Vein of Love (Blackest Gold Book 1) (16 page)

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Tensley’s expression transformed to one of concern. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

Her heart squeezed tightly at his sincere, calm voice and the softness in his eyes. She could only hold his tender gaze for so long before she had to glance around the opulent hotel bedroom. “And your grandparents? Are they still alive?”  

Tensley swirled his drink. “Most of them are still alive—they don’t live around here though. My mother’s parents are in England and my father’s mother is in Italy.”

“Wow,” she said, her eyes widening. “Do you see them often?”

“Every year or so,” he answered before taking a large gulp of the drink.

“And do you have siblings?”

He huffed out a harsh laugh. “Four of them.”

She giggled. “I always wished I had siblings, someone to hang out with.”

He tsked. “Our relationship wasn’t like that.”

She shifted on her knees and took a bite of the crust. “Because of the way your society is?”

His eyes narrowed. “Exactly. When affection is the least tolerable emotion in someone’s society, you don’t really focus on making

She frowned deeply. “So your family didn’t show any kind of affection? A hug, even?”

Tensley snorted. “I was lucky to get a pat on the back. Some families give mild affection until puberty—that’s when our hearts become at risk of developing. My father was one who believed that simple affections were too much for a demon at any age.”

How could a parent do that?
She stared at him, wondering if his rigid attitude was something grown over time due to lack of love and affection.

“Harsh,” she muttered.

His mouth twisted ruefully and he glared at the floor. “Necessary.”

What else was real? Did he need to eat food? What were facts and false information told to her by movies and books? “So demons…”

His forehead wrinkled after she dragged out her words. “Demons…”

“Are you immortal?”

He snorted. “No, I’m not. But for some of the highest demons, yes, they are gifted to drink from the cup of ambrosia, which makes them immortal. I was conceived just like you—along with the rest of my kind.”

Okay, so I was somewhat wrong about that…

She shifted on her knees. “And do you sleep?”

He glared. “What’s with all the questions?”

“I just want to know more…” She shrugged and looked down at her nude painted toes, nervous under his cool stare.

He sighed loudly, shaking his head. “We sleep, we eat—everything humans do, but we’re superior in strength and mind. For my kind of demon, our most important need is intimacy.”

Oh shit that is.
She lowered her lashes, fidgeting with her hands at the mention of intimacy. “So intimacy gives you energy?”

He nodded and thumbed his bottom lip. “When incubi engage in intimacy, we absorb the other’s energy. We can heal through someone else’s energy, too.”

“Incubi get energy from intimacy then—that’s your main, uh, source?” She cringed at herself.
Real smooth.

Again, he nodded.

She twisted her hair tight around her finger. So he could gain energy from her if they were intimate…

She watched him examine his drink as if it was the most interesting thing in the room and slowly, his eyes aligned with hers underneath his dark, long lashes.

The look punched the air out of her and she turned away. “I’m—I’m going to go have a shower, okay?” She didn’t wait, rushing to the bathroom and closing the door behind her. Once she turned on the shower, she let out a huge sigh. “Get a grip, Molly.”

She gathered her hair into a ponytail, slipped off her clothes, and stepped into the large shower. The water was warm on her chilly skin, cascading over her bruised body.
Freya really went for it.
After a good fifteen minutes of soaking in the warmth, she heard faint voices—two voices: Tensley’s and another deep one. She kept the water on but dried off, then wiggled into her clothes and cracked the door open an inch.

Tensley stood with his back to her, while the new man stood off to the side.

“You can’t prance around like a spoiled ass. You’re lucky it was Abaddon; he’s too dimwitted to think fast. The problem is him telling Fallen. He’ll come; he’ll want to see it for himself. Just keep her out of sight,” the man said, his voice undeniably calloused. Cruel. “Have you given her the ring yet?”

Tensley stood higher, hands at his sides and head high. “Yes, I have, Father.” 

