Vibrant Heart: Book 1 in the Great Plains Romance Series (7 page)

Read Vibrant Heart: Book 1 in the Great Plains Romance Series Online

Authors: Corrissa James

Tags: #Contemporary Western Romance

BOOK: Vibrant Heart: Book 1 in the Great Plains Romance Series
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“Just a drink or two?” She giggled, thinking about the wine. She didn’t feel drunk, but she knew her inhibitions were impaired, to say the least.

“Would I have been able to make it back here if I were drunk?” He glanced around the room, smiling. His eyes came to rest on Melanie, and she saw him take a sharp breath in. “Sweet Jesus, you are beautiful.”

Looking away demurely, she realized that her robe had fallen open, revealing her nakedness underneath. She pulled it tightly around her.

“No, please, don’t do that.” He stepped toward her, his eyes burning brightly as he licked his lips.

Melanie studied his shirt pulled tightly against his broad chest and tucked into dark jeans that made it all too easy for her to see that he was aroused. She let the robe relax slightly open, watching his reaction. His breathing became heavy, and he groaned lightly. She felt bolts of electricity shocking her skin everywhere his look traveled. She would go mad if he did not touch her soon. The robe fell back to reveal one breast. He licked his lips again. She wanted to feel his tongue caressing her entire body. She arched her back slightly. It was the only invitation he needed.

He stretched out on the bed next to her, kissing her deeply, their tongues chasing each other back and forth. She could taste just a hint of alcohol on him. When he struggled to remove his clothes while maintaining the connection with her, she reached out to help, only to fumble with the buttons on his shirt as well. He stood up to rip off his shirt without ever taking his eyes from hers. After he removed his pants, she let her gaze travel the length of him, appreciating each muscle of his body until she saw that he was fully ready.

“Melanie, you are sorely testing me,” he growled as he returned to her side. He drew her breast into his mouth, his tongue circling the nipple until Melanie thought she was being consumed by fire from the inside out. She moaned loudly, thinking the whole town could hear her. She didn’t care. Let the whole town know what they were doing as long as he didn’t stop.

His mouth left her breast to travel up her throat to her ear. “I don’t think I can wait.”

She turned his face toward hers and kissed him, tearing down all her walls and giving herself to him completely. Finally she pulled away just long enough to whisper, “Then don’t.”

She spread her legs slightly, and Jake shifted to lower himself between them. She clung to his back, pulling him into her, feeling him fill her completely as she wrapped her legs around him.

His head lowered to kiss her, his mouth demanding and urgent. She arched up to meet him, matching his urgency.

“Mel...I can’t—”

“Don’t wait.!”

She shuddered her release. A second later, she felt him climax, then he collapsed on top of her, both of them panting heavily.

Melanie smiled. He was so much better than she anticipated.

Chapter Fourteen

Jake slid his hand down her stomach, letting his fingers trace across her skin, still amazed at how quickly he was ready for more. “So now are you glad you came back for the wedding?”

Melanie looked at him from the corner of her eye, one eyebrow arching.

“Your dad wasn’t sure you would come back.”

She rolled onto her side to face him. “It’s not that I don’t like coming home.”

“You’re a big city gal. I get it.” He rested his hand on her hip.

Propping herself up on her elbow, she frowned. “No, that’s not it.”

“I meant no offense.”

“Everyone always gives me grief about living in Chicago. I lived here for nearly twenty-five years, and I’ve been in Chicago for a couple of years now, yet somehow I am seen as a traitor to the rural life.” She flopped onto her back, scowling at him when he chuckled. “Not like you’d understand anyway.”

“Oh, you might be surprised.” He leaned in and nuzzled her neck.

“Is it really so bad to want to experience new places?”

“You mean, like here?” He kissed her shoulder, then moved down to her belly button. “Or here?” He drew a lazy circle on the back of her knee with his fingers. When she tried to snuggle into him, he pushed her onto her back once again, laughing. “Not yet. I’m not done playing.”

She closed her eyes and turned her face away from him, but he could still see her smile. He was moving his hand up her thigh and across her abdomen, his fingers so light against her skin they barely touched her. Her flesh broke out into goose bumps, as if anticipating his caresses. The reaction nearly drove him over the edge with desire, but he focused on her. He wanted her desire to match his own. His fingers continued moving up, going between her breasts, then circling one and then the other in wide circles. He circled her breasts again and again, each time moving almost imperceptibly closer to her nipples. Just as he was about to cross the tender flesh, he made the circles wide again.

