Venice Nights (12 page)

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Authors: Ava Claire

Tags: #alpha male, #new adult romance, #bdsm erotic romance, #Romance, #alpha male romance, #new adult, #bdsm romance

BOOK: Venice Nights
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Lust burned hot in his gaze as he looked down at me. “Why did you ask me to meet you down here?”

I grinned mischievously, turning back to the four poster bed. I swung on one of the posts, my curls whipping around me before I stopped, standing before him. I loved the way he drank up my body in the chemise he picked out for me, the material like dark chocolate against my skin. His eyes were like his tongue, savoring the taste of my body.

“Honestly?” I said finally. “I missed this room.”

His lips curled into a devastating smirk. “The girl who couldn’t touch herself in front of me is willingly offering her body to me in a room filled with chains, whips, and a Saint Andrews cross?”

“Mhm.” The warmth in my belly simmered lower. My core trembled, drenched with lust. “If it pleases you, I want to show you just how much I’ve changed.”

His eyebrows quirked with interest. “By all means—show me.”

I kept my eyes locked on him as I took a step backward, brushing against the edge of the mattress. I glanced to my right, gripping one of the chains. I wrapped it around my wrist and slid onto the bed. I spread my thighs, the cool air stroking my exposed flesh as his eyes drank me in.

I drew a steadying breath, holding onto my climax, fluttering dangerously close.

Not yet...not without his permission.

Biting my lip, I plunged a finger inside. The sound of my flesh and juices filled my ears. Jacob’s face was awash with pleasure as he watched me pump my fingers in and out of my body.

I was alight with sensation; the audience of his gaze forcing my fingers deeper, spreading my legs wider so I could take him with me. I wanted to feel him inside every part of me. Leave no secret unshared, no part of me untouched by him.

When I strained, adding a third finger, he came close, hand at his belt. I stopped, worried I had been too bold and broke some unspoken rule, but the look on his face was not one of disapproval.

“Don’t stop,” he said huskily.

I sunk my teeth into my bottom lip, thrusting wildly. My hand that was bound by the chain sparked with slices of discomfort. It added to the intensity of the pleasure.

He unbuckled his belt, the controlled movements of his hands contradicting the wild gleam in his eyes. His fingers said that he was composed and in no hurry; that he could watch me touch myself for hours and restrain himself. His eyes told a different story. They said he could not wait one more second to be inside me.

I saw him in all his glory. His cock was swollen; rock hard, the personification of the feral look in his eyes.

He blazed toward me, gripping my ankle and yanking me until both feet landed on the floor. The look in his eyes had spread across his face, lust changing the perfect marble structure into something fluid and sensual.

He unhooked the chain from my arm, but he was not freeing me. His cock pierced my lower abdomen as he bound me properly, taking the chains from the post behind me, and wrapping them around my wrists. He stretched my arms above my head; my body laid out for him.

He ran his hand down my thighs, yanking them open. He gazed at my core with such desire that I felt my bliss coming. I clenched my leg muscles tight, trying to maintain control.

“Don’t hold back.” His voice was a whip; a beautiful lash across my body. “Understood?”

“Yes sir,” I said hoarsely.

He came forward, steering himself between my thighs. The head of his cock was poised at my entrance; his eyes shut like he was savoring the feel of my juices on him.

He rolled his hips and filled me in a single, powerful thrust. I wanted to hold on to how he felt inside me. The feel of everything finally making sense. The desire. The safety. The passion. But his moans pulled me into the arms of my first climax. His thrusts grew savage and wild and he growled, “Mine” into my ear.

I hurtled toward my second.

Panting and nowhere close to done, I wrapped my legs around him, pulling him deeper inside me. His body tensed. He was close to his own release.

“Come for me,” I whispered, looking up at him like he was my salvation.

He threw his head back with a roar and my body clutched him, not letting go as we came together. Our bodies, our souls, connected.

He pulled from me, unroping the chains from around my wrists. His eyes narrowed in concern as he stroked the indents left on my skin. In the heat of the moment, I had pulled at the restraints, causing the metal to cut into my wrists.

