Venomous: Erotic Science Fiction Romance (Alien Warrior Book 1) (69 page)

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Authors: Penelope Fletcher

Tags: #science fiction romance, #alien warrior, #sci fi romance, #alien abduction, #erotic alien romance, #alien romance

BOOK: Venomous: Erotic Science Fiction Romance (Alien Warrior Book 1)
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I swallowed and looked away.

Venomous’ hand covered my fisted one. “All will be well.”

The svelte maître d' sashayed back to us, and took our meal orders on a portable holoscreen, his millions of eyeballs endlessly blinking.

Beowyn put in his request then faced me, expression grave. “Do not let Éorik frighten you. As High Commander of my legions, he seeks to strike hard, fast, and most importantly, first in any argument. That he deigned speak with you on this reveals how highly he regards you, and your intellect.” Beowyn paused then in a cavalier manner declared, “I will petition. Might as well, as I am here.” His eyes slitted. “I ask a boon as a gesture of goodwill from one dignitary to another. My support does not come without cost.”

Biting my thumb, I braced. “What is it?”

“A kiss.” He tapped his scruffy cheek. “Right here.”

Deflating, I rolled my eyes then popped a smacking kiss to where he’d pointed.

Claws grabbed my chin. “
,” Venomous barked. “You do not put lips on others.”

Cheeks and mouth smooshed, I nodded fast.

Éorik slammed down his bowl. “Great One-”

“That is that, Commander.” Beowyn’s stately aura infused his voice with power. “We contact the Council in the morning.”

Sensual lips compressed, Éorik inclined his head then took another, longer draught of his ale. He muttered into his cup. “Just this morn, I thought, ‘Do you know what my planet needs? Aye. Yet another war.’”

Cobra and Fiercely had their heads bent together, arguing lowly, probably about how to convince me and Venomous to leave Zoi Quay.

“Lumen,” Beowyn began jolly once more. “Should you wish to negotiate a treaty of peace for the serpents between Rök and Vayhalun, let me know. I am sure you will find something of value to stir my interest.” He winked salaciously. “‘Twill stay between you and I.”

Fiercely and Cobra stopped talking to snarl at him.

Chuckling to himself, Beowyn’s attention switched from teasing me and taunting my mates to the skyline.

When it returned, his eyes were alight.

A wicked grin split his face. “Lumen, do you dance?”

Sucking in a breath, I let loose an excited squeal.

“No,” Venomous said. “A thousand times no.”

Arms crossing, Fiercely nodded agreement.

Cobra, on the other hand, looked intrigued.

He burst out laughing when my chin jutted, my zeal not quelled in the least.

Wolfing down a scrumptious leafy salad of purple and blue leaves with braised carroty meat, I was amped up, and ready to absorb the local culture.

As I was banned from the quadrangle, getting my mates to agree to hit up a nightclub was easy.

They hated telling me no.

We walked into the dance club, and I clapped.

Pulsing music with a deep bass drummed into the soles of my feat and vibrated through my body.

The rhythm was tribal, a haunting vocalist crooning about her sordid affair with a promiscuous diplomat.

Creatures of all species rollicked to the heavy beat, and totally into it, I tapped my feet and bopped.

Tossing his horned head, Beowyn grabbed my hand as he strutted out into the crush.

As we snaked through the gyrating bodies, I peered down to see the illuminated dance floor was glass.

Aquatic aliens boogied underwater in a club beneath us.

Tentacles and webbed appendages glided back and forth.

Beowyn spun me around, wagging his upswept eyebrows.

We danced.

I couldn’t shake it out like I usually would, conscious of my unborn passenger, but I made a go of it, swaying in time to the melody.

I wiggled my hips instead of my waist, and twined my arms overhead, singing along to the catchy chorus.

I didn’t jump, but bounced on my toes and shuffled side to side.

cut loose

His vigorous shaking and stomping feet were evocative of a war dance.

Slapping his chest, he flung back his head to roar.

To my shock, other aliens tossed their heads and screeched along, sounding like prehistoric barbarians out for blood.

They started moshing, slamming into each other and head banging.

Again forgetting I was one hundred per cent knocked up and fragile, Beowyn abandoned me to jump right in there.

