Viking Vengeance (7 page)

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Authors: Griff Hosker

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Historical, #Military, #War, #Historical Fiction

BOOK: Viking Vengeance
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She laughed and kissed my cheek, "For a Viking you have the softest of hearts.  Dragonheart indeed! They should have named you lamb's heart! But I love you for it.  You did the same for me and I will be eternally grateful.  Of course they shall live in our hall. It is

It was my turn to laugh, "We are changing you then.  You now believe in

"Let us just say I see events occurring which my beliefs cannot explain!"

The evening degenerated into a beer fuelled celebration of our life by the Water, beneath our mountain.  I waved over Hermund and Hrolf.  The young Viking was still glowing from the attention. "Until you are ready for your own home my wife and I would like you to live with us and my son in my hall.  What say you?"

I thought that Hrolf would burst into tears of joy.  He seemed incapable of speech. Hermund smiled and spoke for them both, "We have both spent many years with a yoke around our necks and slept with swine. We do not deserve this honour but we would not show you disrespect by refusing.  We will sleep in your hall and serve you as best we can although what you need in a one eyed slave and an unproven youth I know not."

"You have both proved yourself and look around.  I do not discard those who serve me because they are not whole.  Haaken lost an eye and is the mightiest of the Ulfheonar.  Karl One Hand was Karl Word Master until he lost a limb fighting for me. If you are one of my people then I protect you unto death."

Unprompted, they both knelt. "We swear to be your men, Jarl."

"You are happy to be oathsworn?"

"We are."

I took out  Ragnar's Spirit. "Then swear on the sword which was touched by the gods."

I saw the awe in their eyes as they laid their hands on the blade and intoned their oath.  Their words were so quiet as to be almost inaudible but it mattered not; the Allfather heard them and they were binding. They were my men until they died.

I always enjoyed my first day home from a raid.  I got to walk and talk among my people.  As usual, my first visit was to Bjorn Bagsecgson my blacksmith.  He was like Thor himself beating out metal in his smithy by the Water.  He stopped as I approached.  Grinning he pointed to the pile of metal in the corner. "It was a good raid Jarl."

"Aye it was and the Allfather protected us, we lost but a handful of men."

"These candlesticks from the churches of the White Christ; do you wish to use them or melt them down?"

"We need no plates nor candlesticks.  I doubt that we will get the value we should from selling them.  Use them. I would have a golden wolf made for my son and each of my grandchildren." He nodded.  "I know that Aiden normally makes such things but it is his child and I would like to surprise him."

"My grandson, Bjorn Bjornson, has worked with Aiden.  If you would give him the opportunity I am certain that he would do a fine job."

"Good.  Make it so and I would have two short swords made for Hrolf and Hermund, the two captives we rescued."

"That is generous, Jarl, they were thralls."

"But for them, Bjorn, we would not have had the success we did. Remember that I too was a slave once."

He laughed, "Aye I remember.  You and Old Ragnar up in the mountains fighting snow and wolves. You were so scrawny in those days we were convinced that a strong wind would blow you over.  You have grown."

"Aye I learned much from old Ragnar.  It was he gave me my first bow and my first sword.  I continue as he would have done. " I pointed to the pile of metal.  "You will have many orders for swords."

He smiled, "And I have smiths who will make those.  I chose whom I smith for. Your swords will be done first. Do you have any ideas about the design?"

"A wolf's head pommel springs to mind."

"And length?"

"Hrolf is small and Hermund is to live in my home.  They need them only for protection.  When Hrolf grows we will see about a warrior's blade."

"Aye, I could do that."

As I left my smith I looked at the Old Man of Cyninges-tūn. In the morning he always seemed to smile.  Perhaps it was the sun's rays from the east which did that. It was another reason I walked the eastern shore in the morning.

My Ulfheonar arrived at noon so that we could divide the treasure. The last of it arrived from Úlfarrston in the mid morning. The other warriors who had fought with us were there to receive their share. I saw Hrolf and Hermund hanging back.  When I had divided it up I called them over.  There were two gold pieces in the chest. "Here is your treasure." I also handed them a shield, a sword belt and a helmet. The shields were not as good as ours, they were Frankish, but they would do for a while.

"Thank you lord," Hrolf proffered his short seax.  "And I have a sword already!"

"That is not a sword for a Viking.  Bjorn the Smith will have your swords ready before too long.  A warrior who fights for me has only the best."

Bjorn's grandson worked hard and he worked quickly. It took him but two days to make them.  His father already had the mould we had used to make the ones for my Ulfheonar.  It was just a case of melting down the gold and casting them. I think he was keen to impress me.  When he showed me the first one I was impressed.  He had even found a fragment of the blue stone for each of the wolves' eyes.  "They will be ready on the morrow, Jarl when I have polished and fitted the thong."

