Viking's Orders (7 page)

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Authors: Anne Marsh

BOOK: Viking's Orders
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She was free.

Except, of course, for the large Viking wrapped around her. The one carting her sorry ass to the coast and her imaginary longship. The one Odin had sent her to test—and to kill when he failed.
he failed. She had a feeling he would see that as nothing less than a betrayal. Strangely, that bothered her.

Big hands found the nape of her neck and moved upward, massaging away the tension, the knots. Freya’s heart, he was good. She wanted to melt into his touch and run away at the same time.

She felt overwhelmed. It was all too much, too fast. Behind her, Vikar was a rock in an upside-down world. Clinging to him wasn't smart, but he was what she had and she’d make the most of it. Part of her still wanted to pull the covers over her head and hide, shut out the suddenly unfamiliar outside world and lose herself in the dark, but the rest of her wanted to make a stand. To fight for that adventure she’d wanted and a second chance. Vikar was one hell of a defense against the outside world. He’d destroyed his competition in the arena. Maybe Vikar would come around. Maybe he’d pick her over Odin.

“It's morning, baby,” he rumbled against her ear.

Foggy and cool, this morning was inescapable, even with the borrowed jacket’s heavy folds tucked around her. Her lower body twinged, reminding her that riding the bike would present its own challenges today.

“Where do we go from here?” She turned onto her side, wanting to see his face. The soft brush of the sleeping bag against her bare skin was strangely seductive. When she moved, the wash-worn fabric teased her, reminding her of just how bare she was—and that he was the same way. His heat wrapped around her, and as her eyes adjusted to the early morning pre-light, the dark shadow of his face filled out, the details becoming clearer.

Her life had changed so much since she’d cased the arena and staged her own rescue. She felt like she’d lived a lifetime since then, and maybe she had.

Her skin was exquisitely sensitive from his touch, and the delicious soreness between her legs reminded her of his possession. Their combined scents filled the air, soaked into her skin and his. God, the things she’d let him do. He’d seen parts of her she’d never seen. Somehow, though, that seemed okay. She didn’t want a redo on those memories, just wanted to hug them close for a while.

He rolled over on top of her, pinning her between his hard body and the ground. He was waiting for something, too. “You lied to me.”

She couldn’t tell if he was angry—or not.

“About?” she asked cautiously.

“Are there so many lies between us that you must specify which one?”

Definitely angry. She recognized that snarly growl now.

“Get off.” She pushed at his shoulders. Which was useless, because the damned barbarian outweighed her by more than a hundred pounds. Instead of moving, he gave her more of his weight.

“You were a virgin.”

“Yes.” So he had noticed.

“You told me you were not.” The accusation and frustration in his voice alerted her all too well to his mood. Her Viking was not in a rosy frame of mind this morning.

“It mattered not.” The lie slipped out of her mouth all too easily. “I offered to sleep with you. I did. Are you disappointed?”

If he was, she’d kill him now. Save Odin the bother.

His mouth discovered her ear, and the hot, wet stroke of his tongue had last night’s heat returning with a vengeance. Maybe that had been his intention. “No,” he bit out. “But had I known, I would have been more…” he paused, clearly looking for words, then shrugged, “…careful, baby.”

“But you would still have taken me.”

“Yes.” He nipped her ear and rolled off her. Shoving gracefully to his feet, he held out a hand.  “I’m a pirate at heart. I take what’s there to be taken. I’ve never been bashful. The coast’s a day’s ride from here. I made you a promise, and you’ve held up your end of the bargain. I’ll keep mine.”

“Bargain?” Was that her voice, that sleepy, sexy rasp of sound?

His fingers waggled impatiently, and she caved, slapping her hand in his.

“Sex.” His hand curled around hers. “What we did tonight, right here. You promised to please me in exchange for a guide. You swore you’d be willing.”

. His blunt words tore open her little cocoon of warm and happy. This had been more than just sex to her. She hadn’t been thinking in terms of happily ever afters, but she’d been thinking more than a one-night stand, too. Or gods-damned bargains. His next words shocked her to her core.
was a bitch.

