VIP (19 page)

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Authors: M. Robinson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance

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Because, I would have gotten into a lot of shit for hiring a minor?”

“What? You
knew?” I asked shocked.

knew,” he admitted with a crooked smile. Now I really loved Devon. He took a
chance on losing his license to help me, he gave me a place to sleep, and he
still paid me under the table when I derailed his requests for my social
security card.

good guy, Devon. How the hell did you know?”

didn’t at first. After a few weeks of you living with me I accidentally saw
your driver’s license when I was grabbing money to pay for pizza.”

never said anything. I mean Devon that was a huge liability for you. You were
harboring a minor in your home and workplace.” I reminded.

“I like
to live on the edge. Besides, you’re too pretty to push away. I got attached to

you’re to good to be true. Do you know that?”

laughed, “I’m a good listener too. You sure you don’t want to talk? I feel like
you are doing something that maybe you’re struggling with.”

suddenly had to go. I didn’t want Devon talking me out of something that I was
excited to do. This was my chance I was taking it.

I stood,
looking at the time on my cellphone. He stood with me. “I’ve got to go. I
promised a friend a ride home from work,” I lied.

hugged me tight. “Make good choices,” he whispered in my hair.

I pulled
away, smiled a weak smile, patted him on the chest, and got the hell out of
there. I had to. I didn’t like the thoughts manifesting in my mind. I was doing
this. There was no question about it.

In my
heart I knew I went to the right place that day. I just wanted someone to hold
me. I knew Devon didn’t really know me, he knew what I let him see. It made me
feel better to be with him. I knew I had a new family that I could have gone
too, my mind unconsciously led me to him.

left his apartment that day a new woman.

moment I stepped into my car, I was a VIP. 






shit man, you sure you want to do this, Sebastian? I mean this is it. Done.
Game over. Finito. The End. Finished. Capote. Complete. Closed. Fuck man…the
list could go on…” All I could do was groan.

“Why did
I bring you to this? I should have known better.” Putting my hands up in a
frustrated gesture. “Tony, we’ve been together for two years and I’ve known her
my whole life. I’ve never been more sure of anything. Now relax man, you act
like you’re the one that’s proposing. Can you do what I asked you to do, and
help me find a damn ring?” I swayed my hands to all the rings.

“I mean,
look how many there are, man. How the hell are we going to narrow it down?”
This was turning out to be more frustrating than I had initially thought, and
this was only the first jewelry store.

man, waking up to the same chick every morning. They don’t call it the old ball
and chain for nothing, Sebastian. As the best man…I am the best man right?” I
laughed and nodded.

“I am
doing my dutiful duty of making sure you know how HUGE of a commitment this is.
I mean why can’t you just be like everyone else and live together?” I sign.

Tony…Julia is an old fashioned girl she would never agree to live together
before getting married. Plus, I love her man!” “Please, please, please just
help me.” I begged, placing my hands in the prayer position.

“Fine! We’re
going to Vegas for your bachelor party.” I tried to interrupt and protest and got
a flat hand to my face.

be a selfish fuck, Sebastian. This isn’t just about you. Ashley is going to be
up my balls now, once she finds out you guys got engaged. Ugh…fuck you very
much man.” I couldn’t help but to laugh.

I’m ready now. What kind of jewelry does she like?” He asked.

“I don’t
know, the sparkly kind,” I presumed, as he rolled his eyes.

“No you
douche, I mean silver or gold.”

knew that. Um…silver?...Yeah, yeah it’s silver.” He moved to the right.   

“Then we
only need to be looking over here.”

After two
days and nine jewelry stores later, I finally found it. I know this sounds
corny, the second I saw it I knew it was the one. It’s Julia to a T. Two carat,
princess cut, in a platinum setting. It was going to cost me two years of
payments, but she was worth it.

I had
just gotten out of grad school in NYU and scored a hell of an internship at
Yachting Enterprises in Biscayne Bay, Miami. Being on the water was the only
place I ever considered employment. My goal was to become a yacht broker. I was
twenty-four and ready to work my ass off.  Julia was twenty-two about to start
law school at UM. Having a long distance relationship these last few years had
been tough. I was ready to make the next move in all aspects of my life.

I knew
she had class late that night, which made it much easier for me to be able to
set up a romantic evening. She didn’t know I was there. I surprised her with
everything. I laid out candles from the doorway to the living room. There were
dozens of roses everywhere, including pedals spread all over the floors. I even
had shiny silver and red Mylar balloons in some places.

I wasn’t
nervous, waiting for her arrival. This felt right. We felt right. I took a deep
breath, when I heard the keys unlock the door. I took another deep breath. This
was it.

eyes scanned the candles, the roses, and the balloons all at once. Her vision
finally found me, standing off to the side with the biggest smile ever. She
dropped her keys and purse to the sofa and walked towards me.

 “Oh My God,
Sebby. What an amazing surprise. I thought I wasn’t seeing you until next
week.” She threw her arms around my neck. “I’m so happy to see you.” I embraced
her and slid my arms around her waist. God she felt amazing. We stayed in each
other’s arms briefly. I pulled back to see her smiling face as I slowly made my
way to one knee, kneeling in front of her. Her mouth slightly opened and her
eyes widened, as I placed her left hand in mine.

