Vanilla (5 page)

Read Vanilla Online

Authors: Scarlet Smith

Tags: #romance, #love, #adult, #sexy, #raunchy

BOOK: Vanilla
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"One more thing," Jess said, and Sian helped
her choose a 'tame' porn film for tomorrow.

They took Jess and her basket to the till,
and Jess felt the queue of shame feeling come over her.

Were the other people in the shop judging her
choices? Would they know she was vanilla?

Was the woman on the till - smiling and
friendly looking - actually thinking her sex life was pretty

Jess busied herself finding her purse in her
bag so that she didn't have to make eye contact.

She was looking forward to trying the stuff
with Max, but she didn't want to be judged!



Jess grinned down at her 'booty', all piled
up in the middle of the bed. She had put the porn film aside until

She hoped Max would like the sex toys: edible
licks and lube, a cute little vibrator that would fit in between
their bits while he was inside her - in bubblegum pink and a set of
vibrating cock rings in all the colours (and widths) of the

She liked the pretty sex stuff far better
than some of the scary contraptions she had seen earlier. She still
couldn't get the image of the nipple and vagina harness-thing out
of her head - it really did look like something from a dungeon,
used for torture, rather than something designed for sexual

Jess was planning a quiet evening in front of
the TV, followed by a night of sexy experimenting.


She could see how tired Max was as soon as he
stepped through the door... and banged his knee on the table, and
swore, and threw his stuff on the floor. His dark hair looked even
more tousled than usual; he always ran his hands through his hair
when he was stressed.

He had bags under his eyes. She had a sudden
feeling that the stress of his current case and the pressure of
having to perform for her assignment could push him over the

"Hey, honey." Jess passed him a glass of
wine. "Come and sit down, food won't be long."

Max sat down, the relief at being home and
able to relax evident on his face. He loosened his tie and undid
the top button of his shirt.

"Poor baby." Jess played with his hair and he
closed his eyes.

"I'm so tired, Jessie."

"I know, honey - you were up super early
today. And back super late."

Max nodded. His eyelids were drooping
already. She wasn't sure how she was going to get anything to write
for her blog tonight.

Sex toys and snoring men, anyone?

Not hot!


During their meal, Jess raised the topic of
her trip to Ann Summers - straightaway Max's eyes lit up and he
began to look more awake.

"Up for it?" Jess asked - a little doubt on
her face - he was working so hard; she didn't want to add to his

"Aren't I always?" Max grinned, pushing the
rest of his food aside. "What did you get us?"

Jess laughed at his enthusiasm. "Wanna come
take a look?"

Max couldn't have jumped up any quicker and,
taking her hand, leaving all the mess on the table, he led her

Outside their bedroom door, she stopped him
with a hand on his shoulder.

"We don't have to, honey. I know you're beat
and I know it's a lot to ask..."

Max shook his head. "You want me to play with
sex toys with you all night so you can write about what a stud I
am? I think I can manage." He took hold of her hand and placed it
on his already stiff cock.

Jess grinned and slapped his arse. "Let's go

Max stopped short at the array of boxes and
bottles bundled on the bed.

"What have we got?"

Jess sat on the bed, and picked up a bottle.
"Banana lick?"

Max took it off her and grinned. "What else?
Cock rings?" Max picked up the box and opened it up.

Jess grinned. "Think we'll have fun?"

Max started unbuttoning his shirt. "Think

With all of the sex toys before them, they
didn't bother kissing and caressing and undressing each other. Jess
pulled off her clothes and Max pulled off his.

Max held out the banana lick. "Okay, I'll

Jess lay down and opened her legs. She felt a
little bit strange starting off so perfunctorily, but as soon as
she felt the cold wetness of the banana lick land on her pussy, she

Max was always good at going down on her, but
he must have been enjoying the banana-flavoured addition, because
he was licking her longer and deeper and faster. Every minute or
so, she felt the cold drops of banana lick drip down onto her skin
and it made her squirm - it wasn't unpleasant, just different.

