Vindicate (17 page)

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Authors: Jamie Magee

BOOK: Vindicate
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Aden and Madison star t ed to pick up their bags and guitar cases that they’d dropped in their battle. Brady waved his hand in the string , and cautiously Ashten stepped through , leading Winston. The second he appeared , I felt a cold wind pass me. When Grayson appeared with the other traveler , it became colder. I wasn’t the only one that felt it ; there was an instant fear in the others. When Austin stepped through with Monroe , a growl boomed around us. I knew that sound as well as I knew my own voice : it was the ghost of Donalt, or whatever demon had taken over him. Just as I went to tell them to leave , it appeared -
my evil angel in all its decadence.

The flawless body took over the center of the room , and its ash wings stretched broadly to each corner. He wasn’t looking at me ; he was looking at Monroe and her brothers. They weren’t afraid, not at all. They were angry, almost hurt. The angel reached its hands toward them , and defensively I threw my energy at it and Brady followed my lead . I ts image trembled but didn ’
t fade or even try to defend itself from us.

Winston and Grayson stood protectively in front of Monroe as Charlie pulled her away , hiding behind Draven.
Winston smiled almost devilishly at the evil angel , and it returned the smirk. Grayson stepped forward boldly. “Give her back , ”
h e said firmly.

A growling sound bellowed from the evil angel , then t he sound turned into one deep command. “Come.”

Rage rose inside of Grayson as he stepped back , looking for Monroe to ensure himself that she was safe. Seeing his defiance , the angel moved his hand , pushing him to the side. The others were surrounding Monroe as if she w ere their most precious possession. The angel waved his hand , causing Charlie, the twins , and Madison to fall a way. Charlie screamed for Monroe.

Monroe had no fear. She stood and stared at the evil angel and slowly whispered , “Pater me temptatis , ” and with her words , a fierce wind blew through the room. The evil angel’s expression turned sad , and at that moment Brady, Olivia, and I thrust all the energy we had at him and watched him fade.

I doubted that we were the cause of him leaving. I doubted that because I felt the confidence that Grayson and Winston had for their baby sister.

Brady locked eyes with Ashten , then he looked at Austin. Travelers have a unique ability, one that I ’
ve rarely used ; it ’
s one that allows them to understand every language …
I understood what she said. I understood it as clear as the words I’m thinking now .
he said , “F
ather , tempt me not , ”
in a dead langu ag e Infante calls Latin.

In the numbing absence of adrenaline , Grayson pulled his sister to him and rocked her from side to side.
Draven pulled himself up , then helped Charlie up as Madison and Aden made it to their feet. I felt their fear, but not of this place or that demon ; they were afraid for Monroe, her brothers , the ones that they were meant to help.

“I told you I didn’t want to bring our demons to your doorstep , ” Charlie said in an attempt to apologize to me.

“And I told you they were already here , ” I said bleakly .
Father tempt me not. Now that was deep. He had kids. How could that evil have kids? Kids this pure.

I looked down at Monroe, to her brothers. “We’ll talk about this when you’re ready. We ’
re more than willing to help you and your family , ” I said , knowing that Alamos would have a field day with the idea that Donalt, or that ghost, could have fathered children in a different dimension within the last twenty years.
This was crazy. And not in a good way.

“You don’t want to help us,” Grayson said solemnly. “You want to destroy him , and that’s fine with me.”

Winston shook his head from side to side , clearly disagreeing with his brother. The others , with the exception of Monroe , were filled with fear, as they seemed to grasp pieces of something they were trying to understand together.

“I don’t want to destroy him. I just want him out of my dimension. Out of all of them , ” I said serenely .
I really felt sorry for this boy. No one should be forced to feel that much disdain for their father. It just wasn’t fair. Not when I knew how much kids needed a father figure. Mine had been a constant source of comfort in my life.

