VIP (10 page)

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Authors: M. Robinson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance

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 I chose
a slinky white dress that clung to all of my curves, showed lots of leg, and
cleavage. The back of the dress hung low, which meant I couldn’t wear a bra. If
it got chilled, my nipples would be at attention. For some reason, I thought it
was perfect. I put on a pair of nude heels, wore my hair up with a few pieces
falling around my face, added some light makeup, a necklace, and long dangling earrings.

I pulled
up to a house, looking more like a small resort than a home. My heart was
pounding and I felt nervous, excited, and anxious all at the same time. It was rare
for me to feel like that. I didn’t burn like that. It wasn’t how I was
conditioned. It was however, the way I felt. 

promptly rang the doorbell at 2:55 p.m., and I was let in by an older man.

Telle.” He acknowledged.

I didn’t
remember telling her my last name. I nodded anyway.

come in. Follow me,” He ordered, politely.

I walked
into a beautiful foyer, probably the size of my entire apartment. A beautiful chrome-finished
crystal chandelier hung above my head. Two of the most elegant stairwells flowed
elegantly to the marble floors opposite of each other. I followed the older
gentleman towards the right and into a sitting room. The room looked exquisite.
White leather couches sat face to face with a glass table in the middle. Beautifully
designed mirrors hung on one wall, while the other three were meticulously
covered in classic paintings.

couldn’t help, and notice how the room had a certain aura about it. It felt as
if I was about to make a deal with the devil. While I waited for something to
happen, I sat down on the soft leather sofa, admiring the granite fireplace. I
remember wondering why there would be a fireplace in a Miami home. As soon as
the thought occurred, the fireplace turned on with the sound of a click. I spun
around to see the older woman standing in red slacks and white collared button
down shirt, that was slightly open exposing subtle cleavage. She looked
amazing, so put together, and perfect, not one hair out of place, or make-up smudged.
I felt cheap in my dress.

Rosa, I’m happy you could make it. Did you have any trouble finding the place?”
She asked.

“No, I
didn’t. I have navigation in my car. It actually led me right to the place.”
She laughed a little at my reply, and proceeded to sit across from me on the
opposite couch.

can you please get us some Dom Pérignon Rosé 2002?” She requested, from the man
who had showed me in. He nodded and excused himself.

look extremely nervous, Bella Rosa. Where is the confident woman that I admired
from the bar? That is the woman I would like to speak to.” I smiled.
wonder what gave me away?
Could it have been my right knee bouncing, or
could she hear the beat of my overly active heart?

know Beautiful Girl, I have been following you around for quite some time. You
have several men and women who are very taken by you.” That took me by surprise.
She was following me?

night at the bar was the first time I had ever seen you.” I assured her.

“It was
the first time I allowed myself to be seen. I realize that you like your
privacy, which is something I admire and respect. You don’t have many friends. They’re
more like acquaintances, another trait that I look for. You wear your sexuality
on your sleeve, and unlike most women, you know that when you walk into a room;
people turn. You strive on that attention, which I admire also.”

curiously asked, “Although, I am concerned about your boss. Is Devon going to
be a problem, Bella Rosa?”

“Not at

then, I am sure you’re wondering why I asked you to my home. I want to begin by
saying that you look beautiful. Almost, like a sacrificial lamb in that white
dress. Is that what you think this is, Bella Rosa, am I the big bad wolf? Are
you trying to tell me you’re an innocent, little virgin?” I didn’t say
anything. I didn’t know what to say.

know, I’m not fond of this cat and mouse game, I feel like you’re playing with
me. You are free to speak your mind, ask me anything you would like to know.”

I raised
my eyebrows. “Why am I here?”

direct, I like that about you, Bella Rosa. You don’t like to putter around; you
want to get to the point and that’s that. In my line of work that’s a very good
quality to have. Would you like to know what I do?”

nodded again.
She thought I was direct? Really?

“I am a Madam.
Do you know what that is, Bella Rosa?” I shook my head no.

a French word for a lady. It could also mean queen, or a mistress, or it could
mean a woman who owns a brothel. Do you know what that is?”