I handed him one of the gold pieces I had been paid by the Franks.

He shook his head, "It is too much I cannot accept such a fortune."

"I have underpaid you for this wolf will protect my son and my grandchildren. Take it or I will be insulted."

My son arrived four days after the feast.  He came with his son and his wife, Elfrida with her new child. I had not seen them since the birth of Elfrida's daughter, Erika. I hugged him when he dismounted, "Thank you for watching over my land while we raided.  There is treasure for you in my hall."

He nodded. "We did little to earn it.  There were no raids and no incomers.  We had peace."

I embraced Elfrida, "And how does my granddaughter fare?"

"She is healthy, Jarl."

"And she has a cousin now with whom to play.  Kara gave birth to a daughter too."

Elfrida and Kara got on well.  They were like sisters and she was pleased.  "What is the child's name?"

I shrugged, "They have not dreamed it.  When a volva and galdramenn get together it is a world of the spirits they inhabit.  They will tell us in due course. All I know is she has the right number of everything and she looks healthy."

Brigid shook her head, "Ask him if the babe smiled at him!"

"She did!"

Brigid and Elfrida laughed, "It was wind but my husband always thinks that all babies smile at him."

We all went to my hall where Kara and Aiden waited with their new child. After Elfrida had said how beautiful she was and Kara had said the same about Erika I asked.  "Do we have a name yet or do we still say her and she?"

Kara looked at Aiden; he said, "We dreamed and we had the same dream.  A she wolf came down from Olaf's mountain and the bairn suckled.  We both saw her grow strong and powerful.  She became a dragon."

I nodded, "She has a heart like her grandfather and the spirit of the wolf. What is her name then?"

"Ylva, female wolf."

I took out the four golden wolves and placed them around the necks of my son and grandchildren.  Tears filled Kara's eyes, "

All of the family nodded and said, as one, "




Chapter 5

The early summer was a time for hunting. It made us all into better warriors and produced better animals for inevitably we killed the weaker beasts. But warriors can only hunt for so long and then they yearn for the chance to hunt men. My young men wished to go raiding again. Success breeds confidence.  I was loath to spend a long time away from my family.  I urged my men to raid without me but all wished to be led by me. I was seen as the good luck charm. Wolf Killer was the one who persuaded me.  "My warriors wish to join with you.  My drekar,
'The Wild Boar'
is restless too.  She needs to feel the ocean beneath her keel."

I spoke with Brigid. She laughed, "A Viking asking a woman if he ought to raid? It is true the old ways run strong in you.  Your people need the raids.  It keeps them strong and we will be safe enough if you do not take all your warriors."

It was true; we were protected by the mountains.  Úlfarrston guarded the south, Thorkell's Stad the north  and Cyninges-tūn sat like a jewel in the centre of a crown of mountains. When Aiden managed to tear himself away from his daughter he visited with me and we discussed what we might do and where we might raid. Aiden frequently visited with Siggi and the other knarr captains who plied the seas trading for us.  They were his spies.  They returned with goods we could not get elsewhere and information.  It was snippets.  There would be a piece here and a piece there. The result was that Aiden's mind was filled with pictures of the world and, in particular, Britannia.  When you added his skills and his mind he was a formidable weapon.

"It seems to me that Mercia is ripe for a raid."

"Is not King Coenwulf in the process of conquering Dyfed?"

"He is Jarl and that is a good reason to attack him.  He has recently captured Rhufuniog from the men of Gwynedd. They will be vulnerable to a raid from the north and King Coenwulf is busy in the far south of the land."

The area was well known to us.  We had frequently raided there.  The Welsh churches in that area were richly endowed and there was a monastery at St. Asaph.  What Aiden said made sense.  Although there would be Mercian warriors there their attention would be on the west and not their own lands to the east.  We knew the rivers well.  The Maeresea and the Dee were easy rivers for us to navigate. We had taken Caerlleon before now.  It was also less than half a day's voyage from Úlfarrston.  Perhaps Sigtrygg would join us.  He had been Ulfheonar and his warriors would also be restless. Once more my galdramenn had provided a solution.

"And would you sail with us or does my granddaughter demand your presence here?"

I spoke the words in jest and he had the good grace to nod, "You are right. I should come with you.  Who knows what treasures you and your warriors might overlook."

"The Holy Books we found in Frankia were not overlooked were they?"

"No Jarl and we should sell them as soon as we can. The priests of the White Christ look after them better than we do."

