Read Vanilla On Top Online

Authors: C.J. Ellisson

Tags: #Category, #short romance, #love, #fling, #series, #Contemporary, #brazen, #mistaken identity, #Romance, #erotic, #entangled

Vanilla On Top (10 page)

BOOK: Vanilla On Top
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I smile, glancing down the front of my tented pants. “I might agree with you. Only a bad person gets turned on when they witness an attractive woman getting angry.”

“Take off your coat.” Heather’s voice sounds firm, the same tone she used with me in her apartment. I comply, tossing my coat on a nearby chair. “Shirt, next. Even the undershirt.” A devilish smirk curves her lips. “Oh, but leave on your tie.”

I follow her instructions, my breath rushing in and out fast. My knotted tie dangles down my chest, tickling my skin. I raise one eyebrow, waiting for her next order. What the hell is she going to do? Do I care?

She steps close and runs one hand across my chest, grabbing the tie with the other. “Yum.” Her tongue moistens her top lip. “Your nipples pucker nicely in the air conditioning.” A sigh escapes me as she tugs the tie once, then releases it to fondle an aroused peak. “What am I going to do with you, you bad boy?”

I’m unsure if I should answer. All I can say is things are going better than they were five minutes ago, and I don’t want to ruin it by giving a wrong answer. She steps back, releasing my nipple after she draws it painfully from my chest.

“Undo your pants and push them to your knees.” I hesitate and she barks, “Do it!”

I open my belt and unzip my pants. I slide the material over my hips and the trousers bag near my calves. My cock juts out, tenting my boxer briefs.

“Turn around and put your palms on the desk.”

I settle my hands flat on the wood surface, a smile creasing my face as I realize what she’s up to. She intends to spank me. I’ve mixed feelings on this, but I’m willing to let the scene play out. I look over my shoulder to see Heather reach inside the big leather bag she brought, withdrawing a small shopping bag.

“Look down at the desk.” I avert my eyes, curious about what she’s planned. I hear a rustle of plastic and then a rush of air before something solid and firm lands on my ass.

“Hey!” I whip around and see a flushed-face Heather, drawing back for a second strike with a ping-pong paddle.

“Shush!” Heather’s dwindling anger comes through in her unyielding tone. “Eyes down.”

The hard, wooden paddle sails through the air and lands on my left buttock. The sting of the smack sends a chorus of sensation to the area. The skin feels tingly and lit up, like blood rushing to redden the flesh.

Her first tap was harder than the second, but if I’m honest, none of them are really painful. She’s not hitting me hard enough to do damage, but enough to get my attention and sear my flesh.

“Push your underwear to your thighs. I want to see that ass.”

I do as she asks, glad I had the foresight to lock the door. The cool air of the office space whispers across my heated flesh. My full prick bobs, pointing toward the desk.

“Very nice.” Heather’s hand smoothes over the left, and then right cheek of my ass. “The gym agrees with you.” She steps to the side while caressing me, leaning slightly to examine my cock. I feel exposed and on display…I like it.

“Your cock looks like you’re enjoying this, Tony.”

I nod, not wanting to break the spell she’s carefully weaving. The paddle sings through the air and lands on my left cheek, drawing a slight sting. “Too much?” she asks.

I shake my head, surprised she asked. “I’m good.”

“Oh no, Tony. You are very, very bad.” She lightly brushes the rubber-coated wood on my other cheek, teasing the sensitive flesh. “And I’m going to punish you for it.”

I smile, loving the power and confidence in her voice. “Yes, ma’am.” My cock jerks on its own as the sexy phrase leaves my lips.

! Another sharp blow lands on my bottom. Her soft hand immediately soothes where she smacked, tantalizing the tender flesh even more.

“Jerk yourself, Tony.”

I brace my weight on my left arm and reach my right hand to wrap around my shaft. The paddle taps lightly on each cheek, back and forth, over and over, while I stroke up and down. The heated skin of my ass joins with the pleasure centered in my erection, enhancing the experience.

The paddle sails through the air again and the hardest smack yet lands on my left cheek. I wince slightly, but continue to fist myself, unable to deny I’m enjoying what she’s doing to me.

“How much is Apollo offering to buy Parkerson for?”


! She hits the same cheek again, harder than the last slap, drawing a long burn from the area. One cool hand rubs the hot flesh. “Pump slower, Tony. You can’t come unless I say.” I nod. She leans forward and whispers in my ear. “Answer me if you don’t want to feel the paddle again.”