I looked
down at my lap. “Like a place of prostitution?”

tsk, tsk, Bella Rosa, prostitution is such an ugly word, and it’s highly
illegal.” She said in a high pitched voice.

“What I
run here is very much a legit business. I pay my taxes like any other American
citizen. Nevertheless, I’d like you to call this place a
. I
have some very important high society sets of clientele, who are looking for
only the best. My little black book is filled with names from all around the
world, politicians, celebrities, sheiks, prince’s, kings, doctors, men, and
women, all looking for the same thing.” She cocked her head to side. “You name
it and I probably have it. My place of business provides services of all kinds,
Bella Rosa, not just sexual. We provide companionship, you
a client
for a duration of time and they pay.”

does that have to do with me?” I asked. Yes, of course, she had my interest

“It has
absolutely everything to do with you, Bella Rosa. You are what makes me so
successful. You could be powerful! Do you know what kind of power you hold with
that tight little thing between your legs?”

My mind
was racing. I couldn’t process everything that was happening all around me. It
was as if I was having an out of body experience. My mind wasn’t processing what
I heard her say, as fast as I would have liked. I stood up and walked over to
the fireplace. Just thinking to myself, I stood there for a few seconds
wondering what she was implying for me. I turned when I heard the clicks of heels
coming up behind me. I think I may have frozen when I felt the tip of one
finger stroll up and down my spine. I swallowed the saliva that was building in
my mouth.

Rosa, do you understand what I am telling you? I want you. I want you more than
I have ever wanted any other woman.”

I was
too frightened to turn around. The saliva that had been building in my mouth
was now a lump in my throat.

want to fuck me?” I asked, nervously.

“Yes I
do, not for the reasons that you think.” While still rubbing my back she kissed
the left side of my neck. “I want to fuck you in order to teach you.” She
kissed the center of my neck. “I want to fuck you to please you.” She kissed
the right side. “I want to fuck you to taste you.” She whispered in my ear. “More
than anything, I want to fuck you…to make you.”

I closed
my eyes, trying to soak in her words.

“Make me
what?” I managed to ask.

her fingers from my back, she cupped my chin, beckoning me to turn towards her.
I did. She looked deep into my eyes and spoke with more conviction than I had
ever witnessed.

 “I want
to make you a VIP.”






and I, broke up shortly after the school year ended. We both agreed that we
didn’t want to start our senior year with anything holding us back, when it
came down to deciding what colleges we would attend. It wasn’t a hard decision.
I was far from devastated. Olivia and I still remained more distant. I didn’t
see her often and when I did it was brief.

I saw
her washing her mom’s car when I was jogging down her street one afternoon, it
wasn’t a coincidence. I would run down their street often, just in case I could
get the opportunity to talk to her.

My eyes
gazed over to her short gray cotton shorts and white t-shirt that she had tied
to show off her midriff. She saw me, and stopped spraying the car with the

nice of you to be washing your mom’s car.”

going to be mine, when I turn sixteen.”

Julia hadn’t told me.”

discussed it last night. They’re going to get her a new car. I didn’t care about
even having one, but they insisted I needed something.” She said, as she
nervously played with the nob of the hose.

“I bet
Julia’s excited about that.”

know Julia, she loves buying anything” she chuckled, “they all just left to go
browse around for one.”

have you been?” I asked, while walking over to her to grab the hose.

good.” She replied, watching me hose off the soapsuds off the car.

don’t have to do that.”

“I know.
I want to.” I stated.

I was
trying to distract myself from having an argument. It seemed like every time we
were alone lately we fought. I just wanted to be around my best friend. I
couldn’t even explain how much I missed her.

told me you and Allie broke up?” She admitted.


didn’t you tell me?”

haven’t really gotten the opportunity to. You haven’t really been accessible,
you know with avoiding me and all.” I smirked, as I glanced up at her.

cocked her head to the side and put her hands on her hips, “here I thought you
were the one that was avoiding me. Thanks for clarifying that up, Sebby.” She

noticed that she had called me Sebby. I missed hearing that name from her lips.
I didn’t want our flirty banter to stop. Before I even realized what I was
doing, I squeezed the trigger of the hose and misted her face with water.