I was decided and I sent messages to my jarls that any warriors who wished to come raiding should gather at Úlfarrston by the end of the next moon.  I would choose those who would come then. I gave the same choice to my Ulfheonar.  They were all happy to come with us.  When I was talking with them I noticed that Hermund did not look happy. "What is the problem Hermund?"

"I feel, Jarl Dragonheart, that I should raid with you but I fear I cannot."

"You think you should come because I rescued you?"

"Aye Jarl."

"Then stay here.  My family needs protection and you now have a sword.  I will have more than enough warriors who wish to raid. I will not think any less of you for staying behind. My wife needs protection.  That is your task.

"Thank you Jarl." The relief on his face touched me. Not every Norseman was a warrior.

Hrolf said, "But I would come with you Jarl."

"It will be dangerous.  My men cannot watch over someone because they are young."

He nodded defiantly, "Aiden told me that you went on raids when you were little older than me."

"That is true."

"Then I shall go for I would be you when I am older."

"Very well.  But you look after yourself."

Sigtrygg wished to raid and so we would take four ships.  I would leave
'Red Snake'
at Úlfarrston.  Her presence in the river would make others think we were all at home. The warriors who gathered were too many for me to take.  Those who were older I left behind. Those without a helmet and a shield I left behind.  Eventually we had four fully crewed drekar.  As we were travelling so close to home I took Siggi and his knarr. We would be able to protect him and we could bring back greater quantities of slaves and treasure.

I decided we would leave at noon and that way we could be ready to raid their towns and monasteries by dawn.  Other knarr left that morning for our iron was in great demand as was our timber. As we were about to set sail we saw a ship approaching. Sails could mean danger and so we waited.  When the knarr came to a rest in the harbour I breathed  a sigh of relief. It was a trader from Hibernia.  The captain had heard of our raid in Frankia and chose to profit from it.  He brought fine clothes and fabrics from far away.  They were the sort of things we could not get other than by trade. As most ports were now closed to us it was a sign that we were being sought out.

We left before he had the opportunity to trade with us but those who remained would soon reward the captain's enterprise with gold.  I also knew it would be the start of an avalanche of such traders.

Hrolf would not be a passenger and I set him to work with the crew of the
'Heart of the Dragon'
. To be fair to him he did not shirk from the work and leapt up the sail and the rigging with the other boys.  He showed no fear. He had confided in Rollo Thin Hair that he thought he had been reborn when I had freed him.  His life began that day on the Seine.

Aiden had already planned where we would raid.  Nantwich had great quantities of salt as well as vast granaries. Some of the meat we had taken in Frankia had spoiled.  Had we had more salt we could have preserved it. There might be no wheat or corn but there would be oats and barley. Both were valuable.  He also thought that there was a monastery close by the burgh. It would not be our only raid but it would be our first one.  By attacking deep in Mercian land we would draw his horsemen there and that would allow us to raid along the Clwyd Valley where we knew there were riches to be had. 

We reached the Maeresea before dark. It was a sparsely populated land.  The first time we had raided we had captured my steward, Scanlan and his family.  In the years since we had taken most of those who live in this land as slaves.  The Mercians had not settled it and Caerlleon was their northern outpost.  We would avoid that. After we had disembarked we moored the drekar in the middle of the river.  We left enough guards to repel any enemies. Then we headed south east twenty miles to Nantwich.  It took most of the night but Snorri and Beorn were familiar with the paths and Aiden had his maps and charts with us.

We had avoided the settlements along the way.  It was dark of night and there was no moon.  We were a black shadow moving across a black land. We only had a handful of Ulfheonar but my men all affected darkened clothes and armour. Some of our enemies called us the Black Vikings or the army of the dead.  We were not offended by the title. Snorri, Beorn and the other scouts reached us as we saw the faint first light of dawn.

"Nantwich is a mile along the road.  They have sentries."

We knew the layout of the burgh.  I sent Wolf Killer to the east, Sigtrygg to the south, Asbjorn to the west and we took the north.  No one would escape and each of the four gates would be assaulted at the same time.  They would not know what hit them. As the crew of
'Heart of the Dragon'
  ran along the old Roman road I felt my years. I was not as fit as I had once been. However I could still keep up with them I was just not as fast as I had once been. There was a dark shadow ahead and I knew that it was  Nantwich. It rose from the plain along the bend of the river.  The river would not be a barrier for us; it was Asbjorn and his men who would have to ford it. We halted while men adjusted their shields and their armour. 

I waved Hrolf over.  "Your task is to stay with the galdramenn and guard him."

"Am I not to attack with you, Jarl Dragonheart?"

"You are to do as your Jarl orders and nothing more!"

"Yes Jarl."

I knew that Aiden would watch over him. Aiden and he had much in common.