He went to the nightstand, pulling a small container from the drawer. The smell of mint wafted around me as he gently stroked the cream on my aching flesh.

“You should have used your color.”

I smiled up at him, chest still heaving up and down. “I would have if I needed it.”

Not exactly true. A runaway train could have crashed into the room, and I would not have said  the word red.

His eyes sparkled playfully. “You forget—I know you, Leila Montgomery.” He pulled me into his arms, close enough that I synced our heartbeats. Everything was as it was supposed to be...until the floor above us creaked.

It reminded me that there was still something that needed to be fixed.

A wary voice cautioned me.
Isabella can’t even stand you—what can you do that Jacob hasn’t already tried?

I propped my head on my palm, searching his face.

He frowned. “Is everything all right?”

I nibbled on my bottom lip as an idea popped in my head; an idea that was maybe bold enough to work. “With your help, maybe it will be.”

Chapter Fourteen

Allegra waved wildly from the backseat of the cab, barely letting the driver pull to a stop before she lurched from the car.

Jacob walked ahead of me, scooping her in his arms. I watched him with a smile on my face. He was different with her. Laughing with eyes crinkled at the corners, the ferocity usually found in the intense pools of blue a whisper. He spun her in a circle, his lips split into a boyish grin that made me want to take a picture. No one would believe the billionaire had a sense of humor developed enough to smile, let alone laugh, like whatever Allegra was saying was the funniest thing he had ever heard.

Allegra gave him one last squeeze and met my eyes, waving me over. "I owe you one too!"

She might be singing a different tune in a minute
. Ignoring the stifling nervousness that this whole thing could go sideways, I focused on getting a good hug in. Either way, we were headed back to the States, and I had no idea when we would see her again.

I squeezed tight, closing my eyes for good measure.

Forgetting Jacob for a moment, she held my face in her hands, her olive eyes colored with concern. "How are you?"

"I'm fine," I said with a wink.

She glanced at Jacob over my shoulder, then steered me away from him, dropping her voice confidentially. "How are you really?"

"I'm really fine," I assured her with a chuckle. I tugged at the scarf around my neck, feeling like my plan was scrawled all over my face from the way she had zeroed in on me.

I cleared my throat, casting a look at Jacob. He nodded, coming forward.

"You trash talking me, Al?" he joked.

Allegra popped the collar of her coat, giving him a look. "As long as you're good to Leila, I won't have any cause to."

I beamed behind her, but as we inched closer to the house, I felt guilty. What if I were overstepping my bounds? What if I just made things worse?

Allegra's cheery voice cut through my internal debate, forcing my smile to stay strong and not waver.

"I know you've enjoyed your time here, but you must miss your family and friends back home,” she said.

"I have," I said, surprising myself. I missed my mother, even as overbearing and nosy she could be. And I had so much to tell Megan, especially considering I had been incapable of sending her a message that was longer than ‘Hi’. Wrapping up Rachel Laraby, my first press bomb, the villa, and my famous boyfriend was too much for email or text—even though she had been lighting up my inbox. In person, it would be easier to lay it all out—and beg forgiveness for falling off the face of the earth.

"It'll be nice to have a little normal," I finished, feeling Jacob's eyes land on me. I flicked my attention to him, and he gave me an uneasy smirk. Even though I had chickened out and wanted to use rock, paper, scissors to determine the person that would actually lie to Allegra to get her in the house, Jacob had vetoed that. He was willing to wait until they were ready to talk on their own, even though we both knew that could very well be never. Batting my eyes did not work—since it was my plan, I had to deliver the crucial fib that would actually make Al walk through the door.

I drew a breath, letting the nerves fill my lungs. I channeled the anxiety into something good.

I held out a shaking hand for Allegra to see. "I'm talking a big game, but I have no idea what kind of press will be waiting when we land in the states." I took a step toward the house. "Wanna come in for a glass of wine?"

Her face hardened to stone and my stomach dropped. This was not going to work...she knew exactly what I was doing. Forcing a ceasefire. Trying desperately to mend a friendship that they obviously regretted losing, despite pretending their lives were better off.

Jacob must have seen that I was drowning. He came forward, his voice smooth as sin.

