Read Viking: Legends of the North: A Limited Edition Boxed Set Online

Authors: Tanya Anne Crosby,Miriam Minger,Shelly Thacker,Glynnis Campbell

Tags: #Historical Romance

Viking: Legends of the North: A Limited Edition Boxed Set (86 page)

BOOK: Viking: Legends of the North: A Limited Edition Boxed Set
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As Rurik groaned again and pulled her even closer, his hands worshiping in their caress, Zora felt her skin growing warmer beneath his wide, callused palms. Yet no sensation could have been sweeter or more exciting than his mouth seizing upon a nipple. Inhaling brokenly, she clutched his immense shoulders when he circled the swollen nub with his tongue.

“I told you I would make you want me,” she heard him say above her soft moans, his mouth first playing at one nipple, then hungrily searching out the other.

Nor did he neglect the scented valley between her breasts, his tongue tracing molten trails down one full curve and up another until she was trembling. Her moans grew louder when he began to suckle in earnest, his splayed hands gripping her bare bottom to hold her close, and she gasped in pleasure when he nipped her lightly.

“You like that?” came his pleased whisper.

“Yes…” Zora entwined her fingers in his hair as Rurik renewed his sensual onslaught, but this time he did so with a heart-stopping difference. With each slow twirl of his tongue at her breast, one of his hands slipped higher along the sensitive inside of her thigh…higher…higher…until at last he found what he was seeking.

Her breath snagging, Zora thought her knees were going to buckle as he slid his fingers gently inside her, and easily for the wetness he found there. Then he withdrew them only to repeat the exquisite torture again and again until she was shaking uncontrollably.

“I…I think I should lie down—”

Within an instant she was, for Rurik had pushed her back upon the furs before her words were barely spoken. Yet he didn’t join her on the bed. Instead, he remained kneeling beside the mattress and after pulling her hips toward him and spreading her legs, he lifted one of her feet and kissed the delicately raised arch.

“Now, my beautiful wife, do you know what I’m going to do?”

Shivering at the warm huskiness of his voice, Zora could only shake her head. He was so beautiful himself, so broad-shouldered, so bronzed, so handsome, so overwhelmingly masculine, that she could not stop staring at him.

“Fulfill my promise.”

With a roguish smile that set her heart to pounding, Rurik slipped his hands beneath her bottom and lifting her to him, he blew softly upon her woman’s hair, a deliciously erotic sensation unlike anything she had ever known. But it was nothing compared to when his mouth came down upon her, his tongue slipping into her where his fingers had been only moments before.

“Rurik…oh, no!”

She struggled at once, the sensation so intense that she was certain that she had had enough before he really began. But he held her tightly and if she had hoped to sway him by her outcry, she was mistaken for it seemed only to spur him on. If she had trembled before, now she was quaking, her body arching against him, against the hot wetness of his mouth and the sensual weapon that his darting tongue had become even as she cried out for him to stop.

“Please…Rurik, no more!”

Again his response was only to heighten his carnal assault, his focus now upon one point so achingly sensitive that Zora no longer thought to protest for the wondrous pressure that was mounting inside her. Where it had come from she didn’t know, but it took over her completely and she found she had no voice left but to whimper.

“Rurik…oh, please…”

“Tell me, Zora,” came Rurik’s taunting whisper. “Tell me what you want!”

“I want…I want…oh!”

The bright burst of ecstasy came upon her so suddenly that Zora grew rigid, her head falling back and her hands clawing at the furs as a pulse of red-hot fire shot through her, radiating to the ends of her toes and the tips of her fingers. She could not say how long she was lost in that searing flush of delirium, but when it had passed she collapsed onto the mattress like a limp doll.

“Sometimes we get what we wish for,” Rurik said as from a great distance, lifting her although she could give him no help at all. When she finally opened her eyes, her senses somewhat regained, she was lying on top of him, his flesh, rock hard and insistent, pressing against that still tingling place between her thighs.

