Viking Heart (The MacLomain Series: Viking Ancestors Book 3) (24 page)

BOOK: Viking Heart (The MacLomain Series: Viking Ancestors Book 3)
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“Right,” Megan echoed, a devious grin on her face.

Cornered, he showed little reaction and purposefully relaxed his body, legs crossed in front him. “I love what she represents.” He dragged his gaze to Amber’s only to find her eyes securely locked on the fire. Hel, but he wished she was hanging on his every word. But it didn’t seem so. No, she was running from this as much as he was.

And this was why he avoided falling in love.

Somewhat. Not really. His reasons didn’t really matter much anymore because he knew damn well he was….with someone who apparently didn’t feel the same way. So he kept things safe. “She is a good woman and like me, eager to protect you all.”

Clearly exasperated by them both, Naðr’s eyes turned back to the seer. “So you are here to protect my people alongside the Scottish wizards until this pact is fulfilled and our dragons are free, yes?”

The Unnamed One made a few slashes across Amber’s hand.

“Yes,” Grant said. “And you may imprison me until then.”

“No." Kjar's eyes dared the king to challenge him. “Keep her here in your chambers under guard but don’t imprison her.”

“He won’t,” Amber blurted, her hands cupped around the Unnamed One’s hands as her eyes locked on Naðr’s. “Will you…brother?”

The king’s eyes narrowed. All fell silent. Long moments passed. The fire crackled. Wind howled. The sound of celebration filtered through the night from next door. A reminder of whom they honored and who had been left behind to protect.

Naðr ground his jaw, distrust in his eyes before he finally murmured, “The seer will not be imprisoned.”

Before anyone could say a word, Adlin stood and rubbed his hands together. “There ye have it!” He grinned at Naðr. “A wise king indeed.” Then he stepped around the fire and held a hand out to Amber. “I cannae speak for the rest of us, but I could use a good turn or two to the pipes. Might ye join me in the great hall, lass?”

Amber looked at the Unnamed One and for a moment, Kol thought she might touch the side of the seer’s head with affection. But she clenched her fist, no doubt swayed by the heavy gaze of the king. Her eyes rose to Kjar and though her mouthed words were kept away, his older brother missed nothing.

“Keep her safe.”

Then, as if she hadn’t implied in the least that the king might do the seer harm, she shot Adlin a winning smile, took his hand and stood. “I’d love to go dance.”

Adlin threw the king and his brothers a wry grin. Then he shrugged and chuckled as he pulled Amber after him. “We are safe enough for now, lads. Might we go honor the dead?”

But Kol wondered, as did his brothers based on their expressions… Had they learned nearly enough or had they been completely ensorcelled?

Chapter Seventeen


Amber had never been to a funeral quite like this.

Love, light, life, it was unique.

While there were tears, there was also laughter and endless stories told about those who had passed away. It was hard to wrap her mind around how Vikings mourned their deceased. Not sad and standing around a coffin. Not at all. Instead, they celebrated a life well lived and made a merry time of it. They thanked Odin for giving them the pleasure of knowing him or her, then roared with joy that they might be welcomed back into Valhalla.

Yes, a lot of alcohol flowed but she got a general sense that it wouldn’t matter either way. Remembering those who had been lost, all their feats, even the small ones, was well worth talking about. Everything from their first kiss to the way they perched their grandchildren on their knees. These people had long memories. It again drove home what she’d felt watching those boats burn on the water, everyone knew those around them from birth to death.

Adlin was awesome. They laughed and danced and her heart grew light. He might be hot as hell, but she realized there was far more behind his handsome face. Amber quirked her lips as he again spun her around. Of course there was more behind his appearance. After all, if what she read was correct, he’d been alive for centuries and started a powerful clan.

Yet she recognized a master manipulator and a king in his own right when she saw one. She might be the creative one in the family, but she
related to her sisters after all.

They were only halfway through another turn when he leaned close. “I willnae go through what Grant did with your laddie. I’ve not the time nor desire as I’ve also a love of my own.” He kissed her cheek, blue eyes merry. “Know this though. I will do my best to protect ye, lass but in the end ye must know your own heart, aye?”

Baffled, she watched him fade into the crowd. Soon enough, she knew why when strong hands landed on her hips from behind and Kol murmured in her ear. “I grow tired of watching you dance with another man.”

Caught somewhere between being miffed about his display with Grant out on the dock and skittish about the king implying that Kol loved her, she pulled away.

But she didn’t get far.