"Or at least a cup of coffee,” he added. “I think I owe you one after interrupting your afternoon with Leila.”

Allegra blinked, looking at him, then me, her eyes still narrowed suspiciously. "I think you're both aware of my history with Isabella. I have no interest in stirring up the past."

I was hoping I would not have to lie, but I had no other choice. Jacob and I were leaving tonight. I was not psychic, but I had a feeling that unless we gave fate a little nudge, the two of them would never roll away their stones; they would go to the grave with regret. Maybe I was off base and overstepping my bounds, but I wanted to do this. Jacob had very few people he trusted enough to see the real him, and fifty percent of his private circle could not even stand to be in the same room.

Family was more than just the blood that runs in your veins; more than strands of DNA. Family was the people that saw you at your best and worst and loved you anyway.

For better or worse, Allegra and Isabella were part of Jacob's family. Carlton showed Jacob all the ways family could destroy. I just wanted to help them find a way to rebuild and grow from the pain.

I just had to tell a little white lie.

"Isabella is gone for the day," I lied, knowing full well she was just inside.

Allegra sighed with relief. "Okay. I'd love a cafe."

My blood pumped a fevered beat in my ears as we walked through the courtyard, the home stretch within reach. The hard part would be walking through the front door.

Jacob opened the door. I let Allegra walk first, following behind her in case she tried to make a getaway.

Allegra stood in the foyer, taking it all in with a chuckle. "Feels like the first time." She flashed Jacob a smile over her shoulder. "You've done a great job here,

When she turned back around, continuing toward the kitchen, Jacob exchanged a look with me. It was a look of regret and wariness.

"It'll be fine," I mouthed and hurried after Allegra. I was lying—I did not know if it would be fine. I would not know until Allegra made her way into the kitchen where Isabella was helping Blanka organize the pantry.

When Allegra did not let out some sort of screech, I knew that we still had a few more seconds. I followed her into the kitchen.

Blanka had paused at the counter, mid-stack. There was a row of can goods on the counter. Her eyes registered surprise that ironed away when she saw me.

Allegra extended her hand. "I don't think we've met. I'm Allegra."

Blanka shook her hand eagerly, then slowed, working the name around in her mouth. All eyes shifted to the door of the pantry as an ear splitting boom filled the room.

Allegra’s olive complexion went ashen.

Isabella stormed from the pantry, plowing through a sea of overturned containers. Her skin was the opposite from pale. She was bright red, chest heaving up and down. Like she was a bull in an arena—and had a matador in her sights.


Allegra jerked back like Isabella had slapped her, looking back and forth between me and Jacob. The betrayal in her eyes made me want to run and hide, but I found an inner strength. I was in the crisis management business. I think this qualified as a crisis...and someone needed to step up and manage it—before Isabella dove to the counter, where the knives were glittering ominously.

"Allegra, I'm sorry lied, but I think the two of you have some things to talk about,” I said calmly.

Isabella let out a laugh that cut sharper than any blade. "What happened between me and Allegra is no concern of yours. You're a
in this house. You think because you share Jacob's bed it gives you the right to mediate things that you can never understand?"

I opened my mouth, but Allegra stepped in front of me, glaring at Isabella. "Don't talk to her like that. She's not some girl sharing Jacob's bed. They love each other. Even you must see that!"

Isabella's dark eyes smoldered as she took a single step toward Allegra. "What do you know about love? You got Carlton, and when you were done, you dropped him like a child dropping an old toy for something new and shiny."

The question Isabella refused to answer was all over her face. She had loved Carlton. I did not think she had ever stopped loving him.

I leaned toward Allegra. "Maybe this is a bad idea—"

But she moved forward. Panic rose in my throat because Isabella was all but baring her teeth. I had no idea what she was capable of if Allegra went any closer.

"You think I just fell out of love with him, Isa?" Her voice changed, more vulnerable than I'd ever heard from the strong woman. "I fought tooth and nail not to love him because I knew that you cared about him...but I was weak. I betrayed you." She stopped, hanging her head. "I betrayed myself. We both deserved so much better. Lucia deserved better.”

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