"Tastes good," Max said, lifting his head and
smiling up at Jess.

Jess laughed. "Good to know!"

She was enjoying herself, but it didn't feel
as hot and sexy as their love making normally did. It felt a little
bit like sex-by-numbers. She was a long way away from an orgasm,
which was unusual when Max was going down on her.

Jess moved her legs together, forcing Max to
stop. "What's up?" he asked, not used to her stopping him
mid-tongue action.

"Nothing." Jess sat up. "Just fancied a turn
of something myself." She picked up the bottle of lube and grinned.
"Cookie dough. Less fattening than the cookie dough ice cream in
the freezer!"

Max laughed and laid back, arms behind his
head, cock upstanding.

Jess knelt between his legs and opened the
lube. It smelt gorgeous. "This could get messy," she said.

She dripped it over his cock and then used
her hands to massage him. It was slippery but made it far easier to
rub the length of him, up and down, squeezing and then licking him.
"Tastes lush," she said, laughing.

Max groaned. He was obviously happy starting
off cold.

Jess licked and sucked him, but she still
wasn't feeling it. It felt too contrived; interrupting the natural
flow of sex to pour on drops of flavour or squeezes of lube, just
felt like a distraction.

She pulled back before Max was too far gone.
"Enjoying?" she asked him, opening up the tiny pink vibrator, and
getting the cock rings ready.

Max murmured something, and though she
couldn't understand what it was, she could tell that he was
enjoying himself.

She slid one of the cock rings onto his dick;
it was a lime green one that vibrated and was covered in little
rubber nodules that helped with her pleasure! "It's a bit tight,"
Max said, eventually opening his eyes.

"I think it's meant to be," Jess said,
pressing the little switch that started the vibrating and then
grabbing the box. She tried to read the blurb but Max caught hold
of her and pinned her to the bed. "I've got a feeling, Jessie, that
you're not enjoying this as much as you should be."

Jess was about to argue, but Max crushed her
mouth with his own, barring her words and rendering her

He was right; she hadn't been feeling it, but
this she was. He ground his mouth on hers, his soft lips hard and
demanding, his tongue insistent and probing, one hand on her tit,
squeezing a nipple, the other holding his weight off her.

This was more like it!

Max was relentless, obviously determined to
change her mind and make sure she enjoyed the session - maybe he
was worried about what she would write in her blog!

He started kissing down her naked body,
smothering her hot skin with even hotter kisses, nipping and
licking at her creamy soft skin, driving Jess into a frenzy. She
was moaning and writhing and Max was enjoying taking control of

She could feel her excitement building. Max
took hold of the tiny vibrator and, slipping himself inside her, he
tucked it between them.

Jess let out a low moan; the buzzing was
hitting her right in the clit, his cock was thrusting and ramming
inside her, hard and fast, just how she liked it.

"Better?" he asked, holding onto the
headboard and going even harder.

Jess nodded, biting down on her lip to stop a
scream, feeling her orgasm building and building.

"Better?" Max asked again, laughing when she
nodded even harder.

"Yes, oh Jesus, yes!" She finally got the
words out.

The cock ring was doing its job, helping Max
stay stiff and hard for a little longer than he might have without
it. Plus Jess could tell that he was enjoying the sensation of the
vibration. With the vibrator against her clit, buzzing harder every
time Max's body met hers, she felt like her senses were getting
overloaded and her body was about to explode.

Jess started panting, a moan escaping from
her each time Max thrust inside her. His strokes were getting
longer and deeper and quicker; she could feel her orgasm building
quicker and quicker, the pulsing starting. She closed her eyes and
could literally see stars.

With a groan and a loud "Fuck!" Max came in a
long intense shudder and Jess ground upwards on him until she felt
her orgasm peak.

"Shit! That was good!" Max said, pulling the
cock ring off his relaxed dick.

"Yeah," Jess agreed and tried to stand,
though her legs had turned to jelly. She bundled all the sex stuff
on the floor and then went to the loo.