I walked over to Charlie and let my hand rest on her shoulder , filling her with peace. I reached for Aden and Draven next , then I walked to Madison .
I had no way to know what emotion was soaring through her , but I knew giving her calm wouldn ’
t hurt ; in fact , it may lead her to trust me.

I glanced at the others , feeling their gratitude and awe of the power I’d displayed. “They ’
ll find rooms for you. H
opefully , you won’t need them long. When you’re ready to help me , I’ll be with Landen.”

I looked down and walked to the doorway that led to the hallway. Olivia and Brady were at my side.

“You still have that iPod?” I asked Olivia.

She reached in her pocket and handed it to me. I slid it in my pocket and took in a deep breath , preparing myself to see Landen’s body . My brief absence had allowed me to fall into the illu sion that it was me and not him that was lost.

“Willow, you did understand what that little girl said – right ?
” Brady asked .

I nodded.

“What did we just bring here?” he asked , fearing the choices we ’
d made.

“They need us, we need them . F
or all we k now , having them here will make the ghost of Donalt weaker. He didn’t even bother to look at us.”
That or give me another reason to destroy him. Talk about worst father of the year award.

“What are you saying? That you ’
re using them as a distraction?” Brady asked , not believing I would do something that desperate.

“No,” I said firmly. “I’m saying there may be a way to redeem everyone here, even the demons. I saw the way he looked at that little girl. I’ve seen that look in Alamos ’
eyes when he looks at me . I f she is his child , he loves her just as much as he fears her , and that may be what we need to banish the darkness from the energy of that evil angel.”

And no, Brady, I’m not a cold hearted, vindictive girl who would sacrifice souls for my soul mate. We would just die and move on. Simple as that. If he heard the thoughts in my head it would do nothing but cause him to trust me less. But those were the cold hard facts. No one was dying for us. When the clock runs out. It runs out. Vengeance will be ours at some point. Maybe not this life. But it would be ours.

“Willow,” Brady said calmly , “
w hat if it makes it harder for you to destroy him ? W
hat if she’s a weakness to you?”

I glanced up at him. His blue eyes were serious. He wanted to ensure that Donalt’s death warrant was still in play. And it was. For now.

“I think i t’s obvious I can’t destroy him. Not alone. Not without Landen and Drake , ” I said , reflecting on the fact that I sent everything I had at the demon , and I barely made him notice me. I moved my head from side to side , trying to hold on to the idea that there was a reason for everything, that everyone was in my life for a reason, and to trust that idea. “If she ’
s a weakness , then so is Preston, Libby…
and Allie. S
he f eels like them – peaceful, calm.
Preston would have stopped us from bringing her here if that was the case , ” I finally concluded.

I felt a longing in Brady as I said his daughter ’
s name , and it made me feel so guilty. “I promise I won’t do anything foolish if you want to go home and see her , ” I said quietly.

“Let’s just end this , Willow , and w e’
ll all go home , ”
h e said under his breath.

I felt Chrispin and other peaceful people I assumed were travelers close, down another hall I would soon pass. “Chrispin is down there , ” I said to Olivia , nodding to the hall.

She picked up her pace and had turned down that hall long before I passed it. I took in a deep breath as I felt the emotions waiting on me in the room ahead, anger , fear, and sadness.

Chapter Eight

When I reached the bedroom where I ’
d left Landen and Drake , I saw Perodine at the table behind the sitting area. My father was at Landen’s side , and Alamos was at Drake’s. Marc was pacing the floor. His hair was disheveled where he had run his hands through it over and over. The sleeves on his button up black shirt were rolled up , as i f Drake’s clothes w ere suffocating him.

e saw me and took two domina n t steps toward me and gripped my shoulders .
“Are you insane?!” he bellowed .
Obviously furious that I left without telling them, without protection, but I didn’t feel obligated to explain or defend myself. Landen had not only sent me to these new found souls, but he was protecting me becau se his soul was within in mine. A nd if Landen ever figured out how harsh Marc was with me right now it would not end well for either of them.

