Vegas Surrender (7 page)

Read Vegas Surrender Online

Authors: Sasha Peterson

Tags: #love, #interracial romance, #contemporary romance, #steamy romance, #multicultural romance, #bwwm romance, #new adult romance, #wealthy romance

BOOK: Vegas Surrender
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That’s me. Cynthia Nicole Trapp.
All of my friends call me Nicole.”

I regarded myself as hardly a friend. “Cynthia,
I take my business very serious. If you’ll excuse me…” I headed to
my door.

I know you do. It’s why I decided
to go with you. I’m serious about my finances.”

I stopped in my tracks. The business side of me
wouldn’t turn down a client. I’d just have to lay down the ground
rules. “Well, if you’re serious, then I’ll see what I can do. I
just want to make one thing clear. I have no interest in anything
that happened in Vegas, and you will not get your rocks off by
watching my husband and me in action either.”

She shrugged. “Fine.”

Good. Now, do you have the
information I requested?”

I took the folder she held out and made my way
back to my desk. Flipping through the file, I saw that everything
was in order. “I see you’ve come into a substantial amount from
inheritance. I’m curious. Why go with a financial planner now if
you and your husband’s finances were already over seven figures?
You seem to already have a grip on things.”

She looked up at me with a smirk. “Let’s be
honest. I married for money. I signed a prenuptial agreement. As
long as I stay married, I’m fine. I just want to ensure that my
money is secure and making a profit so when I decide to get a
divorce, I’ll still be well off.”

Her comment was nothing new to me. I dealt with
her type all the time. It was the classic what’s his in mine and
what’s mine is mine mentality.

I’m just the person who can help
you with that.”

As I anticipated.” She kicked one
leg up, paused with them open, and crossed it over the

My jaw went slack at the flash of her shaved
pearl. I remembered the scent of it beneath my tongue.
Uncomfortable, I shifted in my seat.

Are you okay?” She tilted her head
at me.

I didn’t know what sort of games she dared to
play, but I wouldn’t be a part. “I’m fine.”

Aw, come on. Don’t be shy.” She
rose from her chair and came around my desk.

As her hands inched up my thigh, my breath
caught in my throat. I sat there, frozen, regretting the morning
decision on wearing a dress with a business jacket. Her green gaze
resembled emeralds as she held me in a trance.

Her fingers moved dangerously close to my heat.
When they grazed my thong, wetness spilled out the opening. She
licked her pink glossy lips and lowered herself between my legs. My
hands trembled. The anticipation of her licking me again caused my
inner vaginal walls to pulsate.

Stop.” I found my voice and pushed
her from me. “I’m married and love my husband.”

No one said you

My blood went from cold to boiling. This sick
and twisted woman needed to remove herself from my presence. “Our
meeting is over. Get out.”

My heart pounded against my chest. With a
backward glance, she grabbed her purse and made her exit. I slumped
in my chair. What did I almost do?

For the rest of the day, I sat uneasy. This
woman came in my life and stirred up emotions I never knew existed.
Without a shadow of a doubt, I knew I wasn’t gay, but still I
couldn’t deny the attraction. What she offered was forbidden.
Opening up more for my marriage had unwittingly brought something
else to the surface.

I couldn’t wait until the time wound down.
Daniel would be in for a real treat when I got home. My nipples
hardened, aching as the fabric of my thin bra grazed against it.
He’d give me the release I needed.



Chapter Nine


Knowing I had a long day ahead of me, I
unwillingly pried myself out of the warmth of Daniel’s arms. Due to
my guilty conscious, I worked him over to the point of exhaustion
for the both of us. My mind raced all night with thoughts on
telling him about Nicole. In the end I was too embarrassed and
ashamed to and remained mute on the subject.

Just a few more moments,” he
murmured into the side of my neck.

I closed my eyes, absorbing the heat of his
embrace few minutes longer. “Daniel, I have to go.”

Reluctantly, he released me. As the cool air
brushed across my naked body, I fought hard and resisted the urge
to dive back under the covers.

Do you have any lunch plans?” I
asked while picking out my outfit from the walk-in

Not that I know of. I’ll let you
know for sure once I get to the office. Why do you ask?”

I located teal dress I had in mind and made my
way toward the shower. “Maybe I’d like to take my husband out for

Turning the shower on, I drowned out his reply.
While the heat adjusted to my setting, I walked back in the

He glanced up at me from his perch on the bed.
His tousled hair invited me to run my fingers through it, but I
needed to get ready. “Sounds good. Will you be stopping

Daniel, no doubt, remembered his surprise a few
weeks earlier. I winked at him. “You’ll just have to

I turned on my heels and walked back into the
bathroom. Steam covered the mirrors as it worked its way out the
shower. The water felt good beating down my skin. I gently massaged
my tender nipples from our aggressive love session and then washed
the rest of my body. I scrubbed hard, hoping the guilt would wash
away. I chided myself for allowing images of Nicole to creep into
my bedroom while Daniel tasted my sweet nectar. His faced turned to
hers, and I came long and hard. Waves of ecstasy still roamed my
body when he slid in me.

His excitement was why my nipples and vagina
were swollen at the moment. I rinsed off and made my way out the
shower. Daniel had dozed back off. I gave him a kiss and nudged
him. “Get up.”

He smiled and finally got out the bed. By that
time, I was dressed and finishing up a quick breakfast of bacon and
oatmeal. I slid him a cup of coffee as he took a seat.