It’s a double-edged request. I want to feel the paddle again, but not as hard as last time. “Forty-five million.”

“Not bad.” She taps my ass lightly with the wood, teasing the scorching skin. “But it should be higher.”


The paddle slams down on my right cheek, hard, with a stinging bite. The edge of pleasure and pain combines as I caress myself. “You heard me,” she says.

“Are we really going to negotiate while my pants are around my ankles?”

The sound of Heather’s moaning draws my head around. She’s got one finger in her mouth, sucking on it. Damn
she looks hot. She pulls out her dripping digit. “Face the desk, Tony.” One wet finger probes between my ass cheeks, searching for my tight pucker. “Can you think of a better time to talk money with a man?”

A bark of harsh laughter leaves me as a slim digit circles the wrinkled flesh, spreading her saliva around the opening. “Well, Tony? Do you want to feel my finger in your ass?”

“Yes.” The rush of pleasure from my strokes increases, and I slow my pumping, eager to follow her order to not come until she tells me.

“Fifty million.” She pokes in one finger, easing past the tight ring of muscle. Sensation explodes, rocketing to the base of my cock and up my shaft. The invasion feels intense, but not painful. I like it.


She withdraws her finger and the paddle slams down on my right cheek. My hips jerk forward, forcing my cock through my tight fist. “Damn…”

She leans over me, kisses near my ear, runs one hand in a circle over where she smacked and the other down my chest to my flat stomach. “You like it, Tony. I know you do.” Her hot little hand wraps around the head of my engorged flesh and circles it slowly. “I’m only looking out for the people I work with. I know you’re going to drive a hard bargain.”

She pumps the sensitive skin at the top, ignoring my whispered pleas to stop. “Fifty-one million.”

My eyes fly open and I stare down at the wood. My arms shake with the urge to come. I can’t hold on much longer.


“Fifty-two million.”

“Jesus, you’re just going to keep going higher ‘til I agree, aren’t you?”

“Yup. That’s the way it works.” She removes her hands and smacks my ass again. “Let go of your cock.” The fire of sensation burning across my ass screams with intensity. I’ve never experienced anything like it before. I do as she says.

With a calm clarity through the pain and pleasure, a realization comes to me. I can say
and she’d stop anytime I asked her to, that she’d never actually hurt me. The sudden epiphany reveals I’m the one truly in control, not her, which is not what I thought initially. The person who says
is in charge. The other person is trying to please them. When I agree, I give her temporary power over the moment.

“Okay.” I say before she can go higher. “Fifty-two million, it is.”

She places the ping-pong paddle on the table next to my hand and steps behind me. Cool lips kiss the enflamed flesh of my ass, sparking electric jolts through my privates.

The urge to wrap my fist around my shaft and pump is overwhelming. I want nothing more than to shoot long streams of come across the pristine wood surface of my desk, to hell with the consequences.

“You did very well, Tony.” Heather’s voice whispers across my sensitive skin. “Did you like it?”

A croak of laughter leaves me, my throat raw and rough. “I just cost the company seven million dollars, and I don’t really care. So, yeah, I’d say I liked it just fine.”

Gentle hands pull up my underwear carefully over my hips to cover my ass. The soft material feels rough against my burning skin. I’m not so sure I will be able to sit anytime soon. Heather’s cool hand cups my cock and a groan escapes me. Please, let her jerk me off.

She tucks my raging erection back inside my underwear. My breathing pants out in harsh gasps. I feel like I’ve run on the treadmill, my heart races so fast. She bends for my pants and I grab her hands. “Wait. You won’t let me finish?”

I turn to face her, surprised at the undeniable heat and arousal I see on her face as well. “No, Tony.” She shakes off my hands and retrieves my slacks. “That’s part of your punishment.” She smiles. “You have to wait to come.” She raises the material and cups my length through my open trousers. “Right after I’m done being mad should do it.”

My breath huffs out in a rush. I could easily give myself a release later if I need to, but I don’t mind waiting to see what she has in store either. I can do this. I can wait a few hours. “Are we still on for dinner?”

Her dark eyes flash with annoyance. “I need some time, Tony.”

“You promised me dinner.”

“That was before. You really put me on the spot and you weren’t truthful about who you are.”

My mouth hardens into a straight line. She’s running again. “Would it have mattered?”

