Virginity Lost: An Intimate Portrait of First Sexual Experiences (57 page)

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Abortion, 191

Abstinence: among nonvirgins,
94; as birth control,
197–198; as gift from God,
15; and masculinity,
29; rarity of life- long,
145; religious vs. secular,
See also

Chastity; Premarital virginity

Abstinence-focused sex education: challenges to,
201–202; effective- ness,
198–200; expansion,

74, 178–179,

199–200; federal definition,

180–181; gender/sexual identity

201; gift metaphor

198; medical inaccu-

7; sci-

entific evaluations,
199–200; secular vs. religious,
See also
Sex education

Abusive relationships, 86–87,


Acquaintances, virginity loss with,
105–106, 133

Act-of-worship metaphor,
182–190; conservative Christian support,
189; distinguished from gift metaphor,
189, 251n.

29; effects evaluated,
197; male ad-

251n. 29

Adolescence, as distinct life stage, 33

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