Molly adjusted her angle so she could view Mr. Knight. His skin was tan, a bronze shade, and his eyes were sharp. He’d hurt her dad. She gritted her teeth.

“Have you marked her yet?”

Tensley was silent.

Molly knitted her brow.
What? Mark me?

Answer me.

“No,” Tensley spat out, his hands curling into fists. “No, I haven’t.”

“But you gave her the ring? You must be fucking senseless, boy. No wonder Abaddon found her. All the demons can sense her existence now. Powerful demons will grab her!” Mr. Knight kicked at a chair, knocking it over.

Tensley stood his ground. “I know, Father.”

“Do any other demons know of her yet?”

“No.” His voice held a firmness that left no room for doubt. “No other demons have seen her yet.”

Mr. Knight adjusted his designer jacket. “Good.” He watched his son, mouth a straight line and nostrils flared. “But you must mark her

“She’s not interested.”

Mr. Knight gripped Tensley’s shoulders so hard she saw him wince. “It doesn’t matter what her interests are. Mark her. Grow to care for her. Convince her. Convince
” He released Tensley and checked his reflection in the mirror next to the TV. “Have sex with her soon, or some other incubus will. Perhaps Abaddon.”

She held her breath.

Say no. Say no, Tensley!

Tensley didn’t move, his hands still clenched. “I’ll do it.








and stared at the closed door.

He agreed.

He agreed to

I’m a pawn in his game.

She needed to leave,
immediately—to go where, she didn’t know, but she couldn’t stay there with him. The heavy weight of betrayal caused her to stagger and grip the sink.

Her fingers pried open drawers, searching for a weapon.
Damn it! I am
writing an awful review for this place.
In the furthest corner drawer, under a slim box of tissues, was a small pair of scissors. Molly tested their edges with a fingertip, and tensed.


Steam fogged the mirrors and settled over her as Molly reached for them. She breathed out shakily at the sound of the hotel room door shutting.
I need to make a run for it.

She shook the anxiety off, opened the bathroom door, and scanned the room for her bag. She didn’t see it.

Footsteps echoed in the hallway and Molly hid the scissors behind her back. Tensley opened the front door, halting at her stance. He narrowed his eyes and gently shut it.

“What are you doing?” His dark, classic suit was smoothed, ironed to perfection, and if someone had told her he was a demon, she would have laughed. He looked far too good in a suit.

“Uh, I was just waiting for you,” she stammered.

He cocked a brow. “Waiting for me?”

She hummed an answer, too nervous to speak. “Are you, uh, heading out?” She eyed his three-piece suit.

His relaxed posture turned to steel. “A work matter.” Grey eyes scanned her damp hair and she drew in a deep breath at the incredible heat swarming her chest.
Stop it.
“I don’t have to go right away. The people there”—he visibly swallowed—“aren’t as entertaining as you.”

Her heart soared and quickly plummeted.
Do not allow him to suck you in—ugh, don’t use the word ‘suck’.
The edge of the scissors’ blade dug into her palm.

With a smile, Tensley stepped closer until he was towering over her petite figure. He eyed her with curiosity. “What are you hiding?”

Molly’s heart thudded, her grip loosening on the scissors from perspiration.

A corner of his lips quirked. “What are you hiding behind your back, Ms. Darling?” He reached a hand out to grasp her wrist.

She panicked and without thinking, sliced through his shirt.

Molly let out a gasp and Tensley’s playful eyes grew dark as he looked down to examine the white dress shirt, already dotting with blood. She dropped the scissors.

“Why the hell did you do that?” He glared and placed a large hand over his wound.

“I––I—” Tensley’s other hand gripped her arm hard, and she winced. She shrieked, flailing against him when his entire frame pinned her to the wall. “Don’t—don’t touch me! Stop!”

His gripped tightened. “Calm down!”

She shoved him hard enough he stumbled back. “Please don’t––please don’t––”

Tensley snarled and hit his fist on the wall. “Please don’t

“Please don’t force yourself on me!”

