Vengeance of the Dancing Gods (9 page)

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Authors: Jack L. Chalker

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Fantasy, #Fiction

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"I take your silence for consent. The next question is what to do about it..


A regal-looking but ancient dwarf none had even noticed spoke up in a deep, rumbling voice. "Go over there and kill the bastard. He is mortal now..


Ruddygore nodded. "Thank you. King Ewedol, for saying the unspeakable. I concur. Boquillas alone is a defenseless human being. He must be killed, and without mercy. Without him, Dacaro will be formidable but manageable as he will not have that vast store of knowledge and experience the Baron brings. With Boquillas dead, I will once again be freed to cross the Sea of Dreams and deal with that slimy little bastard personally..


"So whom are you going to send over there to do the deed?" the red-robed Sargash asked him. "It is one thing to say that you will kill him, but he is certain to be better protected than your vault! Those from here will remain bound by the Rules, while his Earthly allies and demonic friends will not, and none may be wizards of the top rank..


"Quite true," the Council leader agreed. "I am aware of the problems. I am also aware that any we send will be known as soon as they arrive, if not before. For that reason, the Company I shall form for this task will be done entirely by me. Some of its members will be obvious to any here, but some will not..


"Why not just take your damned Lamp and wish him dead?" the dwarf king growled.


"A good question. The Lamp is old, and of limited Page 43 Chalker, Jack L - Vengeance of the Dancing Gods effectiveness, although it is still quite powerful. Unfortunately, its reach will not extend across the Sea of Dreams in either direction. To be used against someone or something on Earth, it must be on Earth, and that presents even greater problems, as it really wasn't designed for there. On Earth it is erratic, unpredictable, and very limited.


To be useful at all there, the Lamp would have to be no more than a few feet from the object of the wish.


VENGEANCE OF THE DANCING GODS 58 Did you not all wonder why Dacaro didn't just take the Lamp? It's because the thing can no longer travel by its own power across the Sea of Dreams, and to carry it over the Sea would have put him at risk to my own powers and agents." He looked around. "Are we agreed, then?.


Again there was dead silence, which pleased the big sorcerer.


"All right, then. In the meantime, I intend to find and stop the wizard on our side and put an end to him—or her. This person is no less dangerous to us and the future than was Boquillas, and will remain no less dangerous, even if we deal with the Baron. I do not intend any more loose ends. Had Hell not interfered, I would have crushed the Baron on the castle walls. Hell will not save this person this time!.


By the next evening, all had left to return to their own domains, leaving only Joe, Tiana, and Marge as outsiders in Castle Terindell. Ruddygore had spent the day seeing the others off and consulting with the rulers of the fairy races who had also been present, the latter because he feared their use as hostages or pawns by the Baron. He seemed well satisfied.


Now, in far less formal company, they sat around the same great room with its walls filled, floor to ceiling, with the red-bound volumes of the Books of Rules, waiting for the signal to go. Poquah joined them, as silent and impassive as usual. The Imir was a wizard probably equal in strength and power to Dacaro, but he was of the faerie.


In an otherwise equal contest between him and a human wizard, however, he would lose. That was the way of magic.


Ruddygore entered, looking tired and drawn, but he seemed far more relaxed with just Joe, Tiana, Marge, and Poquah about. "It's been a difficult time," he told them wearily. "Still, it's nothing compared to the tasks laid out to accomplish. This will be far trickier than outwitting an JACK L. CHALKER 59 army or even fighting a demon, which you might have to Page 44 Chalker, Jack L - Vengeance of the Dancing Gods do..


"When do we leave?" Tiana asked him.


"W? do not," the wizard replied. "The Company must be carefully balanced, using a number of complex factors.


Certainly it is necessary that Joe and Marge go, as they are originally from Earth. They know how to cope there, and will not be taken aback by the cultures and technology there. Also, at last report the Baron was in the United States, which makes it even more imperative. Unfortunately, the Baron knows this as well as I do, and Joe, you will never be an invisible sort. Remember, too, that the Baron knows of your were nature. He will know how to kill you and he'll not make any mistakes on that score again..


