Very Much Alive (11 page)

Read Very Much Alive Online

Authors: Dana Marie Bell

Tags: #Romance, #Literature & Fiction, #Paranormal

BOOK: Very Much Alive
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She looked up at the ceiling. “Great. I’m stuck between Perv and Pervier.”

Logan held up a hand. “I get to be Pervier.”

Kir laughed. “No argument here.”


Jordan rolled her eyes and gritted her teeth as the idiots on either side of her laughed at their own cleverness.
. “Guys!”



She sighed. “Look, I have no idea what you’re thinking, but
stop thinking it


“Uh-uh. Sorry.” Kir’s hand moved to cup her breast. He ignored her squawk of protest as his thumb stroked her nipple through her shirt. “There isn’t man alive who’d have a woman like you in his bed and not be thinking it.”

“Unless he was gay,” Logan added, gently prying her fingers off her shirt.

“True.” Kir moved his hand long enough for Logan to pull her shirt open again. Goofy grins crossed both their faces as her breasts were exposed.

Damn, Logan’s skin is so warm.
She licked her lips, trying to focus her thoughts again on why this was a bad idea. She would have batted at him but Logan still had hold of her hand. “You’re gods. Go do something, I dunno. Godly. And hands off, buster!”

“Sorry, I’m more of a hands-on kinda guy.”

Jordan stared at Kir as Logan snickered next to her. She was starting to sense that Kir wasn’t nearly as innocent as he tried to let on. “Why am I getting the feeling you’re more the instigator?”

Kir gasped, doing his best to look innocent and failing miserably. The fact that his hand was still stroking her breast didn’t help. “Me?”

“Yes, you! And you! Knock it off!”

Jordan turned to glare at Logan as he reached down and licked one bared nipple. She had the feeling that it lacked some impact when she gasped with pleasure.

“I’m sorry, but it was staring right at me. I had to do
about it.”

She stared at him. “That was bad.”

“I know.”

“Humble doesn’t work on you any more than innocent does.”

“Give a guy points for trying?”

She twitched when a wet tongue licked her left nipple. “Kir!”


“Did you hear me say knock it off?”

“You said it to him, not me.”


“I think she’s getting irritated.”

Logan stared down at her thoughtfully. “No, see there? Her lips twitched.”

“You’re right. I think she likes us.”

“I think so, too.”

“I think you two are certifiable.” She was trying desperately not to laugh.

“You think we’re cute. Admit it.” Kir was batting his lashes at her again. She had to bite her lip to keep the laugh in her throat.


Logan tsk’d. “She said no again.”

“Yeah, she did.”

“What do you think she’s saying no to?” Logan was inching his way down her body. She had the feeling that, unless she got a handle on things, her pants were going the way of the dodo.

“Guys! Hello! Been shot here! See? Owie!” She pointed to her arm in the sling. She blinked, realizing that her hand was free and she hadn’t really tried to stop either of them from what they were doing.

“And we’re offering to kiss your boo-boos but you keep saying that ‘N’ word.”

“The one that ends in ‘O’?” Kir’s hand was still gently kneading her breast.

“Yup, that’s the one.” Logan’s clever fingers were undoing her jeans.

Kir leaned over her with a leer. “Give up. Resistance is futile.”

Logan’s fingers stopped moving. He raised his eyebrow at Kir through the fall of his hair. “Didn’t we agree there would be no more Borg in bed?”

“Oh, right. Sorry. Carry on.”

These two are nuts! Incredibly sexy and hunk-a-licious, but nuts.
“Oh, God.”

“Yes?” They chorused.

“Get me out of here.”

“Get you out of these? Sure!”

Logan’s hands were incredibly gentle as he removed her pants and panties.

“I notice you’re not really fighting.” She looked up into Kir’s suddenly serious face. “But if you really want us to stop, just say so.”

Logan lay down next to her again and propped his head on his hand. “We
love you, you know.” His other hand caressed her bared stomach again. His touch was soft and soothing. “We want you comfortable with us.” His smile turned into a leer. “Of course, we’d like you hot for us, too.”

