Viking Heart (The MacLomain Series: Viking Ancestors Book 3) (9 page)

BOOK: Viking Heart (The MacLomain Series: Viking Ancestors Book 3)
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“Where'd what go?” Veronica asked.

She crouched and peered under Kjar’s bed. “There they are.”

When she pulled out knee high, fur-trimmed brown boots, Veronica gasped. “Those are

“I know, right?” Amber pulled them on. “Kara was having them made for her, but decided she wanted me to have them.” She shrugged. “So I drew her some kick-ass sketches.”

When her sisters went deadly silent, she glanced between them. “You okay?”

“Yeah, we’re alright.” Megan put a comforting hand on Amber’s arm. “I know you mentioned as much but do you truly know who Kara is? Well,
anyways. Not sure how intimate they are lately.”

Amber again looked between them and realized they
didn’t know how good she was with everything. “No, it’s okay. I know she’s Kol’s woman.” Amber nodded at the boots. “That’s what makes this all good.”

“Does it?” Veronica murmured even as she admired the workmanship. “Seems a little weird to me.”

"Not at all. Kara's nice. We get along.”

She didn’t give them a chance to respond before she grabbed a skin of mead and took a swig. Luckily, it seemed Megan wasn't going to question her further because she remained unusually silent as Amber dried and combed her hair.

“So how was your afternoon with Kol?” Megan finally asked.

“What’s that?” She studied the jewelry and remained aloof.

“The brothers share dragon blood,” Veronica reminded. “We know you went swimming with him.”

Okay, if they wanted to hit this head on, fine. Amber set aside the comb and faced them. “We had fun. It’s beautiful around here.”

They sat on the bed, eyes trained on her.

“And?” Megan said.

“And what?”

“Did you sleep with him?” Veronica asked bluntly.

So they only knew so much despite the ‘shared dragon blood’. Miffed by their assumption but knowing full well it would be thrown at her again and again, she nodded. “Yup, sure did.”

“Really?” Veronica asked.

Amber was surprised that it didn’t sound more condescending. “Really.” She arched her brows. “Does that surprise you?”

“Nothing surprises us anymore,” Megan answered honestly.

Aggravated, Amber shot back, “About me?”

“No.” Megan stood, troubled. “I meant about things that happen here. Vikings are different than what we’re used to.”

Veronica was taking a different angle as she rubbed her belly and eyed Amber. “So how was it?”

“What?” she replied a little too sharply as she put on some Earthy toned jewelry and piled her hair on top of her head. She left a few long strands hanging down, just enough so that she could feel the wind blow through her hair.

“Sex with Kol.”


“Fine,” Veronica echoed.

When her eyes met theirs she knew they weren’t buying it. What she couldn’t quite pinpoint was whether they knew she had lied about sleeping with him or that the sex had simply been
. Then again, she had been around Kol enough to realize he was likely a whole lot better than fine in the sack. Determined to change the subject, she turned and swung her hips back and forth. “What do you think?”

Neither said a word as they eyed her.

,” Veronica muttered.

Megan sighed and shook her head. “All hell’s gonna break loose.”

“Naw.” Amber grinned. “I’m pretty sure I’ve got the hang of handling these Vikings. There’ll be no fighting over me.”

Before they could respond, she strode out into a surprisingly chilly night and stopped short.

“Here, Sis." Megan wrapped a cloak around her shoulders.


“No problem.” Megan took her hand and eyed her oddly. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, why?”

“I dunno.” Megan frowned. “I feel like there’s something you’re not telling me.”

Though tempted to share how she felt when she had spotted Kol’s tattoo earlier, she refrained for Megan’s sake. She knew her sister was still struggling with the idea that Sean was truly gone and trudging up more about him now seemed insensitive.

Still, it was a chilling moment when she saw the tattoo in the exact location Sean’s had been when he stood in the living room back home. When moments before he had
Sean. It was all too much to take in. But she didn’t have to say any more because Veronica joined them, going on and on about the celebration. “Though there will be a ton of bonfires, I hear the start of the Winternights celebrations is more crazy than usual around here.”

Not long after they exited, Naðr and Raknar joined them. Her sisters kissed them, well, more like made out with them briefly, before they promptly returned to her side.

Amber shook her head. “Please. I’m good.”

“We know.” Megan slipped a small pouch attached to a leather string around Amber’s neck. “Tuck your stone in this for now.”

“Thanks,” Amber said.

Veronica wrapped elbows with hers. “We want to spend time with you.”

She tried not to sigh. What her sisters were doing now felt forced, as though they had to take care of her. But they didn’t. So when Kara waved from across the dirt road, Amber breathed a sigh of relief.

Amber grinned at them and hoped they didn't get too offended over the fact that she'd rather do her own thing right now. “I'll catch up with you in a bit, okay? Then we'll spend some quality time together."

Megan frowned. “I was hoping you’d stay with us. Get to know the guys better.”

In no mood to be the fifth wheel, she said, “Oh, I totally will. Later on, all right?” She inclined her head toward Kara. “Kol’s number one woman wants to see me and I don’t want to be rude.”

For the first time ever, her sisters literally stuttered their responses, so she gave them a quick kiss on the cheek and bolted before they could protest. Was she thrilled to be heading toward Kara? Not entirely. But she had proven to be friendly and didn’t seem to take issue with other women being around Kol.

Amber just wished Kara hadn’t already slept with him…which didn’t make much sense considering her whole free-loving mindset. Either way, she plastered a smile on her face as Kara took her hand and they headed down the busy throughway.

“You look beautiful,” Kara approved. “The men will want us both very much.”

There was another interesting perk. Kara didn’t seem all that devoted to Kol.

