Vegenrage: The Magic User (7 page)

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Oh, this is very interesting
. Inglelapse leaves his chambers, carrying the letter. A long, slender stairway leads down from his room to the floor of a large hall. “Belron! Belron!” Inglelapse yells as he descends down the stairs.

Belron enters from another door. “What is it, Inglelapse?”

“A letter for Mournbow, it’s from Xanorax.”

“Give it here!” Belron takes the letter and delivers it to Mournbow. Belron knocks on the door to Mournbow’s chambers, and Mournbow opens the door.

“A message for you from Xanorax.”

“Thank you, Belron.” Mournbow takes the message and reads it. “Belron, bring Corksez to me in the meeting hall.”

“Yes, Mournbow.”



“Bring Jetter and Suther as well.”

“Yes, Mournbow.”

Mournbow is sitting at the head seat at the large table in the meeting hall, otherwise known as the trophy room. Corksez, Jetter, and Suther enter the room and take seats closest to Mournbow.

“Gentlemen, I have summoned you here because we have an intruder on our borders. I have received a letter from Xanorax, and this is how it reads: ‘Mournbow, I have detected a very powerful magical presence growing in the Bore Bog. This magic is so overwhelming and so new it can only be a threat to existing homelands. A power this great can only be created for one purpose, and that purpose has to be to dominate and control all subjects in its path. I do not know what form this presence truly is, but it is my belief it is a human male. Send scouts to the Bore Bog to investigate this power. It should be easy to find. Do not engage or make contact, just investigate and see what we are dealing with. I am planning and preparing to travel, defend or attack. Our day of truth is coming. The power that has put us all here has returned, and we have questions to be answered. When you learn more, send Maxflap back to me with your assessment. Xanorax.’”

Mournbow looks up at the men. “This is why you are here. As usual I have no idea what Xanorax is talking about, so this is what we are going to do. Jetter, I want you to take two men and ride to the north of Bore Bog. Suther, you take two men to the south, and, Corksez, take two men and head straight for the bog.”

Inglelapse enters the room, and he has three leather bags tied at the top by leather lace. “Here is the poison you requested, Mournbow,” he says and hands him the bags.

“Inglelapse, have you prepared the stamina water for the Graybazelles?”

“Working on it now, Mournbow. It will be ready shortly.”

“Good, get it ready and meet us in the courtyard.”

“Yes, Mournbow.” Inglelapse leaves the room.

“Inglelapse has prepared Andalonian poison for you. Each of you, take two of your most trusted men with you. This poison is for you and your men in case you run into any trouble. Take no chances. Your arrows with this poison will stop anything. Collect your men and meet Inglelapse in the courtyard. He will have stamina water for your animals, making the trip very fast. Men, we don’t know what this is, so be on your guard. Just collect information and get back here safely. That will be all.”

The three captains get up and head to get their men. The nine men meet in the courtyard, leading their Graybazelles, and Inglelapse gives each man a double pouch of stamina water, each pouch tied shut by a leather rope, and the men sling the pouches over the Graybazelles. This water allows the Graybazelles to travel much faster for greater distances with no adverse effects. The men walk their awesome steeds to the castle gate, which opens, and they mount up and head down the mountain on their journey to the Bore Bog.

Xanorax senses the return of Maxflap and waits on his balcony overlooking Pinegrow Forest. His little messenger comes into view, and Xanorax happily extends his left arm for Maxflap to land on. Maxflap is so ugly but endearing and cute for a monster. He really grows on you. He makes these cute little monster noises that are all his own. He looks at Xanorax, making his cute little noises, just begging for attention, like he just wants to be patted on the head and played with.

“Did you have a good trip, little buddy?”