Joe nodded. "I'm ready for that. He still has to fear every living thing during the three nights of the full moon while I'm there, and if he has to steal that much gold for a bankroll, he can't arm everybody working for him with silver bullets..


"I agree. But that suspicion factor will make it triply difficult to get to him during those periods. Still, it's a massive psychological factor. He'll never hide so well that he won't quake in terror at every fly on the wall or spider in the woodwork..


"Yeah, but what about Marge? I mean, she's pretty much of a standout in the good old U. S. of A. Very few girls there have wings, for example..


Ruddygore grinned and looked knowingly at Marge. "I gather you have never actually sampled the joys of Kauri..


Joe flushed and Tiana gave a real hard look to both him and to the wizard. "Of course not!" the big man growled.


"Then you don't know that the Kauri work their magic by appearing to their—client—not as themselves, but as the idealized woman of his dreams. They do not change, but to everyone else they appear to be someone else, and they can do this at will. Right, Marge?.


60 VENGEANCE OF THE DANCING GODS "That's about it. That's what makes this sound like fun..


"Well, it isn't!" Ruddygore snapped back. "This is deadly and serious. The odds are very much against any of you surviving, let alone accomplishing this mission..


She shrugged. "One thing at a time..


Ruddygore sighed, accepting her faerie outlook because it was useless to change it. "There are, of course, a few problems with you. Marge. For one thing, none of the Page 45 Chalker, Jack L - Vengeance of the Dancing Gods fairy folk photograph at all. Any of the Baron's agents who takes a photograph of you, or looks at a video image, will not see you and will immediately know that you're one of their quarry. For another, your guise is transparent to any wizard or anyone else with very strong second sight. Fortunately, few have the sight on Earth and many of them only have it when they're drunk or on some drug or other. But Dacaro will certainly not be fooled for an instant, and we can assume Boquillas has made provision by this time not to be fooled, either. And don't ever forget that both know you, Boquillas in particular, and know the powers and limits of Kauri..


"I understand. Don't worry. The Kauri are nothing'if not careful about such things..


"Well, it only takes one slip and the tremendous power you'll feel over there, as you are, may blind you to your dangers and limitations. I can give you, and Poquah as well, spells to protect you against the routine iron of Earth, but it is only limited protection and iron will still bum, scar, and even kill if it penetrates your skins. So much contains iron there that you'll have to be on constant guard..


Joe's eyebrows rose and he looked at the Imir. "You're coming, too?.


"I am a wizard of considerable strength who has spent some time on Earth," Poquah replied calmly. "My powers are more than sufficient for concealment and will also aid, I suspect, in locating and penetrating the plot. I am just 61 JACK L. CHALKER below the power threshold established by the wish. Why.


Do you object?.


Joe remembered the Imir's courage and dedication in their previous bouts with the Baron. "No, of course not.


Glad to have you..


"I assume that what goes for Joe goes for me as well,.


said Tiana, feeling left out.


Ruddygore sighed. "No, my dear, I'm afraid it doesn't.


You can't go..


She stood up angrily, a very formidable sight. "I am going!.


"You cannot. Even if we could find some way to fake the Goddess's departure for what might prove a great length of time, and even if we could convince the Council to allow the risk of your not getting back, it still won't work..


"I was born here, yes, but I was raised and educated in Europe! I am as much of Earth as these two!.


Page 46 Chalker, Jack L - Vengeance of the Dancing Gods "Not quite, but, yes, I'll grant you that you would be a valuable addition; but, you see, it just isn't possible.


The wish Dacaro used against wizards blocks power, not skill. You are over the wizard threshold, my dear. You are too powerful. The wish prevents you, not I..


She looked at Joe, stricken, and Joe looked back with equal anguish. In more than five years they'd been an inseparable team. "Then I won't go, either," Joe said flatly.


The anger and frustration seemed to subside in Tiana.


