Vegenrage: The Magic User (21 page)

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The sheaths are black leather studded with metal bolts along the length of the sword and are clasped with metal, making them sturdy and durable. Cloakenstrike explains all this to the humanors and how Oriapow is a master of magic, but he obviously has masterful craftsman abilities that mixed with his magic, which are unequaled. The ten chosen humanors have been armed with the only ten Lavumptom swords in existence and armored to resist elven attack like no other ever has, and now it is time to arm and armor Bastrenboar, the leader of the humanors. Cloakenstrike pulls from his Bag of Holding a plain solid leather body suit, very dull, and not looking especially significant.

The humanors laugh. “That can’t be his armor.”

Cloakenstrike holds up the leather suit and asks Bastrenboar to say “Elvennell.” Bastrenboar say, “Elvennell,” and the leather suit floats to him, rips from the bottom of both pant legs to the crotch, then opens straight up the center to the neck. It floats around his back, and the arms slide up and over his arms, and the suit forms around Bastrenboar and fuses back together. It has buttons made of a soft brown wood that button up the front so he can take the suit off. Bastrenboar looks himself over in the very comfortably fitting suit and asks, “What’s so special about this?”

“The first great thing about this armor is that it does not look like anything more than simple leather armor. In actuality, it is just simple leather armor, and it will act as nothing more unless struck by an elven weapon or one who has elven blood. This is Elvennell, the repellent of all elven attacks. It has been magically imbued by Oriapow for this magical ability, and it is the only one of its kind. Unfortunately, we have no way to test this. You have to take my word that no elven weapon or attack of any kind from an elf can harm you while you wear Elvennell. Be careful though. Your head, hands, and feet are vulnerable. Now time for the greatest weapon in the humanor army to come to light.” Cloakenstrike pulls from his Bag of Holding a sword looking like the Lavumptom swords the others have, but this is a significantly more powerful sword. Cloakenstrike bends to one knee and holds the sword lying on his hands up to Bastrenboar with his head bowed. “Bastrenboar, I present to you Lavumptom Drawer.”

Bastrenboar attaches the belt to his waist and draws the sword. It looks like the other swords with one difference: there is not a Sky Jewel at the base of the hilt—there is a Night Jewel. The Night Jewel, unlike the Sky Jewel, shows a night sky with stars shining throughout. You have to look very closely because the jewel is dark, but it is beautiful when seen up close. This sword draws strength and energy from the owners of the ten Sky Jewel Lavumptom swords, making this collection of eleven swords a unique, magical weaponry. Bastrenboar is, in effect, ten times stronger, faster, smarter, quicker to heal etc. Bastrenboar is now without question the best-equipped humanor in existence and a force to be reckoned with by all.

The Lavumptom Drawer gives Bastrenboar strengths of the ten holding the Sky Jewel Lavumptom swords, but this does not weaken the ten in any way, making this a remarkable magical ring. Should any of the Sky Jewel swords disintegrate, then Bastrenboar will lose the strength of that humanor. These eleven humanor with the magical ability of Cloakenstrike can surely accomplish anything they set their minds to. Cloakenstrike explains all this and has gained their trust and loyalty. Cloakenstrike goes on to explain in full detail the attack on King Trialani, which they will begin in the morning. They talk for hours and plan, then Cloakenstrike puts the Octagemerwell back in his Bag of Holding, which by the way, while the Octagemerwell is in the Bag of Holding, it is completely shielded and its existence is unknown even to those with magical ability very close to him. This is one of many advantages a Bag of Holding provides its master: complete concealment of its contents.

Ugoria Proves Formidable

It is very early in the morning, and King Trialani has been woken to madness. “What is this humanors in Ugoria?” he says, entering his throne room. He walks up the four steps to his throne from which he has ruled Ugoria for eight hundred years now. A guard approaches the throne and kneels at the base of the steps.

“King Trialani, humanors have invaded Ugoria. They are about twenty miles from our eastern gate. They number at least one hundred.”

“Who spotted them?”