Amber tried her best not to, yet she couldn’t help but say, “So you’re not worried about other men wanting you besides Kol?”

Kara looked at her as though she had grown antlers. “Why would I be?”

Right. God did she love Viking mentality. The tension in her shoulders vanished. Amber started to respond then stopped. Then she tried again but found herself equally tongue-tied. What a beautifully unaffected society. Could she really bitch about that?

The oceanfront was busy as they passed through the front gates and joined the community beyond. Not one but dozens of fires were lit along the shore.

“Let us go find Kol." Kara pulled Amber after her. “He will want to see you.”

Amber realized that
jealousy she’d had earlier in regards to Kara should be non-existent. But that made her feel a little guilty. Mainly because she really only wanted to be around Kara to find out more about Kol. Amber bit her lip. Shame on her. She wasn’t typically one to use people and decided then and there that she wouldn’t. Whatever she wanted to know about Kol, she’d find out on her own.

It didn’t take long for Asmund to laugh and swing Amber around.

“Wandering Hands,” she joked but inflicted just enough fondness into her voice so that she wouldn’t offend him when she stepped away. Not that he seemed the sort to get offended by much of anything. “How are you?”

“Better now that you are here.” He pulled her against him as he eyed Kara. “Are you looking for your man again, woman?”

“Get your eyes off my ass, Asmund.” An unexpected fire lit Kara’s narrowed eyes when they met his. “And weren’t you looking for someone too?” She nodded at Amber. “Her?”

“Could be,” Asmund grunted, eyes roaming appreciatively over Kara. “Unless you are available.”

Kara notched her chin and eyed him. “Not yet.”

Amber chuckled. Kara was her sort of girl. But then she would have to be to spend so much time with Kol. Kara tossed a few coins to a vendor, pulled her away from Asmund and handed over a skin as they walked. “Drink, my friend.”

“Thanks. I’ll pay you back once I get something to pay you with.”

“Or maybe you can draw more pictures for me?”

“Sure. Now?”

“No. Later.”

"Will do.”

Kara stopped in front of one of the taller bonfires and removed Amber’s cloak. “You will not need this if you stay close to the fire.” Then, as if they were on display, she took Amber’s hands and walked backwards. “Besides, I think Kol would prefer you without it.”

Amber froze, caught between the woman’s words and the piercing feeling that she was being watched. Her eyes met Kara’s. “He’s watching us, isn’t he?”

Kara leaned close and brushed her lips across Amber’s cheek, voice whisper soft. “No, he is watching

“I doubt it,” she started, but Kara pulled away and then vanished.

While most twenty-first century women might fade back into the crowd, Amber drank from her skin and swayed her hips to the drums. The fine hairs on the back of her neck stood, but she didn’t turn around right away. Instead, she enjoyed the joyous people around her and the medley of music.

Eventually, she turned if for no other reason than to warm her back. Her eyes almost immediately locked with Kol’s. She was surprised to see he had no women surrounding him. Well, that wasn’t entirely true. There were plenty hovering close and eying him seductively, but he wasn’t paying any attention to them.

No, his eyes were trained on her.

Arms crossed over his broad chest, he wore black leather from head to toe. Add his killer dark looks and the unmistakable lust in his eyes, and it took everything she had to keep dancing as though he had no effect on her.

Their gazes held and everything else faded away.

Caught fast in the mysterious power he seemed to have over her, Amber was almost grateful when a man came against her backside. Kol’s eyes narrowed, but he didn’t move. When the guy at her back started getting a little too familiar, she turned and offered him a winning smile. Then she pointed at her skin and shrugged. “Thanks for the dance but I need to get a refill.”

With long, scraggly blond hair and a thick beard, he seemed a little more ferocious than some of the others she had dealt with. Eyes glassy and the smell of ale strong on his breath, she realized he was drunk.

He wrapped an arm around her waist and yanked her close. “I will get you more to drink after we dance, woman.”

Amber scrunched her nose and offered her most apologetic look. “Actually, I have to relieve myself too.”

A heavy frown settled on his face and he grunted, “After we dance.”

This wasn’t good. She shook her head slowly and tried to remain calm, a happy-go-lucky edge to her voice. “I’m totally fine with the dance but afterward, all right?”

“No.” He grabbed her ass roughly and ground his pelvis against hers.

Screw that. Amber slapped him and tried to pull away.

Fury ravaged his features and his meaty fist nearly connected with her face moments before Kol grabbed his hair, yanked back his head and brought a dagger to his neck. Low, deep, dangerous, Kol growled against the man’s ear. “Drop the blade, stranger.”

The music stopped. People quieted.

Amber took a few steps back and blinked several times, shocked to see a knife fall from the man’s hand. When did he pull that out?

Kol kicked away the knife then shoved the man to his knees, blade still tight against his neck as he glared down. “Who are you?”

The man’s eyes narrowed and he remained silent.

Kol’s eyes swung over the interested crowd. “Can anyone speak for this man?”

“He came in on one of our ships earlier today,” someone said.

“From where?”

“One of the outer villages.”

Kjar appeared with several other warriors.

Kol dragged the man back to his feet. “Imprison him.”

Kjar’s eyes flickered to Amber, concerned.

“I’m okay,” she assured, frustrated that her voice trembled.

The music started again when the shipwright nodded and joined the men dragging the unknown Viking away. Kol cupped the sides of her neck and tilted up her chin.  Surprised, she realized he trembled as his turbulent eyes found hers. “Are you all right?”

She nodded then shook her head. “I’m sorry. I probably had that coming.”

A heavy frown slashed his face. “You have nothing to be sorry for. You did nothing wrong.”

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