Kol grabbed her hand and spun her around until she was against him. She had enough time to put her hands against his chest, maybe put some distance between them, but not nearly enough time for what he did next. His large hand cupped the back of her head and exposed her neck enough that his lips had room to plunder.

When she swallowed hard, he trailed his tongue over her small Adam’s apple then flicked and licked the line of her jaw until he nipped the fleshy part of her earlobe. Then he nibbled his way up the shell of her ear. Not sloppy and wet but dry, soft, just enough to let her know he was there. Just enough to know that he was drilling his way beneath her defenses.

Unprepared for his orchestrated attack, she twisted her hands in his tunic and didn’t fight him. Instead, she tilted her head back further.

Though multiple instruments played, she only heard the drums. The way they pounded in rhythm with her heart. The way they seemed to match the sway of her hips as they welcomed his erection close.

“I never meant for this,” he whispered against her neck, tongue moving as efficiently in time with the beat as his hips. “Us.”

Amber barely processed Kara and Asmund twirling by, wide smiles on their faces. There was no mistaking the blossoming romance between her and Wandering Hands.

Lost, trying to grab hold of Kol’s words, at least one of them, she murmured, “Us?”

“Us,” he whispered. He wrapped his arms around her and closed his lips over hers.

Then it was all sensation. The way his tongue wrapped with hers. The way their bodies melded against one another’s. Hot. Sizzling.
. But not close enough. Never close enough. They might have kissed for minutes or hours, she had no idea. All she knew was that she wanted more.

Though their lips stayed locked, they somehow drifted. The next thing she knew they were outside at the back of the building or so she assumed based on how quiet it was. He had her against the cool wood but not vulnerable to the winds. His wide shoulders and strong body protected her.

“Kol,” she murmured between kisses. His lips and hands were everywhere, carrying her away from all coherent thought.

Amber couldn’t touch him enough either. She ran her hands beneath his tunic, eager to feel the chiseled edges of his heated muscles. Her fingertips ran over the light layer of hair on his chest then followed the thin trail that headed down toward his pants. Before she could get there, he pressed her free hand against his heavy erection and kissed her so deeply everything else fell away.

She squeezed his arousal and they both groaned before he wrapped her arms over his shoulders. Nothing on Earth remained but the feel of his warm body pressed against hers, the way his lips tenderized hers, the masterful strokes of his tongue.

He cupped her backside and lifted her just enough that he could grind his leather encased arousal between her legs. The friction had need building so fast she started writhing and thrusting her hips. She tore her lips from his and pressed her face against the side of his neck, trying desperately to remain quiet as he worked her closer and closer to peaking.

“Gods, what have you done to me, woman,” he growled into her hair.

But she barely heard him as an orgasm suddenly ripped through her and she moaned against his neck. He stilled, his breathing ragged, body impossibly tense. Though she was floating in the remnants of release, she was vaguely aware of a switch in his mood.

Before she could question him, he swung her into his arms and started walking. His eyes might be lust-ridden, but there was a hard set to his chin. A tick in his jaw.

Amber frowned when he plunked her down on his bed and muttered, “You’re back where you started.”

Thrown off, she blinked a few times. He stood in front of the fire, arms crossed over his chest as he eyed her. She didn’t miss the press of his arousal against his pants. Something he apparently wasn’t going to take care of.

“What’s up?” she murmured, eying him warily. “Why do you look so upset? I thought we were heading in a pretty good direction there.”

Uh oh.
This felt an awful lot like potential relationship issues. Conflict. Heartache. Regrets. Too much of something she wasn't ready for. This was why she
didn't do relationships. Nor did he last she checked. She shook her head and ran a hand through her hair, eyes on anything but him. “Listen, I’m not sure what you think this is but—”

?” he interrupted, brows furrowed.

Amber kept her eyes away and gestured between them. “Yeah,

“So you are a coward.”

Brows arched, she shook her head. “I think we both know I’m not that.”

“Then how can you make everyone around you feel so loved, but when one wants to look in your eyes and express how they feel about
, you’re unable or unwilling to meet their eyes?”

Amber bit her lip. This is what she was afraid of. He was obviously referring to what Naðr said about Kol loving her and her lack of response.

“I’m not your father, or mother,” Kol said. “We aren’t our parents.”

When she gave no response, he sighed. She heard him come closer, heard him sit in a chair. “But maybe in our own way we always will be. Maybe it’s something we’re never meant to be free from.”