Maxflap pants and smiles wide, looking at Xanorax while he talks. Xanorax pets him a little and retrieves the message attached to his feet. He then puts Maxflap in his cage and covers the cage with a blanket, sending Maxflap back to his hardened state. Xanorax takes the parchment from the tube and flattens it flush on his podium, and it expands to letter size. He reads the message and looks up, very serious. Xanorax dresses himself with a loose-fitting long-sleeved blue shirt. He puts on a belt with a midsized dagger attached to his left side. He heads out of his room, down the stairs to the large summoning pool, and looks into the crystal-clear water. He unsheathes his dagger and slices his hand, dripping blood into the pool of water.

“I summon you, Groglegoya, Smogle, Drumbolt, and Simtap.”

The fours statues of the demons in each corner of the room start to move and come to life. Xanorax looks around as the very scary figures come to life. True to their statues, they are ten feet tall and most intimidating.

“Why have you summoned us, Xanorax?” says Simtap.

“I have a most delicate situation, and I need your assistance. In exchange for your services, you will be given three days free rein to fulfill your urges.”

“What does the master face that is so threatening that he needs the services of all four of us?”

“A pure magic user has arrived here in Wherlerria, a most powerful man with exceptional skill. I need to harness this magic and its secrets. I need him alive to gain the knowledge of this pure magic. When I have the secrets of this individual and his life force for my own, you will have free rein to kill,” he says, looking at Groglegoya. “To consume,” he says, looking at Smogle, “to absorb,” he says, looking at Drumbolt, “and to slay,” he says, looking at Simtap.

Groglegoya smiles. “Three days to scoop up and kill hundreds and hundreds—sounds fun.”

Drumbolt speaks up, “One man, you need help from us with only one man to face. I love to stalk and kill, but to capture is dangerous. We can be slain in this form, and to hold back and not kill is dangerous, especially to one gifted in magic.”

“Are you afraid, Drumbolt?”

“Lead me to this magic user so I can capture him for you. I don’t have to kill him, but I can put him down for you.”

“Smogle, you cannot consume him. He is for me. That is why you have three days to consume thousands—much more satisfying than even one great magic user. I want your word. You will not kill him. Just incapacitate him for me, and the land is yours for three days. I want all your vows.”

“I vow to capture him for you,” all the demons say in unison.

“Let’s not waste time. I want my three days,” says Groglegoya.

“He is in Shaspar. You will feel he is very powerful. Groglegoya, I will ride on your back. I will face him at first, and if needed, assist me. Protect me if need be, and if need be, contain him for me. If I handle him on my own, you are free to explore your desires. Let’s go to Shaspar. I know exactly where he is going.”

Xanorax and the demons head up the stairs through his room and out the balcony. Xanorax gets on the back of Groglegoya and puts his arms around his neck. His body actually fits nicely between the wings, and Groglegoya jumps off, taking to the wing. Smogle turns to vapor and floats quickly, effortlessly, through the air. Drumbolt turns to vines which whip to the nearest tree and kind of leapfrogs from tree to tree very quickly but will be much slower than the demons in the air. Simtap, however, has no means to travel like the other demons. He jumps to the ground and grows his right arm, forming a fifteen-foot Lavtonium blade, which he uses to slice the ground with. The ground opens up all the way to hell, and the howls and barks of a hellhound are heard as a hellhound races up to its master. Up rises an eight-foot-tall massively muscular dog with a thick, pudgy face with a wide short jaw full of massive canine teeth. It is hairless, dripping blood, and very scary looking.

“Trimidador, ready for some mayhem.” Simtap hops on its back, and they race toward Shaspar.

Robert Becomes Vegenrage

Robert appears in a large grass courtyard. This is the courtyard that Mournbow was visioning in his memory of Blethstole killing all the archers. Robert remembers the vision and how the stone walls were all intact and well kept. The grass was neat and well trimmed, but now the stone walls are all falling apart. The grass is overgrown, and young trees are growing all about. He looks all around, and there are no signs of life outside of the birds and squirrels and noises of insects. He notices the castle, which is in ruin, destroyed by the body of Blethstole as he flew by and slammed into it.

