, but… I need to ask, ye understand? Are
ye happy, my love?”

She felt her heart tighten, its rhythm erratic. She
knew she needed to be honest with him. “I am happy.” She reached up
cupped his face for just a moment, before dropping her hand. “I’m
sorry, Gavin.”

“Ye ken I dinna want to cause problems between the
two of ye, but ye must tell him, my love. Especially if I’m to
marry the two of ye.”

Phoebe shook her head, looking down to avoid his
gaze. “I cannot manage it, Gavin.”

“Phoebe…” He brushed a stray curl from her face,
tucking it behind her ear. “If ye’re to get married… Do ye not
think he should know?”

“Of course he should know. I want to be honest with
him, but I cannot get the words out. I should have told him when he
first returned and now it seems too late.” He gently tipped her
chin, forcing her to look into his eyes, the rhythm of her heart
erratic as her chest tightened.

“Shall I take care of the matter, then?”

All she could do was nod.

Chapter Twenty Eight


Gavin sat across from his friend, his heart heavy
with guilt. Guilt, not only for the kiss stolen so many months ago,
but also for being less than honest with Seth about his feelings
for Phoebe. Though Phoebe agreed he’d be the one to tell Seth, he
was hoping to leave it for another time, so as not to ruin their
night together.

Seth took a sip of his whisky, and then rested the
glass on his knee, his finger running around the smooth edge.
“Clark and Moore wanted me to speak to you. I know you’ve made runs
for them before, but I think they have something different in mind
this time around.”

Gavin sat back and ran his hand through his hair
with a sigh. At least this, he could deal with. “Do ye ken what
they’re transporting and from where?”

“They did not say, but I’m guessing weapons—and a
large quantity at that. With the type of funding they’ve got at
their disposal, they’re likely dealing with Scotland’s
. I think Moore and Clarke have started hoarding
whatever weapons they can get, knowing they’ll need them if they
can manage to raise the monies needed to fund a revolution.”

“From The Watch? Aye, I could see how it’d be to
their advantage. A revolution has the potential to weaken the Queen
and government enough for them to not be a bother for some

Am Feiceadan
, known as The Watch, was the
group responsible for giving Scotland the edge it needed to win its
independence from England twenty years ago, its members notorious
for their fighting prowess.

Gavin gave it some thought. “Wouldna be difficult to
slide the cases in with the other cargo. Problem is, if I get
caught with the weapons and they’re traced to the Cause, they’d
make my life difficult and it wouldna be verra pleasant.”

“I know. You’d escape the sentence of treason,
seeing as you’re not a subject of the Crown, but it does not mean
they couldn’t charge ye with something carrying an equally gruesome
sentence. Either way, it will not be a pleasant way to leave this
earth. I’ve debated for days whether to tell you of their plans. In
the end, I figured I’d put it to you, seeing as you’ve helped them
in the past. I only hope you’ll take into account the dangers
involved when making your decision.”

Gavin smiled, some of the tension going as he joked
with his friend. “Only helped because ye needed to get to and from
the Outlands. With a trip like that, I wouldna trust yer sorry arse
to any of the other airships. Phoebe would have my hide if anything
ever happened to ye.” He polished off the remainder of his drink in
one go, filling his glass again. He waved the bottle at Seth in

“Aye, go on then.” Seth leaned forward extending his
glass for Gavin to fill. “Truth is, after leaving for the Outlands,
I’d not have been surprised if she wished me dead.”

Gavin gave his head a shake, his lips curling into a
slow smile as the memories came flooding back. “She half did,
. I saw her ‘bout seven months after you’d gone. Her
hurt had turned to anger by then, ye see. Had a bit of a glass
together, and the words coming out of her mouth in reference to
yerself, I’d have been shocked to hear coming from a dock hand, let
alone a lady like herself— though I’d be inclined to blame it on
the drink.”

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