Vicious Love (Barrington Heights #1) (5 page)

BOOK: Vicious Love (Barrington Heights #1)
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He was going too slowly. I needed him to go faster, but I couldn’t say anything. It would hurt his feelings, so I started moaning. Barry heard me and kept going at the same pace.

Fuck, Jennet. See what you did? Now he’s going to go this slow until he’s done.

He didn’t last long, just a couple of minutes. He pulled out and I went to my knees. He spurted in my open mouth and I swallowed it all; there wasn’t much.

“You know I don’t like it when you’re on your knees to me, Jennet,” he said as he slid his pants back up.

“I know, I know, but I did it anyways.”

He still looked angry at himself for letting me get on my knees. It was a respect thing to him. He hated to see me like that.

“Shit. I’m going to be late for a meeting. Love you, babe.” He kissed me on the cheek and ran downstairs and out the door.

I took a shower and finished in there. I loved Barry, but he didn’t know how to have sex. Okay, he did, but he didn’t know how to be an animal. How to be primal and aggressive. I loved him so much, but he wasn’t a beast by any means. I went downstairs and had some french toast Mary had made for me then left for work.

I got in my car and started off for Barrington High School. I was going to be early, but maybe Mr. Davidson would be there early, too. When I got to the school around nine, I made my way to the teachers’ lounge. I was right about Mr. Davidson; he was sitting down, drinking coffee, and watching the news. There was one other teacher there, too, but I hadn’t met him yet.

“Good morning, Miss Beaumont,” Mr. Davidson said to me as I grabbed a coffee.

“Please call me Jennet.” I gave him a smile and sat down next to him. He seemed to be quite chipper today, and I had to ask about it. “Mr. Davidson, you seem very happy today.”

“That I am, Jennet. My daughter and my granddaughter are living with me now. I haven’t seen either of them in a long time.”

“Congratulations. How old are they?”

“My daughter is twenty-four and my granddaughter just turned three. She’s the cutest darn thing I’ve ever seen. She looks just like her mother and it makes me tear up every time I look at her,” he beams. “Oh. Where are my manners? How are you this morning?” He smiled, and I couldn’t help but smile back at him. He made me feel happy. Mr. Davidson just radiated happiness and it was contagious.

“I’m pretty good so far. Let’s hope it stays the same,” I said, still grinning.

“Let’s hope so. You have a very nice smile, Jennet. You should smile more.” Another guy who could read me. At least it was Mr. Davidson and not a student this time.

“I’m going to have to try my best. You know, I was thinking about the advice you gave me yesterday and I can’t help but agree with you. I do need to understand myself before I can properly teach these students what they need to learn. Thank you.”

“Oh, absolutely any time! It’s what friends do, even lame, old teacher friends.” He burst out laughing at that. The word was that his debate class as the most applied-to class at Barrington High, and he was probably the most loved teacher there.

“You’re not one of those lame teachers though, Mr. Davidson. You’re a pretty cool cat.”

His face went straight and I started panicking. Had I done something wrong? He looked me in the eyes for a couple of seconds. My eyes went wide, and then he finally responded.

“If I were in cat years, I’d be dead, Jennet. Of course I’m a cool cat. Dead cats are cold.”

We burst out laughing. It wasn’t that funny and we both knew it, but that didn’t stop us from laughing together.

“You’re right! In that case, you’re the coolest of the cats.”

We both kept laughing and talking until 9:56, when the bell rang and we headed off to our classes. I made it to my class and gave them the same talk I’d given my classes yesterday.

“Good morning, everyone. I’m Miss Beaumont, your economics teacher. As you might have noticed, I’m a new teacher here. However, I taught for two years in New York City at a private school, so I do have experience. Any questions?”

Five hands immediately went up. This was going to be a great day.






chapter 9





I opened my eyes to a white ceiling and a blonde between my legs. This was going to be a great day.

She noticed that I’d finally woken up and looked up at me with her gorgeous, blue eyes. There’s something special about waking up to a blowjob, something even better when it’s an older woman you’d just met yesterday.

“Good morning, beautiful,” I spoke while tilting my head back on the pillow. She was a pro at this.

She tried to say something, but it came out all muffled while my dick was in her mouth, and she decided just to keep going rather than say anything else. I looked at my Rolex and noticed that it was 9:56—second block had already started.

“Look, we have a problem. I’m running late and I can’t leave until I fin—” I was going to say finish, but just as I was about to, she took my situation as a challenge and started to speed up.

She swirled me around in her mouth, always paying close attention to the head. In no time, I was finished and drained. Counting this morning blowjob and the late night of nonstop sex, I was completely exhausted. Exhausted, but satisfied. She slid up next to me and handed me a joint from my bag. I lit it, took a puff, and handed it to her. 

“Chris, you’re a pretty talented kid. No one has ever made me come like that before.” She looked at me with eyes full of desire and lust. She handed me the joint again and I took another puff. “Before you leave, I think we should have another go.” Christine bit her lip and leaned in, taking the joint from my mouth and softly kissing my neck.

“That was the plan.” I flipped her around and went under the blankets.