He decides to do a little investigating and finds a large hole in the castle wall and enters into a large room, which is the entrance hall. He can tell that life here ended quickly. All the furnishings are still here, including chairs, paintings on the walls, and a guest sign in manifest which is still intact, sitting on a beautiful wooden podium. Looking through the manifest, he finds it unfamiliar, with unknown names and dates, but he makes a mental note of them.

He looks around to see the vegetation taking hold and making homes in all the holes in the walls and growing where it can along the floor. He heads up a long stairway and down a long hallway with many doors, looking in to see the bedrooms of most likely the king and his family. Finding a master bedroom, he believes this to be the bedroom of the king. He notices a painting on the wall of the king and his family, a very beautiful painting still in great shape. The king sits on his throne with wife and three children, two boys and one girl. They look very happy and well adjusted.

He looks through the dresser, which has a very large body-size mirror to the left of it. There are very nice clothes here, which he touches and closes his eyes. He can see the king in happy times, hugging his children and chasing them around. The king hugs his wife and kisses her. This is a happy family, and he can see visions of the king mingling and talking with the people of Shaspar, and all is good and peaceful. He walks into the master bath and grasps a brush sitting on the vanity. He sees a vision of the king’s beautiful wife sitting in front of the mirror by the dresser, brushing her beautiful long brown hair in her evening wear, then he walks into the bedroom and rubs his chin, inquisitively looking around.

“There has to be something that can help me here,” he said, talking out loud. There is a large painting of the king sitting on his throne, which he approaches and gently lays his hands upon, closing his eyes and concentrating. He sees the king sitting on his throne with a thick golden scepter in his right hand. People are scurrying around in a panic. The king calls to Jocklyn, his personal scribe.

“Yes, King Shane.”

“Please take these items to the safe and lock them up. Seal the vault so they won’t be found.”

“Yes, right away.”

Robert can see the path the faithful servant takes and watches as Jocklyn maneuvers a torch on the wall then a bracket and steps on a brick in the floor, which causes a mechanism to slide open a portion of the wall, exposing a secret room where valuables are stored. Robert pulls his hands away from the picture. He looks up at King Shane in the painting.
Thank you, King Shane. Time for a little justice.

He finds his way to the throne room and follows the path that Jocklyn took to the safe room. He adjusts the torch and the bracket and steps on the brick, and sure enough, the secret door opens. He enters the midsized room, and the most valuable treasures are here. Unfortunately, all the magical items and most powerful weapons were used in the battle against Blethstole and have been destroyed or stolen long ago. The scepter the king gave to Jocklyn is here, and Robert grabs ahold of it. He sees it being created by great craftsmen as the Shaspar castle was being built. He sees it being presented to the first king of Shaspar, and he sees it being passed on for many generations into the hands of King Shane. He sets it back against the wall where it was.
This belongs right here.
He looks around and finds important documents telling the history of Shaspar and its rise as a peaceful, prosperous kingdom that was destroyed by Blethstole. There are valuable golden objects with the richest jewels of the kingdom here, which are of little interest to Robert.
Shoot. Not what I am looking for

He leaves the room and seals it. A little frustrated, he walks up through the castle to the opening that he entered and exits. He then levitates to the highest part of the castle where he can gaze upon the surroundings.

“Oh, where are you, Xanorax?” he says, looking around the land, standing on the highest safe place of the castle. He can see very far off in the distance the mountain peak of Mirrimya, which extends up into the clouds.

Xanorax is riding on the back of Groglegoya high above the trees.

“There is Shaspar, and I know he is there.”

“,Yes I can already feel this is a powerful one.”

“Use care not to kill him, Groglegoya.”

Groglegoya swoops down between the trees and reaches behind his back with his right arm, grabs Xanorax with his massive talons, and drops him to the ground less than nicely.

Xanorax hits the ground and tumbles to a stop, getting up as Groglegoya flaps his massive wings hovering some eight feet off the ground.

“Meet me and I will have this one pinned to the ground, so you be ready to do what you have to do. If he gives me trouble, I may have to kill him, so be ready.”