gasped in surprise, and quickly ran to the bucket of soapy water. She grabbed
the sponge and threw it in my direction. She usually had terrible aim, except
this time; it smacked me right in the face.

going to get it.” I groaned, as I ran to her.

took off with the bucket in her hands around the car. I squeezed the trigger of
the hose soaking her, as I was running to catch her. She was laughing and it
was slowing down her running. Suddenly she turned around, threw the bucket of
water in my direction, and soaking me right back. She fell forward laughing by the
surprised look on my face, and I took the opportunity to lift her over my
shoulder. She was squirming, wiggling, and laughing so hard that I lost my
footing on the grass and we both fell over. 

I caught
myself before falling on top of her and crushing her with my body weight. We
were both laughing hysterically. When I realized that I could see that she
wasn’t wearing a bra, I stopped. Her nipples were hard and I could see them through
her soaked white shirt. I looked back up at her face and she was grinning at

I bent
my mouth forward and kissed the top of her nipple. She moaned and I wanted
nothing more than to take it in my mouth. I kissed my way up her chest and to
her neck. I didn’t care that we were in her front yard, I was still thankful
that the car was blocking us from view.

“Nobody will
be home for hours, Sebby, let’s go to my room.” She stated in a husky voice.

I pushed
up from her and she caught both my arms.

aren’t going to my room are we?” She panted and I shook my head.

Why can’t you give me what I want? I know you want me. I can feel that you want
me right now, Sebby. Why can’t it be you?”

Oli it wouldn’t be right. I can’t do that. I can’t take something from you and
then just walk away. It would be ten times harder than it is right now. You
know it would be. We are barely talking as it is. Can you imagine what it would
be like if we were to sleep together? I can’t lose you completely.” She sighed,
and turned her face away from me.

I stood
up and grabbed her hand to help her up and she let me. As soon as we were both
standing, she put her arms around my neck and pressed her body to mine. I was
shocked that she embraced me this way, and I immediately put my arms around

“I love
you.” She whispered.

“I love
you, too.” I repeated.




Chapter 6


What do
I even say to that encounter? It was one of the most erotic, sensual, and frightening
experiences of my life. I went home that evening, laid in my bed, and stared at
the ceiling of my bedroom for hours. I thought about my life, my life as a
child, an adolescent, and as an adult. In that moment, I realized that I had never
experienced any normal things growing up. I never enjoyed my life, and the only
time I ever felt true happiness and at peace was when I was using my body. I
don’t know what that makes me.

Does it
make me a bad person or does it make it just me?

thought about my mother for the first time in two years; where she was, if she
was alive, or if she was happy. Was she ever happy? Did she feel the same
thrill that I did when she was with her Johns, is that why she couldn’t stop
doing it. Is that why she sold herself everyday? Because, it’s the only time
she felt whole? Am I the way that I am, because of my mother?

grow up to want to be like their parents everyday. Did she influence my
desires? Would I have been different if my upbringing would have been normal?
If I would have had two loving parents? I asked myself an endless amount of
questions that night and I cried, for the first time in a long time. I cried
for everything in my past, my present, and I even cried for the future. I cried
for the little girl who had to grow up to fast, and I cried for the woman that
I wanted to be. In that moment, I decided that I would embrace this, like I did
everything else. I wanted the control and with that I would get power. I could
do this.

I could
become a VIP.

I woke
the next morning with puffy eyes and a smile on my face. I can’t really explain
it, I felt rejuvenated, if you will, like I was turning a new page in my life. I
reached for the card and my phone on my nightstand and dialed.

morning, Madam Residence.”

morning, is Madam available?” I replied.

hold.” I waited for the longest time, at least that’s what it felt like.

Rosa.” She said. I was caught off guard that she knew it was me. I didn’t say

“Are you
there?” I still couldn’t say anything.

Bella Rosa, I can hear you breathing.” My mouth had become dry and I swallowed
what little saliva I had. My renewed sense of well-being had just been squashed
and replaced with a serious case of nerves.

here…I thought about it last night and I want to do this.” I blurted out,
before I had time to change my mind and hang up on her. I hesitated briefly,
trying to regain my confidence. “I know that I could make you proud.” I imagined
her smiling on the other end.