The identical looks of hope on their faces melted her heart. “Guys…”



Panic fluttered briefly in her heart.
I’m not ready for this yet. It’s too damn soon.
“Give me time?”
Time to figure out what’s really going on, and whether or not I want to be a part of it.
“Please. I’m not saying no, I’m saying wait. This…this isn’t something I take lightly.”

Logan looked at Kir over her naked body and smiled. “I can live with that.”

“So can I.” Kir leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

They lay down next to her, Logan being extra careful of her wounded right shoulder. His erection pressed against her right hip, while Kir’s pressed against her left. A wicked, sleepy grin crossed his lips. “G’night, John-boy.”

Two groans were quickly followed by a dark chuckle.

Oh, man. What the hell am I doing?

She’d just turned down sex with two of the most gorgeous men she’d ever met, but was still sleeping naked with them.

Jamie was going to have her committed.

Chapter Six

Kir leaned back against the base of the chaise lounge, his head resting against Logan’s knee, and sighed contentedly. Jordan’s head was resting in his lap, her gaze riveted to the plasma TV and the movie playing on it.
Bless you, Netflix.
Picking up
Bed of Roses
had been a stroke of genius. The female lead was just getting the idea that, perhaps, kicking Christian Slater out of her life had been the worst mistake she’d ever made. He was hoping Jordan’s quick mind would pick up on the hint he was trying to give her.

Jordan frowned, and clicked the pause button. “I don’t get it.”

Logan leaned down and offered her another bite of s’more. “What don’t you get, sweetheart?”

She swallowed before answering. Kir had the strongest urge to lean down and lick that little bit of chocolate that had escaped and was now decorating the corner of her mouth. “He does everything, and I mean
, right, but she runs him off because she’s afraid of being hurt.” She shook her head, confusion all over her features. “I mean, how often do you find the perfect guy? And then to just send him away?”

Kir grunted. He’d already found the perfect guy, but he could kind of understand where what’s-her-face was coming from. He picked up the box and read the actress’s name: Mary Stuart Masterson. “Fear does weird things to some people.”

“She fixes this, right? I mean, does he take her back?”

Kir took a bite of the s’more Logan held down for him and let his lover answer. “Wouldn’t that be spoiling the movie?”

“But I want to know.” She pouted up at them.

“Then watch.” Kir shook his head sadly. “Are you one of


“The ones who read the back of the book before they ever begin it.”

She frowned. “There’s nothing wrong with a little foreknowledge.”

“If you say so.” He grinned as Logan dropped the last bite of s’more into her mouth when she opened it to protest. “Do you want to watch the rest of the movie?”

Her eyelids were already drooping; the pain meds the doctors had her on were seriously sapping her energy. “I want to know what happens.”

“Stay awake for a few more minutes, and you’ll know.” Kir started the movie back up, but didn’t really watch it. He was too busy watching her, absorbing every nuance of her face and expressions as she sleepily watched the two lovers reconcile.

He heard a sniff above him and smiled. Looked like both the people he loved were suckers for a good chick flick. The moment Slater whispered, “Stay,” both of them sniffled.

He thought about teasing Logan about what a girl he could be, but he didn’t want
of them pounding on him.

The credits started rolling, and Jordan’s eyes fluttered shut on a soft sigh. He sat patiently, not moving, waiting for her to fall asleep.

“I’ll take her to bed.” Logan stood, smiling down at the two of them. His eyes were suspiciously bright.

Kir waited until Logan picked Jordan up, careful of her wounded shoulder, and carried her to their room.

bed. It felt better every time he thought it. He stood up and quickly cleaned up the food wrappers and put the movie away, knowing Logan would come out to fetch him if he took too long.

Logan came back into the room quicker than Kir thought he would. He grabbed Kir by the back of the head and kissed him, long and hard. By the time he was done, two other things were long and hard, too. “Love you, babe. Gonna go take a shower.”

Kir’s chuckle was pained. He had a pretty good idea what Logan would do in the shower; the same thing Kir was planning on doing once he was done. “Bastard.”

Logan tossed him a grin over his shoulder. “I’ll save you some body wash, blondie.”

He got a startled laugh when he flipped Logan the bird. He flopped back on the couch, grinning at how quickly the water turned on. He looked down at his tented sweatpants and laughed softly. “Wait your turn.”