"Got there in the end?" Max asked, with a
grin on his face.

Jess laughed. "Yeah, think so!"

Within minutes, they were both snoring.



As usual, Max was awake before Jess. When she
heard him, she jumped up. "Shit! I forgot to email my blog through
last night."

Max straightened his tie and then turned to
her. "Tell her I shagged you so hard, you couldn't think

Jess threw a pillow at him. "Not helpful!
I'll do it quickly now."

Max dropped a kiss onto her head. "Let me
know what we're doing tonight."

Jess nodded distractedly and pulled her
computer onto her lap. She would be in the shit if she didn't get
her blog done, and done quickly.


Finally finished with work, Jess looked at
the list. Number three: watch a porn film.


She had picked a suitably dodgy-looking one
when she was in Ann Summers - Hot Cocks and Pussies of Summer.

There was a name and number next to 'Watch a
porn film together', but Jess wasn't going to ring her.

She knew the appeal of a porn film - even
though she was a virgin where they were concerned. She had watched
sexy films before though and the turn-on was pretty obvious -
especially for men - lot of flesh, lots of sex and lots of extreme

She didn't need an expert to tell her

She wasn't sure what she would think,

As long as the men were good-looking and not
just ugly old fat men whose only good point was a big dick, she
would probably be okay.


Jess spent the day pottering around, and
pretty much waiting for Max to come home.

Having sex every day was working out so far -
but this was only day three!

They were fairly highly sexed anyway - she
thought - but
to do it was a little bit different
from wanting to do it.

Not that she didn't want to do it, but the
sex toys yesterday hadn't felt very spontaneous. Stopping to
dribble cookie dough over Max's cock had slowed her down a bit and
made it feel more like a cookery lesson!

She decided to set the lounge up like a
little love-den. She poured wine and brought pillows and the duvet
down from their bedroom. She drew the curtains and lit some

She could at least try to make dodgy porn


Max came home at six, with his usual noisy,
swearing routine, making Jess laugh.

"Got a treat in store for you tonight," she
said, kissing his cheek.

"Ah, woman, give me a rest. What have I got
to do tonight? I feel like a performing monkey!"

Jess turned to face him, a worried look on
her face.

Max burst out laughing. "Honey, I was joking
- you have the best job in the world! I'm ready for you to get the
next assignment and you haven't even finished this one yet!"

Jess grinned. "Max! I panicked then - can you
imagine my blog? Boyfriend refuses to do it for days three through
fourteen! Don't think I'd get paid!"

Max ruffled her hair, dropping to the sofa.
"No chance of that, Jessie."

Jess smiled and kissed his head. "I'll sort
food, you get changed."

Max did as he was bid and once they'd eaten,
they settled down on the sofa, tucked under the duvet. It was
pretty chilly, so Jess had lit the fire before going upstairs to
change into a sexy balconette bra with matching panties.

Snuggled together with their wine, they
pressed play.

"What's it called?" Max asked.

"Hot Cocks and Pussies of Summer," Jess said,

"That's a bloody shit title," Max said,
shaking his head.

Jess smiled; he might be pretending to be
unimpressed but she could feel that his cock was starting to harden
at the mere thought of watching something so visually sexy.

The title of the film came up on the screen,
cheesy music playing in the background.

"I'm led to believe," Jess said. "That
there's not a whole lot of story in these films..."

Max shrugged. "I don't need story - just

Jess rolled her eyes.

Within minutes, they were getting some of

The action started at the beach. An empty
beach, save for one lonely, bikini-clad woman, doing a
Baywatch-style run along the lapping waves of the shore.

Jess stifled a laugh. This was meant to be
hot, not funny!

A close up on her butt cheeks - barely
covered by the skimpy red bikini -a close up on her enormous tits,
almost breaking free from the bikini top.

Actually, make that breaking free, because in
the next shot - obviously far too hot in her tiny bikini - she
whipped the top off and threw it with sexy abandon into the

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