I spread her nimble legs wide and buried my tongue deep inside her pussy. I parted her labia and licked deep into her. She started to moan and pull my hair, which only made me go faster with my tongue. Her clit was starting to bulge out, and I began to twirl it around in a circular pattern with my tongue while pushing one finger in her pussy.

“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, Chris.” Christine’s face was bright red and she could barely speak.

I started to move my tongue faster and faster, flicking her clit with it rather than just twirling it. Two fingers hooked the top of her canal, rubbing her G-spot. Her body began to convulse, and she raised her hips.

“I’m going to come, I’m going to come, I’m going to come,” she whined, but just as she was about to, I pulled my fingers out, moved up to kiss her, and buried my cock deep inside.

She began to almost vibrate after that. Her body was giving her all the signals to cum, but she couldn’t. I started thrusting harder and harder as her entire body shook.

“Fuck!” she started screaming as her body was being banged against the wall due to the force. “Harder, harder!”

Without missing a beat, I pounded harder and faster, stretching her wide with my dick and trying to split her in half. Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore. Her hips arched up and she came with such intensity that her nails digging into my back drew blood.

She lay there with me still inside her, breathing heavily and covered in sweat. I pulled out and came on her breasts. I grabbed my clothes, threw them on, and started heading for the door. When I looked back, I saw her still lying there, panting. Then I opened the door and headed downstairs to my car.

Christine lived in a loft only a couple of miles from Dawngate Avenue, where my place was, and I sped off in that direction. It didn’t take me long to get to my front gate. I punched in the access code and headed inside. I followed the driveway towards the secondary garage, where I parked my car, which was on the far left side of the main house. My home was split into three parts: the main home where my parents lived, the left wing where I lived and the breakfast room was, and the guesthouse, which was always vacant due to the fact that we never had guests. I pulled in front of the garage and parked my car, I was only here to grab a change of clothes.

I quickly ran up the stairs to my room and ignored my housekeeper, Agatha. Once I got my room, I locked the door and surveyed it to make sure nothing has been disturbed. Nope, everything was still in place: my bed slightly messed up, my curtains completely closed, my closet door shut, and my mirror still slightly tilted so I could see both the door to my room and out the window. It was the mirror that stopped me though.

I went up to it and stared at what was supposedly my reflection. I had never known this person, the man in the mirror in front of me. His eyes were black and cold, the type of eyes that displayed no emotion, as if they had been drained of all vitality. This person, this stranger, in front of me had such cruel eyes. I stepped closer to the mirror and peered into the eyes of the man reflected back at me.

His eyes truly were without emotion. Bloodshot and raw. I couldn’t tell if he meant them to be like that or if it had happened by complete accident. It seemed impossible to me to figure out the answer to that question. I stepped even closer, until my nose was pressed against the mirror, and stared directly into the eyes of the stranger. Into the eyes of my enemy; the one who sabotaged my happiness; the one who kept me from love; the one who showed no pity for others; the one who could kill and maim without remorse. My enemy was strong, and I wasn’t sure if I was stronger.

This stranger was me, and I knew that. I understood that. Yet I couldn’t accept him as being me. Slowly, my balance decayed, and my hold on where I was left me. I wandered into the depths of life and my brain. Wandered the deserts of my internal thought and desperately searched for clues, parched and alone. Then one face came to me—my older sister’s.

Jennifer died four years ago, but she still haunts me. I avenged her, yet she still torments me. I never forgot her, yet she still lingered like a wraith inside my soul.
Jennifer, why? Why would you do this to me? Why would you hurt me so? I enforced the principles of justice upon the evil and corrupt, yet you still haunt me.

My body collapsed under the sudden weight I’d put on myself, and I crawled into a ball on the floor. As I hugged myself, tears forming at the corners of my eyes, I shouted out, “He hurt you! He hurt you and I made him pay!” As I screamed to the heavens, directing it at my long-deceased sister, my mind drifted back to four years earlier, to the night I discovered my sister in her room, hanging.

“No, not again,” I whispered as I picked myself off the floor. “I’m too busy to stop now. Everything is in motion.” I moved to my mirror in the corner of my room and stared at my image. My eyes were bloodshot now, my arms weak. Slowly, I began to regain my strength as I looked away from the mirror. “You’ve done terrible things, Chris. But only to those who deserve it.”

My hands were trembling as I put on a new outfit—jeans and a collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up. I could hear my heart still rapidly pounding in my chest. After I was dressed, I moved back over to my mirror.

“It’s just another day, Chris. You know that,” I spoke to myself without truly believing my own words. This wasn’t a normal day, nor was it a day I wanted to have. “It was four years ago, Chris. You’re fine. Nothing can happen. All the evidence is gone. You ran down your list.” I made a list both in my head and on paper, never digital, when I was doing something illegal. I made sure that everything got crossed off. Otherwise, I’ll get caught. “Four years ago,” I whispered to myself again.

Four years ago, I’d become the man I was today. Four years ago, I’d lost the person I held dearest. Four years ago, I’d destroyed a monster, and, in turn, created one in myself.