“Groglegoya, do not kill him,” Xanorax yells as Groglegoya takes after his quarry. Xanorax runs through the woods toward Shaspar.

Robert looks up to see a large shape flying through the air toward him. He stands up and squints, looking at the shape coming fast.
. Robert turns invisible and floats to the ground. The demon flies right at Robert, not at all discouraged that he has turned invisible. Groglegoya, with decisive speed, attacks Robert, swooping down and swinging his right arm and talons to grab him. Robert dodges to his left and avoids being grasped by the lethal talons, but the longest middle talon strikes his rib cage just below his left breast on his side, creating a deep, painful gash, slicing his flesh and chipping his ribs. His invisibility recedes as he falls to the ground, looking at the frightening wound left on him.

Looking up, he sees Groglegoya circle in the air and make another aerial assault. Groglegoya dives right at him, going to pin him to the ground. Robert points his hands at the demon, and from his eight fingertips shoot one, two, three rounds of magic missiles, which make their mark, impacting with Groglegoya as he attacks. All twenty-four missiles hit dead center of Groglegoya’s chest, exploding on impact and sending him uncontrollably flying through the air. The first wave of eight missiles explodes, sending flesh and blood falling to ground. The second wave of eight cracks and splinters his bones, sending more blood and flesh to the ground, and the third wave of missiles penetrates his rib cage, exploding and severing all the soft internal organs of Groglegoya. His innards are blown away from his chest cavity, which is only held together by his spine, and all his life-giving organs fall broken and shattered to different parts of the ground. The body of Groglegoya falls and disintegrates.

Robert looks at his wound and holds his left hand over the wound. It begins to heal, closing up and mending itself. He stands up and looks around. While looking intently at the surroundings, he waves his left hand over his ripped shirt, and it also mends itself.

Xanorax, who is running through the woods, is just about to the clearing of Shaspar, when his left leg bends outward at his knee, making an
when you look at him from the front. He falls to his right side in great pain, screaming and looking at his leg, which is bent and broken, causing extreme pain to him. “No!” he yells in agony. Xanorax is lifted from the ground and floats through the trees to the clearing and is rested on the ground in front of Robert.

“I heard your scream, and I must say that leg looks very painful. I seek you because I need the Staff of Barrier Breath. You can allow me to have this staff and I will return it to you, or I can take it from you.”

“You did not seek me just to borrow a mildly powerful staff?”

“Well, yes, I did.”

“You are a pupil of Logantrance, and you are here to kill me.”

“I am no student, and I am not here to kill you. However, that depends on you.” Robert looks up as his senses warn him of danger. He points his hands at Xanorax and shackles him magically to the earth, as if thick steel bars have shackled him to the ground. Robert takes a few steps back as a black mist approaches.

“What are you going to do now, Magic User? Death approaches for you.”

Robert waves his hand, and Xanorax’s eyes flutter, but he does not fall asleep. Robert waves his hands again, and Xanorax falls asleep. He flies into the sky, followed by the black mist. Robert flies fast and high and turns to hover and face the mist, which has thickened and blackened as it pursues him. He extends his arms to his sides and blows as he brings his hands forward toward the approaching mist. He sends an extremely frigid air, freezing the mist instantly upon contact, and it falls a solid block of ice. Before it makes contact with the ground, Robert catches it with his magic; and like a ball at the end of a rope, he swings his right arm up over his shoulder and down to his feet. And with incredible force, the frozen mist is slingshot in a circle high into the air and slams down to Wherlerria, shattering into thousands of pieces. The pieces disintegrate, and the right arm of Xanorax breaks at the elbow in a similar fashion as did his left leg. This shock to Xanorax awakens him, and he cries in pain. Robert floats down to Wherlerria and looks at the disfigured Xanorax.

“Wow, that’s got to hurt. The staff, Xanorax, where is it? And you can live to fight another day. I will let you live because you are no match for me.”