“Which one, that you’re a rich playboy and I’m just another fuck, or that you’re basically ruining all the hard work I’ve put in since joining Parkerson?” Sadness draws her lush mouth into a frown. “Either way, my life won’t be the same after today.”

I gesture to my appearance, drawing her eye to my bare chest and tented pants. “And I’m any different?” I stalk toward her, backing her against the wall near the door. “My life hasn’t been the same since you walked into it last week.” I cup her breast and lean near her ear. “You’re all I want.” I place a soft kiss on her cheek. “All I think about. Every woman with long, dark hair is you. Every pair of sexy heels I see makes me think of you.” I thumb her aroused nipple, and my other hand reaches around to cup her hip and draw her pelvis against my hardness. “There are no other women…just you.”

Heather’s breath whooshes out as a half moan, half sob sound. Her tangled emotions finally come to the surface for me to see. “I…I need to think.”

“Don’t run from me.” She jerks in my arms. Perhaps I hit closer to home with my earlier observation than she’s willing to admit. “Do you want me, Heather?” I nudge my hips forward and backward, a slight teasing motion designed to enflame her higher.

“I do.”

I release her nipple and trail my hand down her waist. “You made my ass burn.”

She smiles against my lips, then kisses me. Tender and soft, deepening into something stronger, full of pent up desire. “You deserved it.”

I shrug. “Maybe.” My hand delves into the vee between her legs, seeking the heat I know lies beneath the fabric of her skirt. “But you enjoyed it, too, didn’t you?”

I rub my palm onto her mound, pressing up my fingers, forcing the material to mold against her heated core.

She gasps and her hips move forward, massaging her sensitive flesh more firmly onto my hand.

“You feel hot down here, Heather. I think you want me. I think you want me as much as I want you.”

“Damn you. Of course, I do.”

“Let me please you,” I whisper into her ear then I nibble an earlobe. “Let me ease your body from the stress you’re feeling.”

A low, choked sound of amusement spills from her. “Sure, and it’s not like you won’t enjoy it, too.”

“You can tell me
anytime you like.”

I leave her earlobe and skim down to her throat, planting kisses and nipping every inch. She gulps and I feel the movement of her swallowing against my lips. “You mean if I said
, you’d stop whatever you were doing?”

There is such hope and wistfulness in her tone that I wonder what she’s been through before me. Who has treated this incredible woman poorly? Who made her doubt herself and her sexuality? I squelch the burgeoning anger urging me to hunt him down and beat him to a pulp.

I take my hand from her mound and reach behind her back, searching for a zipper on her skirt. “Yes. I’d stop, whatever it was. I don’t want to hurt you.” My hands fumble, unable to find a zipper to take her skirt down. Two small hands rest on my chest and push me a step away. Passion burns bright in Heather’s eyes. She walks forward, grabs a chair and shoves it to the side, freeing a large space near the front corner of my desk.

She gathers the skirt in the back and lifts it to her waist, exposing her creamy thighs and turquoise thong panties. My eyes dart immediately to the black leather boots, with the shiny metal strip running all the way down the back, meeting the silver spiked heel resting on the rug. I trail my eyes slowly back up—the leather hugs the bottom of her spread thighs, and the strip of blue divides the creamy halves of her ass.

“You may not know me very well, Tony.” She peels aside her thong, revealing the wet slit of her plump sex. “But you do know what I need.” She bends over the desk and looks over her shoulder, meeting my hungry gaze, fire burning in her own dark depths. “I’m not running now, am I?”

I step between her thighs and run a hand lovingly over her right butt cheek. “Nice to see spanking me turned you on.”

Her eyes drop to the desk, but not before I catch the expression of longing on her face. “Everything about you turns me on.”

My rubbing hand moves closer to her wet core and she bucks, trying to angle her center onto my hand. “Even when I piss you off?”

“Don’t push your luck.” She smiles my way, a saucy look on her face. “Undo your pants.”

I dip my forefinger into her channel. A gush of liquid spills out, coating my hand. “Yes, ma’am.” I give her bottom a light smack. “But only because that’s what I want, too.” With my left hand, I work my pants over my thighs. The head of my erection glistens with pre-come and I draw my hips back, taking a deep breath, barely resisting the urge to drive deep inside. I remember protection and feel a stab of disappoint. “Damn.”

BOOK: Vanilla On Top
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