Vegas Vacation (Destination Desire) (10 page)

BOOK: Vegas Vacation (Destination Desire)
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He took a swig of the wine, questioning his sanity, but knowing he wouldn’t change his mind.

Chapter Eight

“This is so awesome!” Cindy bounced in the backseat of the cab, even though she was squished between the three other women. She leaned over the seat to look at Finn, her earlier hostility apparently forgotten. “Thanks for coming to the girl thing tonight, Finn.”

“No problem. I wasn’t up for the screaming crowds tonight.” A flat-out lie. He liked a boxing match as much as the next guy, but this week was about spending time with Meg. That meant he’d have to watch the fight on TiVo after he got home. He offered Cindy an easy smile. “I figure a Cirque show is probably a bit quieter.”

“And prettier.” She actually clapped in glee. “I went to O the last time I was here, and it was so amazingly cool. I can’t wait to see Kà.”

The cab pulled up to the curb of the MGM Grand, which spared him from coming up with a suitable reply. He stepped out and helped the women from the car, still not certain how they’d managed to sardine themselves into the back of the taxi. After checking with the concierge desk and getting directions to the theater, they wound their way through the casino. Finding their seats, he sat on the end of a row, Meg next to him, then Carla, Doreen, and Cindy.

Acrobats crawled out onto metal scaffolding mounted to the wall and ceiling, music blared, and the show started.

Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for him to wish he’d gone with the guys to the fight. This was painful. Sure, he wanted to keep his eyes on the prize, and Meg was the prize, but he was bored out of his mind. It didn’t help that he wasn’t far from an exit. It took a serious exercise of self-control not to bolt.

The performance had no dialogue in any language he’d heard of. He was pretty sure it was gibberish. The acrobatics and sets were impressive, but the storyline wasn’t really gelling for him. In fact, he wasn’t sure there
a storyline—just people leaping and swinging around in bright costumes. If he had to think this deeply about whether there was a plot to follow, then it was definitely not his kind of entertainment.

He leaned down to whisper in Meg’s ear. “Do you have any idea what’s going on?”

Turning to whisper back, she replied, “I think those two are royalty of some kind and they’re going to…um…no. No, I have no clue what’s happening, but it’s pretty to watch and these people are ripped. I bet that teeny princess chick could bench press me.”

He stifled a snort.

It was the boredom that made him do it. He glanced over and saw that all the women were absorbed by what was happening onstage. Dropping his hand to the seat beside his leg, he let his fingers inch over until he brushed against Meg’s thigh. She stiffened, her gaze flicking to him and then to the other teachers.

“What are you doing?” She hissed the question in his ear.

“Shh,” he admonished. “Watch the show.”

Her head snapped around to face forward again. A subtle shudder ran through her when he edged his knuckles up her leg, bumping into the short hem of her dress. The silver scrap of fabric barely covered her thighs and he’d had to force himself not to stare at her when they’d been at dinner or he’d have had a permanent hard-on. At the moment, he was loving the cut of the garment. Less was definitely more. He eased a finger under the edge of it, hearing her breath catch.

Delicate little shivers began to run through her with every sweep of his fingers. Imagining how wet she was for him, how much she wanted him to fuck her, was far more engrossing than the Cirque du Soleil ever dreamed. Every moment seemed to stretch into one long, slow burn of anticipation. The flowery scent of her, the feel of her silky skin gliding under his fingertips. He did his best to keep his hand out of view of the other people in their party, but the forbidden aspect of touching her just sharpened the experience. His cock jerked in his pants, and he gritted his teeth to keep in a groan.

Teasing her meant teasing himself, and all he wanted right now was to bury himself in her tight, slick pussy until he was spent.

And then do it all over again.

Having her earlier at the Olympic exhibit wasn’t enough. Last night hadn’t been enough. He wasn’t sure he’d ever get enough of her, and this week might lead to an addiction he couldn’t quit. The idea was as tempting as it was terrifying. He’d had his share of women, probably more than his fair share, and he’d loved a few of them, but he’d never worried about what it might be like to live without them. He’d survived the breakups when they came, but…maybe that was why Meg drew him like a moth to a flame. He’d sensed all along she was the kind of woman who might rock the foundation of his world, if she stuck around long enough. He was fully aware that he could get in over his head in the next six days, crave her even more before the week was out, and be left high and dry.

