Vengeance (16 page)

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Authors: Zane

BOOK: Vengeance
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“Sorry I took so long, guys,” I said. “Told you to go get something to eat.”

Antonio chuckled. “I was about to go find a fast-food joint or something, for real. Anything but that diner.”

“Well, now we’re headed to that party, if it’s still going on.”

Kagiso had joined them by then. “Yes, it’s confirmed. Also, Nikki said she found a hot-ass spot for Wicket’s Thicket in Magic City.”

“Can’t wait to hear more about it.” I turned to Marcella. “Thanks again for everything.”

“You’re very welcome, Wicket. Have a nice time at the event.”

I could tell she was unnerved by the thought of me going someplace where people would be present that I couldn’t stand. What she didn’t realize is that I held all the cards and all the advantages. They all wanted something from me, and they didn’t even have a clue about who the fuck I really was!


In its purest form, an act of retribution provides symmetry, the rendering of payment for crimes against the innocent, but the danger of retaliation lies in furthering the cycle of violence. Still, it’s a risk that must be met when the greater offense is to allow the guilty to go unpunished.

—Emily Thorne

Chapter Twelve

e stopped back by the house so that I could redo my makeup before the party. I didn’t believe in having a makeup artist all up in my grill for anything outside of photo shoots or performances. Daddy had paid a ton for me to be naturally beautiful, so it wasn’t that serious. However, I realized that people would be taking photos of me all evening at Bianca’s event and, quite frankly, I wanted them all to be pressed to even get next to me. It was all a part of the plan for Wicket,
the Wicket
, to attend the event of an opportunist in Atlanta was a big fucking deal.

I also decided to change. All the emotions that broke out of me at Marcella’s had me thrown for a loop. I had intended to speak with her about Hannah. She was such an integral part of my life and it had to be addressed if I ever wanted to be helped. I hadn’t expected it to practically throw me into a mental break, though. I was being honest when I said that I believed that there was nothing I could’ve done to save Hannah. Her mind was made up and, if I were being honest, she was entitled to end her life if she saw fit to do so. I had watched several documentaries and news stories about “right to die” laws and controversies. No, Hannah was not battling terminal cancer or excruciating brain tumors but, to her, it was just as painful.

I remembered how I felt when I was disfigured. From the ages of seven to almost eighteen, I believed that I was subpar to others. I felt like no one would ever want me. After all, that was my mother’s intention when she slashed my face that day in the kitchen. She wanted to break the Tatum curse, but as I matured, I realized that the curse began and ended with my uncle Donald. He was the sick one, and I would never know why he was so sadistic. Maybe he was touched by someone, raped prior to being attacked in jail, as the rumors had it upon his death. Maybe it did go back for generations, but all that I ever knew about was him raping my mother and, according to her, also raping Grandma. What a crazy notion that he could have been both my father and my grandfather.

I needed a drink before that fucking party. I hit the buzzer on the intercom and instructed one of the housekeepers to bring me a bottle of 1990 Henri Jayer Vosne-Romanée. Nothing like a five-thousand-dollar bottle of wine to calm the nerves.

Once she brought it up in an ice bucket, I had her draw me a bath while she was there. I put on “Make Me Whole” by Amel Larrieux as I ditched the gold minidress and heels. I sunk down in the suds and closed my eyes, thinking about what my next moves would be with Bianca, Cherie, and their bitch-ass men. I really, really wanted to see them all die but knew that wasn’t right. Even though they deserved it, no one had made me their executioner. But I would most certainly make them pay, one way or another.

I heard someone stirring in my bedroom. “Who’s there?”

“It’s me,” Diederik responded. “Just came in to check on you, but I see you’re in the tub.” He could see me through the open doorway. “You still planning on attending that party? Maybe you should just chill. You seemed upset earlier.”

“No, I’m good. I still want to attend. You all have time to change if you want.”

“All right, if you’re sure.”

He was about to leave when I called out to him. “Can you wash my back before you go?”

“Sure.” He walked into the bathroom, already rolling up the sleeves of his white, button-down shirt. “My pleasure.”