“Not fair,” she breathed, then bit her bottom lip. “You’re torturing me.”

“Now you know what you were doing to me all day today.” He sucked her earlobe into his mouth and nibbled on it gently as his fingers continued their circles. She arched her back, moving one of her nipples into the path of his fingers, then moaned at the heat searing across her skin.

“Naughty girl.” His hand moved back to her abdomen as a whimper escaped her lips.

When she looked at him, losing herself in his gaze and moving her hand to his stomach to trace his muscles as they tensed under her touch, he had to use every ounce of his determination to control himself. How was she doing this, arousing him so quickly, so deeply?

“Jake, please.”

The words weren’t much louder than a whisper, but they created in him a desire so intense that he hesitated, afraid that moving would cause him to lose all control. His breathing was ragged as she pulled him down on top of her so his mouth could trace the path that his fingers had been following. Melanie pulled his mouth to her breast, holding him there until he slid his hand between her legs. She opened herself to him. He touched her, tentatively at first, then she shifted her hips to give him full access. He moaned against her nipple.

He lifted himself to look down at her, his fingers still stroking her. “Say my name again.”

She smiled a slow, sultry smile. “Jake. Jake, please, come to me.”

The second time they orgasmed even more quickly than the first time—a feat neither of them thought possible.

Chapter Fifteen

Melanie stretched against the cool sheets, rolled onto her side, and blinked against the morning sun. She could hear birds chattering on the balcony, as if they were figuring out the day’s plan. The chirping almost lulled her back to sleep once again, but the nagging voice in her head chastised her. It was morning and time to be responsible again. Last night had been...well, she couldn’t pick just one word to describe it, but it made her practically giggle thinking about it again. Today was a day for clarification: This was a one-time event, and she was heading back to Chicago this evening. Surely Jake wouldn’t put up any arguments, but it could easily become an uncomfortable subject. She kept her back to him while she rehearsed several possible ways to approach the topic. She closed her eyes. Every segue seemed so lame to her.

She wondered if they had time to play around a bit more before her lunch meeting. No, better to shut that thought down before it went too far. If they started something today, she’d never make it to lunch on time. She probably wouldn’t get out of bed all day. Too bad. She wouldn’t mind doing a bit more exploring. If only she had one more night in town.

Her eyes flew open. Why not? She could change her plane ticket to the first flight out tomorrow morning and still make it to the office by noon. Plus, if she were in a hurry to get on the road in the morning, there wouldn’t be any long drawn-out anything. They could end it all quickly, with no one’s feelings getting hurt. She smiled and rolled over to share her idea with Jake.

Except Jake wasn’t in bed with her. A note on the pillow, written in a clear, confident hand, said,
Here’s to experiencing new places.

She chuckled at the reference, then rolled her eyes as she got out of bed. So much for worrying about how best to end it. She could take a lesson from him. He clearly knew how to extricate himself from potentially difficult situations without upsetting the other party, a skill likely gleaned from lots of practice.

After glancing at the bedside clock, Melanie rushed to take a shower. It was almost noon—how had she slept so late? She’d have to hurry now if she wanted to get ready and checked out before meeting her father and Evelyn for lunch. She didn’t have time to consider the implications of Jake’s note. Or the lump of disappointment hiding in the back of her throat.



Melanie walked into the hotel restaurant a few minutes after 1:00, wearing khaki shorts and a cotton top. Still feeling slightly flustered from her race to get ready, pack her bags, and check out, she stood in the entryway, looking for her father. The wedding gift that she’d forgotten to leave at the party was clutched in her hands.

The restaurant was small, with only about ten tables that she could see, but they were all covered in white tablecloths and the room was tastefully decorated in a neutral palate of earthy gray tones, creating an upscale ambiance despite the loud conversations coming from the patrons. Two waitresses dressed in white button-down shirts and black pants were moving throughout the room, refilling water glasses and speaking to their customers. The shorter of the two, a strawberry blond with pronounced dimples and expressive blue eyes, laughed a bit too loudly while talking to one of her customers. It was a laugh that was instantly recognizable as over-the-top flirting. Melanie shook her head. Some things never changed.