Amber curled on her side away from him. She didn’t need this.
was what she steered clear of. Too much. The beginning of the end.

“I’ll get us out of this,” she murmured.

Kol said nothing, his silence far heavier than the fur she pulled over her. Did he really think he was in love with her? That was nuts, especially considering how long they had known each other. Heck, she knew Sean for three years and was just now wrapping her mind around loving him.

“I do not chase women,” Kol mumbled. “Ever.”

Amber buried her nose beneath the blankets, trying to ignore his spicy scent in the fur, trying like hell not to get aroused again.

His deep voice kept on though, soft and tempting. “And I will not chase you.” A long pause passed. “But I want you. I want to marry you and I want you to bear my children.” He paused again, voice even lower. “You are unlike any other.”

Her chest tightened and she squeezed her thighs, surprised by how arousing she found his heartfelt words.

As if to bring things back to a playing field he was more familiar with, his voice became a low growl, his words more sensual. "I want you to stay here permanently so I can taste every part of you then start all over daily. I want the taste of you to remain on my tongue day in and day out. The
of you when you want me. It could carry a man through war then straight on to Valhalla.”

Amber couldn’t contain a ragged intake of breath. Nor could she stop the harsh flood of heat and desire that continued spreading through her body. Then she hung on the silence…waited. Anticipated. What would he say next? And did she really want to hear it? Yes. More than she could have imagined.

But there was only silence.

Too much of it.

Which was fine. After all, this was what she wanted. Distance between them. Not too much connection. Definitely not the level of commitment he spoke of because honestly…this was Kol after all. They were alike. They didn’t do anything that serious.

Did they?

And certainly not

But it sounded like he was of an entirely different mind now. He wanted to marry her? Have children? Her heart sped up and her palms grew clammy. What was she supposed to make of that? All she knew was that her body was responding far differently to the idea of marrying Kol than it ever had with Sean.

A thrill she barely recognized had her worrying at her lower lip and staring at the double-edged axe hanging beside his bed for what felt like hours. Though the fire still crackled it was low and nearly out when she peeked over her shoulder.

Kol sat in a chair, legs spread, arms draped, head leaned back. He was out cold.

Amber rubbed the side of her neck and sat up, eyes glued to him. How could a man still look so sexy when so vulnerable? But that was Kol no matter the circumstances. He had a way of escaping all the drama when he slept. He stayed low stress despite all.

Perched on the edge of the bed, her eyes roamed over him. His chiseled face, the way he allowed his strong body to go soft, how he became a gentle giant. In its own way, she found his unintentional openness even more drawing than his wakefulness.

Lie back down. Go to sleep. Leave him be. He let you be. There’s nothing but trouble here.

Yet, like a fool, she crouched in front of him.

She could stand in front of the fire or she could go feel the wind on her face outside. Hell, she could curl back under the blankets but no…Amber wanted to watch him.

Like this.

Again, she felt the overwhelming desire to sketch him so grabbed paper and charcoal from the table and sat at his feet. Women could imagine so much about a man. The way he moved. The way he spoke. The way he thought. But there was something precious about watching a man sleep. Especially one so unguarded despite his rough exterior.

Little tingles prickled her tattoo then faded. Her hand flew over the paper as her eyes trailed over what looked to be three days’ worth of hair growing over his nearly square jaw. The way his straight nose remained a masterpiece over lips that were curved and full, so damn kissable she wanted to lick her tongue over their edges. Even with his eyes closed, shadows outlined his deep brows, highlighting the stark handsomeness of his face.

Kol wasn’t just a guy who suited her taste.

No, he suited
woman’s taste.

He was universally

And that was before he winked at you and flashed those baby browns and dimples.

The more she studied him, the more she realized how much she would miss his face when she left. How much she’d miss him period. Those low, sensual chuckles he was so good at. The way he made her laugh. The excitement he made her feel. Just being around him was intoxicating.

Startled, she realized he filled something inside of her she didn’t know was missing.

What, she wasn’t entirely sure. Just that there was a new warmth that hadn’t been there before. Something she didn’t want to lose. Something that took away the edge of emptiness she had felt for so long.

Since the night her parents split up.

Confused, Amber tensed.

Her eyes dropped to what she had sketched. Not him sleeping but them together after he had saved her. Those tender moments after the enemy ship sunk when he wrapped a fur around them and tucked her against his chest. No fear existed then. Just a sense that he would always be there for her, that she could depend on him.

BOOK: Viking Heart (The MacLomain Series: Viking Ancestors Book 3)
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