It wasn’t until now that he truly grasped how big a risk he had taken, how close to the edge of something life-changing he was, and how hard this fall might be.
was a good word for it.

He shut down that line of negativity. If he went into this thinking he was going to lose, he’d kill any chance of winning. He was all in this week, and there was no way he was backing off now.

Even if losing her in the end might be far worse than he’d ever imagined.



Every slide of his fingertips over her leg made tingles erupt across her skin. She could only pray that this show was over soon and she could drag him back to the hotel room for some fast, hot, dirty sex. Because that was what she needed right now. No-holds-barred shagging.

Her body was on fire, and only he could quench those flames for her. It took everything she had not to grab his hand and push it between her thighs where it could do the most good. She could have wept when the lights finally came on and all the performers took their bows.
Thank. God.

She was on her feet and right on Finn’s heels as he led the way out of the theater, the three musketeers following in their wake.

“That was even more awesome than I expected.” Cindy was all but dancing around in a circle.

Meg slanted a glance at Finn, knowing he’d had even less of a clue than she did on what the show was actually about. The sets and costumes were gorgeous, but that was about all she could say for it. Maybe Vegas shows just weren’t for her.

“I had a great time.” He gave her a slow smile, and she could have kicked him. “Thanks for suggesting this, Cindy.”

“No problem.” The English teacher giggled. “I’m so glad you liked it too. What was your favorite part?”

He pretended to consider. “I think I liked the second half best. It really built to a climax.”

Meg had to turn away for a moment or her face would totally give her away. Her cheeks must be beet red.

“Some of the acrobats were hot. Even hotter than the strippers last night. Totally ripped.” Carla flipped her hair over her shoulder. “Watching them do all those stunts made me work up an appetite though. I have the munchies.”

“Me too. I know we already had dinner, but I’m up for a snack.” Doreen rooted around in her purse, pulled out her cell phone, and started tapping buttons. “Let me check what restaurants they have at this hotel.”

Cindy eyed the casino like a kid in a candy store. The woman was enthused about everything. “I want to try the slots here and see if they like me better than at Caesar’s.”

“I’m heading back to the hotel.” Meg was not waiting around for them while she was all hot and bothered. It would be torment that reached truly inhumane levels. She gave Finn a pointed glance and he offered her a knowing grin in response, which sent another ripple of longing through her. She had it bad.

All three women goggled at her. Cindy asked, “Seriously? You’re down and out already?”

“I’m not a night owl, ladies.” Meg made an ugly face. “I look like this without my beauty sleep.”

Peals of laughter met that statement. Doreen glanced up from her phone for a moment. “Lunch tomorrow?”

“Text me and we’ll see if we can hook up.” The phrase
hook up
did nothing to help slow down her raging libido.

“I’ll make sure she gets back to the hotel safely.” Finn leveled a stare at the other women. “You ladies stick together and watch out for each other, all right?”

“Yes, Mom,” Doreen drawled with the kind of derision their students liked to dole out on a daily basis, but then she smiled. “Thanks for looking out for us. You’re right. Wandering off alone at night in Sin City is probably not the best plan.”

“My point exactly.” He slid his hands into his pockets. “See you all in the morning?”

“Late morning, maybe.” Carla snorted. “Try early afternoon. I might be out of bed by then. Maybe.”

“Well, all right then. Don’t have so much fun you get arrested.” He mock leered at her and she sniggered.

“Night, all!” Meg wiggled her fingers in a wave, latched on to Finn’s wrist with the other hand, and dragged him toward the main entrance of the hotel. The pathways through the casino looped around on themselves, which made navigating them a pain in the ass, but she was determined to get out of there as quickly as humanly possible. She was on a mission to get laid.

Her body throbbed with every step, her thighs sliding together, the shortness of her skirt letting air brush against skin that was usually covered. It made her more aware of her bare legs—legs that he’d stroked, teasing her beyond all reason. He set his palm against her low back as they walked, his fingers burning through her dress and increasing her agony. Her nipples tightened, jutting against her bodice. God, she wanted his hands on them, his mouth sucking at the sensitive peaks.