“But I wish it did,” he said roughly. “I wish what you let me do here did change things. I’d keep you with me if it was an option. Hopefully, whatever waits for you at the coast works out for you.”

Odin waited for her—and for Vikar—at the end of their journey.

“But there will be no more secrets between us, Pure. Do not keep from me what I need to know.”

“Or?” She closed her eyes. Why not? The hour was still dark, but with eyes closed it was easier to pretend that he and she were just ordinary, everyday lovers. That what had happened between them, on these furs, was simply the first step in a relationship and that there would be more. More moments, more nights. More feelings. He’d spell out the consequences. She’d know exactly what she’d lose, what price she’d pay when she handed him over.

“I’ll paddle your ass,” he promised. She was sure she shouldn’t feel that lick of excitement melting her pussy. His words should have outraged her—but they didn’t.

“I hired you,” she pointed out, eager to reestablish some control over the situation.

“Yes, but I’ve no liking for deception, Pure. Secrets are dangerous.” The rough edge was a clear warning. He was done discussing her misdeeds. His voice was gruff, like he wanted to sound all give-a-fuck but couldn’t quite mask his reaction. That was fine with her. She liked having some clue what this too-big, too-silent male felt. He was a mystery.

He turned away, striding back towards the camp and his men. “Come. We ride now.”

Chapter Five

Vikar got her to the California coast by sunset.

Her Viking had hauled her up behind him as soon as they’d broken camp that morning. No words, just a quick buss on her lips and then nothing. He’d been silent as the grave until the last hour. His crew had ridden alongside them, hard-eyed and watchful. Other than the occasional murmur of conversation and the clink of weapons, Vikar’s men rode on high alert.

There was no missing Cayucos when the beach town unfolded before them. The highway dropped down out of the surrounding cliffs, the road winding lazily towards the vast spread of the Pacific Ocean. Waves beat against the old wooden pier, white spume painting the lower half of the beach. A few humans swam energetically, bouncing over the surf in wetsuits and riding the water in to shore. Otherwise, the place was all but deserted, the cool, salty air having temporarily driven away the summer traffic.

The perfect spot for Odin’s ambush.

“Here we are,” he announced. She knew that. Anyone with eyes—or a nose—wouldn’t miss the ocean. Maybe, however, he was filling the silence between them. He’d spent the last hour of their ride pointing out various plants and sights—and talking about their fellow travelers. She now knew far too many crude—and amusing—tidbits about the Vikings riding with them. Truly, some things were better left unknown.

Get him to the pier
. Those had been Odin’s words. That meant she needed to steer her berserker through Cayucos’s picturesque streets and down to the water. Without killing anyone along the way.

“Yes.” She could match him word for word.

All these emotions were still too overwhelming. How many years—Freya’s tits, how many
—would it take for her to master control of these new emotions? Did Vikar not care, other than for his men?

Vikar braked, coasting the bike to a standstill. With good-natured cursing, the other Vikings rode around them, startled and curious when Vikar waved them on ahead. Which was also not like him. Granted, the odds of an attack three hundred yards from the end goal were slim, but the man exuded caution. And paranoia. It was likely why he still lived, after all.

She twisted in the seat to look up at him. The movement notched her ass against his cock, and he groaned.

“Cayucos is that way.” She pointed towards the town sprawled along the beach.

“Yes,” he gritted out. “I am well aware of that.”

“Then why are we stopping here?”

“You’re eager to be done with our journey?”

This was it. Her opportunity to confess. Unfortunately, she’d never felt less like telling the truth.

“No.” The word slipped from her mouth before she could stop it. Apparently, when she’d parted ways with her icy façade, she’d said goodbye to her verbal filter as well. “Eager doesn't apply here.”

“Good.” Satisfaction laced his voice.

Gripping her face with both hands, he took her mouth with his. Devoured her. Licked at her, nipping her bottom lip when she didn’t yield fast enough to please him and sweeping inside when she parted for him. He kissed her and feasted on her, and if the hard kiss had an undertone of something else, neither of them spoke of it.