Xanorax laughs though in a lot of pain. “You are a cocky one. I’ll give you that, Magic User. What makes you think I will let you live?”

The earth at Robert’s feet form a huge hand large enough to grab him and lift him up in the air and slam him to the earth, knocking him senseless. He is not knocked unconscious, but he is stunned and subdued. This allows for the restraints around Xanorax to dissipate.

Xanorax sits up. “Drumbolt, hold him there. I need to mend myself.”

Drumbolt is always connected to the earth; he is a part of. In this case, he is simply an arm extended from and made of earth with a large hand holding Robert in its fist. A mouth forms in the center of the arm.

“Xanorax, he killed Groglegoya and Smogle. Let me squeeze the life out of him.”

“Drumbolt, you may not kill him. He is mine. I need to know his secrets.”

“He killed my brothers.”

“I know, and for that he will die, and you and Simtap will have three days to administer your vengeance as you see fit.” Xanorax starts to say some words, “Shush Vengliance Reemcongleegon Otooneigh Mebracken Overskleem Lieblanchet.” Xanorax’s limbs start to adjust back to their normal position, and in a few moments, his arm and leg have refitted themselves and healed. He stands up and walks over to Robert just regaining his senses.

Robert was slammed to the ground with such force that his left shoulder was crushed and broken. He has deep wounds to the left side of his head, which are bleeding. Robert is a master of healing magic, and as his senses return to him, he instantly begins healing his broken bones. The wounds to the side of his face heal; however, he is still dazed and in a very compromising position.

Xanorax notices the wounds to this magic user’s head heal and is in awe how this magic user can use magic without saying a word. Xanorax leans down to Robert and slaps him on the face. “Hey, wake up. Looks like I have the upper hand now. I have a new agreement for you. You tell me how to get out of this world, and I will let you live. You are powerful and fearless, but fear me, or I will have Drumbolt crush you. Tell me how to exit this realm of captivity.”

Robert looks around as the world from afar seems to snap back to him, and he realizes he is shackled tightly by the crushing grip of yet another demon. Robert has not heard a word to this point and now has his senses back.

“What? What did you say?”

“Tell me what I want to know and I will let you live, Magic User.”

“What do you want to know?”

“How do I get out of this captive world?”

“You can’t, I can’t, we can’t.”

“Don’t lie to me. I saw you enter.”

“I was sent here, just as you were.”

“You lie. Drumbolt, help him realize we know he holds the key off this cage.”

Drumbolt crushes Robert with his more-than-capable fist. Robert has a phobia about being enclosed, and this is very effective on him. Drumbolt squeezes until he hears a bone break. Robert wants to say “OK, I’ll tell you,” but Drumbolt has him so crushed that he cannot speak. Tears fall from Robert’s eyes as the pain instantly overcomes him.

“OK, Drumbolt, I think he has something to say.”

Drumbolt loosens his grip, and Robert turns into vapor and slips free of Drumbolt’s grip. He rises high into the air and regains his form, completely healed. Drumbolt swings his arm and hand, grabbing the mist, but the mist simply separates and floats upward until Robert’s form appears. Robert swings his right hand at Xanorax, like he has a bullwhip in his hand, when in fact he has a magical rope that is invisible, and it wraps around Xanorax. Robert flies away, carrying Xanorax in his rope, but not fast enough to evade the lightning-fast and powerful grip of Drumbolt’s hand. Drumbolt catches Xanorax before he gets out of reach and holds him tight, stopping Robert’s flight in midair. Robert turns and pulls, like he is in a tug of war against Drumbolt, and Drumbolt holds his ground.

The tug of war continues with Xanorax caught in the middle of Robert’s magical rope and Drumbolt’s grip. Simtap, on the mighty Trimidador, leaps out of the head row, and with his powerful legs, Trimidador leaps high over Xanorax while Simtap extends his right arm to its full length of twenty-five feet and swipes at the invisible rope, severing it, and Robert is slingshot higher into the air.

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