Read Viking: Legends of the North: A Limited Edition Boxed Set Online

Authors: Tanya Anne Crosby,Miriam Minger,Shelly Thacker,Glynnis Campbell

Tags: #Historical Romance

Viking: Legends of the North: A Limited Edition Boxed Set (31 page)

BOOK: Viking: Legends of the North: A Limited Edition Boxed Set
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“You are so kind,” Nina drawled. “I cannot understand why Hauk left you so soon. I would think someone as young and charming as you would hold his interest.” She arched one slim, red-gold brow. “How old
you, my dear? Eighteen? Nineteen?”

Avril folded her arms. “Three and twenty.”

“Three and twenty!” Nina laughed—a deep, throaty laugh that had poor Floyel burrowing for cover—as if this were the most amusing jest she had heard in a long time. “Oh, the way you say it! As if you are far too sophisticated and mature to be mistaken for eighteen.” Her shoulders shook. “My dear, you are barely out of swaddling clothes.”

“But you cannot be more than... five or six years older than I,” Avril replied, not understanding the woman’s amusement.

Nina kept chuckling. “You flatter me, silly child. But then, I do adore flattery. And I
aged well, haven’t I?”

Avril sighed, gesturing toward the door. “You have also worn out your welcome. It has been a
making your acquaintance, milady, but now you must allow me to bid you—”

“Oh, by Frigga’s mother.” Nina waved a hand dismissively and made no move to rise. “Your kind are always so sensitive, so delicate, so fragile.” Her voice was laced with disdain, and her eyes as she regarded Avril suddenly burned with resentment. “But the men seem to find that attractive for some reason. When Hauk and I last parted, I assumed he would return to
anon. I never suspected he was secretly longing for one of your kind.”

“My kind?” Avril demanded. “What do you mean, my kind? Captives? Women who have been forced here against their will?”

” Nina spat. “You are
. A foreigner. I am
,” she informed her loftily, rising gracefully from the chair, crossing to a mirror that hung over the washbasin. “A native-born woman of Asgard.” She studied her reflection, running her fingertips over her flawless ivory skin.

“I see. Well, mayhap I should correct a mistaken impression you seem to have—it was not
idea to come here. I would like naught better than to leave this island and let you claim Hauk and his clifftop dwelling and whatever
you say he has.”

Nina turned to stare at her, eyes wide with surprise. “He has not bedded you yet, has he?”

Startled by such a question, Avril opened her mouth but no sound came out.

“Nay, clearly he has not.” Nina brightened, looking even more pleased than before. “If he had, you would not be so eager to leave.”

“Hauk Valbrand is a... a brigand. A rogue. He is keeping me here against my will. I would never let him take me to his bed!”

Nina laughed, softly this time, glancing down at the toes of her embroidered slippers. “Oh, I do not think that is true. But if you are indeed unhappy here, if you truly wish to leave Asgard—”

leave Asgard. I have a three-year-old daughter awaiting my return home.”

Nina’s head came up. “A daughter?” She paused, something shifting in that icy, gray gaze. “You are a mother?”

Avril could not reply, astonished by the change in Nina’s tone and expression. For once, the woman was not mocking her.

“Aye, and I am... I am all my little Giselle has left. I was widowed three years ago.”

Nina’s long lashes swept downward, concealing her eyes, and she turned away. “Then of course you must return home.” After a moment, she glanced over her shoulder. “And I am willing to offer my help,” she said, her voice cool and regal once more.

Avril regarded her warily, still trying to puzzle out what emotion she had seen in Nina’s eyes for that brief instant. Whatever it had been, it was gone, replaced by that remote, faintly superior air.

Which made Avril reluctant to trust Nina’s offer of help. The woman clearly viewed her—however mistakenly—as a rival for Hauk’s affections. Avril could too well imagine what kind of help Nina might offer.

She might happily help her fall off a cliff.