“I know
that you can, too. I never had any doubts. Do you work tonight?” She asked.

“I quit,
before I came to see you yesterday.”

“As I
knew you would. I’ll see you at 6 p.m.”

And with
that she hung up. I put down my phone and breathed out the air that I didn’t
realize I was still holding. I had felt awful for quitting on Devon, but he
didn’t put up a fight or ask why. A part of me thinks that he knew, not what I
was about to do, just that my life was missing something. I know he didn’t want
to hold me back. He wished me good luck and scheduled a dinner for us the
following week.

I got off
my bed and walked over to my full-length mirror. I stared at my naked body, pulling
the hair from my face. I started to trace the outline of my pouty lips, and the
tip of my tongue glided my fingertips. I sucked on my finger all the way to the
knuckle and moaned. I took that same finger and traced from my neck to both my
collarbones, leaving a trail of my saliva behind. In the mirror it almost
looked like it was glowing. I repeated the same process with my other hand,
except this time I touched my nipple, lightly at first. Then with my thumb and
index finger I pulled on it, which again made me moan. I rubbed my breast with
one hand, while the other slowly treaded toward my belly-button. Using the tips
of my fingers I circled it.

My hand
moved toward the top of my pussy and I touched the lining of my labia. I was wet.
I took two fingers and separated my folds. I made circles around my clit with
my other hand, and the bundle of nerves caused me to feel hot and warm inside. My
touch was light, and then it became harder and faster, more urgent. I moaned
even louder, it was shameless. I had to put my other hand on the wall for
support. I moved my fingers from my clit to the opening of my pussy and pushed
in hard, which made me moan even louder. I loved to fuck myself, the harder I
was, the harder I would come. Pushing in and out of my pussy, I made a come here
motion with my fingers as I pushed harder and harder on the rigged walls of my g-spot.
I began to breath heavier, I knew I was close, my legs trembled and my lower
abdomen became tighter and tighter.

“Oh my God,
oh my God, oh my God, right there.”

I looked
at my face in the mirror and watched my eyes roll to the back of my head, while
I came all over my fingers. I slowly began to catch my normal breathing, then I
brought my fingers to my mouth, and licked them clean.

“I can
do this.” I told myself. I smiled, and turned to shower to get ready for






senior year was fast approaching. We had three more weeks until school was back
in full session again. I had spent a lot time looking at what colleges I wanted
to start applying to. I even took SAT and ACT prep courses this past month. I
was eager to get the whole standardized testing thing behind me.

and Robert parted ways and Julia didn’t even seem fazed by it. Her and I, still
remained best friends. We always would. It was inevitable.

Olivia and
I, on the other hand, were still distant from each other. I hated the distance
between us, and wondered if it would ever be any different.

parents were having their annual end of the summer barbeque. Olivia was in the
pool swimming laps, trying to get back in shape for the new season. Julia and I,
were sitting under the canopy, I was doing SAT prep, and she was reading a

suddenly slammed down her magazine. “What the hell happened with you and Oli,

are you talking about, Babygirl?”

“Oh come
on! I’m not stupid. You guys barely even look at each other, let alone speak to
one another. What happened?”

I wanted to avoid having this
discussion at all costs. What was I supposed to say?

know Julia, she wanted me to take her virginity and I rejected her. Oh…and
we’ve also been secretly kissing and groping each other for years, and to top
it all off
we want to be together.

 Nope, wasn’t
going there, no way in hell was I going there.

“I have
no idea what you’re talking about. We’re both just busy.” I looked back at
Olivia. “Oli!” I shouted, she turned and looked at me. “Do you want something
to drink?” I asked.

“No, I’m
good. Thanks.” She went back to swimming.

I turned
to Julia. “See…” saying it with a grin.

was pathetic. If you think that’s going to shut me up you’re dead wrong,
Sebastian.” She argued.

“I know
that, because you don’t ever shut up.” She grabbed her magazine and hit me on
the head.

was rude! Seriously…what’s going on between you two? You’ve barely said more
than a handful of words to each other all year. We’re all ‘supposed’ to be best
friends, and our tripod is lacking two people.”

tripod, like…for real?” I said, with my ditsiest demeanor.

fine if you’re going to be a dick.” She abruptly stood to leave.

