Violca's Dragon (11 page)

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Authors: Leilani Love

BOOK: Violca's Dragon
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Chapter 26


Eryk and Chase set up the campsite close enough that they can hear the girls laughing as they play outside. Scott shifted into his cat and went for a run around the cabin, checking out the area, looking for any signs that others had followed them.

Eryk smells the grill and smiles. “Hey, I think I am going to set up the little charcoal grill and cook, that smell is making me hungry.”

Chuckling, “Yeah sounds good, I’m ready for some real food.”

Scott comes back right when Eryk finishes the burgers. “Did you see anything?”

“No, everything looks good so far, there are some campers several miles down the river but they sound they like are planning on leaving tomorrow.”

Chase nods at that. Since the cabin is in the woods, there are not a lot of neighbors and only one way in one way out by a vehicle, but by foot there are tons of ways to gain access. They are going to be keeping a close eye on the girls and the area. Chase is still trying to figure out how to approach them, time is running out and Viktor is not known for making empty threats.

They make a watch schedule, Chase taking the first one. He climbs up the tree near the house that gives him a good vantage point so he is able to see anyone who might be walking in the woods, without making him too visible.

With all the lights out, he is surprised when Violca steps out of the house. He watches as she digs, wondering what she could be looking for. She talks to the snow owl who seems to be curious by her actions. When she pulls something out, he narrows his eyes, trying hard to see it.

He watches as she covers the hole and heads back into the house. Chase knows what room is hers and watches for her light to come on. When he sees no more movement, he frowns, wondering what that was all about.

Inhaling deeply, he catches her scent still on the air and a very, very faint smell of magic. Narrowing his eyes, he swears. Whatever she dug up smells like magic, old strong magic and just the hint of earth. Whispering on the night air, he says, “They’re the ones.”

Dread fills him at the thought. Chase thinks he always knew since the moment he met Violca that she was special, but now he knows she will always be hunted. He is not sure if he believes in the power of the stone. Some think they only hold the powers of the dragons, others that they gift the owners with unlimited power. Whether true or not, there will always be those who want more power and these sisters are the key.

When it is time for Scott to take over watch, Chase jumps down from the tree, landing on his feet with a soft thud. Scott turns toward the cabin, the smell of magic still faintly in the air, before growling, “Fuck.”

Chase runs his fingers through his hair. “Violca came outside and dug something up. Whatever it was…”

Scott growls low in the back of his throat. They both know the danger these sisters are in and trying to protect them will not be easy. But Chase knows Scott will be right by his side.

“I’m going to go get some sleep, I think tomorrow will be a long day,” Chase says. Scott nods in his direction his eyes focused on the cabin.

Walking back to the campsite, he hears Eryk’s soft snoring. Eryk and Scott are sharing a tent and Chase has one to himself. Crawling into his tent, he strips out of his jeans and shirt and gets into the sleeping bag. Chase has no idea how to talk to Violca. Based on tonight he is positive they are the ones but still doesn’t know what to say. He wants her to trust him but has a feeling that this is going to be an uphill battle.


Violca wakes up to the smell of bacon and grins, knowing Brandon is making his special French Toast this morning. He made it every time they came to the cabin and it was to die for. AnnaBelle and Violca often joked about marrying him, just so he could cook them breakfast. Getting out of bed, Violca looks in the nightstand, her eyes going over the book. Deciding to look at it later, she closes the drawer and heads into the kitchen.

Violca sees Brandon standing in the kitchen, over the stove. He is wearing a plain shirt and a pair of blue jeans that she knows Linda would really appreciate. Brandon really is an attractive man, she wonders how different their relationship might have been if they met now, instead of when they were elementary school.

“Hey, you’re awake,” Brandon says, with a smile that lights up his blue eyes and makes his dimple stand out on his left cheek.

“The smell of bacon is better than the smell of coffee for waking me up,” Violca replies, sitting on one of the bar stools.