“I was patrolling with a party of ten under Bronsilith. Bronsilith sent me back to advise of this happening.”

“Surely even one hundred humanors present no problem for Bronsilith and his archers.”

“We are taking them down, but they are swift and use the night to move well camouflaged. Bronsilith wanted me to return because this looks like an attack headed for our kingdom, and the humanors are moving exceptionally fast with great stealth.”

“Gandleleem, gather twenty—no, thirty—bowelves and meet with Bronsilith. Make sure all humanors are dead. We will send back just the heads to their leader, Bastrenboar. We must make sure he knows what a mistake this is on his part.”

“Yes, King Trialani.” Gandleleem bows and heads off with his instructions.

King Trialani looks to Dribillion, the leader of his personal guard, with his ten best elven fighters ready to accept any order prescribed by King Trialani. “Dribillion, where is Arglon?”

“He has been contacted and is on his way here now.”

“I want the guard at our eastern gate doubled and patrols watching from Pinitrill in the north, all the way south to Casur. Send twenty to patrol to the north and twenty to patrol to the south. I want to make sure none of those pig men make our border and surely none to enter our kingdom through the forest.”

Dribillion motions to one of his guard, and he exits to carry out the order. As he exits, Arglon enters. “What is this I hear humanors in Ugoria?”

“Arglon, it appears the humanors are making an attack on Ugoria. I knew we should’ve taken care of this race once we learned of their existence. Well, all the same, they will be obliterated by our bowelves in the woods. They have no chance. Tell me, Arglon, how did Bastrenboar and his men not get turned to the pigs they are? How did they become this race of half breeds now threatening our border?”

“Something, some powerful magic, must have intervened. We have been over this.”

“Yes, well, now it is of great importance as I predicted it would be.” King Trialani gets up from his throne and walks, thinking. “It is not Bastrenboar that concerns me here. He and his race are no match for ours, but this magical intervention that we have never uncovered, this is what concerns me. It may finally reveal itself, and we can know what kept Bastrenboar from transforming into the pig that he is. I want to know what magic has kept him alive for so long. If the humanors are mounting an attack on Ugoria, what would be their strategy? And what is their goal? I want you here with me, Arglon. Prepare for the worst. Dribillion, I want the guard here tripled. Sound the alarm. I want all bowelves patrolling the Ugorian Forest. I want to know what the humanors are up to, and I want all found in the forest slain—no exceptions. I am going to end this race, and rightfully so, since it should have never been started at all. Arglon, prepare yourself for war. Ready Limsil and Rollbolis, and be back here before daybreak”

“Yes, King Trialani.”

As the humanors had predicted and planned for, Rowgen and his army have been detected by the elves. They use the night very well, and the moisture that accumulated throughout the night aids in the silent movement of the humanor army. At this point, they are moving as quickly as they can to reach the eastern gate by daybreak. There are only nine elves, and they find the humanors agile and hard to detect. Still they have been attacking with arrows from the trees far out of reach of the humanors. Some of the humanors have been struck with arrows, but none have sustained lethal wounds yet. And with the magical protection they have, they are able to remove the arrows with the wounds healing, and they continue on to Ugoria.

Gripzon and his army have moved steadily at a brisk pace using the vast expanse of the highlands to constantly scan for and avoid elf detection. They have followed their map perfectly and have made it to the Ugorian Forest, where they entered, and now only five miles from the northern gate of Ugoria, they rest. There is an actual gate that leads into Ugoria, but they are not going anywhere near the gate. They will enter Ugoria from the woods and move on the kingdom, eliminating any and all elves they encounter. This is a mission of elimination. They hope to reach the living center of the kingdom, and eliminating the innocent will create total confusion in the kingdom, causing the leadership more aggravating decisions to make.

Lushantor and his army have moved steadily through the forest and remarkably have made it undetected. They are only a few miles from the southern gate of Ugoria, and again they will not go anywhere near the gate. Just like Gripzon and his army, if they can make it into the kingdom, they are on a mission of elimination. They have many cuts and bruises from moving so hastily through the forest at night, as does the army lead by Rowgen, but this does not deter them at all. Their bodies heal exceptionally fast, and they rest until the first light of morning creeps to them and they will charge on the kingdom.