Two days later Logan rounded the corner to the kitchen to find Kir and Jordan in the kitchen. “Put it down.”

The two started, looking towards him, guilt written all over their faces. “What?”

“If I have one more slice of pizza I’m going to start singing Sinatra songs.”

Kir winced. Jordan stared at him curiously. “His singing voice sucks.”

Logan rolled his eyes. “Out of my kitchen, people. I’ll cook.”

Jordan moved as quickly as she could out of his way. “Yum.”

Kir sighed and followed her. “We could have spent this time cuddling, you know.”

Logan tipped Kir’s chin up and gave him a quick kiss. “Stop pouting, babe.” He grinned down at his lover. “Jordan does it better.”

“I heard that!”

Logan snorted. The girl had a set of lungs on her that would do a drill sergeant proud, a trait she and her sister seemed to share. However, the pain still in her voice was driving him mad. “Sit your pretty ass down and let me take care of the food, okay?”

“Asshole,” he heard her mutter.

“Later, dear.”

Logan looked at Kir in shock, not surprised to see the same expression on Kir’s face. The twin echo of their reply still hung in the air as Jordan made her way back into the kitchen, practically snarling at the two of them.

She shook her finger at them, wincing a little with the movement. “I heard that! You two are a goddamn menace.” She shook her head and left the kitchen, still muttering to herself as he and Kir started to laugh.

“Go make sure our girl stays put, would you?” Logan patted Kir’s ass as he made his way out of the kitchen. He could hear them talking softly, Kir’s voice low and soothing as he probably apologized for the comments in the kitchen.


The low, throaty moan caught his undivided attention.

“Just a little to the right. Oh, yeah.

He stepped out of the doorway to the kitchen and peeked into the living room. He could see the top of Kir’s head and his broad shoulders as he moved sinuously over what had to be Jordan lying on the sofa. Kir had his shirt off, all those muscles gleaming in the light coming in from the bank of windows.

Logan swallowed hard as another long, throaty moan sounded from the unseen Jordan. The look of sheer pleasure on Kir’s face wasn’t helping, either. “Just fucking kill me now, people.”

Kir looked up, a wicked grin on his face. “Jordan’s sore.”

“Kir’s got the most
hands I’ve ever felt.”

He moved around the sofa to see Jordan sprawled boneless, face down on the sofa, her head pillowed in her arms. An expression of agonized bliss graced her face. She, too, was shirtless, clothes having become something of an optional accessory in the last week.

He knelt by her head and waited for her eyes to open. When she smiled at him, all sleepy and sensuous, he damn near came in his jeans. He leaned forward, sipping at her lips in gentle bites until she moaned and let him into the warm, wet cavern of her mouth. “Feel better, baby?”

“Mm-hmm.” She sank even further into the sofa with a contented sigh. He couldn’t help himself. He kissed her again, long, slow and languorous. He loved the feel of her moving under Kir’s hands while he made love to her mouth.

She broke the kiss with a soft sigh. “Do you know something I’ve always wanted to do but didn’t have the guts to try?”

I can think of about a dozen things I’d love to teach you that you’ve never tried, little girl.
Logan shook his head. “No. What?”

“Mmm.” She practically purred as Kir stroked her back. “Cooking.”

Out of the corner of his eye he saw Kir’s hands stop. He wasn’t surprised at all when all three of them whimpered. “Cooking?”

“My mom is a really good cook, but I could never pick up the knack.” She shifted under Kir, wiggling her ass against his jean-clad erection. Kir’s swift intake of breath was swiftly followed by his shudder. “You’re a fucking
cook.” The way she moaned
had Logan practically panting.

The little tease.

She opened those sleepy eyes again and he was lost. “So, will you teach me?”

Logan knew she was manipulating him, but right at that moment he didn’t care. If she wanted to play, that was fine by him. The time for playing was almost over. She accepted their hands on her skin, their kisses and touches, with ease. All she had left to do was accept their hearts, and if teasing and provoking them helped her do that, then bring it on.

Kir climbed off Jordan’s back. “I’m going to go take a shower.” He left, limping, more than likely hobbled by the erection Jordan had caused.

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