A chuckle in response made her heart skip a beat. The waitress moved on to another table, leaving Melanie with a direct view of Jake. What was he doing here? Her brain was screaming at her to hide, to leave before he saw her. Last night was done, it was over, she didn’t need to see him again, not yet, not when a simple smile from him or a touch could create more cravings, more desires that had to be satisfied. But her body didn’t listen, and she was still standing there watching him when he noticed her and stood to wave her over. Her feet moved of their own volition, carrying her to his table while she swallowed repeatedly, trying to overcome the dryness in her mouth.

“Morning.” He leaned in to kiss her, but at the last moment turned his head so his lips barely brushed her cheek. Even that contact was almost more than she could handle.

She sat down before her knees gave out, setting the gift in the middle of the table. Melanie tried to think of something safe to talk about, something that wouldn’t immediately bring up images of him touching her body and causing her to lose control in the most delightful ways, but her brain couldn’t seem to get past the memory of his burning kisses or the feel of him inside her.

“Sorry we’re late,” her father said, startling Melanie from her thoughts as he pulled a chair out for Evelyn. “Told you the preacher was getting long-winded.”

Melanie looked up, grateful for the distraction. “No worries.” Her voice still somewhat shaky. “I just arrived myself.”

Her father smiled and winked at her as he sat down.

“Oh, I am starving this morning,” Evelyn said, then turned to Stan and giggled. “Gonna have to get my strength back up.”

Stan patted Evelyn’s hand. “For you my dear, anything you want.”

Evelyn called over the flirtatious waitress, whose name tag said Trish, and asked about the day’s specials. Jake’s knee brushed against Melanie’s under the table then jerked away quickly. The brief touch sent heat surging up her leg, and her body demanded more. She tried to focus on what the waitress was saying, knowing that if she looked directly at Jake, she might just maul him on the spot. Melanie stifled a giggle as she thought about just what would happen if she started ravaging Jake at the table in front of everyone. Her father was fairly open-minded, but even he had his limits.

Trish took their orders, ending with Jake. “And for you?”

Jake glanced up at Trish and winked. “The usual, darlin’.”

Trish winked back. “Not a problem.” She gathered the menus, flashed another smile at Jake, then headed off to the kitchen.

Melanie wanted to trip her and send her flying across the room.

“So what’s this, sweetie?” Evelyn’s question brought Melanie out of her visions of Trish landing face first in a well-placed bowl of potato salad.

Melanie moved the wrapped box closer to Evelyn. “Your wedding gift. I forgot to grab it out of the car yesterday.”

Evelyn grabbed Melanie’s hands in her own and leaned close. “Honey, just being here was gift enough.”

Melanie blushed. “Thank you.”

“And I will accept this gift on one condition,” Evelyn continued. “That you come back to visit more than once a year.”

“Here, here,” Stan said, raising his glass of water to Melanie. He clinked glasses with Jake, who wouldn’t look at Melanie.

“I promise to do my best,” Melanie said.

Evelyn eyed her for a moment, then patted her hands. “That’s all I ask. Now hand me that box.” Her eyes lit up when she saw the crystal punchbowl, and she held it protectively while showing it to Stan.

Melanie’s father rolled his eyes playfully. “Well, now you’re gonna have to come back for many, many visits, Mel, because this one is gonna want to throw a party every night!”

Trish returned with their salads, and Evelyn was quick to show the waitress the crystal bowl. To the girl’s credit, she oohed and ahhed appropriately, which made Evelyn glow with pride. Trish set the last salad plate in front of Jake, then rested her hand on his shoulder. “Anything else?”

“We’re good, thanks,” Jake said.

Trish patted his shoulder, glanced around the table, then moved on to a neighboring table, where a tall man was calling “Miss, Miss” in an increasingly irritated tone.

Melanie stabbed at her lettuce with a fury that she told herself she had no right to be feeling. She was the one who wanted a fling, and Jake had given her exactly what she asked for. He’d even given her an easy out, practically handing it to her on a silver platter. But no matter how hard she tried to convince herself that everything was exactly as it should be, she couldn’t get past the hurt she felt seeing him flaunt his conquests in front of her.

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