Before I could even conceive a thought to push him away , Brady ’s energy had pushed him back three feet , then he walked dominantly to him. “Are you ?! D
o you have a death wish?!” Brady roared .

Marc pulled at his shirt , breaking the top button. “Obviously , I do!” he bellowed , crossing his arms , trying to calm himself down. “I’m him – I’m him , and that means that I ’
m living in his hell. I have no idea who ’
s on my side and who ’
s not. I have no idea if I ’
ll live longer than this hour , i f some traitor will come from so me secret passage and kill me.
Do you know what that feels like?
” he shouted .

His words left me speechless. I knew Drake’s life wasn ’
t peaceful, but I had no idea how dangerous being a king was, how deadly it was.

“You’re n ot going to die,” Brady swore , “
n either will he. You know she wouldn’t have left if she didn’t have a damn good reason . I t’s almost over.”

I felt the stares of my father, Alamos, and Perodine. I swallowed , nodding to Marc , trying to let my pride apologize without uttering a word. I glanced to my side at the floor by Perodine. “Your Taurus twins – the Libra – and several othe rs are down the hall. The song we heard , t he one that stop ped the demon , was created by them. The lyrics are ‘
an angel fallen , a devil risen , our fate is calling , this world will not be our prison.’” I locked stares with Marc. “They ’
ll show me how to get t o The Realm. H
ow to bring Landen and Drake back.”
I forced myself to look at my d ad, to Landen’s body as I walked slowly there. “How are they?” I mumbled.

m y father said sadly. “But the sound of your voice has made them stronger.”

I reached in my pocket and pulled out the iPod. I unplugged the headphones and moved the track back to the beginning of that song and hit repeat just before I turned it up as loud as it would go. I held my father’s stare as I walked around the bed to where the canopy drapes were pulled back. My father’s eyes fell to Landen’s body , and mine followed.

He looked so weak, pale. His skin was glistening , and I wasn’t sure if it was from sweat or the water from the basin by the bed. I sat down next to him and let my fingers run th rough his locks of curls. He took in a deep breath with my touch.
It made me smile , but tears glassed over my eyes . I sat the iPod between them and let the music reach their thoughts, a place where I could not go yet.

“I don’t know where you went , Willow , h ow you weathered the pain and came back looking stronger…but I beg you not to do that again…at least not without explanation , ”
m y father said quietly. I nodded as my fingertips traced Landen’s face and settled where his dimples would be if he smiled for me. “He told me to , D
ad . H
e was right ; he’s always right.”

My father put his hand on my shoulder before he walked away. Alamos had already gone to Brady’s side. He was quietly telling them what we’d done , w ho we ’
d brought back. There was just as much hope as th ere were concerns. My family didn’t think Charlie and the others were dangerous. They assumed now that they had more to look after, to guide. I felt Brady’s intent to hold off on telling them what Mo nroe had said to Donalt’s ghost.
It was a wise decision . W
e didn’t n eed to focus on that demon now. N
o – right now , I was hunting the one they c all ed Bianca.

Their quiet whispers halted just as I felt Aden and Draven’s energy enter the room, their fearless , determined emotion. Brady made the introductions. I looked over my shoulder to find both Aden and Draven sta ring intently in my direction.
Draven walked slowly to my side , catching glimpses of Landen and Drake’s bodies through the drapes that were open slightly on each side of the massive bed. Aden stayed back. I saw his attention move to Perodine and felt his awe as he must have seen her lifetime, one that stretched over four million years.

Once Draven was at my side , I peered hopefully up into his eyes, but he wasn’t paying any attention to me ; he was staring at Landen. His green eyes laced in black changed to the color of coal. A second later , they were green , and his stare moved to Drake . O
nce again , the green was washed away , and his eyes turned black.
I weighed every emotion I felt him have ; he was angry, sad – determined.

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