Tensley’s expression went painfully blank. If anything, it was the first time she’d seen him look so shocked, even more so than the day she’d slapped him. “Who said I was going to force you?”

“I heard what your father said,” she whispered between heavy breaths against his heaving chest. “You agreed to it.”

Tensley hissed and closed his eyes, running a hand over his face. “I wasn’t going to force you. I’m not going to force myself on you.

“What?” She gawked at him, examining his closed eyes, the way he massaged his temples with a free hand. His eyes opened, an ember now burning inside them, but she didn’t look away from their intense heat.

“I’m not going to force you into sex,” he clarified, his eyes softened but his voice still harsh.

“You aren’t?”

He let go and pulled at his hair. “Contrary to your assumptions, I only have and want sex with people who want to have sex with
.” He groaned. “You think I want this? Do you think you’re the only one trapped in this arrangement?”

Molly stiffened. “What?” She hadn’t thought about him—she hadn’t thought this was anything but good for him.

“You don’t think I had a life before this?” he snapped.

“I—I just didn’t realize.” She hugged her middle. 

“Of course you didn’t,” he retorted.

Tensley took off his navy jacket and white shirt, exposing the parts of his torso that were faintly inked with words; Molly assumed they were Italian, since she couldn’t understand them. Her eyes darted to his midsection, where she’d sliced him. The wound was shallow, but blood continued to seep out and down his chiseled abdomen.

“You need to clean it.” Molly stepped forward.

.” Anger rang in his voice. She froze, letting her hand drop. Tensley walked over to the mini fridge and pulled out a small bottle of alcohol. He growled quietly in his throat as he poured some on the exposed wound. “Why the hell did you do this?”

Molly glanced at him, blood thumping in her head. “I was protecting myself! If I don’t hurt you first, you’ll hurt me.”

you?” Tensley barked, jaw squared and veins bulging in his neck. “Humans are just as dark as us demons. They murder, they steal, they lie. They’re evil, wouldn’t you agree? All those kids who bullied you.” A throaty laugh escaped him. “Why should
ever trust
” He pressed a hand against the wound, leaning against the wall.

Molly gulped down fear. His silence was killing her now.

“You threatened me,” she said with venom. Tensley’s nostrils flared. “You took my life away.” The cool sensation burned her eyes, and she looked at him through her lashes. “How can I ever trust

His body visibly tensed at her naked eyes. He swallowed thickly and aimed his gaze to the side. “Never trust a demon, Molly. Number one rule.” He sounded just like his father had—calloused and cruel. She’d had enough.

“I want to leave now,” Molly blurted out, rage burning all the wetness from her eyes.

“You can’t,” he responded quickly, raising a hand to halt any sudden movement. She froze at his firm tone. “Not tonight. There are twenty powerful demons downstairs waiting for me in the lobby, and if they see you, if they get a hold of you, Molly—it won’t be pretty.”

He sighed deeply as her powerful stance weakened at the potential threat downstairs. She couldn’t control her powers, and she couldn’t depend on her eyes to stop every single one of them. 

“You know you’re abusing me,” she stated bluntly.

“I wasn’t doing it on purpose.” His voice was low, and for once, he didn’t shy away from her gaze, instead studying her irises. “It’s just my nature.”

She choked on a lump––perhaps her heart in her throat—and batted her lashes to push back tears. “So I’m just a pawn in your game?” she said, feeling an overwhelming warmth radiating off his skin. He was so close, and she imagined touching his skin, reaching down…

“No,” he argued, gently shaking his head. He was fighting with himself; she could see it clearly on his exposed features.

Had he been dealing with an ongoing inner battle the whole time? Like her?