Realising the situation was deteriorating, I began two-stepping off the dance floor.

I found myself surrounded by an impenetrable wall of Rä warriors.

As Fiercely and Cobra shoved people aside, Venomous glowered at me.

I cringed. “Okay, so this turned dangerous, but I thought I’d be
.” When he turned to lead the way out, I grabbed his hand. “As you’re already here....” I gave a shimmy. “Please?”

He smirked then wrapped his arms around me and started to move.

With the three of them keeping me safe I was able to enjoy the song, slipping in and out of their arms, being lifted, twirled and dipped to the beat.

I loved how their bodies moved.

Sinuous, flowing movement, yet powerful and strong.

I found it sexy as they rubbed their hands over me, erotic when I groped them back.

Sweaty and ready to call it quits, I pointed in the direction of the exit.

I looked about for our Verak companions as my mates forged a path out of the dancers.

Smiling at Cobra who held my hand between his, we passed a group of booths along the wall.

I glanced in one then stumbled to a halt.

Staid Commander Éorik had a male on his knees thrusting into him.

Crown askew, Beowyn had legs on his shoulders as his battering ram of a cock pounded
into the table.

“Hey, uh....” I faltered when they looked at me. “We’re, um,” awkward swallow, “leaving now. See you soon?”

Beowyn grunted in bursts as he rutted, “
Good. Parting. Small. One

Éorik nodded then closed his eyes and started coming.

I turned to my mates. “Is
face looks like?” I rolled my eyes. “Stop being judgmental. You all held me down then tag-teamed me in public. If that’s not kinky, I don’t know what is.”


y edgy life mates and I were back in chambers the next rotation.

I was shrouded in my cloak because the hall was chilly, and I’d grown too used to Rök’s scorching temperatures.

A grunting, snorting Sorkbhal, spoiling for a fight, paced the other side of the security field.

He stopped to send Venomous evil glares, and holler out to me with lewd promises of pain and death.

My hand emerged from the folds of my cloak.

I offered him my longest finger then gave him my back.

“A decision has not been made on case 122390654756,” the Premier advised sounding beleaguered. “The sentient beings on unregistered planet 2276549, known to the native inhabitants as Earth, refuse to cooperate unless they see their citizen unharmed.”

A flickering projection appeared in the space between us and the pews.

“We shall resolve this,” the Premier said. “Please watch the holoscreen.”

A boardroom with oak panelling, heavy wood furniture and dark green leather appeared.

I peered into a handsome face bordered with blonde hair fading to grey, and bearing solemn lines around the eyes and mouth.

A familiar face of a stranger I’d never,
expected to see again.

Moreover, her roaming gaze fixed on me as if she

My screechy, strangled tone sounded horrible to my own ears, and I pushed my hood off to get a better look. “
Madam Prime Minister?

“Good morning to you, Miss Young.”

“Lumen,” I amended with a feeble wave.

“Lumen,” she murmured then laced her fingers on the desk. “You may call me Sarah. Ms Weston if that feels too personal.”

I gawked then shook my head. “Pardon me, it’s been a rough few months.”

“I can only imagine.” She glanced at her hands. Her nails were short and unvarnished, shirt cuffs crisp and clean. Weston gave a twisted smile when her green eyes lifted. “I must confess, this is not what I expected when I took a late night call on my emergency line.”

Leaning in, I lowered my voice. “I’ve learned to just let these things play out. You’d go mad trying to control it. Trust me.”

She smiled.

It didn’t reach her eyes.

Looking at this living, breathing embodiment of my old life, I thought of the things I’d missed on Earth.

Who won Wimbledon?

What was the newest cute-cat-compilation on YouTube?

What the hell happened in the series finales of my favourite programmes?

It all seemed trite and immature, though, so I said, “How’s the weather?”

“Cats and dogs. Flooding in the south-east counties, but we soldier on. What about your end?”

“Lots of sun.”

“Lovely. And are you keeping well?”

“Very.” I directed a grin over my shoulder at my clan. “Couldn’t be better.”

“We expect your return to Earth as imminent then.”

The certainty in her voice surprised me. “Oh, no.” Turning back to face her, I gave an awkward laugh. “I’m not coming back. I’m staying here with Venomous, Fiercely and Cobra. Well, not
.” I glanced around the austere chamber. “Back on Rök.”