“Would you not be breaking the laws?”

involve a certain amount of risk,” Nina admitted. “But we cannot think of that, with our happiness at stake—both yours and mine.”

“Hauk told me no one ever leaves Asgard.”

“Did he?” Nina shook her head, smiling ruefully. “That is not entirely true. Hauk himself leaves, now and then. It is part of his duty as

Avril turned away, biting back an oath.
He had lied to her. That son of a cur

“He keeps a
—a small sailing ship—in a sheltered cove on the western side of the island. It is only a few hours’ journey through the western part of the forest.”

“I see.” Avril felt angry enough to spit. No wonder he had told her to avoid that part of the woods.


She turned again, studying Nina, cautious. “I thought the western part of the forest was dangerous. Someone mentioned there were wolves there.”

“Aye, there are. But there is a safe way to reach the cove. How do you think Hauk goes there and returns safely?” Nina rested her hands on her slender waist. “I would be happy to show you where to find it, little
. I will escort you myself.”

She looked sincere.

Or was
to look sincere.

Avril held her tongue and listened to the rain, uncertain what to do or whom to believe.

Which one had lied to her? Was there in truth a boat in a sheltered cove—or was Nina making up the tale, thinking to lure her into danger? Finding a boat
be faster, and safer, than attempting to build a seaworthy craft of her own.

Avril glanced away, and the glitter of steel above the hearth caught her eye.

Which gave her an idea. “Thank you for the offer,” she said lightly, picking up Nina’s wet cloak from the chair, “but I am afraid I must decline.” She went to the entrance and opened the door, holding it for her guest.

Nina sighed. “As you wish.” She walked over and plucked the cloak from Avril’s hands. “But if you change your mind, you will find me in town. And it might be best if you did not tell Hauk we have met—else he will suspect that you now know about his ship.” She donned the cloak, lifting the hood as she stepped past Avril, into the rain.

Then she paused and turned, her expression concealed within the depths of the hood as the storm spattered them both with wind-driven water. “I truly
willing to help you, little
, in any way I can.”

Before Avril could respond, Nina turned and walked away into the storm.

Watching her go, Avril wondered again if she should accept the woman’s offer. But with so much at stake, she dared not take the risk. And she did not need to: She had more trustworthy allies in her fellow captives.

And a wall full of weapons at her disposal.

In the morn, she and her sisters-in-arms could go and search for the boat on their own.

Chapter 9


e tenderly kissed her tears away, whispering words she had not heard in such a long time. Words of love. His strong hands touched her intimately, each caress slower than the last as he gently aroused her.

Moaning softly, she lifted her hips, wanting to take him inside her. Please, mon coeur, it has been so long, I need... I need...

He nudged her thighs apart, positioning himself there at the silky core of her body. Then he raised his head, and in the firelight she could see the passion in his eyes—those pale-blue eyes, like the sky lit by the sun’s hottest rays, his hair like strands of gold between her fingers.

Avril jerked awake with a sharp cry, eyes wide, heart thundering.

The night sky tilted dizzily in her vision. She thrust out a hand to steady herself. Felt the sand beneath her, a warm sea wind blowing through her hair. Waves swept rhythmically onto the shore a few paces away. The torch she had staked into the sand flickered beside her. She had been dreaming. Only dreaming. She had come down to sleep on the beach after the storm abated. Hauk was not here. He was...

God’s mercy, he was the man in her dream.

“Nay.” She stumbled to her feet. “Nay!” The ocean breeze billowed her emerald cloak out behind her and cut through her linen shift, cooling the perspiration from her body, her breasts. Her limbs still tingled with arousal.

Hauk Valbrand could
be the man in the sensual dream that had tormented her for months. How could he be? She had not even met him until a few days—

The roar of the surf seemed deafening as she remembered their first meeting in Antwerp. That jarring moment of time when he had seemed familiar. His face. His eyes. His voice. So hauntingly familiar.

Only now did she understand why.

Because he was the man she had been making love to in her dreams.