I was swiftly out of my house, in my car, and headed towards school. The speedometer read ninety-four as I made my way to school. In no time, probably because I’d been going fast enough to serve prison time, I was at school. I parked in a teacher’s spot again and headed inside. Once inside, I went immediately to the principal’s office; I wanted to get this over with a quickly as possible.

“One moment please,” said the cute, new secretary for Mrs. Nugent as she buzzed her to check me in. “Right this way.” She got up and led me to the back office—unnecessary since everyone knew where to go, but she had a nice ass. “Have a nice day Mr.…”

“Wells.” I cut her off. “My name’s Christopher Wells.” I made sure to shake her hand and make eye contact before letting her leave. After my flirting was over, I turned to the door, opened it, and headed inside the office.

Mrs. Nugent’s office was larger than I’d imagined. It had fine carpet and paneled walls. Unusual to see in an office at a public high school, but this wasn’t a regular school. Everyone had a secret here, and everyone had a story.

“Do you like my new office?” asked Mrs. Nugent from behind her desk. She had a weird look in her eye. Like she was cornering her prey. I wasn’t used to being looked at like prey; I was normally the hunter. “It was a donation from your father. I quite like it. It’s more spacious than my old office, and it adds a certain intimidation factor to my title, don’t you think?” She had a half grin very similar to mine.

“Absolutely. It makes an incredible difference. Before, you were scary, but now, you’re absolutely terrifying.” My response didn’t hide my sarcasm, and Mrs. Nugent was clearly angered by it. Nonetheless, I continued. “So terrifying, in fact, that I have now completely forgotten why you called me down here. Do you mind refreshing my memory?”

“That would be because I never told you—”

“Oh, that’s right!” I interrupted. “How could I forget?” I shot her a half smile to match the one she’d given me earlier.

“Look, Christopher—”

“Please call me Chris,” I interrupted again.

“Fine, Chris—”

“Much better!” Another interruption on my part.

“Chris, I called you down here to discuss your plans here at Barrington High School.” Her face was red by the time she finally got that out, and she looked to be clearly irritated. “It is imperative that you decide to show up for class this year. We can’t have the same incident as last year.”

Last year, my junior year, I might have gone on a bender. I hadn’t shown up to school for a month straight. If I remember correctly, I’d gone to California for that month and partied. I don’t exactly remember a lot of it. Maybe it was Mexico. Whatever—it didn’t matter where. What did matter was that I’d had a lot of fun.

“I’ll try my best, but I can’t promise you that I’ll be here more often than last year.” I also might have taken an extra-long spring break to match up with the local universities. In fact, I might have matched my spring break up with all of the national universities, so that would be three weeks.

“No, you’ll be here more. Otherwise, I will personally suspend or expel you. Do you understand?” She had a look that would make a polar bear run away in fear. Luckily, I was not a polar bear.

“Yes, ma’am. I completely understand.” Her face filled with self-pride and satisfaction. I couldn’t give it to her. “However, I can’t promise anything. Hey! Maybe I’ll just take half a month off this year. You can come with me if you want.”

Her face changed back immediately. Much better.

“Now you listen to me. You will behave this year. Otherwise, your father and I will have a chat. Let’s see where that will put you, smartass.” Almost immediately after calling me a smartass, her face went bright red. She’d cursed at a student. I could practically own her now.

“I’d rather be a smartass than a dumbass.” I put in a wink for good measure. “Furthermore, go ahead and call my father. See if I care. Hell—yes, I’m going to curse as well—see if anything will happen. You two are friends, maybe even lovers. You know how little of a shit he gives.” Priceless. Her face was priceless after I’d said that. She didn’t know what to say, and it was perfect. “Seeing that you have nothing to say, I’ll be on my way. And yes, that was meant to rhyme.” No, it hadn’t been. Before I left, though, I turned to say one more thing. “But if you ever get tired of the old, lame horse, come try out the young, bold one instead.” I wasn’t the best at making sexual innuendoes since I normally just spoke plainly, but I believed my point had come across effectively.

I strolled out of Mrs. Nugent’s office with my head held high. On my way out, I gave my number to the cute secretary, and she giggled and quickly texted me so no one would notice. I thought her name was Vanessa. I didn’t know. I just put her name as ‘Cute Secretary’ in my phone and went with it.

Outside the office, I checked my schedule. If I was there, I might as well go to class, right. It seemed that my third block—I missed second block and my lunch—would be English in room 210. I made my way to class feeling accomplished. Not only had I managed to weasel my way out of getting in trouble with the second most powerful person at this school—behind me, of course—I’d also come out on top. I reached into my pocket, found a couple of Adderalls, and popped them in my mouth at the drinking fountain. I moseyed my way upstairs and felt the Adds kicking in. A great way to begin my day.

After what seemed like a couple of hours—but was only a couple of minutes—I made it to my class. I grabbed a seat in the back without noticing whom I was sitting next to. Class began and I grabbed my things, fully prepared to put some effort into a class today—probably because I was super zoned in due to the Adderalls. I noticed that I’d left my English notebook at home, so I turned to the person next to me to ask for some paper.

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