Brandon smiles before leaning over and starting the coffee pot. “Man, I forgot how quiet it is out here. Took me a few minutes to get to sleep without the constant noise, but once I fell asleep nothing woke me up.”

Violca tilts her head. “You don’t sleep through the night at home?”

Brandon shrugs before saying, “There are some days that I seem to have a lot of loud people outside my apartment expressing themselves.”

Violca watches as he breaks the eggs into a bowl then mixes in the vanilla and cinnamon. They talk about his plans to buy a house, his last case, and then they start to talk about what to do while they are here. “I have some fishing poles but I was thinking, when we run into town today, we could get some bait and maybe fish tomorrow?”

Violca smiles, knowing Brandon loves to fish. “Sure, I know the younger two have never gone, and I don’t know if Kati ever fished either. She would draw pictures of us.”

They both hear noises, letting them know that the others girls are waking up. Kati, the first one out of the bedroom to join them, smiles sleepily as she walks into the kitchen and grabs a few coffee cups. She pours four cups and as if on cue, Eva comes out. Violca smiles, looking over at Kati. Most of Kati’s clothes are baggy and hide her body, but up here in the cabin, with just family around, she is in a pair of yoga pants and a pale pink tank top. Neither hides her body and Violca knows once Kati gains confidence, she will give all those girls who gave her a hard time a run for their money.

“Oh, Brandon that smells fabulous,” Eva says, taking her cup from Kati before sitting on the stool next to Violca. “I still think you need to date my sister so you can cook for us in the morning.”

“Nah, Angyalka is to young date,” Violca answers before Brandon can say anything.

Everyone laughs. Angyalka and Sari finally come out of their room to see what is going on. When Kati sees them, she makes them two glasses of orange juice. “Why is everyone laughing?” Angyalka asks, crawling up on her own stool.

“We were just teasing Brandon,” Violca replies with a wink at Brandon, who shakes his head again, chuckling.

Chapter 27


“Are all the girls coming with us to town?” Brandon asks when Violca comes outside.

“No, just me and Kati. Eva’s going to watch the girls, they didn’t want to come.”

Kati comes out and they get in the van. Brandon turns the key and frowns when it makes a clicking noise. “I am going to check under the hood. V slide over and I’ll tell you when to start it, okay?”

Nodding, she shuffles over to his side and listens to him fidget. “Try it now?” Brandon says. Turning the key she hears the engine clicking. “Hold on,” Brandon calls out. “Okay again.” It clicks before starting right up.

There is a loud bang when he closes the hood. Crawling back over to her seat, Violca smiles at him. “Brandon, who knew you were so handy to have around.”

Brandon winks at her. “Still think I’m too old for Angel?”

They all laugh, getting comfortable for the forty-minute drive into town. Violca watches the scenery, her thoughts occasionally turning to her parents then to the book she found. Curious as to what language it’s written in, she wonders if her signal is good enough that she can just look it up online.

“Hey, before we go grocery shopping I am going to the sporting goods store. Do you want to come with me and help me get the fishing gear?” Brandon asks with a smile.

Violca snorts. “I am going to go pick up a few books for Eva, actually.”

When Brandon looks over at Kati, she shakes her head. “Sorry, I need to get some new art supplies.”

“Okay fine, what do you say we meet back here in an hour, drop off our bags then go to the grocery store?”

“Sounds good,” Violca replies before getting out of the van. Kati nods.

Violca and Kati head toward down town. The sporting goods store is near where they parked so Brandon goes the other direction. Violca smiles when Kati ignores her to go inside the small arts and crafts store.

The bookstore is just several stores down from the craft store. Eva is big into historical romances and gave Violca a list of her favorite authors who had new books out.

Pushing open the door, the little bell chimes and she notices the older woman behind the cash register who smiles politely in greeting. Smiling in return, Violca looks around the store for a moment before finding the romance section. She finds three books that are on the list.

Heading over to the magazine section, she flips through a couple that grab her attention but doesn’t find anything she can’t live without so she heads up to the cashier with the books.