"Yes you will, my love," she responded with a wistful sigh. "You must. Not only is this far bigger than just the two of us, but I think the Rules and your own nature command it. If you could go, and did not, it would eat at you forever. If none of them came back, you would not be able to live with yourself, wondering. I could not stand to see that happen to you. You will go..


Joe still looked uncertain. "We'll see," he muttered under his breath.


"There is a gray area here that must be addressed,.


Ruddygore told them. "The Rules apply here, and they 62 VENGEANCE OF THE DANCING GODS apply to all of us, but they do not apply to Earth. That means we won't need an unwieldy seven or more for our company, but it also means that Marge will remain a Kauri, bound by Kauri rules as well as her own nature, and the same for the others. This is also true, to a degree, for Dacaro and Boquillas, particularly when interacting with ones from here. I would not be too concerned about it, though. It certainly will not be Marge who takes on Dacaro in the end..


"Yeah, well, that's the point, isn't it?" Joe snapped. "I mean, you're gonna drop us over there cold, at which time we somehow have to find out where in a country three thousand miles wide and two hundred million strong they're hiding, then take on a super-powerful wizard with no wizard to match, all without being picked up and locked away in some looney bin by the cops. It's crazy!.


"Actually, it's more like two hundred and fifty million people," the wizard replied casually, "but I think we can narrow down the odds a bit. I am not without resources and an organization of my own there, although I will admit it's weaker in the United States than in Europe. You will have help, anyway, and money—as much as you need.


I admit, however, to not having a good plan on how to face down Dacaro. That is why I think you and Marge should take a preliminary trip down the River of Dancing Gods. I think we should have a consultation with the Oracle of Mylox, which will accomplish two purposes.


First, it will tell us if this deed is possible. That much of a straight answer we can expect, anyway. Beyond this, we might or might not learn more. Oracles are always Page 47 Chalker, Jack L - Vengeance of the Dancing Gods right but they aren't very dependable and are always obscure..


Joe looked at Tiana, then at Marge. "Oh, great. Just where is this Oracle, anyway? I never heard of him..


"Oh, he's quite famous, but, alas, a bit expensive and somewhat inconvenient to reach. He lives on a small tropical island about a hundred miles or so due south of the 63 JACK L. CHALKER river's mouth, and it's difficult to get to and often difficult to return from..


"If it's that bad, I could fly down alone," Marge offered.


"No," Ruddygore replied, "that won't do. For one thing, it's too far out for you to fly without a rest stop. The sea's rough from the bottom of the continent to there, and the only bit of rock is quite hostile. More compelling, however, is that the Oracle's predictions are only truly reliable when requested by a mortal, not one of fairy blood. Someone must go who is not of the fairy races and who is also going on the expedition. I think that pretty well singles out Joe as things stand now..


"There is more to it than that," Tiana noted. "You said there were two reasons, and I suspect I know the second.


Joe is bait..


Ruddygore nodded. "I'm afraid so. Whether one of those in this room last night is in league with Boquillas or whether it's someone of rank not on the Council is irrelevant. The Baron knew who would be sent against him from the moment he put this plan into operation. The fact that Macore was chosen to do the deed tells us that whoever we're dealing with on this side knows us rather well. There were spies on you, probably from the moment Macore freed Dacaro, Joe, and once they see you heading south, it will be no puzzle at all to them where you're going and why. Sooner or later they will make an attempt at you both, and then we'll either have our villain revealed or we will be able to trace the attackers. You must appear in every way to be alone, but they will not be the only ones keeping a sharp eye on you. When they strike, help will not be far..


"Then I will at least go with them to the Oracle!" Tiana proclaimed.


"No, my dear, you will not, even if you must be prevented by spell from doing so. I have been forced into an agreement with the Council that both of you shall not be put simultaneously at risk. Don't worry. Joe can take care 64 Page 48 Chalker, Jack L - Vengeance of the Dancing Gods VENGEANCE OF THE DANCING GODS JACK L. CHALKER 65 of himself, and you will be reunited before the Company leaves for Earth..

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