Like Kagiso and Antonio, Diederik had seen me naked plenty of times. I didn’t feel like doing anything kinky right then, though.

“Thanks,” I said as he picked up a loofah and started gently scrubbing my back.

He worked in silence as “Never Make a Promise” by Dru Hill came on. I closed my eyes and listened to the lyrics. Once it ended, Diederik said, “That good?”

“Perfect, thanks.”

He got up from the side of the tub and was about to leave when he paused in the doorway. “Can I ask you something?”

“Sure. What?”

“What’s going on? Why are we really here in Atlanta?”

“Change of pace. We won’t be here forever. What? You and the other guys don’t like it?”

“Where you roll, we roll. You know that. It’s just that you seem different: like this place is doing something to you.”

“That’s silly. I’ve never even been to Atlanta until we came here,” I lied. “If you’re referring to me seeing Dr. Spencer, that has nothing to do with this city, or the people in it. I’m trying to work through my issues that have been around for a very long time.”

“You’ve been through hell,” he admitted. “We all know that.”

You don’t know the half of it
, I thought.

“I want you to know that if you ever need us to do anything . . .
, if you get my drift, all you have to do is ask.”

Diederik was talking about killing someone for me!

“No one will ever suspect a thing. We’re very good at what we do.”

I sat up further in the tub. “We need to end this conversation right here. I get your drift and I don’t want to know about whatever any of you did before you started working for me. You dig?”

He gazed at me with his ice-green eyes. “I feel you. But remember that we have your back at all times. Nothing’s going to ever happen to you on our watch, especially mine.”

“Thank you. I love and appreciate you for that.”

“I’ll go tell Antonio and Kagiso to be ready to leave in about forty-five minutes. That cool?”


When he walked out, I realized that I needed to “find my center.” I wasn’t pulling things off as smoothly as I planned. I needed to calm down and not be so obvious about my animosity toward Bianca and Cherie. Of course, all of that flew out the window the second I laid eyes on them.

Four forty-four Highland was a nice spot. It was a mixed-use space with a theater and entertainment venue downstairs, and some offices and apartments upstairs. The theater held a couple of hundred people tops. There was not any parking, but of course I was driven there, so it didn’t matter. As always, when KAD emerged from the SUV first, all the women started drooling. No doubt that I had the hottest security team on Planet Earth. Their days off varied, so I am sure they were collecting phone numbers—and pussy—by the pound. Tonight would be no exception. The chicks were thirsty and not even trying to pretend otherwise.

My entrance caused an uproar, as it should have. Being there was out of my element. Bianca rushed forward to greet me and then escorted me over to the step and repeat so people could snap flashes all up in my face. I was perfect, as always, in a Hermès white floor-length gown with my boobies halfway on display. My hair was up in a bun, and I was wearing a couple of million dollars’ worth of diamonds.

“I’m so glad you made it,” Bianca exclaimed. “Everyone is dying to meet you.”

“I’m sure,” I said sarcastically. “I decided to grace you all with my presence, but if too many people get up into my personal space, I’m leaving.”

KAD was not about to let that happen, but I was spitting shit anyway. As soon as I saw her face, I wanted to knock all her teeth out—
fake bitch!

Bianca looked ashamed because a few people had overheard my comment.

“So what exactly is this little shindig all about?” I eyed this one chick who was clearly jealous of me. She may have been an aspiring singer or video vixen who wasn’t getting any play. People always want to blame someone else for their failures. I’ve never kept a single fucking person from achieving their dreams by going after mine. “Are these supposed to be the who’s who of Atlanta? I don’t recognize a soul.”

Bianca had to bite her tongue and then she said, “Yes, at least a dozen or so reality show stars are here. This is just a reception to thank my current clients, and I have a display of some of the interior designs I have created right down those steps.” She pointed to a crowded area down a few stairs and I could make out photographs on easels. “In about thirty minutes, Cherie will be putting on a fashion show with some of her designs in the theater.”

I glared at her and grinned. “In other words, you and your road dawg are peddling your shit. I ain’t mad at you.”