Gandleleem has returned to Bronsilith with more bowelves, and the light of day is now creeping on Ugoria. The humanor have steadily moved closer and closer to the kingdom and are within ten miles of the kingdom now. They have veered their march northward to avoid reaching the eastern gate. They plan on entering the kingdom just north of the gate and through the forest. Now that the sky has turned a much lighter shade of gray and the dark is vanishing, the bowelves can now better visualize their targets and are making lethal arrow strikes on the advancing humanors. They stick to their plan, constantly moving toward the real fight in Ugoria. The humanors that have been struck, apparently dead, fall and lie in wait. They realize after fifteen to twenty minutes the elven bowelves are moving with the advancing army, and they remove the arrows and march on. The plan created and in motion is working better than hoped with the light of day now rising on Ugoria. Gripzon and his army charge the kingdom undetected, as does Lushantor and his army. Rowgen and his army are advancing, crossing the border into the Ugorian Kingdom. So far, all humanors struck with deadly arrows have removed them and race up from the rear, reinforcing their original starting numbers. The elves are not yet aware of the humanors’ ability to revive themselves and believe they are easily taking out the enemy, moving through the trees, out of the reach of the humanors.

Arglon has returned to King Trialani with Limsil and Rollbolis. Dribillion now has thirty men under his command, and they are lined fifteen in a line down from the throne. They are in full elven armor with sword at their side and each holding a long spear on the ground, standing taller than they are. The spears they hold have a large ax blade on the end with the tip of the spear a sharp stabbing weapon.

Arglon approaches Trialani with a very concerned look on his face, followed by Limsil and Rollbolis. “Trialani, I have some very concerning news.”

“What is it?”

“There has been a great disturbance. A monumental power shift has occurred within the past week. The Finkelbrim Realm, the region occupied by the Erkensharie elves on the planet Fargloin, has the most powerful elven magical jewel in all of existence.”

“Yes, what about it?”

“Well, we believe it is not in elven ownership anymore.”

“What are you saying, Arglon?”

“There has been a shift in elven magic. The knowledge, the ability to use all elven magic, may be in the hands of a human.”

King Trialani stands up.

What!” He gets noticeably angry. “A human has elven knowledge?”

“Yes, a human has all elven knowledge.”

Trialani walks toward Arglon, looking down thinking. “A human—this must be connected. This must be the magic that keeps Bastrenboar alive. This has to be connected to the humanors advance. Dribillion, ready the entire guard. I want all fighters patrolling our kingdom. I want all bowelves patrolling our inner borders now.”

“Yes, King Trialani.” Dribillion motions to two of his men, and they head out to sound the call to arms by all able elves.

“Arglon, this is a full attack on the Ugorian Kingdom. I know it is, but what do they want? Is it just the destruction of us and our way of life? Bastrenboar—he has to be behind this somehow, but he must have some great ally aiding him. He could never do or even attempt this without some fantastic source of power.”

“The Snow Gold Trinket is most valuable and has to be a target, and if Bastrenboar is behind this, that makes you and me a target as well.”

The sky is becoming bright as the sun is just rising, and Lushantor and his army are the first to encounter the elves. There is a group of twenty very young elves in training with a teacher teaching them the art of fighting with heavy weapons. The humanor army is quickly upon them and attacks. The young elves are caught off guard but face their enemy and fight with all they have. The young elves are inexperienced and shy to the use of deadly force but make a valiant stand, killing six humanors before being eliminated. The six simply get back up and rejoin the advancing humanor army.

Gripzon and his army have made it to the homes the elves have to the outside of the inner kingdom, and they murder the families they encounter without much resistance, and they advance, continuing the slaughter.