“And sometimes, little one,” he added, his gaze burning like darkened coals into hers, “it comes to us twice.”

Rurik pulled her to him and captured her lips before she could reply, his mouth tasting of rose musk and her sex, his impassioned kiss more possessive than any that had gone before. As his tongue swept into her mouth, she felt him lift her hips and then settle her upon that thick, silken part of him that stood rigid and ready, impaling her when he thrust upward as if he could no longer contain himself.

Zora cried out, not in pain but in surprise, for he was so huge that she could not believe she had accommodated the full-grown length of him. Then he was moving within her, faster and deeper, and so fiercely that she marveled at the fury of his passion. Soon she found herself bearing down upon him to meet his powerful thrusts, and to her amazement, she felt that pressure flaring up inside her like a wildfire sparked once again to flames.

“Rurik…” she moaned, their mouths meeting and parting with each lunging motion of their bodies until he plunged his fingers through her hair, fusing his lips with hers.

She didn’t have to hear his groans to know that rapture had suddenly found him, for his body throbbed like a thing alive inside her, the hard, rhythmic pulsing keeping time with the waves of ecstasy spreading through her.

For one blinding, eternal moment his panting breath was hers, her ragged breath was his, their heartbeats clamoring together in unison. Then she fell in utter exhaustion upon him as his arms came around to hug her tightly.

It was Rurik who finally spoke moments later, his labored breathing back to normal as if their lovemaking had scarcely taxed him. That alone should have given Zora a clue that the night for them was not over.

“You cannot go to sleep yet, little one,” he whispered, sliding his hand along the side of her body until he found the soft curve of a breast.

Zora shivered at the sensation of his fingernails lightly grazing her flesh. “No?”

Her answer came when he rolled onto his side, taking her with him. As he hitched her leg over his hip, she realized to her astonishment that he had grown hard again inside her.

“Rurik…! How—”

He silenced her with a finger to her lips, a rogue’s smile spreading over his face as he teased her with a slow, tantalizing thrust. “Sometimes it comes to us twice. Remember?” He lowered his head and barely touching his lips to hers, his whisper thrilled her. “And sometimes, Princess, even that is not enough…”

Chapter 20


Muddled from sleep, Zora opened her eyes to bright sunlight streaming through the high, narrow windows. How odd. The bedchamber in her longhouse had only one window…

It only took her a quick look around the richly furnished room to remember exactly where she was, and her head fell back upon the pillow as a blush fired her cheeks.

She and Rurik had spent the night together in this huge bed. Holy Mother Mary, she would never have imagined there were so many ways for a man and a woman to—

“Isn’t it enough that you’ve done all those things without thinking about them, too?” she chided herself, trying without success to force the passionate images from her mind. Glancing at the empty space beside her, she wondered how long ago Rurik might have risen. She guessed it was already well into the morning, perhaps even midday, but then they hadn’t gone to sleep until almost dawn…

“Stop,” Zora muttered in exasperation, besieged not only with rousing memories of their lovemaking but by words that had passed between them. Words Rurik had hurled at her earlier in the night that she could not forget…

Lust can blind a man for a time but once it is satisfied, everything will return to what it was before

Sighing, Zora rolled onto her side and folded her arm beneath her head.

After last night, she wasn’t so sure that Rurik merely lusted for her. She had seen the torment in his eyes. Was it possible he might have some feelings for her that went so much deeper, feelings he was fighting because of the deceit he had suffered at another woman’s hands’? Could he be falling in love with her?

Oh, what did it matter?
she fumed, becoming angered by a sudden rush of butterflies in her stomach. If she hadn’t asked Rurik about his spurning his concubines in the first place, now she wouldn’t be concerning herself with whether or not he cared about her. And even if he did, it wouldn’t change anything!

She and Rurik were enemies. All she wanted was to be free of him and home in Chernigov with her father and Ivan, and where she could repay her half sister for the misery she had suffered. It was as simple as that.