That “peddling” implication always got to her. I made a mental note to use it as much as possible.

“As for the reality show stars, I don’t watch train wrecks. What’s so appealing about watching thirsty-ass broads argue and scrap over community dick?”

“That’s not what reality shows are about!” Bianca exclaimed. “If you don’t watch them, how would you know?”

“Did you just break bad with me?” I stared her up and down. She wanted to curse me out but knew better. I would be her biggest accomplishment in her entire pathetic life if I hired her. “That’s what I thought.”

Kagiso was shaking his head, and Diederik looked concerned. They were both probably wondering what my purpose was in even going. I was such a private person. Networking and “being seen” were never on my radar. I was a household name and a household face already.

I smirked at them as I pushed Bianca out of my way, practically knocking her to the floor. “No more pictures. This is beneath me.”

“Well, we have a . . . a seat for you on the front row for the fashion show,” Bianca said, catching her breath.

“I’m not sitting on no damn front row so you all can pretend like I’m a groupie for her shit.” I stopped walking and turned to face her. “Besides, I won’t be here for thirty minutes. You need to be appreciative of the fact that I came at all.”

I wasn’t watching where I was going as I started walking backward. I bumped right into Jonovan. He was standing beside Antonio—
and some chick

Antonio pointed at Jonovan. “He’s the one who came to interview that day at the house. He saw me outside and asked if you were here.”

“Mr. Davis,” I said, taking in all his fineness. “Nice to see you again.”

He frowned. “I thought we were on a first-name basis, but good evening, Miss Wicket.”

Jonovan had on a black tailored suit with a russet tie, and his date had on a dress that matched his tie. She was light-skinned with a weave on fleek and had a pretty smile. She still couldn’t hold a candle to me, though.

“Is this your little friend?” I nodded toward the woman. “You two look adorable together.”

“I’m Marilyn.” She reached out a manicured hand to shake mine. I barely touched hers but made a slight gesture of a handshake. “It’s such a pleasure to meet you. I’m a huge fan.”

I wanted to say,
Of course you are, bitch,
but instead I replied, “Thank you. I appreciate it.”

She eyed Jonovan, who had all eyes on me. “Baby, I’m going to find the ladies’ room. I’ll be right back.”

“Okay,” he said, still looking at me.

“Why are you staring at me?” I asked, after Little Miss Marilyn had scattered away to take a piss. “You didn’t even look at your woman when she walked away. Just a word of advice: most females are offended by that kind of thing.”

“I’m sorry.” He broke his stare and looked in the direction where she had headed. “It’s just that . . . that . . .”

“That what?”

“There’s something about you that seems so familiar.”

My knees almost gave out.

“It feels like we’ve known each other for a lifetime. I felt that when I left your house that day, too.”

“Some people say that I’ve never met a stranger,” I lied. “I have that kind of personality but only with certain people.”

He started staring at me again, gazing in my eyes. “You remind me of someone I used to go to school with . . . here in Atlanta.”

Oh no! He recognizes me! How?

“Well, that would be an amazing feat, since I grew up in New York and was homeschooled my entire life.”

“I realize it’s silly. It’s just that I often wonder what happened to her.”

The logical thing would have been for me to ask questions about her, but that was not going to happen. He was talking about Caprice Tatum, and that was not a conversation that I wanted to have—ever.

“It must’ve been cool to actually have classmates and a lot of friends,” I commented.

Then it dawned on me why he was even there. We had all gone to school together and he was still connecting with the rest of them. But why, if he knew what they did to me?

“What brings you to this event?” I asked. “Covering it for

“Pretty much. There are a couple of local singers here tonight, and one of them invited me. I actually know the hostess. We went to high school together, ironically.” He paused. “We don’t really speak like that, though.”

“You mean Bianca Lee?”

“Yeah, Bianca.”

I saw his eyes become dark and realized that he wasn’t feeling her after all. It was just business for him.

“She’s sweating me about decorating my house, so I stopped by. I’m not sure that I’m vibing well enough with her to utilize her services.”

“You may want to look elsewhere,” he said. “There are a lot of designers here in town.”

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