Rowgen and his army have just breached the Ugorian Kingdom, unable to make any kind of attack on the elven bowelves moving high and swiftly through the trees. Rowgen’s army is suffering many killed as the elves now make much more accurate and lethal shots with their bows. Some of the humanors have been struck with many arrows by now, and although they cannot be killed and heal from the injuries, the loss of blood is affecting their strength. It will take time for their bodies to regain and replace the loss of blood they are sustaining, making their bodies fatigued and weaker.

The elves are starting to realize something is not right as some of them notice they have killed a particular humanor once or twice before. The elves start to become more aggressive, moving down to the humanors on the ground when killed by an arrow to remove their head. This will surely kill them, and this is what the humanors have been waiting for. Zilndor is taking aim on a humanor, and he looks, believing he has already killed this humanor, not once, but twice already. He takes careful aim and strikes the humanor through the heart, killing him. Zilndor then descends to the ground, sliding his bow over his back and grabbing the man pig by its head, raising it up, drawing his dagger to remove its head.

The humanor grabs the elf by the arm and thrusts his sword through the elf’s stomach and rips up through his chest, killing the elf for sure. The humanor removes the arrow and continues his advance on Ugoria. The elves are following their orders to remove the heads of the slain humanors, and this is getting many of them killed.

Soon Rowgen and his army are met by elves on the ground, and wicked skirmishes are happening. Rowgen himself is one of the first humanors to make contact with the elven fighters. The elves are as masterful at hand-to-hand combat as they are moving through the trees and using their bows. The humanors have size and strength, but the elves have swiftness combined with mobility and agility, making this a very equal fight. The humanors use strength to bull the elves over, but the elves use speed and agility to dodge and make lethal strikes of their own. Both sides are killing each other in a very equal combat; however, the humanors get up quickly and fight on. The elves have more guard always reinforcing their numbers and start removing the heads from the humanors. This is something that their magic cannot save them from.

Rowgen fights with strength and determination but is overwhelmed and loses his head, ending his life. The elves are concentrating on removing all the humanors’ heads, and with the arrows striking humanors from all vantage points as they fight the guard, the elves are slowly eliminating Rowgen’s army.

Cloakenstrike and Bastrenboar’s plan is working amazingly well, and all is going according to plan; however, they did not plan on losing Rowgen and his army, and this is happening. Rowgen’s army fights proudly, making any army proud of the courage and ability they have shown, but the elves are too much for them and they are all eliminated. None of them run; none of them hide. They fight until they have all been slain, and Rowgen’s army lies dead, headless, at the inner Ugorian Kingdom border.

Word has made it back to King Trialani that the humanors have attacked the northern and southern border of the inner Ugorian Kingdom, and King Trialani has sent his entire elven army and bowelves to meet them, with the exception of those sent to the eastern border, which was nearly half his army. The loss of Rowgen’s army was not planned for, but they always were intentioned to draw the bulk of Ugoria’s army away from the inner kingdom—and that has been accomplished.

Lushantor and his army are advancing northward, fighting the elven guard, and Gripzon and his army are advancing southward, fighting the guard. The two armies are fighting strong and killing many elves, mostly when the elves try to behead them and the humanors spring to life and land lethal wounds to their adversaries. The attack on Ugoria is in full swing, and the moment Bastrenboar has waited centuries for is now at hand.

Cloakenstrike, Bastrenboar, and his ten top fighters walk into King Trialani’s throne room right out of thin air. The ten fighters draw their Lavumptom swords and immediately attack the guards. This is so fast and so well executed that the guards really don’t have any chance. The humanors are on them before they know what is going on, and the Lavumptom swords live up to the expectation, slicing right through the elven guards and their armor without problem. The guards are cut to pieces. They are sliced right through their midsection, dropping half their body to one side and the other side of their body to the other. Swords are thrust into the chest of the guards and then drawn up, cutting right through the elves like they were clay. There is very little blood since the swords cauterize the wounds immediately, and the elves die from dismemberment. Some of the guards respond before attacked, but their weapons are cut in half by the humanors’ swords, and they lose their heads and/or other body parts as the fight between the thirty elven guards and the ten humanors is the only one-sided affair so far in this attack on Ugoria.

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