The cab line was thankfully short, and they soon slid into the backseat of a taxi. Finn sat close enough so that his thigh was plastered against hers. The quirk of his lips told her he crowded her on purpose.

She leaned forward, subtly slipping her hand into his lap, and addressed the driver. “Caesar’s Palace, please.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Her fingers feathered up the length of Finn’s cock, and he made a strangled noise. She gave him an innocent “what’s wrong” look and a muscle in his cheek began ticking. His shaft pulsed against her hand, the muscles in his thighs going rock hard as he tensed under her touch. His chest bellowed as his breathing sped. His eyes closed and his head fell back against the seat. She loved that she could make him tremble with need. The heady power of it ratcheted up her own cravings.

The stoplights were with them, and they sped down the Strip. Even then, it wasn’t fast enough for her. She flicked her thumb over the head of his dick, making him jump. A low growl spilled out of him, and she shivered at the near-feral sound. Shooting him a sideways grin, she took her hand back as they pulled up to the hotel.

Finn threw a bill at the driver and manacled Meg’s wrist with a steely grip. She barely managed to grab her purse before he hauled her out of the cab and across the lobby. She had to scurry in her heels to keep up with his long strides. Another couple got into the elevator with them, and she wasn’t sure if she was grateful or resentful of their presence keeping Finn and her from going at it on the ride up. They reached Finn’s floor and he pulled her out.

The moment the elevator closed behind them, she reached over and skimmed her hand over his backside. The man was built like a Greek god. It was a shame he had to wear clothes. Then again, the moment they were alone, she intended to rip every garment off his very fine body.

“I forget that you’re not as sweet as you look.” He shuddered when she squeezed his ass.

“You’re welcome.” She stood on tiptoe and nipped his earlobe as he fumbled with the key card for his room. “Hurry up, Walsh.”

Snorting, he shook his head, but had the door open in moments. He held it open for her while he reached in and flipped on the light. She deliberately slid her body against his as she walked in. The choked sound he made was almost a groan, and it sent a thrill straight to her core.

She grabbed the front of his shirt, yanked him inside the room, and slammed the door shut. “Finally.”

He opened his mouth to say something, but she was not interested in talking right now. His theater seduction had been far too effective. Shoving him against the wall next to the door, she had a second to watch his blue eyes widen in surprise before she kissed him. She bit his lower lip then pushed her tongue into his mouth. Her hands jerked at his shirt, wanting it off him, and she felt a few buttons rip in the process. This level of aggression wasn’t like her, but she was too far-gone to care right now. Her usual control and caution had evaporated like so much steam on a scorching hot day. It was exhilarating—freeing.

Then her hands were on his bare skin, satin over steel. She circled her thumbs on his nipples, loving the rush that hit her when he shuddered and moaned under her touch. He found the zipper on the side of her dress and yanked it down. The feel of his fingertips skating over her ribs sent tingles rippling across her skin. Her nipples peaked tighter, so she tweaked one of his.

He broke the kiss just long enough to pull her dress over her head and toss it aside. “Jesus, Meg. You are so amazing. I fucking love this.”

The word love coming from his mouth sent a pang through her, but he distracted her when he slid into her panties and filled his palms with her ass, squeezing, and she moaned in response. Her body arched into him, instinct overruling any rational thought her mind could generate. Though at the moment, it wasn’t generating much.

“Strip,” she ordered. “I want you naked.”

“You too.” His breathing was harsh rasps of air, his eyes glittering with diamond-hard lust. His hands went to his fly and he stepped out of his shoes as he shoved his pants and underwear down in one smooth motion.

Reaching back, she unhooked her bra and let it slide down her arms. Kicking aside her heels, she shimmied out of her panties and let them drop to the floor while she drank in the sight of Finn. All tanned skin, rippling muscles, and a hunger he didn’t bother to hide. His gaze slid over her body, burning with incandescent lust. That he wanted her so much made her feel…lush, desirable, beautiful. It wasn’t something she was used to, wasn’t something she’d even have time to get used to, but she couldn’t deny she liked it.

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