I have known you my whole life. I love that I know everything about you. I love
how you’re the pickiest eater I have ever met. I love that you crinkle your
nose when you’re nervous, just like you are right now. I love that being with
you is never enough. I love that I smell you on my clothes every time I leave
you. I love that you’re the first person I think about when I wake up and the
last person I think about when I go to sleep. I love that when you have too
much to drink, you slightly snore. I love that your body fits perfectly against
mine. I love that I never want to be without you. I love that you love me, as
much as I love you.” Taking the tiny box from my pocket, I continued.

“I love
that you make me the happiest person in this world and I would love if you’d do
me the honor, of being Mrs. Vanwell.” I opened the box, as her hand covered her
mouth and she gasped

you marry me, Babygirl?” She dove to me with so much force, she knocked us both

She squealed, kissing me. “Yes!” She kissed me again. “Yes!” She kissed me
again and again and again.

“Oh my
God Sebby, I love you!”

“I love
you, too, Babygirl.”






night had finally arrived we were in the limo on our way to The Gala. Madam,
Brooke, Milania, and I were arriving together. The rest of the girls were in
another limo behind us. We were all dressed to the nine. We pulled up to a gate
where the entry automatically opened. The circular driveway could have it’s own
street name, it was that big. Limos were parked everywhere. I didn’t see
another car in sight.

felt like I exuded nervousness.

exited the car first and Brooke grabbed my hand.

worry Bella, follow me to the bathroom when we get inside.”

inside, we were greeted with men who took our coats and handed us champagne. I
could hear the music of an orchestra. I didn’t see anyone though. The girls all
scattered once our coats were taken and Madam excused herself as well. Brooke
took my hand and I followed her to the bathroom.

reached into her purse and handed me a white pill.

is this?”
            “It’s a Xanax it will relax you. It’s only a 0.25, enough to get
rid of the nervousness, just not enough to put you in a coma. Down your
champagne, too.” I gave her a skeptical glare.

me.” I did as I was told.

me, Madam usually socializes before she finds us. We need to go out there and
make nice with everyone. Just act like you own the room. Speak when spoken to and
most importantly flirt at any given chance. It doesn’t matter what they say
just act like it’s the most interesting thing you have ever heard.

try to touch them, like put your hand on their chest, or graze their hand. If
you could push your breasts on them that would be great, too.” I nodded.

walked out of the bathroom and began walking towards the lanai in the back of
the house. As soon as we stepped foot on the lanai the whole dynamic of the room
changed. There was exuberance as far as I could see. The lighting, decorations,
servants, food, drinks, and people.

continued to walk as I observed everything around us. We passed a sushi platter
where a woman lay naked with the sushi on top of her. I had never been around
anything that was so sexually oriented before. I started to feel the effects of
the pill and champagne. I think Brooke sensed it too. She reassuringly squeezed
my hand.

Baby.” We heard Madam call. We walked over to her, being escorted by four
gentlemen. One of them being Gabriel.

there you are. I have been looking for you. Where did you run off to so fast?”
Madam said.


Madam corrected, cutting Brooke off.

Ysabelle needed to use the restroom.”

course, thank you for being so generous with your time. Ricardo has been asking
about you Brooke. I don’t think you should keep him waiting.”

thought I would stay with Ysabelle tonight.” Brooke looked at Madam like they
were breaking a pact or something, like the plan was changing.

Brooke. I’ll tend to Ysabelle, you go.” Madam took my hand from Brooke’s.
Brooke smiled, whispering in my ear.

go with it. You will do amazing.” She kissed me on the cheek, smiled at everyone
as she excused herself, and left our presence.

then, gentlemen, this is my newest lady, Ysabelle. Ysabelle this is Jeremy,
Nicolas, Joshua, and of course you’ve met Gabriel.”

everyone.” I could feel the lust from each of these men radiating off of them.
It was like the sensuality was being transmitted from me to each one of them.

was of course right by my side. I wasn’t exactly sure how all of this worked, I
could tell that he was anxious to get his hands on me. The other three men
gawked at me with mouthwatering smiles. I knew then how much I loved the
fucking attention. I was being devoured by all these men and their want for me.

I was
trying my best not to be nervous, and embrace all of the thoughts and feelings
that were radiating in my direction. I was struggling. I couldn’t help it. I
was mostly apprehensive about what was expected of me and if I would be good at

Madam called, interrupting the insecurities going on inside of my head.

Shit, that sounded stupid. Madam didn’t like it either. This wasn’t the image I
was supposed to portray.

“Can you
excuse us, gentlemen?”

she was upset.
could tell that she wasn’t happy with me. I had to get my shit together. I
wanted this. I could do this. I knew I could.

followed her to an office where she leaned against the desk, crossing her
ankles. I wrung my hands and dropped my head, waiting for the storm.

are you doing? Drop your hands and look at me. Do you want to be here,
Ysabelle? Have I not made myself perfectly clear about everything, and what is
expected from you? Do you think for one second that any of this behavior you’re
exhibiting right now, will be tolerated? If you would rather go back to earning
not even half of what you are truly worth, then the damn door is behind you.”
She let out a loud frustrated sigh and composed herself, her posture
straightened and she brushed off her gown.

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