Stunned, breathless, she touched her mouth, aware of the lingering heat of a kiss there.
Nay, it was impossible!
She was confused. Tired. Overwrought by Nina’s visit and her talk of Hauk’s “gifts.”

That was the reason Avril had fled his
. But it was not enough that she had avoided sleeping in his bed. Not enough to banish him from her thoughts.

From her dreams.

With a wordless sound of confusion and denial, she grabbed the torch and hurried blindly down the shore, gulping mouthfuls of air that still held the lingering scent of rain. The damp sand gave way softly beneath her bare feet. The storm had ended hours ago, yet the moon barely glimmered through the clouds hanging overhead.

Waves rushed up to bubble around her ankles and dampen the hem of her shift and the embroidered cloak, one of the wedding gifts she had received from the kind people of Asgard. Her steps gradually slowed but she kept walking, too restless, too agitated to stop.

Oddly, the water felt cold. Icy cold—in stark contrast to the island’s summery weather and lush greenery and air that, even down here, was warm and scented with the fragrance of exotic blooms.

Avril tucked the water’s temperature away in her mind with all the other troublesome, conflicting bits of information she had been gathering about Asgard Island.

And the man who had brought her here.

Even now she could not chase him from her thoughts. Could not keep herself from wondering where he was. If he had found shelter in the storm. Had he been gone two days now? Or was it longer?

She halted, chastising herself. It was ridiculous to feel worried about her captor. And if she found it difficult to count the days since she had seen him last, mayhap it was because the pace of life seemed so slow on Asgard.

Almost as if time itself moved more slowly here.

Frowning, she continued down the shore, wondering if God had purposely designed this place to confuse and confound any poor mortal who set foot here.

She would try to make sense of it all tomorrow. Tomorrow, when she had the chance to meet with her fellow captives and discuss whatever answers they had found. Tonight, she was too exhausted to think anymore.

A short distance down the beach, looming out of the darkness, she noticed a massive tangle of broken trees, lodged among rocks at the base of the cliff. Driftwood, washed ashore by some long-ago storm. The jagged trunks created a sheltered place away from the wind and waves.

She walked over and staked her torch into the sand, then took off her cloak, spreading the garment out. Sinking down onto the silk-lined fabric, she lay on her back within the driftwood’s shadow and gazed up at the gray clouds high overhead.

The clouds concealed the stars as well as the moon, but one silvery glimmer managed to pierce the murk, just for an instant, winking at her. Avril’s heart pulled tight.

Whenever Giselle saw a star wink like that, she said it was her father, smiling down on her from Heaven—watching over her and winking at her. Though Giselle had never known him, she stated with a three-year-old’s certainty that she felt him close to her sometimes, especially when she was afraid. That she could reach up to the stars and he would hold her hand.

Avril closed her eyes against the hot dampness that filled them. “Stay close to her, Gerard,” she whispered. “Watch over her, until I can return.” She lifted her lashes, searching the sky for another star. “Hold her hand.”

Just as she said that, another star winked through the clouds. And though it was ridiculous, utterly nonsensical and ridiculous, a sense of peace stole over her.

A feeling that, here in this sanctuary of driftwood and sand, she was a little closer to the daughter she loved.

She rolled onto her side, drawing the cloak with her, resting her cheek on her bent arm. Blinking drowsily, she tried to stay awake, for she was reluctant to let herself drift off, to let herself dream...

It was a shout that awoke her—a high-pitched, feminine cry. Startled, Avril pushed herself up on one hand, not certain how long she had been asleep. The torch had almost burned out, offering naught but a dull glow that did little to help her see into the darkness.

The shout came again, a squeal that rose and just as quickly tumbled an octave or two, dissolving into a laugh. Sitting up, Avril saw the source a moment later: two dark silhouettes near the water. A man and woman, playfully splashing each other as they wandered down the beach.

BOOK: Viking: Legends of the North: A Limited Edition Boxed Set
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