Grabbing her arm and jerking her back to sit down. “You’re right I’m being an
asshole, I’m sorry.” I placed my arm around her shoulders. “Nothing is going
on. Besides, like you haven’t enjoyed just having me to yourself these last few
months. I know you have!” I said, kissing her cheek and she rolled her eyes at

flatter yourself, Sebby. You’re the one that has enjoyed it just being the two
of us again. Maybe that’s why you and Oli aren’t talking anymore, because
you…wanted me all to yourself, huh?” Responding in a girly squeal.

“You hit
it right on the money, Babygirl.” I kissed the top of her head and couldn’t
help myself, I looked over at Olivia, who was staring right at us. She gave me
a sad smile and dipped her head back in the pool.

Julia said, bringing my attention right back to her. “What am I going to do
when you leave for college next year?”

going to miss me like crazy, until I come back to visit.” I once again kissed
the top of her head.

“Are you
really going to go away? I mean…you know the commute to UM is only thirty minutes
and it has an amazing marketing program.” I could hear the optimism in her

leaving all my options open, Babygirl. I don’t want to make you a promise I
can’t keep.”

She took
a deep breath. “I know Sebby, I don’t ever want to lose you. You’re my best
friend, and it would kill me if we weren’t to remain that way. I have known you
my entire life, we’re supposed to get married at Disney World and have two
babies named Ren and Stimpy…remember?” She stated, reminding me of our
childhood pact.

won’t, that I can promise you.” Looking back over at Olivia, I knew I made the
right choice.






Senior prom was finally here and our parents had
insisted that I take the girls to my last high school event. I had rented a tux
and bought them white orchid corsages.  

finished getting ready just as the limo was there to pick me up. My parents waited
down stairs to drive over to the Matthews to take a fuck load of pictures I was

made my way downstairs and my mom began to get teary eyed.

my God, Sebastian you look so handsome. I can’t believe my baby boy is a man
and going to college in a few months.” She wept.

come on, honey. Get it together, you’re going to see him all the time. He’s
still our son and we will visit each other” my dad affirmed, putting his arm
around my mom to comfort her.

please don’t cry, you know I hate it when you cry.” I interjected, pulling her
into a hug.

love you and I’ll always be your son.”

taking way too many pictures we rode over to the Matthews. I was nervous for
all of us to be together tonight. It had been a long time since we were like

exited the limo and their front door opened to Julia walking right out. Her
hair was pinned up with messy curls and some of them were in her face, she was
wearing a black gown that was fitted until her ribs and then flowed loosely to
the ground. Her cleavage was more exposed than I would have liked, but she looked

look beautiful, Babygirl.” I praised, as she walked over to me.

don’t look so bad yourself, handsome.” She boasted, as she leaned in to kiss my

came out here to tell you that my parents have lost their minds and expect to
take a million pictures before we are allowed to leave.”

yeah. Wait until my parents get here. It will be a shit show. Where’s Oli?”

still getting ready. She’s almost done.” She grabbed my hand and we walked back
in together just as my parents were pulling up.

and I took pictures together while we waited for Oli. Our mothers both fussing
over us, I had seen my mom weep more tears this year than ever before. Both of
them were a blubbering mess and our dads just stood back and laughed.

heard the clicking of heels on the hardwood floor and turned around to Oli
walking towards us.

had never seen her look more gorgeous. She was dressed in a light yellow gown
that was fitted perfectly to her body until her knees and then it subtly flowed
out. Her hair was curled and tied to the left side of her face. I had never
seen her wear so much makeup before. The black eyeliner she wore just accented
her bright green eyes even more. She was breathtaking.

Oli…” I stammered, as she smiled shyly.

took more pictures and then some more after that. I eagerly pushed both girls
out the door and into the limo, having had enough already.

moved to the other side of the limo and Julia sat beside me. It didn’t surprise
me that Oli would choose to sit as far away from me as possible, it’s what we
did, avoid the fact that we were emotionally connected, and hope it would go
away on it’s own.

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