I led my men towards the burgh.  Built by Coenwulf it was a copy of the Roman forts.  With four gates and a pair of towers guarding each gate they were well made. However the Saxons had not worked out how to make their ditches as deadly as the Romans.  There would be no traps and the far bank could be climbed without difficulty. We did not run.  Ours was the shortest route.  The others would have to run to reach their gates and enable us to assault at the same time. Beorn the Scout and Snorri did run.  They strung their bows and ran to the side of the ditch.  I might worry about the warriors on the other gates failing to make a clean kill but not my two archers.  No matter how many men were on the gate they would die and die silently.

As we approached the gates I waved. Olaf, Ulf, Finni and Vermund ran towards Beorn and Snorri.  Even as we approached I heard the two arrows as they sped towards the doomed sentries. Before they had fallen to the ground my four Ulfheonar held their shields ready for us to leap upon them. This time it would not be me who would leap it would be Rollo Thin Skin and Erik Wolf Claw.  I went with Haaken and the rest of my band to the gate. I heard a shout from the southern gate.  The alarm was given.  I did not worry; it was inevitable and we would soon have control of this northern gate.

I held my shield tightly and felt that of Haaken nestling on my right arm. Rollo Thin Skin and Erik Wolf Claw swung open the gate and we ran in. There were shafts of light as people emerged from their huts to see the danger.  We were already racing towards them through the packed walkways of the burgh. It was only the north to south and east to west ways which were straight.  The others were cluttered alleys and paths.  I yelled, "Spread out!"

Haaken and I worked as a pair. We slew two Saxons before they even knew we were there. A blacksmith came from his forge roaring and swinging his hammer.  Haaken took the blow on his shield and I slashed the smith across his middle. It was when we neared the warrior hall in the centre that we saw organisation. An eorledman was organising a shield wall. I shouted, "Ulfheonar, to me!"

Haaken and I kept moving resolutely forward towards the twenty warriors. Even as we approached I could see, from the light spilling out of the hall, that half wore mail and had full helmets. They locked shields to form a double row with their backs to the hall. Olaf Leather Neck appeared at my left with Finni to his left. Vermund stood next to Haaken and Ulf on his right.  Two arrows thudded into the two warriors on the extreme left of the shield wall and I knew where Snorri and Beorn were.

We were a natural wedge and I did not break stride. I chose the man I would strike. He was in the front rank.  He had a full face helmet and a mail coif but his shield was made only of wood.  There was neither boss nor iron strengtheners. That was his weakness. His spear jabbed towards my face and I easily turned it with my shield.  My sword was held behind me and he was now weaponless.  Those around him had stabbed at Olaf and Haaken. Their spears were also redundant. They relied on their locked shields and double line of men. I stabbed forwards at the junction of their shields.  I wriggled the sword as it met resistance and I pushed hard.  I am a big man and with my mail I am heavy. Behind me I felt the weight of the bodies of my other warriors and the Saxon line began to move.

I pushed again with my sword. I found myself face to face with the warrior who cursed me in Saxon. "You will rot in hell pagan!"

I head butted him as I replied, "I am a Viking and I will be in Valhalla drinking, Saxon!" As he recoiled his foot slipped a little and my blade finally found something soft.  I pushed hard. I felt warm blood pouring down my blade and on to my hand. I pushed harder.  I watched the light go from his eyes and he fell. There was a gap and I stepped into it and punched the next warrior with the boss of my shield. I had room to swing and I brought my blade overhand to smash down on his helmet.  It did not break the metal but it stunned him and he too fell to the ground.  I stamped across his throat as I turned to stab into the side of the next warrior.  A shield wall only works when it is a solid wall.  As soon as it is broken it becomes a liability for it is rigid. My Ulfheonar spread down the line slaying the Saxon warriors.

When they all lay slain, dawn had broken and the burgh was ours. Wolf Killer and the other jarls joined me at the warrior hall.  "We have secured the gates! It is a great victory Jarl Dragonheart!"

"Aye, Wolf Killer, it is. Have carts collected and begin to collect the booty."

I took off my helmet and put my shield around my back. I held Ragnar's Spirit in my hand. We moved back towards the gate.  I saw Erik Wolf Claw and he was cradling Sven Thorirson. Sven was wounded. I knelt down and saw that he had been gutted.  His left hand cradled his entrails. Sven had been on many raids with me.  He opened his eyes. "Jarl Dragonheart, my life hangs by a thread.  Soon I will be in Valhalla.  Honour me by cutting the thread. Odin himself will welcome a warrior slain by Ragnar's Spirit. I was ever your man.  I have been privileged to fight alongside you."

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