Nothing’s that simple
, came a niggling inner voice but Zora stubbornly ignored it and shifted onto her back in frustration.

What was she supposed to do now? she wondered, staring at the timbered ceiling. Her last escape attempt had failed miserably and until she managed to find some other way to leave, she was stuck here. She would have to be married to a man whose estate was so remote that wild beasts lurked just outside the gates!

Her open defiance of Rurik had also gotten her nowhere; in fact, he seemed to enjoy it. No, there had to be another way…

A nervous warmth sluiced through her body at the sudden idea that came to her, one that would perhaps have never occurred to her if not for what had passed between them last night.

Rurik had to know that he had pleased her. She shivered to think of how much. Why not take it further by leading him to believe that she was beginning to accept her marriage? That had been his toast to her after all at their wedding feast. It was what he wanted. Why not make it appear as if she were finding contentment as his wife? Surely then he would let down his guard around her, which could open up any number of opportunities…

Seized by tense excitement, Zora drew the heavy fur spread with her as she raised herself to a sitting position.

It was so perfect, made all the more so by the possibility that she meant more to Rurik than he wanted her to believe. Perhaps she could further seduce him into trusting her if she seemed to care for him as well—

“I was hoping I’d find you awake.”

Zora’s heart leapt into her throat, those same butterflies fluttering like mad inside her stomach as her gaze darted to the doorway where Rurik stood watching her. How could she have been so lost in her thoughts that she hadn’t heard him enter? Then again, what had she just been thinking about? All of a sudden, she felt so scattered…

“G-good morning,” she stammered. Her cheeks grew warm as he took in every aspect of her appearance, her pulse pounding at the air of intimacy that now charged the room.

“Good afternoon, you mean,” he corrected her. “It’s well past midday.”

“Oh.” The hard edge to Rurik’s voice broke the befuddled spell. Why did he look so grim? Surely there was no crime in sleeping late, especially after what they…Remembering all too well the arousing sensation of his hands upon her, she added distractedly, “I didn’t hear you leave this morning. When did you—”

“Not long after sunrise.” Rurik moved farther into the room but stopped several feet from the bed as if he did not want to come too close. “A journey was required to an estate east of Novgorod…that’s why I’ve come to speak with you. I didn’t want you to hear the news from any slaves and perhaps create false stories.”

Zora was stung by his sarcasm. His present mood contrasted sharply with how he had earlier tenderly kissed the tip of her nose and her eyelids and then bade her in a whisper to go to sleep. Yet she supposed if he was trying to fight his feelings for her—

“News?” she said with feigned lightness, thinking again of her plan. Zora was surprised by the strong sense of guilt that accompanied it.

“About Semirah. I’ve given her to Lord Boris and he seemed quite pleased with her. She’ll trouble you no more.”

Zora could not have been more shocked. For a moment she didn’t know what to say. She had thought Rurik might somehow punish the concubine, especially after his hard words in the forest about not being able to forgive her, but to rid himself of her by giving her to another man?

“The same Lord Boris who my uncle…?”

Zora was answered with a brusque nod. She stared at Rurik, incredulous.

“Did…did Semirah go willingly? I can only believe that what she did to me was because she held feelings for you—”

“Affection had nothing to do with her treachery,” he broke in coldly, although his gaze held a piercing warmth that belied the harshness of his voice. “Would you rather I had allowed her to remain here, Princess, where she would be a threat to the mother of my heirs? Aside from endangering your life, the crime of setting fire to my property was enough to warrant my selling her back into slavery, but I spared her that horror by giving her to Boris. He has the coarse manners of a pig, but he’s unmarried and rich enough to satisfy Semirah’s ambition. I have no doubt she’ll have better luck with him.”

Stung twice as sharply by Rurik’s dispassionate reference to her maternal use to him, Zora had to remind herself to keep calm. But what he had said about Semirah made little sense.

BOOK: Viking: Legends of the North: A Limited Edition Boxed Set
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