When she finishes paying for her books, she hears the chimes of the bells on the doors. Her first thought is that Kati finished early. Turning, she stops when she notices that a taller guy with a shaved head is going back to the aisles. Thinking he looks out of place, she walks to the door. Before she opens it, she glances over her shoulder and notices that the man has a scorpion tattoo on his neck. Gasping, she quickly walks out the store and runs down the street.


Chase and Scott decide to follow the girls and Brandon, leaving Eryk to stay by the cabin and watch the others. Following Kati in the craft store, Scott tries to keeps an eye on her while not being noticed. The store is older and has mirror setups on the corners, and he finds himself loving the way she runs her fingers down a paintbrush or traces her hand over a canvas. Scott notices that like her sister, she occasionally bites her lip when she is thinking.

Kati picks up a big set of pencils and charcoals. She eyes it before putting the set down and grabbing a smaller set of pencils. Kati then looks over a few sketchpads before picking one up and heading toward the cash register.

Scott finds himself looking at the deluxe set of pencils and charcoals she set down earlier. He could tell she wanted it by the way she ran her fingers over it. When she leaves he quickly walks over to the cashier, paying for it, before walking out and following Kati back to her van.


Chase hangs outside by one of the alleys, waiting for Violca. The door flies open and Violca comes rushing out, the look on her face makes him think she saw a ghost. Chase notices that she is constantly looking over her shoulder. When the bookstore door opens again and a guy with a shaved head comes out, Violca actually runs in Chase’s direction.

Stepping out of the alley and directly into her path, Violca slams into him, almost tripping them both. Her body trembling, he strokes her back, whispering, “Violca what’s the matter?”

Violca pulls back, frowning when she sees him, then looks back over her shoulder. He looks past her shoulder and the guy he glimpsed coming out of the bookstore is now gone. Violca pulls back more, forcing him to let go of her. “I was…” her voice trails off and she frowns. “How did you know I was here?”

Chase swallows hard, not knowing how to explain, and decides to be honest to a point, “Actually, I am up here for research and I think I have the proof I need.” He runs his hands through his hair, trying to figure out what to say next, when he remembers how it came to be that she was standing with him. “Why were you running down the street?”

Violca shakes her head and nervously looks over her shoulder again. “I’ve been seeing these guys with scorpion tattoos on their necks at work and suddenly there was one here. It was probably nothing but for some reason…”

Chase fights a growl and he can feel his dragon coming to the surface, on alert. Most scorpion tattoos were found on people that demon lords controlled. Scanning the area, he doesn’t see anything, nor does he smell anything in the air. “Let me walk with you, just to be make sure that the guy is gone?”



Chapter 28


Violca doesn’t answer him but walks toward the van quickly. Her need to be with her sister spurs her to walk faster. Seeing Kati a few feet in front of her, she frowns when she notices Scott behind her. “Kati!” Violca calls out to her sister.

Kati turns around looking in her direction, her eyes going widen when she sees Scott between them. Violca rushes to her, making a wide circle around Scott.

“What the hell are you doing here, Scott?” Violca asks. “What the hell is going on?”

Kati looks between Scott and Violca. “V, do you know him?”

“Yeah, he works security for my office.” Kati frowns at the announcement, causing Violca to look at her sister. “Do you know him?”

“That’s Eryk’s older brother,” Kati whispers.

Violca grabs Kati’s hand, pulling her toward the van. “Stay away from us,” she practically growls, looking at both of them. Violca believes in the occasional coincidences but not when two guys who know her somehow end up in the same small town over ten hours away. Oh, and if she had to guess, they knew each other. Yeah, right.

“Violca wait,” she hears Chase calling out to her, and she pulls Kati to move faster.

Violca sees Brandon near the van and wants nothing more than to get to him and leave. But before she can step across the street that leads to the parking lot, the guy from the bookstore is suddenly before her, grabbing her around the waist. She hears Brandon and Kati both yell her name and Kati pulls on her arm before a second bald guy with a scorpion tattoo comes out and grabs Kati too.