His expression was so raw, so bare. He wasn’t wearing a mask, and she let hers fall too—to show him she was vulnerable, that she could be kind and open and sweet. “It’s my nature to be…cruel…cold-hearted. In our culture, displays of affection are indecent; we’re raised to be independent from that. Any affection is a sign of weakness, in us and our family. I can’t—I wasn’t raised to be like
…” He paused. “I’m incapable of it…”

The mask returned, but it was broken, disingenuous. Molly gnawed at her bottom lip, afraid to make a sound in case it would cause the real Tensley to vanish once more. “Oh.” Her eyes left his and wandered across his naked torso, toward the tender looking cut.

She swallowed and looked up at him again, gesturing to the wound. “Can I help you heal it?”

I’m not quite sure how this power exchange works…

He visibly tensed and his gaze faltered, staring at her hand where it was inching closer to his stomach.

She waited for a sign, a nod of acquiescence, but he simply stared back at her. A strange, obsessive need fogged her mind, and she couldn’t stop herself from running her fingers along his skin—

He jerked back, jabbing a shaking hand through his hair. The fog cleared and she stared at her fingers still in midair.

“You don’t want me.”

Her brow creased at his low voice, merely a mutter of words strung together. She watched his chest heave, the cut rolling over his stomach and moved her way up to his contorted features.

“Tensley,” she breathed and the way his entire body tensed at her voice sent shivers through her. “I just want to help.”

He didn’t budge nor did he refuse as she stepped closer again.

Carefully, her hand slid above the cut. His warm stomach muscles rippled from her touch. She looked up to find his brow knitted, a crease visible between them. His heated, dark eyes scorched her skin. The same heat gathered between her legs. Drawing in a shaky, quick breath, she tried to hide her sudden restlessness under his scrutiny.

“Is—is it working?” She nervously wet her lips. When all she could hear was his heavy breathing, she went to move her hand but he pulled her closer.

Her eyes aligned with his and all the air trapped in her lungs rushed out. That was all it took. One look, one gasp, and he yanked her into him, the strength of his arms securing her in place. She had no escape—and she couldn’t have been more pleased. His bee-stung lips devoured her throat, nipping their way to her collarbone.

Desperately, her frantic hands ran across his hard, flexing back muscles.
Oh God, yes!
She must have cried out because he growled in response and secured the back of her thighs as he lifted her. She squealed at the sudden loss of ground, but it didn’t last long. He sat down on the edge of the bed, his hands running up her bare legs and shoving her shorts out of the way.

Molly.” He breathed against her outstretched neck. She kissed his jawline, her thumb pressing firmly on each spot before she sucked. A heat scorched her stomach. His hard length poked into her inner thigh, demanding her attention. She rocked her hips against him, their cores meeting and thrusting against one another in a brutal rhythm, earning a satisfying moan from those full lips.

Am I doing it right? God, what if I’m awful?

Tensley noted her faltering, her hands shaking against his body, and smoothed his finger along her shoulder blade to the angel curls on her hairline. “You’re fine; it’s just you and me.”

She hadn’t expected that or how soft and serene his tone was. So soothing, so gentle, she trusted him holding her. She stared into his eyes and slowly leaned forward, never breaking eye contact.

He twisted his hands into her hair and smothered hot, open-mouthed kisses between her breasts. His fingers dug into her thighs when she bit into his neck, and she enjoyed the growl that grew in his throat. The scent of his skin was overwhelming—comforting, familiar, and masculine.

His hands grasped her hips, controlling the rhythm of her thrusts with his.

“Tensley,” she gasped against his hot flesh.

“How far have you gone with a man, Molly?”

She glanced into his heated eyes, slowly releasing her bottom lip from the death grip her teeth had dug into them. “Making out, second base—I was too scared I’d hurt them.”

His hands dug into her hipbones, bringing her completely flush against him. “You don’t have to worry about hurting me; you can’t break me.”

With her moan, he flipped her onto her back and lay between her legs, trapping her with his body. His hand found her crotch and felt her eagerness. She gasped loudly as he stroked his two fingers along the shorts separating him from her sensitive folds. “So wet,

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