His tongue explored the closed seam of her lips. Bold. Confident. She wanted to shut him out, to retreat, but instead she opened her mouth on a silent cry at the fiery sensations licking through her. Such a simple touch, but he undid her. Her lips parted—and he swept inside. There was nothing sweet now about his kiss. He touched and tasted, pushing her over the edge into that dark place filled with heated pleasure.

He made a rough sound, and tension filled him as he pulled her closer. Too big. Too dominant. Power rippled through him, the claws slipping from beneath his skin.
. Her eyes flew open and met his. His eyes glowed red, a clear warning that he wasn’t human—but she was now, and she’d never survive a full-on berserker assault.

She yanked hard against his hold, forcing herself to protest despite the wetness slicking her pussy. Her body wanted him, no matter what he was.

He was dangerous.

Seductively so. All that raw, barely leashed power, the thick bar of his cock pressing against her. Demanding she give him her passion. And she wanted to. Gods, she wanted to.

“Your eyes are glowing.” She fought for breath.

“I’m not a man,” he warned, and the prick of his claws vanished, replaced by warm skin. “You know that, baby.”

“You’re not an animal, either.” She refused to believe that.

“Part of me is. Don’t ever mistake that, Pure. My animal wants you, wants to fuck that hot pussy of yours until you’re screaming for me.”

He wouldn’t hurt her. Never on purpose.

“With pleasure.” The man shot her a grim look, but she could see the animal peering out of his eyes. Possessive. Territorial. And he’d marked her as his.

“One more night,” he promised. “Tonight we camp here, and then in the morning I'll finish the job.”

Chapter Six

“Tomorrow?” The word came out as a squeak, a mortifying sound that warned her she’d misplaced her backbone sometime between last night and now.

More mortifying, however, was her desire for that very thing. One more night. Granted, her Viking had been a temporary adventure to begin with. She’d known she had him for at most a handful of days and nights, but she wasn’t ready yet to part ways with him. The adventure had been too short—and the man too sweet.

He’d been so much more than she’d expected.

Still, setting rules was wise. He was, after all, a Viking. He’d take anything not locked up.

“Tomorrow I’m free.”

He shrugged carelessly. “Yeah. Unless I decide to keep you.”

He was a barbarian. Her fingers tightened on the seat. “You can’t do that.”

He smiled, a slow, mean grin. “Of course I can.”

“We had a bargain.”

“We sure do.” He moved lightning quick, getting a hand inside her pants. A finger tucked against her in an intimate, carnal invasion. She was sore from last night, but the soreness made her more aware. When she tried to wriggle away, he stopped her effortlessly. The raw carnality of his touch reminded her who was in control here. And who was

“You gave this to me. This is what I am.”

His finger inside her was a sensual, physical reminder of who and what he was. Yet when that finger moved, she melted, easing around him as discomfort and awkwardness gave way to a more violent, darker pleasure.

“You’re a berserker.” She despised her needy pant.

“Yeah. You want me to shift right now?”

“Could you?” Did he possess that kind of control? His finger pressed deeper, finding a hidden spot. The violent burst of desire shocked her. She shouldn’t, couldn’t like this kind of touch, but she spread her legs wider, giving him more access to her.

“Do you want a barbarian in your bed? A mindless fuck?” There was nothing
about the smile that creased his face now. “I can be that for you all right.”

“And you don’t want to be more?” She knew he could hear her frustration—and he didn’t care. He didn’t want to change or he couldn’t change.

“You want to redeem me, baby?” He slid his finger free, leaving her aroused. She wanted the orgasm he’d denied her and wanted to hit him. He leaned closer, reminding her forcibly just how large he was. His face was tight with anger.

“Go away.” She was done with this, with him. Swinging her leg over the side of the bike, she hit the ground fast, putting distance between them.

“No.” Dismounting, he deliberately pocketed the bike’s key, then turned toward her, moving with the slow, predatory stalk of an animal on a mission. “
made a deal. I take you to the coast. You follow my orders.
my orders.”

Her mouth opened, closed. “I’m not in the mood.”
Liar, liar

He struck then, throwing her over his shoulder. When she arched up against his hold, his hand smacked her ass. “You want me to paddle your ass cherry-red?” he snapped. “Because I can do that.”

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