“Rök?” The Prime Minister blinked. “Venomous?”

“Venomous One.” I pointed behind me. “He is the warrior who saved me from the L’Odo
” I then pointed to my mates in turn. “The tallest one with the gold bars through his brow scales is Fiercely Comes the Night. He saved me from space pirates called Dei San. The brooding one with his quills in a topknot is Cobra that Strikes. He brought me kakt-mi otherwise known as chocolate pudding. We can
agree that is equal to saving my life.” My chin lifted. “Venom and Fiercely are of the Warriors Guild. Cobra is Master of the Hunters Caste.”

I doubted she’d understand the immense honour in having such males for my mates.

Weston shook her head as she struggled to pick which matter to address first. “L’Odo

My expression turned grave. “The L’Odo got me from the Zutki slave trader that kidnapped me from Earth. The auctions were bad enough, but the L’Odo and their experimentation....”

I had a hard time swallowing.

Warmth came up behind me, followed by a wave of Venomous’ earthy, masculine musk.

Relaxing, I forged through the thicket of dark memories. “It was bad. If Venom hadn’t claimed me I’d be dead and Earth would be none the wiser ... until something
than the L’Odo showed up, that is.”

“While I’m sure your experience was vexing, it is biased and–”

“V-Vexing?” I stuttered. “I was kidnapped by aliens then sold to giant, talking reptiles who did such invasive experiments on me, I
have nightmares. When they were done, they discussed whether to rape, eat or do a combination of both before throwing me into a pit of bloodthirsty, sex starved gladiators out of a Lovecraftian wet dream. You call it

“They are the species who are now showing an interest in Earth.”

“Believe me when I say that is
a good thing.”

“Our liaisons would prefer to gather information on them independently, preferably directly, to ascertain–”

Growing disenchanted as she spoke, I turned to the daises. “Can you send her a picture of Sorkbhal....” From the harsh intake of breath, I knew the Council had obliged my request. “Thanks.”

The elected leader of Great Britain blanched bone white.

She cleared her throat, patted it when she still couldn’t speak, and then smoothed a shaking hand down the crisp linen of her blazer.

Her gaze slid off screen, widened in controlled panic as she shook her head, and then slid back to the screen sharper than before.

“Well,” she began her voice tremulous and high. “That is a conversation for another time.” She drew in a breath. “In light of recent events, we’d rather you were returned home and examined by selected medical personnel, so we may determine your health for ourselves.”

“No,” Fiercely said as Cobra’s arms came into view on my other side.

Venomous wrapped a possessive, clawed hand around my throat, seeking my pulse, lower arms cinching around my waist.

Weston’s eyes narrowed.

Lips flattening, she eyed them in suspicion, and I understood why.

I was surrounded by a seven foot wall of deadly-appearing aliens who bore no weaponry, but as their bodies
weapons, they looked feral, lethal, and their hands were all over me.

“After prolonged contact with extraterrestrials,” she said her mouth tight, “any number of physical or psychological maladies might plague you, Miss Young.”

“She is well,” Cobra assured.

“With all due respect, Mr Cobra that Strikes, I’ll ask Miss Young to respond for herself.”

“Technically, he’s equal to a Baron in our peerage,” I said. “So it’s Sir Cobra that Strikes.” I looked up Venomous. “You’d be a minor Duke. Fiercely a Lord.” I brightened. “That means I really am a Lady as Éorik calls me.”

Chuckling, Venomous patted my head.

Fiercely replied to Weston. “Her words will be our words.”

going to make her think I’m speaking of my own free will.”

I sighed, rubbing Venomous’ upper set of arms, which snaked around my shoulders, so my entire back was pinned to the broad planes of his chest, my entire front covered by him.

Fiercely and Cobra crowded closer either side of me.

“These humans,” the Premier said, “believed the Intergalactic Alliance abducted and violated you, Lumen of the Stars formerly of planet 2276549, known to the native inhabitants as Earth, as a tactic in a prior declaration of war. We tried to gain the required statement from your leader as required, but met with resistance. Therefore, as the human can see you are unharmed, we may gain the relevant statements, so the matter of your status can be clarified.”

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