Vimy (42 page)

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Authors: Pierre Berton

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William Pecover diary
___“A Memory of Vimy Ridge by One Who Was There”
Arthur C. Pollard, “Memoirs of a Soldier/Airman in World War I”
Ian Sinclair diaries
John Henry Stacey diaries
Frank Tamblyn diary
Alfred Thomson diary
George C. Walker, “Accounts of Events at Vimy Ridge”
Claude Williams letters
Len Youell letters


Daily Star
, 1914,1917

(Toronto), 1914,1917

Free Press
, 1914,1917

, 1914

, 1914,1917

Mail and Empire
(Toronto), 1914

, 1914

, 1914

Government Documents - Published

House of Commons,
, 1914-1918


George Alliston; Harold Barker; J. Gordon Beatty; Roland Bird; Clifford Brown; D. Allan Brown; Lewis Buck; E.L.M. Burns; Benson Case; Art Castle; Robert Chambers; Jim Church; Dean Colpitts; Charles Dale; W.E. Darknell; George Drew; Dr. E.D. Emery; Robert England; Norman Evans; Len T. Fairey; Eric Forbes; Doug Forman; William Gale; Whitfield Ganong; Albert Gervais; Lester Giffin; Duncan Green; Eric Grisdale; William Hemming; Roy E. Henley; John Hill; Fred W. Hodges; Fred Holm; Leslie Hudd; George Johnston; James Johnston; Sam Kirk; William F. Klyne; James A. de Lalanne; William Lundal; Andrew McCrindle; D.I. McCullough; James McRuer; Bruce Menzies; David Moir; James Montgomerie; Gad Terence Neale; Harold Nixon; Frank Ormiston; Bob Owen; William Pecover; John Quinnell; Gordon Rafuse; George Raisbeck; A. Dodge Rankine; Fred Robertson; Lewis Robertson; Harold Rogers; Albert Rose; Wesley Runions; Gordon Shrum; Charles Sills; Cyril Smith; John Spears; Aubrey Staples; Fred Stapley; Alfred Thomson; James Todd; C.W. Topping; George Turner; James Wallis; Albert Welch; Harry Wilford; Claude Williams; Thomas Wood; Frank Yates; Len Youell

Public Archives of Canada:

Oral history tapes (interviews originally conducted for the CBC radio series “In Flanders Fields”):
Percy Ackerley; T. Adams; V. Armstrong; F.C. Bagshaw; Stanley Baker; Capt. Royden Barbour; Robert George Barclay; Harry Bond; Arthur Bonner; Archie Brown; Bob Brown; Raymond Brutinel; Harold Campbell; Gregory Clark; H.R.N. Clyne; Henry Sloan Cooper; Richard Elmer Crowe; Harvey Crowell; N.G. Dean; G. Dorman; Cuthbert Joseph Dutton; James Ellis; Arthur Farmer; Leslie Fennel; Arthur Andrew Galbraith; T.C. Gaunt; T. Goodhall; Arthur Goodmurphy; George T. Hancox; Allen Hart; Thomas Hewitt; D’Arcy Higgins; P.J. Hopkins; W.J. Howe; Alex Jack; William Jenkins; Col. Kirkpatrick; Richard Leach; J.A. MacDonald; A. Manson; Douglas Marshall; H.C. McKendrick; W.S. McMactier; Andrew McNaughton; William Nickle; Victor Odlum; Daniel Ormond; M.E. Parsons; George Randolph Pearkes; Alfred Pearson; Elmore Philpott; Jack Pinson; R.S. Robertson; Clayton Ross; E.S. Russenholt; G. Scott; S. Scott; R.H. Sinclair; Gus Sivertz; John Stewart; Frank Thomson; Frank Vandenbosch; W.S. Wilson.

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