Violca screams, struggling against the guy’s hold as she tries to kick and hit him. Her back against his chest, she almost feels like she is against a brick wall, her feet about a foot off the ground. They both back toward a white cargo van, and the side door opens. Violca can hear Kati’s scream and sees her trying to fight against her captor. She recognizes the guy holding Kati as the first guy she saw at her work.

Hearing two loud growls, Violca suddenly sees Scott grabbing Kati. Chase grabs a hold of her arm, pulling her toward him hard and she gasps loudly, almost feeling like her shoulder is going to pop out of place. The guy’s grip relaxes on her and in one smooth movement Chase puts her behind him and punches the guy in the face. Two more guys jump out of the van and grab the two would be kidnappers, pulling them back and into the van before it peels out.

Brandon reaches them as the van pulls away. “Violca, Kati, are you okay? What the fuck just happened?” He reaches for her first and Chase tightens his grip on her, baring his teeth. Brandon narrows his eyes. “I don’t know who you are but you can let go of her now.”

Chase slowly releases his hold and she reaches out, pulling Kati into her arms. A small crowd has gathered and Brandon hugs them both tight. Kati is shaking in Violca’s arms as Violca strokes her hair. “Shh, Kati it’s okay, were okay.” Violca looks up at Scott, still torn about why he is here but too thankful at the moment to care. “Thank you,” she mouths over Kati’s shoulder.

When Violca hears police sirens she pulls back, looking at Brandon. “I don’t think I can handle talking to them right now.”

Brandon nods and before he can say anything, Chase comes up and touches her gently on the shoulder. “I will take care of it, okay?” Brandon looks skeptical but she nods, not caring who handles it as long as she doesn’t have to let go of Kati.

Violca notices Scott staying close, his eyes on Kati. He is not looking at her like he is checking her out but like he is afraid she might disappear. Chase spends a few minutes with the police officers and she is surprised when they get back in their squad car and drive away.


Walking back to the girls, he notices that the small group of bystanders that are slowly starting to move on. A few of them are still gawking, but staying away. Brandon watches him as if sizing him up. “Why don’t we find a quiet place to have lunch and talk?”

Brandon nods and stands between the two girls. Chase can feel Scott tensing up and puts his hand on his friends arm. He is fighting the urge to pull Violca back into his arms and hold her. That was too close and he wants to kiss her, too hold her, to prove to himself that she is okay. With Scott being imprinted on, his Kati animal instinct will be a lot more intense.

Chase notices how Brandon keeps them in his vision while leading them to the small diner. Brandon leads the girls to a booth in the corner. Both girls get in first and Brandon sits on the outside next to Violca, forcing Scott and Chase to sit on the opposite side.

Scott sits across from Kati, and Chase notices that he doesn’t look directly at her. Kati, in turn, avoids eye contact with him and is nervously biting her lower lip. When he meets Violca’s eyes, he flinches seeing the distrust. She now looks guarded and he finds himself wanting to prove himself to her.

Brandon keeps his eyes on them and Chase starts to feel a building pressure in his head. Watching Brandon, he sees his frown deepen and the pressure builds. Brandon’s smell is human but if he had to bet right now, he would bet Brandon is some form of a telepath. How powerful, he is not sure, but telepaths, in general, have a hard time reading other supernatural minds. It’s not impossible, but very few can.

The waitress comes over and takes their orders, and the table stays quiet while Chase searches for what to say. “Violca, I never did tell you the particulars about my job, did I?”

Violca shakes her head, her black hair sliding over her shoulder. “No.”

Chase runs his fingers through his hair. “I do a lot of different jobs but with this one I am looking for the last descendants of a particular family line.”

Violca chews on her lower lip, and he can see her thinking about what he just said. He can almost see her arguing with herself. “Did you find them?”

Chase looks her straight in the eye before nodding slowly, whispering, “I was looking for you.”

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