What’s this about?” His eyebrows
rose. He scooped the mug up in his large hands and

What?” So I hadn’t woken up before
him and cooked breakfast in ages.

Come on. Believe me, I don’t mind
it one bit, but what gives?”

Nothing. I’m just trying to follow
the good doctor’s orders. This is me being spontaneous.”

Daniel shoved a piece of bacon in his mouth and
left it alone.

I have to run. See you later.” I
gave him a peck on the check and headed out.

For once, the morning commute welded zero
accidents, and I didn’t walk in my office with a slight headache.
Before long, my routine of answering emails and setting budgets
were in full affect. The ringing of my business line pulled me from
my duties.

Jennifer Ross,” I

My, aren’t we upbeat today,” Tina
mocked me.

What are you doing calling the
business phone?”

I called your cell three times.
You didn’t answer.”

I reached in my desk drawer and saw the missed
calls. I’d mistakenly forgotten to turn the ringer back up when I
started my day. With my phone being synched to my social networking
accounts, I’d had enough of being jarred out my sleep from silly
updates. At three in the morning, I didn’t care whose birthday it
was nor did I want to play a game. “Sorry. I didn’t hear

It’s cool. Are you coming

What’s tonight?” I continued
calculating numbers for the Wilmington account.

Ladies’ night.”

Is it that time

Yes, the third Thursday of the
month. It’s happy hour at Café Circa. You missed last month so no
excuses.” Tina put on her no nonsense tone.

I can be there by six. Get off my
back.” I laughed.

You better be. I’ll see you then.



Hey, baby. I’m hanging out with
the girls tonight. It’s our monthly get together.” I started my car
and pulled out the parking garage into the packed streets. Unlike
the morning drive, evening rush hour fared no better than the cars
sitting on the side of the streets at the meters. The entire street
was gridlocked.

Okay, love. I’m working late

Love you.” I blew a kiss into the

Traffic began to creep. Soon, I got up to
twenty-five miles an hour, enough for me to get to a street in
which I could turn off and bypass the congestion. The route landed
me on the same road as Daniel’s office. I thought about stopping
in, but Tina would kill me.

The light turned red. My sitting on Daniel’s
desk with his head between my thighs danced in my head. A car horn
beeped. I blinked and realized the light changed again. In my
rearview mirror, I caught the man behind me waving hello with his
middle finger and a brunette sliding into the doors of Daniel’s

Call Daniel’s office,” I spoke to
my hand free device. I also pulled forward before the driver behind
me got out of his car and attacked me for holding up

Whiteman Association, Daniel Ross’
office,” an older woman’s voice crackled through the

Hi, Marla. Is my husband
available?” Hopefully the woman wouldn’t think too much into me
calling the business line at this hour instead of his cell phone.
Being ten to six, I was slightly surprised she answered at

No, Mrs. Ross. He’s in with one of
the owners of the Horseshoe. Do you want me to take a message for

No. I’ll see him at home, thank
you.” Embarrassed, I hung up. I should have known better. They were
a million brunettes in Atlanta, a few of which work in the
building. I’d been silly to think the brunette was

I shook the thoughts out my mind and continued
to the bar, parked, and headed inside.

It’s about time you showed up!”
Tina waved at me. She and two of our friends, Andrea and Carla,
were already at a table.

I said six.” I plopped down in the
empty seat.

It’s ten after.” Tina licked her
tongue out at me and slid me a drink.

The fruity concoction looked inviting. “What is

Miami Vice. This one’s Andrea’s

Andrea smiled and took a sip, her small hands
in contradiction to her large frame.

I followed suit. “This is

I know. It’s why I chose it.”
Andrea winked.

How are things at the firm?” I

Stop it.” Tina jumped in before
anyone had a chance. “No work talk, remember? We come here to not
think about our crazy clients or the annoying lawyers we work

They all laughed. I sipped my drink, and my
thoughts went back to the brunette walking in the building. What
was wrong with me? Why would I assume it was that woman? Why did
she have to reappear after Vegas?

Hey, sis, what’s up?”

I glanced up to see we were alone at the table.
Andrea and Carla were off flirting with the men seated around the
bar. “Nothing. Why?”

Because you spaced out. Earlier
you seemed all chipper and now distant.” She squinted at me,
barrowing past my façade.

I toyed with my straw, running it around the
remnants of my drink. “I’m just still trying to get into the swing
of things since the trip is all.”

You know I don’t believe you, but
whatever it is, maybe you should talk to that therapist of yours
alone for once. If you can’t talk to me, then maybe you can talk to
her. But you need to talk to someone. Now, go home and screw that
husband of yours.”

My eyes bucked at her comment.

What?” She shrugged. “You’re
bringing down my buzz. Go get some and get back happy.”

Maybe she was right. My focus resided
elsewhere. “Fine.”

I grabbed my purse and headed out. Tina was
right. Daniel had what I needed and desired.



Chapter Ten


My fingers fumbled across the buttons as I
undid my blouse. Daniel would be in for a treat. Once I parked, I
planned on walking in the door in nothing but my stilettos. The
garage door rose, and my heart sank. His truck wasn’t

So much for screwing his lights
out.” I drove in and waited until the door connected with the
ground before making my exit. The neighbors didn’t need to see my
brown bosoms. I laughed to myself at the fine the home owners
association would come up with.

The blue digital display on the microwave
caught my attention as I tossed my keys and purse on the island.
Daniel never came home this late.

Where are you?
I sent a text.

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